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About CastletonSnob

  • Birthday 1992-08-22

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  1. Why do so many love songs paint unrealistic images of a relationship?

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    2. duidamasterXD


      Fosho. But to a person who hasn't really experienced how ugly that can be, statements like "I can't live without you!", "You're all that matters to me!", etc, are probably a lot less creepy.


      Not saying that's a good thing, mind.

    3. CastletonSnob


      Or singing about how they'll give up everything they own if it means they can stay together.

    4. duidamasterXD


      Yup, that as well. Though, it's kinda a hard line to walk, y'know? Relationships tend to involve a great deal of sacrifice (hopefully an equalish amount, between partners) and it's difficult to say on another's behalf when they're sacrificing too much.


      Though, people definitely do it quite often.

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