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About Scootaloo™

  • Birthday 1996-09-20

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  1. I know right!? It makes me so mad when people say "oh fluttershy NEEDS episode too" or "haha CHICKEN!" I mean REALLY! Scootaloo needs a redemption. AKA she gets her cutie mark before the other CMC. Or at least finally gets those flying lessons from Rainbow Dash and THEN gets her cutie mark
  2. Lol so she can squeak, be quiet, and panic like in all of her episodes.
  3. Heres my OC... well its not so much of an OC as it is a pony version of myself.
  4. Am I the only one who is really itching for an episode staring my favorite little filly? I mean just about every character has had an episode to themselves but her. I mean even now spike is getting his second episode this SEASON. And Flutter is getting 2 in a row as well i believe. I mean come on studio B give scootaloo some love, she deserves it.
  5. I would help ya but at this point I don't really do artwork without charging :/ and this looks like the kind of thing you would want someone to do for free.
  6. Sadly my family doesn't have any money to go on any vacations or trips of the sorts.
  7. Indeed, if I counted my true friends I wouldn't get past 2 or 3 fingers.
  8. I am back! yay.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Apple      Bloom

      Apple Bloom

      Yay! Welcome back! XD

    3. Electrobolt


      You were gone? *shot* But seriously, welcome back... And don't pay mind to my avvie and name... For the name, I lost a bet in a forum game... Avvie, well... I... Ok I kinda like it X_X

    4. Scootaloo™


      It was hard for me to get the hang of this forum thing lol.

  9. Ponies have changed my life, If it wasn't for ponies I wouldn't of taken my art career persuit more seriously. And I also wouldn't of tried harder to make friends (using the lessons from the show). In the past 6 months of being a brony I have made tons of friends and even a few fans of my art work. It is trully a great feeling and I just want to share this with all of you because I mostly want to hear your stories, how has being a brony changed you? Is the outcome good, or bad? Has it changed you in anyway?
  10. I feel like I would be a pegasus. I'm a person with big dreams to soar high. (not literally) but it fits.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  12. Oh yeah Come on yeah ooh yeah come on yeah. • _ • pendulum is forever stuck in my head. It always has been, always will.

    1. WildCard


      One of my favorite bands :)

    2. Scootaloo™


      They are just one of those bands you can't hate.

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