@@Mint Drop,@@repsol rave, @,
Sorry for the late reply, NaNoWriMo is an unforgiving mistress....That sounds weird. Ignore that bit.
Ok so, yes Mint Drop you can add a character to the Droolers! Thank you for volunteering and I apologize for activating your OCD. O:
@Repsol Rave
Yup after Mint Drop posts I will most definitely post. And I'm totes cool with the stealing of puffy. Sounds pretty typical of little kids (unfortunately!) Although I suppose if Natalie joins you won't have to.
@Natalie the Mage
No, I can't make another group. There are two listed. Pick one.
Also, and I am not trying to be mean or anything. But I noticed that you often type like this;
"Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue."
Action of character.
"Dialogue once more."
Action of character.
And I was wondering if for this rp you could write in a proper paragraph, like this;
"Dialogue Dialogue dialogue" Character speaks. Action or actions of character. "More dialogue." Response to other characters. Character's thoughts, along with more action. etc.
While conforming to the rules of course.