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About Discordian

  • Birthday 1990-10-13

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    Washington State, USA
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    Two words: Video Games.
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  1. Things I hate about modern games: Create your own characters! Get immersed into the game by creating blank slates that don't have any personality! Predefined story? Who wants that? Let's not give any specific path and let them go wherever they want! ....Fuck that.

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    2. Discordian


      Right, which is what I just mentioned. My problem isn't with the idea so much as the fact that no one seems to be able to handle it well. I haven't played enough of Skyrim to really say one way or the other but one Obsidian game isn't that different from another Obsidian game. All of the problems I have with it so far are the exact same problems I have with Fallout 3, NV and Oblivion.

    3. Frith is Magick

      Frith is Magick

      If you're mostly playing games from one company, then one set of flaws would form a bias. I admit, I have the same bias. Fallout III was meh, Oblivion better but still lacking, and Skyrim is better yet, if still far from perfect. As the technology to produce more in-depth games becomes more accessible, games will improve. Additionally, the creators listen to the fan feedback in order to learn and improve. Once gain, it also depends on personal preference.

    4. Discordian


      And understanding that I've been meaning to play other games of the sort but the only one I've gotten so far is Dragon's Dogma. It was better but since I only play games based on the mood I'm in I couldn't get into it. I played both Oblivion and Fallout 3 like 18 hours a day for a week or two until I got bored with them but they were the first games of the sort I ever played so it was a new experience more than anything.

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