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Posts posted by Wingnut

  1. I have a question and a comment. What's the name of the accordian song that plays during the festival? It's the same one Pinkie Pie plays as a one pony band to lead the parasprites out of Ponyville. I thought it was a one shot song we'd never hear again, so I was pleasantly surprised. :)


    My comment is that we still don't know what was used to power the floats. It could be an internal combustion engine, or they may be battery powered. Back around 1900 when the auto industry was in its infancy, there was a lot of experimentation with battery powered cars before gasoline engines emerged as the way to go. But for a relatively short, low speed trip, batteries could've been used to run the floats as well.

  2. ...is a marshmallow. And at least once I saw that Rainbow Dash is skittles. And Sweetie Belle is a dictionary. Well, how much farther can we go with this meme? If we get enough of these weird comparisons, maybe we can have a quiz where you match the pony up with what they are.


    In a similar theme, I saw a funny video where it is revealed that ALL the ponies are 90% food. You have Skittles and Marshmallows already. Pinkie Pie is cotton candy and Applejack is cereal. I can only assume Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle are lemon and grape-flavored something or other.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Loved it, the songs in this season are really good and I hope to see more of them.


    Anyone else instantly think scooby doo when watching it?


    Not instantly, but I immediately saw the resemblance to Scooby once someone else mentioned it. Every Chipmunks episode has a musical sequence, or course, and being a long time fan of their's, I thought of them first.

  4. Somehow, I don't think Chris Savino meant for Scootaloo to be literally equated with a chicken when Apple Bloom mocks her in Stare Master. Unless the creative staff had a discussion about Scootaloo and "either she can fly or she can't, there's no in between. Oh yes there is an in between: The chicken." And thus did a serious discussion about Scoots' ability to fly (or not) work its way into the show's script as a joke and the Bronies immediately picked up on it?


    With that said, the kind of "flying" a chicken is capable of may be the perfect example of what Scootaloo can do in light of her limitations. I kinda like Scootaloo and I personally dislike the whole "Scootaloo is a chicken" meme. It seems condescending. But maybe it's not meant to be an insult and it's just an obvious comparison of Scoots' abilities to a real life creature.

    • Brohoof 2

    There you go. Lauren Faust said herself she never was designed to fly. Maybe now that Lauren isn't working with FiM anymore hasbro might change their mind tho. But we'll see :)


    Thank you. I was looking for a credible citation and the only other comment from Lauren I was able to find on Scootaloo was "No reason. She just hasn't figured it out yet." which she posted on her Deviantart page. http://comments.deviantart.com/4/1603670/1897651329


    I'm not sure what Lauren really means now. Did she flip flop? Or does it even matter now that she's no longer the head writer? Anyway, I have an opinion on Scootaloo: She has a flying disability which she may be able to overcome with some special training and sheer determination. And she'll never be able to fly like a normal pegasus. Look at people with cerebral palsy. They can be trained to walk but they have a distinctive gait and lack the full mobility of people without that condition.


    To what degree will Scootaloo be able to overcome her flying disability? Only time, and the show's current writers, will ultimately tell. But I personally like the idea that Scoots will find another way to attain her destiny because true flight isn't possible for her.

  6. I'm surprised no one's mentioned anything about Scootaloo actually carrying a tune this time around . . .


    I think it was mentioned somewhere in this thread. But even superstar singers sometimes sound better in a controlled, studio environment where multiple retakes are possible than they do live. Katy Perry's Firework is one of my favorite songs but I've never seen her sing it in key when she was doing it live. Just an example. Or perhaps someone watching Scootaloo in Show Stoppers saw she had potential and referred her to a good voice coach?

  7. Does Scoots' ability to momentarily hover in One Bad Seed change the course of this discussion at all? It's looking more likely that she'll be able to fly in time. At least in Ponyville she's not surrounded by all pegasi peers and being teased for being slow to develop as Fluttershy was.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Anti-bullying episodes usually bore me. The main plot itself, meh, I could take it or leave it. But this episode had so much in it, it didn't really feel like the typical anti-bullying episode. There are a number of things I liked here including:


    -MLP:FiM isn't going to be the Simpsons where characters don't age and Maggie is still sucking a pacifier for 22 years and counting. Sweetie Belle and Scoots both showed signs they're growing up.

    -Squeaky Belle can still squeak! :)

    -Scootaloo sounds much better singing in a group than singing solo.

    -Movies are in Technicolor.

    -They apparently have internal combustion engines in Equestria. Before this, only steam power and electricity were confirmed.

    -The A-Team montage...they started with the exact same opening notes, but then had to change it up to avoid copyright infringement.

    -The CMC's real talent involves building stuff, which we already kinda knew. How many kids in their age range do you know that can build a parade float by themselves?!

    • Brohoof 3
  9. This kind of thing always irks me. There was a time when a girl would've gotten a weird response from her parents if she wanted a GI Joe or Transformers shirt for her birthday. Nowadays, that kind of request doesn't even bat an eyelash let alone raise concerns about her sexual orientation. It's going to take a bit longer before male fans of ponies are given the same benefit of the doubt. MLP:FiM in time will be seen as having a gender neutral fanbase not unlike Sonic or Spongebob. We haven't quite gotten there yet.


    They need to make more T-Shirts that help dispel old notions of MLP. One could be a scene of the Mane 6 beating up some changlings with the caption "This isn't your mother's My Little Pony."

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I wonder if anything more is going to be said about how Celestia was anticipating the return of the Crystal Empire. She obviously gave the royal guard instructions to keep an eye on Equestria's northern border and to immediately report any anomolies. Once "it" appeared, she acted quickly and dispatched several ponies with specific assignments to stop King Sombra.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. The rules on alcohol in children's programming are very strict. Unless it's something grandfathered like old time Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry cartoons, we're not going to see it in a Y rated program. With that said, the cider certainly appears to be addicting. So too do salt blocks that ponies like to lick. Remember the drunk pony that got kicked out of the saloon after he had enough?


    EDIT: Almost forgot...I actually like the fact that, for whatever reason, the ponies seem to have never discovered smoking! :)

  12. Rainbow Dash...I love you and the other five to death and I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites, but since I can only vote for one...that would be Fluttershy. As though my avatar didn't give it away. :P


    Sweetie Belle has emerged as my favorite secondary character because of the great job her voice actress does, even if the squeaks are unintentional. And the mare of 1,000 voices Bon Bon is the best background pony. "I deent poot dos in mae bag!" :)

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Yeah but Applejack uses so much country slang it's almost cynical or insulting to people who actually do talk with a southern accent.


    I can't deny it, it is overdone. Still, I have seen worse. Have you ever heard of an old comic strip called L'l Abner? Now that was extreme and politically incorrect by today's standards. He always referred to himself as "Ah" instead of "I".

  14. I agree that Twilight should've been able to identify the real Pinkie because only one of them was showing sullen behavior. Still, Twilight correctly deduced that the real Pinkie Pie was so sick of seeing other Pinkie Pies that she gave her a blue wall to affix her gaze to. No matter who laughed or joked or even if there was an explosion, Pinkie was so repulsed at the sight of the other Pinkies that she was NOT going to turn away from the blue wall until Twilight assured her they were all gone. Blue, incidentally, is not the opposite of pink but close to it. The spectral opposite of pink is probably a teal or green color.

  15. To be honest it's the accent. Sorry to break it to you this way. Besides, sure she is a nice pony but there's not much unique or interesting about her as a character.


    I agree that she's "plain" and doesn't have the extraordinary abilities the others do. But her accent is to blame too? Aw, man, can't a country bumpkin get some respect? Ironhide is one of the most beloved G1 Autobots and he speaks with a drawl. I swear he even said "tarnation" at least once, but I couldn't tell you which episode. And Ironhide didn't have much in the way of abilities either...his main talent was shooting liquid nitrogen.

  16. Thanks for all the replies. But I was still taken aback by how emphatic Celestia was that Twilight could find the crystal heart. This was no mere I believe in you or I'm confident in you. She just came out and said point blank, you will succeed. Not that that means Celestia can see the future. Just that, wow, she really is convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Twilight is the chosen one. And every successful mission Twilight completes further reinforces that belief.

  17. Well, she has a pretty good track record. To date, Princess Celestia...


    ...has gotten the royal family involved in Twilight Sparkle's life early on.

    ...was conveniently available when Twilight Sparkle's powers went haywire at the Canterlot Unicorn school.

    ...knew Nightmare Moon would escape and try to take over Equestria.

    ...sent Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville because she knew she'd find her Element of Harmony matching ponies there.

    ...knew Twilight and her new friends would successfully use the Elements to defeat Nightmare Moon.

    ...predicted the reappearance of the Crystal Kingdom.

    ...knew that her niece Cadance was destined to rule the Crystal Kingdom.

    ...told Twilight with absolute certainty that she would succeed in her quest to recover the crystal heart.

    ...already knows Twilight's true destiny.


    About the only thing that seems to have gone unforeseen by Celestia was Chrysalis disguising herself as Cadance and nearly conquering Canterlot. Most of her successful prognostications have involved Twilight Sparkle. But Celestia also knew the Crystal Empire would be reappearing around this time. I wonder...did Celestia time warp the entire Crystal Empire into the future because that's when Cadance would be alive and ready to rule?


    If Princess Celestia can't see the future, she must have some means of knowing all this stuff. Other ideas and theories are welcome.

    • Brohoof 7
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