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Status Updates posted by Descant

  1. Steam is down! D:

    1. luftschloss


      I know, I was sad because I couldn't play Child of Light or Goat Simulator. :(

  2. Looking at getting into some D&D.

  3. I really need to finish up the most recent season. I STILL haven't seen anything since the Breezies episode. I'm so lazy when it comes to Netflix.

    1. Cosmicbrambleclaw


      Talkin bout MLP? Im on season 3 ep 4 as we speak

  4. Forum isn't showing "New content" for me, nor content I've participated in. That's where i go to respond in half the threads I do respond in.

    1. Shanks


      It is a rather annoying bug that comes and goes around here.

  5. Guess it's as good a time as ever to actually watch the rest of the season now, eh?

    1. MasterCombine


      Still haven't finished season 3 or 4 myself.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Descant


      NUUU. I mean, no. No. I'm good. I'm good.

    3. Vaporeon


      That's what I thought. Now go back to the PC like a good little Pokemon unless you want Drowzee to remind us why he's The Keeper.

    4. Descant


      *whispers* is vaporeon gone?


  7. Catching up on old episodes. I think Filli Vanilli is now my favorite episode eva and has skyrocketed Fluttershy into my #1 pony spot.

  8. There's nothing... NOTHING anyone could do to make me angrier than make fun of mental disabilities. Good lord.

    1. Malinter


      its never nice.

  9. Stay classy, Rarity.

  10. Rainbow Falls = Ultimate Fangasm

  11. Just watched Frozen yesterday. It really rekindled my eternal love of all things Disney.

    1. Senor Citizen

      Senor Citizen

      Hey, remember that time you were a mod for House Everfree in that RP we were in?

  12. Look at the way the moon behaves... Look at the way she pains a silver ribbon on the waves... Leading directly to me and you... Nothing is too wonderful to be true.

    1. Senor Citizen

      Senor Citizen

      If you don't reply to my Ask thread question, I'm going to start calling you Desmond.

  13. So tired... But I'd better actually study for tomorrow's history test.

  14. Has anyone seen Ender's Game yet? Is it any good? I want to see it, but I don't want it to ruin my memories of the book if it turns out poorly.

    1. Evilshy


      I'll be seeing it soon. Was going to see it at midnight last night, but my friends couldn't make it :/

    2. Descant


      Let me know how it is, would you?

  15. Tonight, I hosted a dramatic reading of the first twelve chapters of the Harry Potter fanfiction "My Immortal". It was glorious.

  16. Today, I'd like to celebrate the first anniversary of my introduction to the brony fandom. A year ago today was the first day I ever met another brony, and realized just how large a following the show I had started watching two weeks previous truly had. I'm glad I found the show. I'm glad I'm here today. It's been one hell of a ride. And I hope that it's nowhere near its close. I've enjoyed every minute of it.

  17. I guess it does all work out in the end sometimes. ^_^

  18. Three page paper due in an hour and fifteen minutes? ... Challenge accepted.

  19. Actually artzing again! Gotta figure out what to do for the manes, though. To DeviantArt I go!

  20. So, my female friends are telling me that I have a very grabable butt. When did this happen?

    1. MelancholicMemory


      I've always felt that it is very grabbable.

    2. Descant


      Thank you. I'm flattered.

  21. The higher you let your hopes go, the farther they have to fall...

    1. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      You're so deep you're swimming with the Angler fish, bro.

    2. Descant


      Yeah. I guess I get philosophical when I'm not happy.

    3. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      I know that feel all too well.

  22. I... bucking hate... APA citations.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Descant


      Yes, I am, although TV's got a point there. Maybe we could just add Equestria Girls, Double Rainboom, and Snowdrop to try and even out those two-parters that we'd otherwise be shortening.

    3. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      Most likely I'll watch all the episodes one, maybe two weks before the premiere. You know, the rewatch is "fresh" then. And I think I won't watch the three things you mentioned there anyways.

    4. Radiance64


      Nah, I just watch whatever episodes the Hub puts on. :P

  23. So I just got LoL... And what is this?

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