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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


How did you find MLP Forums?

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

How did you find MLP Forums?:

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Ridiculing it enough until i saw Discord and could relate to the character (though I"m a bit more malevolent in my actions, i still enjoy sowing chaos).I took the time to then watch the show and realized that there's actual meaning and embodiment of morals that I myself extol. There writing and character believability was amazing, because they were not just 2 dimensional mary sues for one concept. And I'm going to admit most cartoons these days are just garbage, and this took me back to the older years when they were actually entertaining but also had value. I wish believe most adults would take a hint from some of the MLP characters. Our world would be better. I still believe in fighting things that are destructive, and while my methods are chaotic, I realize that oddly enough MLP stands for more than just friendship, but personifies things the world was taught when we were younger but in becoming adults, we threw out as we became more twisted and just tried to outsmart morals and justify our purely destrcutive ways. It has strangely enough calmed my troubled, twisted heart... and given me a chance to recover who I truly am.It's a bit wordy but you know. Unlike a lot of folks on the internet I can actually explain a concept in depth.

So I don't know that I'd call myself a "brony". I sort of avoid labels because people try too hard to fit an image when they use them. I'm just me.


I started watching MLP on netflix a few days ago because of the reasons i listed in how I became a fan. Not sure I'm a fan but I like it and I want somewhere safe to talk about it. Oddly enough I play a warrior in WoW, and a mage in Rift, I love roleplay but I also do a lot of player vs player stuff, and love kicking hindquarters. Guess you could say I'm beyond labels and i'm a bit of everything all rolled into one.


Normally I am good, kind, honorable, respectful and protective of others. But I like to hang back and watch the fray, or watch social groups first before I  speak so my mind can adjust to their tone. However when provoked or attacked, or my friends attacked I am very devious, destructive, and sow chaos within any organizations I attack. I've shattered entire guilds in wow, and brought the richest players to their knees begging me for peace. Much like DIscord, I am a force to be reckoned with and can turn follks against each other. But the one thing that destroys me, is, just like the elements of harmony, well... harmony and good. It rips the darkness right from me and leaves me without a reason to fight. And without a fight, I become a friend.


So since I can relate to Discord very well, though my motives are not sowing chaos for it's own sake, the methods are the same, and I am not afraid to take up the mantle of being the bad guy... I guess that's why the flip side of what he stands for, being something the MLP crew embodies, I can understand both sides. It's caused me to better understand those who hurt me and see another way to fight them without firing a shot.


A bit wordy I know. But I'd rather open up. Mostly I just wanted a safe place to talk about MLP. I play on a very critical pvp server in WoW and while there are "bronies" there, i get a lot of trash talk for roleplaying while I play WoW (not just making the game writing based. I add it to actual game play for more depth) depsite that it's a roleplaying game. I fight in world pvp wars fiercely and am well commended by many people for being a model player, despite my skills being average, because of what I stand for.


I guess that I stand for ways of life, how others are treated, honor, etc, and it lets me inspire others. And MLP again embodies a lot of this. So I can relate to it too because of that.

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, if you are looking for a safe place to discuss MLP and all it's related works, you have certainly found the place!

If you have any questions about navigating the site, or just want to chat feel free to pm me, as I would be more than happy to help. I hope you enjoy your time here, brohoof /)

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Welcome to the forum Discord! I too have realized how MLP is different than the current day cartoons in the way you have mentioned. If you need help, let me know... or a brohoof!


Again, welcome!

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey there, and welcome to the forums! Some people aren't comfortable being called a brony, but that's fine. Others are proud of it, and that's fine. It's what you choose to believe that counts :)

Have a fun time on the forums, and Brohoof /)

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Even though I'm a girl, I used to keep to myself that I liked my little pony due to everyone making fun of me in school, gossip, rumors, etc. But I eventually learned it doesn't matter what people think of me as long as I enjoy it, and so should you! BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS UNITE! 



  • Brohoof 2
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Ahaha!!! Welcome Welcome @DiscordZero! So we have another Discord fan? Yes. More chaos!!  :umad:

I'm going to LOVE having you around here! We need more Discord fans.

Don't forget to check out the Discord Fan Club while you're browsing the forums!

This is a wonderful, wonderful community so I'm sure you'll love it here. Everyone is so friendly!  :lol:

Anytime you feel like talking or have any questions, don't be afraid to send me a PM, I'll be happy to oblige!  ;)

I love your avatar by the way!!  :umad:

Have fun on the forums! Cheers!

  • Brohoof 2
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Thank you everyone. I'm surprised at how friendly the people are here. I'm so used to forums being a toxic environment (as is normal with most MMORPG forums, especially roleplay ones, when mechanics and writers clash and no one wants to find a middle ground.).


I am very much looking forward to my stay here, and meeting more people. I finished season 3 of FIM, and I liked it so much I think I am going to watch Equestria Girls next. When Fluttershy managed to reform Discord it actually made me realize that sometimes someone causing chaos is really just lonely and needs a good friend. And his point of "sometimes you can't have everything the way you want it when you have friends" reminded me what was most important. Who I am doing things with. Sometimes balance doesn't mean sitting in the middle. It just means flexing fully left or right depending on who you are hanging out with and just having a good time.


This is going to sound strange, but I think I can honestly say my time watching MLP has finally fixed the break in my soul that had left me twisted, vengeful and mean.

All I can hope now is that I don't forget these lessons, my friends used to try and teach me. I think I finally understand now.


As for the whole brony label... I don't really label myself as anything. I pvp in WoW, but I don't consider myself a PvPr. I roleplay, but I don't consider myself an RPr. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with labels, I just... see myself as me. But I will keep that in mind.


I don't really know what else to say so I'll probably sign off, now. Goodnight everypony!

  • Brohoof 1
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Welcome to the forums, DiscordZero.  Its great to have you here and hope you enjoy your stay, :)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask and we'll be happy to assist you. 

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Well, my input back on Equestria girls, after watching it (While FINALLY finishing my town in minecraft... and surviving creeper banzais and an ogre smashing through the walls outside all at once...) I have to say it was a little disappointing. The paralell character/universe was ok but in the human world I am a bit disappointed they were using their pony names. Though I guess I remember people had nicknames back in high school. Going to say the end scene was pretty neat though, and it was kinda cool to see the "what if" that a parallel universe basically employs.


I have to say that I liked the TV series more though. But it was good to see the continuation of the story. Is there a season 4 after that? or does season 4 come before? I would assume from the dialogue that while you can watch the series out of order, there is still a timeline, and MLP does a very good job of sticking to it. I assume season 4 counts as after the Movie? I had issues figuring this kind of thing out with Inuyasha (mostly because I go on binges when I watch tv shows).


Much like Twilight Sparkle's obsession with order and organization... WTB checklist! XD


As for the warm welcome everyone here has shown, I' know I said this yesterday but I'll say it again, thank you. It is nice to be in a place where I can be myself (competitive or not) and not be exposed to a large number of insecure, toxic individuals. It really is a breath of fresh air.

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