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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Four


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The universe has been thrown out of it's balance, in all it's unfathomable power and infinity, it can be fragile in so many ways. 
But there is more to the universe that we can perceive, for some they only know of one world and only the rules of that one, for others their knowledge is greater but ultimately that knowledge is flawed. One thing that no one can understand is, why must the universe look for help amongst the living that reside in it,  when it is all powerful. 
But that does not matter, for many do not know and will never learn that universe is incapable of helping itself, for those who do save their world are ultimately doing it for the people they know, and not such a big picture. 
This time around though, the stakes are higher than they have ever been before. So high that, the universe has needed to call upon those that represent the Four realms to save it. Powers greater than anything known before are now in play, and now, the race has begun. 
​Death sat in the comfy booth of the train. It was a steam engine train, and one that still had the garnishings of when steam trains were first built. The seats were a nice maroon colour, with the walls being a cream, and little patterns could be seen within the fabrics of the seats and curtains. 
Though Death was not admiring his surroundings, there was no point to study something he had studied a million times over. Though he was mindful of the small body leaning against him with their red hoodie up, which was faded, yet still stuck out with his black long trench coat that he was wearing. 
Death was waiting for a thin moment of time where he could literally throw out his arm and catch someone through space. He knew that the sleeping person next to him would ultimately wake with that action, but at least then they would wake up for once. 
He watched the blackness as they passed through the realm that was the Further, trying to understand what he could possibly say to the people who was going to grab. He had received a feeling that was certainly a message, he didn't know who from, but it was powerful enough to get him doing this little mission. 
He watched, and he waited, for that moment when he could grab all the people that he needed. Which came soon after is little ponder. 
He quickly got up, which made the sleeper move to lean on the wall next to them. And then stuck up his hand a little down and to the left, though instead of his hand just being there, it went through an invisible portal, and other end grabbed the scruff of a certain soul watching children play in a park. 
This action was less than a second, but Death grabbed the souls from his bench from the neck, and pulled him through the portal, which opened up for the bigger load to come through. Though to anyone watching this, included the two involved, it looked a little weird since it looked as though someone had pulled another someone from thin air! 
Death placed him on the other side of the sitting booth, making sure not to hurt the soul by being too rough or throwing him on the table that was there. 
Death didn't look back at him though, as he still had others to collect. 
This time, when he had to plunge his hand through the weakest point in the fabric of reality, Death aimed his hand a little to the right, and then plunged it into invisibility.
This time around, Death's hand got a good grip on the back of an angel's neck, and quickly pulled her through so he didn't accidentally choke her. 
The Angel sat next to the Spirit, and Death went back to his fetching before he lost his chance to get who he needed. 

This time, Death had to through the floor of the Car, in between his legs. And the same thing like the others happened, through Death got a good grip on the back of the human's shirt, so his little magically influenced throw to get him on the seat wasn't as hectic as the Angel's rise. 

Death went back to his seat opposite them, waiting for the newest arrivals to get out of the small shock they may have gone through on the way in. And once again the sleepy person beside him leaned back over to sleep on his shoulder. 
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Pulling an old, golden pocket watch out of one of the many pockets of her blackened longcoat, the girl glared at it with bored eyes. It didn't work: at least, not properly. It never had, as far as she knew - just one of those curious trinkets that people were drawn to for no real reason. Still, it gave her something to do - something better than sitting in silent boredom.


The hands still moved - sometimes they went the wrong way and sometimes they didn't. Sometimes the wrong hand moved, or they skipped large amounts of time. She liked it.


Flicking her collar up around her neck, the demon inspected her appearance in the reflection of the glass. She was quite pleased with the appearance that she had crafted over the years - one designed to play on every human emotion possible. Her face thin, with light, smooth skin, Eyes of green sparkled out from the shade that fell from a combination of poor lighting and the thick red hair framing her features


Ffear and lust were naturally the easiest emotions to exploit... and the most commonly found at that. Ruby lips and shadowed eyes marked that her look was no accident: to a more learned outsider, it was clear she knew exactly how she wanted to be seen by others.


The outfit she wore was no exception: the charcoal longcoat offering subtlty - the secrecy and mystery that drew the attention of those that might consider themselves more 'refined' - for one reason or another. The blood-red leather carapace beneath it told a differant story: this piece designed to catch the eyes of those that gave way to their more primal instincts.


As for the golden studs, buckles and borders? Well... she just liked how they looked. A little pride never hurt anyone.


The pistol hung by her right hand side - oversized and lavishly decorated, she chose to forgo subtlty completely, leather straps holding the holster in place on the outside of the greatcoat while her extravagant blade rested heavily across her back - its weight comfortably pressing down comfortably.


Yes... she was proud of her carefully crafted appearance. As she looked at her reflection in the cracked glass though, she considered once more, the question that she could never truly answer.


Would horns be going too far?


They weren't compulsory - they were cliche and somewhat frowned upon as a general rule. Making oneself fit with cartoon-stereotypes wasnt viewed as helping break the discrimination... but they could probably add to her look, if done tastefully...


'Huh. I'm pretty much perfect anyway.'


She snapped the watch closed and flattened the heavy collar of the coat down around her neck - flicking her hair out of her face as she did.


And waited. Impatiently.

Never quite forgotten.

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Thomas had fallen asleep over a stack of books that was large enough to make the librarian doubt the strength of the table they had been placed upon. A large laptop connected to a large external hard drive and processor. A program was running on the laptop screen, cleary simulating some kind of biological process over and over again, displaying the message 'Failure' at a random interval each time. Sometimes it took only four seconds for the computer to realise this simulation had failed, sometimes it took over fifteen minutes.

Thomas had wasted the past six hours changing variables and adding new components to this formula, while at the same time working on a programming experiment called 'the seed project'. Tiring as it was, it also excited him. But excitement only goes so far. That's why he substituted his excitement with a large amount of coffee and energy drinks, fuelling his research for as long as he could.


But a human can only last so long without sleep, and the amount of sleep deprivation Thomas had endured was tremendous, and after staring lifelessly at the screen for half an hour, he fell asleep straight on his books. The old librarian couldn't find the courage in his heart to send him away. He was fond of the boy, as fiercely he was studying whatever it was that he was studying. And he was in the library a lot, so it wouldn't do any harm to leave him there...


So there Thomas slept, after a 16 hour period of sustained research, in an empty library at 6 A.M. Quite an unusual situation you would guess, but things were about to become 'supernaturally' weird. Because in the midst of Thomas' dreams, he was tugged not only out of his own little world, but out of his plane of existence!


And worst of all, the words on his screen finally read ‘success’.



He awoke from his sleep suddenly, just fast enough to feel the strange sensation of being pulled through a multiversal portal, though of course he wouldn’t recognise such a feeling. After a rough moment of movement he was suddenly seated in a train compartment with a rather casual atmosphere, whilst strangely enough there seemed to be a few of the strangest individuals in his vicinity that he had ever seen.

He still had all his muscles tensed from the sudden moment of shock, but now he was just confused. His mind failed him completely. After reasoning for a few seconds, all he could blurt out was:


“Am I dead?”


He looked around in pure confusion, and even though he did perceive his surroundings, everything felt surreal. Was he still dreaming? Did any of this make sense in the slightest?

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Parish sat on a bench in his favorite park, sitting next to a man reading a book and watching a few children play around. It was oddly early for such a thing, but there wasn't anything Parish could do about it. He simply sat quietly, reading the book the man was reading, and getting frustrated at how sow the man read. Parish could read three pages in the time it took this man to read one. Parish was wearing khaki pants and a blue v-neck, the clothes had been run over in. He had originally been wearing a white button down and a tie over the blue shirt, but deemed them unnecessary in the afterlife. 


Parish was just about to start walking around the park when he very suddenly found himself in a train car. Soon after, a being Parish quickly identified as an angel was put next to him by the man in the trench coat. Parish would have started barraging the man with questions, if not for the incredibly powerful feeling the man was emitting. It was as if he was just oozing... death or something. 


Finally, a human was pulled onto the train as well, and almost immediately asked if he was dead. Parish simply looked at him and shrugged. "There was a second where I thought I was dead too, but then I remembered that I already am," was all he said, and quite flatly at that. It was a bit out of character for Parish to try and spook someone like that, but he was a little frustrated at being pulled out of what he was doing.

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Red and blue police sirens cut through the darkness of early morning. A police car skidded to a stop at the end of the street, and two men jumped out. Wearing the distinctive navy uniform of the police, they exited the vehicle, swiping out their sidearms swiftly, and proceeding to run through an adjacent alley in pursuit of someone Zeph did not know yet.

It was a narrow alley, the two police officers had to run shoulder to shoulder just to get through. As they rushed through, a few homeless scurried away into adjoining alleys, and one of the officers knocked a rubbish bag accidentally, which caused a symphony of beer bottles to spill across the hard concrete ground. They didn’t stop, and they disappeared into the alleys depths, out of Zeph’s sight. A few minutes later, like she had predicted, another police car pulled to the curb. Two more officers exited the vehicle, except these officers did not wear uniforms. One was dressed in jeans and a brown leather jacket, but that was not who Zeph was looking at. She was looking over towards his partner, her charge, Kim Winters. He was wearing much more formal apparel compared to his partner, which he seemed to prefer.


The two detectives, much like the officers who’d proceeded them, pulled out their sidearms and raced through the alleyway. This time Zeph followed, watching over her Charge as he jumped over the broken beer bottles from the overturned rubbish bag, and went deeper and deeper into the alley. Finally after a few minutes of hard running, Kim and his partner stopped abruptly over the two dead bodies before them. Blood pooled from their navy blue uniforms, large wounds inflicted, from what was undoubtedly a very large sword. Zeph’s heart stood still, she knew the work of a demon all too well, and if she was right that would mean Kim was hunting down a demon. He was in grave danger.

Kim felt for one of the dead officer’s pulses, and shook his head sadly, while his partner called it in. Zeph flew up a little higher, searching for the demon, but it was nowhere to be found.

You never find a demon, unless it wants to be found, the voice of her old mentor echoed in her mind. She shook away the memory, and returned to watching over her Charge. Kim was safe, for now. But whatever he’d gotten himself into Zeph knew that this was only just the beginning.


Suddenly Zeph something grappled itself around Zeph’s neck, nearly strangling her. She was pulled backwards, and sucked through a portal. The tense morning, and the grim scene of the dead officers spun away before her, and she found herself in a train carriage, which bumped along through the Further. She flattened her golden cape as she sat down on one of the maroon, patterned carriage seat. She brushed off her already cleaned leather armour, just to show the undignified way she’d been pulled out of the Human World. There was another man sitting beside her, and she recognised him as a spirit. Looking across the carriage she saw the one who’d pulled her out of the Human World, wearing a black trench coat, their face was turned looking out the window, expecting to grab another from some other place. Whoever they were, Zeph doubted she knew them, and wondered what this was all about.

“You could have warned me,” She said, addressing the figure.  Her voice seemed strange, foreign even, as it pierced the stillness of the carriage.

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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@@Dovashy,@, @@Scribblegroove,
Death waited for all of them to make their first comments, keeping track of the fact that the train had gone by the thin fabric zone. He was missing just one member, but he knew that the fates would bring them along onto the train when it got to her station. 
He had someone leaning on him, so he didn't do is usually forward lean in to address these people. So instead he leaned back a little further and wrapped an arm around the sleeping figure.

"Mate, you ain't dead, yet. You, shut up. And my dear Angel, there is no time for warnings."
Death had done a little hand gesture when he had spoken to each person, with their respective quip that he had for them. 

"I'm kinda sorry that I had to pull you guys from your everyday life by the neck, but this is something that can't possibly wait. Though it may have to wait another minute or so, we're missing just one person."

The Sleeping person snuggled into Death's arms, though judging by the movement the sleeper was making, no wait, she woke up.
A hand moved up and lifted the hoodie hiding her face back, revealing a nice looking young woman with brown hair cut short and soft brown eyes. Of course, she looked sleepy, since she had just woken up, but it was clear that the human girl was certainly fine with being in the arms of Death himself. 

She looked at them for a moment, then at the reaper, then back at the people in front of her. She didn't seem all that concerned, and if anything she was giving Death a bit of an annoyed look. In which he responded with a smile. 

"You three, stay here."
Death had to look at them as he spoke, but then he detached himself and walked away from the small booth. The train was near the station, slowing down for it's stop. He could see the things waiting to get on board, and one of those things was a pretty nice looking demon, the exact demon that he was looking for. 

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The daemons eyes watched as the train pulled into the station with all of the grace (or rather, lack of) that she would have expected from such a contraption. Pausing as the rabble massed around the doors, she stood purposefully and began the walk through the small crowd.


It wasn't difficult to clear a path: if her imposing presence and sheer force of will didn't do it, the weapons carried in plain sight were usually enough to avoid any unruly behaviour... after all, how was one supposed to react to what was apparently a heavily armed eccentric? Certainly not with the same repulsive offers of 'company', or brutish threats that they might have thrown at her were she mortal.


Stepping into the train, Nethlatia began to wander aimlessly down the centre - followed occasionally by whispers or an unfaithful eye. Anywhere would do: whichever seat she chose was of no importance. No, she just enjoyed the attention, and the chaos that followed it. A more subtle daemon might have blended in effortlessly, but where was the fun in that?

Never quite forgotten.

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Death watched as the Demoness got onto a carriage, though of course it wasn't the one he was currently on. He was tempted to sigh in frustrations, of course she would get onto the wrong bloody carriage. 

But that didn't really matter, she was on the train, and he could grab her. So he made his way to the end of his carriage, opening the door that separated the two, and then hurried through into the carriage Nethlatia was on. She was still looking for a seat, and Death could see that some souls and lowly demons looking at her with a tad of lust. 
He didn't know too much about her, sure he heard whispers somewhere in some soul bar. But then you heard a lot of things about beautiful things in places like that. 

Death walked over to the Demoness, just before she started to pick out a seat to be for her trip. 

"Hey, Nethlatia? Yeah, you gotta come with me right now. Don't worry, we have a seat already saved for you."

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"Heard it all befo..."


Nethlatia eyed the figure in front of her for a few seconds. It clearly wasn't human. The disguise was good - flawless, in fact... but no ordinary creature would approach her so casually armed and dressed how she was. As for knowing her true name...


The daemon glanced around - her name was't just something to be casually thrown around after all. Not like this - in public. Names were dangerous: perhaps not as much as some more superstitious mortals theorized, but dangerous all the same.


"Guess that's new after all. What do you want? Who are you?" Her eyes narrowed as she smirked slightly. "What are you?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"Right now, I need you to come with me. You know, business from upstairs and downstairs, kinda need to pull you into a meeting."

Death didn't exactly have the council or the Devil in the meeting he was trying to get this demon into, but then both of those leaders would be wanting to have this getting going as soon as possible. So Death felt that if the demoness wasn't going to come along calming, he would be justified in using a little force. He knew that overpowering a demoness like Nethlatia would be like a chocolate, short and sweet, but he didn't usually like to use his power for the most part. 

"And refusal isn't an answer."

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"Right now? Not say... in a few minutes?" She mused, one hand resting on the handle of the oversized gun that hung by her side, while the other was brought to to her face, where she bit gently on a finger in a manner than might have been thoughtful, but was more likely a playfully sultry display.


She paused for a moment before sighing, rolling her eyes and shrugging: her smirk slipping away to a look of annoyance. It wasn't worth arguing or just killing him - that wouldn't help her find out how he knew who she was.


"Not too hot with words, are you?" The daemonette noted, tilting her head and fluttering her eyes. "Go on then - take me to this party of yours: got nothing better do do on this pile of junk."

Never quite forgotten.

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Death ignored the demonesses sultry-ness, and pretty much flirty behaviour. Either she was trying to play his hand, or she didn't know that she was doing it, which he knew demons had the tendency to do. 
Half of the demon kind is either a tempting thing, or an evil and controlling bastard, and of course Death wasn't counting the actual consumers that Hell sometimes popped out. Those things were terrifying, and Death had seen some things before.

"This train is probably the only big mode of transport we have, respect the train. And this way."
He had to defend the train, not many people hated the thing. It was literally the only way to get anyway from mostly everyone, since souls and creatures were the main populace of the realms, and humans even had their own train system. 
But also, Death used the train more than any other. Since the person he had come to love could only sleep here, and that the train drivers were of his own kind, it was hard to not be attached. 

Though Death did turn around and went back the way he had come, with the demon he had collected coming up behind him. It was a minute walk, though He did go a little faster than walking pace because he didn't want to get up caught standing up when the train started to move. Death reached the booth first and sat down in his seat next to the woman in the red hoodie, and gestured to the demoness to sit on the to-be cramped seat where everyone else was. 

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@, @, @@Dovashy, @


Thomas looked at the people who were sitting next to him as the guy with the trenchcoat simply walked away, leaving him in total confusion. The other didn't seem to be worried in the slightest. It looked like this was just everyday business for them. Could he be hallucinating? He almost had to be hallucinating. It wasn't dreaming, he woudl've identified that and woken up. But... this wasn't hallucination either. Why would he be hallucinating? He was perfectly sane.

The only reason he would end up here is that he had been kidnapped... Had he been sedated? How did they even find him? Why would anyone want to kidnap him. And how the fuck can someone look like that...


Something that looked oddly like some kind of escort... A very very pretty escort. It was almost supernatural. And she seemed to be fairly casual too. The obnoxiously large gun on her hip, and the fact that she looked like some kind of succubus made him sweat.


The strange thing about this situation was, that if this were a kidnapping, he would've been told to shut up or something. These people seemed to think that he was supposed to be here for some reason. He took matters into own hands and simply decided that he wasn't just going to take all this silently.


He coughed. "Ahem... Question..." He announced, adressing nobody in particular. "Why do I seem to be the only one whoe doesnt know what the fuck is going on?" He said between his teeth, frowning grumpily. All this had gotten him pretty angry. At first he thought he had died, then he questioned his own sanity, then he thought he had been kidnapped, and none of these people seemed to think that it might be a good idea to explain this completely ridiculous situation to him.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Parish immediately bowed his head slightly when the guy that had evidently pulled him out of the Mortal Realm told him to shut up. He mumbled a "sorry" as the guy walked away, although Parish doubt he cared. He took a quick look at the human and angel, trying to figure out why they were all brought here, and who that other hooded girl was. 


Hearing the human ask another question, Parish realized that this definitely would have been weird if he were still human. He had only been in the Further for 4 years, but he was already pretty suited to his life as a Spirit. "Well, we're usually pretty ignorant on the stuff going on in the other Realms, at least before we die. By "we", I mean humans. And Realms are... Ah forget it. I'm sure that guy will fill you in, if he brought a human here. Speak of the Devil..." Parish had just been thinking that all they needed was a Demon to have a being from every Realm, and the pully guy had just come back with one. Why were the four of them brought here?

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Zeph nodded silently in response to the coated man’s answer. Whatever was happening, it seemed important. Possibly a new assignment from Heaven, but Zeph couldn't be sure. She turned her attention back to the Spirit, and then noticed another being had been thrown before her, she had to blink her eyes several times before she realised that they weren't fooling her. A  human was on board the Further train, and not the dead kind of human, but a living, breathing one. If Zeph had thought she was beginning to understand the situation before, she truly didn't now. What would Heaven need with a living Human? What was happening? Zeph turned around to ask the man in the trenchcoat, but he'd already walked away, she saw him at the end of the carriage, leaving through the door at the end.  



She decided answers would come in time, and sat in silence. She looked over the human carefully out of the corner of her eye, but made sure not to catch his eyes with her own. When he finally spoke, it instinctively made her feel very nervous. Years of looking after her own charge, avoiding all contact and communication had rooted itself in her subconscious so that when this human spoke, she imagined her own cover being blown. The Spirit answered before she could think up a response, and she let herself relax a little Zeph's. She looked past the spirit and out through the window. There wasn't much to see, just an abyss of darkness, no way to actually tell that the train was moving, except for the occasional squeal of the trains wheels on unseen tracks below. 



Zeph took to her thoughts, wondering what Kim, her charge would be up to. She felt that she needed to be with him, especially with the threat of a demon lurking over him. How could she protect him from here? She stood up, what was so important that they wouldn’t even tell her.

No time for warnings, the man had said. Important matters were not left to the last minute, and she had her own job which was to be protecting her charge. That job came before everything. They had made that clear when she'd been tasked with protecting him. 

"Protect your charge always, no matter the circumstances, no matter the costs, and no matter the risks.”

The words from her final day of initiation still rung in her ears as if she’d initiated only yesterday.



No, she couldn't protect him if she stayed cooped up in a train carriage with a freshly deceased spirit, a human, and what else? She stifled a laugh, all they needed was a demon to come rocking up to this party, and that would make four from all four realms, oh what a joke. No, she was leaving, right now. She walked out into the middle of the aisle, and rifled through her memory of memorized spells. She remembered the teleportation incantation, but it dissipated into thin air when her eyes were an eyeful of disgust. A demoness waltzed down the aisle, accompanied by the trenchcoat man. Everything about the demonness reeked of sin. The disapproval of Zeph was made clear by the unconscious contortion of her lips and the change in her stance. Why had that man brought that thing onto the carriage with them? Demons generally sat by themselves, and the Angels and the Spirits were glad for that. But here was a demon, following this man straight towards them. It seemed that Zeph's bad joke was in fact becoming a reality, and being no longer being able to focus on her spell incantation, she stayed standing as the Demoness and the man approached, with her arms folded tightly around her leather armour, and her eyes blazing with distaste. 

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Glaring at the not-quite-forced company, Nethlatia stood in the doorway of the carriage: hand snapping to her side where it came to rest on the holster.


"You didn't tell me that you'd brought one of the Girl Scouts along." She muttered dismissively, flashing a dark glare at death, before rolling her eyes and pushing past the angel without any form of remorse or apology - seating herself with a look on her face that was somewhere between repulsion and amusement at the divine guest.


"Don't flatter yourself darling, I'm not here for you - you're nothing special." She smirked back at Zeph before looking over the rest.


A couple of humans - as far as she could tell anyway: ignorant as ever to everything going on around them no doubt... typical. They probably hadn't even noticed the boy-scout for what he was yet... or her for that matter. There was a spirit though - he probably had, but even if that was the case, they tended to seem amiable enough once they had come to terms with their fate as this one seemed to have done.


She was tempted to flick open the pocket watch again, as if timing the unseen passage of time as she watched death from the corner of her eye. Instead, she settled for inspecting her own hands.


"What have they done, and how do you expect me to fix it?" The daemon was queried in a presumptuous tone - making a display of checking her fingernails for imperfections, followed by her pistol. "... and can we hurry this up? I really don't have all day."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Death sat and watched as the small group did their jumbled talk with each other, with his girl under his arm. Of course though, he had to get this jumbled group back together, since they looked like they were never going to get anywhere on their own with how they were acting. 

"Alright you buggers, I want everyone to sit down next to each other. Angel, you bloody sit down with the other three and don't bother to try and run again, your charge is fine, I have him covered. Demon, shut your ass up. And you and you, also shut up."

Death had to take a little breath before he had to continue, but his girl talked before he could get his say in. 

"Now listen here you people, you're in grave danger. Or more or less, everything is in danger and you have for some unknown reason have been chosen to save everything. Fates have been leaving their posts for nothing, everybody is stirred up for no apparent reason, and the fabric of reality is thinning! How do you think you got here hey? Flin literally pulled you through the fabric of reality, without needing to use any kind of magic or force. Now, this is a pretty serious problem and a solution has to be found. Of course, you people are going to have to find a way to fix whatever is happening, and so you are going to have to work together. So, demon, stop acting like a bitch and pull your head up. Angel, don't you dare leave us. And for the love of all things, you two keep calm."

Death pounded his fist into the car table once, and his black coloured magic blasted away from the epicentre of his hand. The Magic soon disappeared, but at least Death had done his spell. 
"Now, we're all trapped here in this carriage till we get to the stop we need to be at. Everything about this mission seems to be half asked on the details, so we're going to go to an old witch doctor to get some answers, maybe a riddle or two, who knows."

"And matey, your not dead. But you're in a totally different world, there's a whole lot of things here you're not going to understand, and it's going to be a bit scary. But I'm on your side here, since we're both living, breathing, humans."

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Thomas jaw dropped. He was not only completely flabbergasted by what had just been explained to him, with the whole surge of thoughts that were overflowing his cognitive capacity, but he was also quite offended. Even though considering the circumstances the last thing you would think of is the decency of these apparent... demons... angels... whatever, he did not agree with what was going on in this situation.


After the first shock and confusion, in which he drew conclusions such as "These people are insane; The laws of physicis have just been completely eviscerated from the scene of physics... Scratch that, all sciences are now officialy inferior and invalid; The limits of science are now endless, because all the rules have been broken; I am in a new plane of existence, most likely the first human scientist to have ever been aware of it." He ended his chain of thoughts with "Who the fuck do these people think they are?"


He raised a finger and a brow. "Hold your fucking horses... What? Stay calm? Oh great, that makes me feel a lot better. Lovely! Getting pulled to the fabric of existence is apparently no reason to break out into tears, crying over a sense of reality I had that has now been shattered!" He said angrily, sarcasm pouring out of his voice. He grabbed the table in front of him with both hands and leaned in to close the distance between his face and the girl's. "I suppose commanding me around after rudely pulling me out of... something that I now know as my own plane of existence, is the best solution to keep a clueless human sane and calm. Clearly it is working! I am totally not freaking out over here." He slowly raised his voice.


He pointed towards the angel and demon that were sitting next to him. "The very existence of these things here explains more than the load of crap that just came out of your mouth! If you expect me to stay calm you should at least attempt to. I don´t know what you are, but clearly you have no sense of decency. Pulling me out of my comfy home and telling me that I am suddendly some kind of chosen one? You haven't got shit on me now! You need me, and you better start acting like it damnit." He said, and to prove his point he slammed his hand flat on the table.


He then laughed a bit hysterically. He knew very well that screaming at these people was a very bad idea, but he couldn't control himself. "Well, if I am going to die I might as well go out in style." He thought to himself. "Now please give me some kind of decent explanation? Any of you? The universe is fucked up and I am supposed to save it? How... why? I mean, one minute ago I found out angels and demons exist, but I assume you guys are supposed to deal with this kind of shit? What do I have to do with all this?" He asked, sincerely this time, no sarcasm included.

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Hey, it was pidgeon-girl here who started with the whole 'cast the first stone' thing - if looks could kill... well, she'd almost be a threat. Face like that could make me want to cry!"


Tia smirked at her own snide remark, turning instead to gesture towards the mortal with the high oppion of himself... 'forgetting' that she was still holding - and by extension pointing the firearm wherever she indicated.


"What about him?" She suggested with a vindictive grin that might or might not have indicated that she was joking. "Can we just hold him out of the window or something? Might be in less of a demanding mood then."

Never quite forgotten.

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OOC: Had this typed out since last night, but only just got the chance to post it. 


Zeph sat down indignantly, how dare that man speak to her like that? Pouting her lips, she receded into the back of her chair, listening as the human tried to understand the situation he’d been forced in. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor man, having been pulled from his realm like that into a place he did not belong, or even know about. Despite his lack of understanding though, he did make a good point. How could they have been chosen to determine the survival of the world?  How were they supposed to take this seriously? When the human finally finished stopped talking, sitting back down again. The demon responded mockingly, no hint of compassion at the human’s predicament.  Zeph's eyes flared with unrestrained irritation when the demon referred to her as "Pigeon Girl.” But it was even worse when she began to threaten the human, waving her handgun at him, and teasing him. That was one thing she could not tolerate, and she briskly stood back up again, leaning across the table which separated them, and clasped her hands around the demons neck. For such small hands they were surprisingly strong, and held the demon firmly. Zeph leaned her face close to the Demons ear. After protecting her Charge for so long, she’d become attached to them all humans, and felt personally responsible for all of them. So when this demon threatened this man, she took it personally.

“Don’t you ever point that gun around, or threaten anyone, you filthy demonic scum,” Zeph said between clenched teeth. “Or you’ll answer to me.”

She gave a little laugh, “-And trust me you don’t want that.”

She released her grip, throwing the demon back against her chair, and sat back down into her own seat.

“So, now that’s all over,” Said Zeph as if nothing had happened. “Where do we begin?”

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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