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Midnight found the village and it wasn't too far away from where they were... Unfortunately, the group seemed to have scattered. He tried to track them all down. He saw little wind and drakk at some cottage in the woods and Re was still where he had left him "but where has shadow gone?" He asked himself "well I guess we need to regroup than" midnight landed and shot a bolt of lightning straight into the air to act as a beacon "I sure hope they saw that" he said

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"We'll just meet at the village. They'll catch up. I hope." Re walked toward the direction of the village. His sword now in his mouth and little trail of blood following. "Don't worry midnight, It was just a scratch."

There was a static sound residing with his thoughts, it blurred his thoughts and to his dismay he couldn't think. Only action he could muster.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Little Wind heard another crack of lightning and looked up just in time to see lightning go straight up in the air. 'Unusual, wonder what it is.' he thought. But then he looked back at Drakk, and he didn't look pretty. He was starting to sweat, and Wind was sure that wasn't a good sign. He started to trot a little faster because he thought he heard the sound of a forge. Excited, he busted out into a full blown gallop, and found himself in the middle of a small little village. "Yes! Mayeb they'll have someone who can fix Drakk!" he started to look around, and saw a sign that said 'Riverwood Trader'. 'Maybe they'll have some cure disease potions.' he thought. He headed inside and looked around. Two ponies were arguing over something golden. He shook his head, and walked over to the counter after setting Drakk down. "Excuse me, do you have any potions for curing disease's? My friend got bit by a wolf and I think he got some disease. He's in dire need, do you have any?" the trader nodded his head. "Yeah, I got some potions, but there not free. There twenty bits a bottle, got it?" Wind looked through his saddlebag and picked out twenty bits. "Here! Now give me a potion!" the trader handed one over and Wind quickly tipped the liquid into Drakk's mouth. The effect was almost immediate, but he didn't exactly get 'better'. He still was swearing, and he needed a few health potions to heal the wound. "Alright Drakk, let's get you to am inn. We'll wait for the other's to get here." Wind said. 

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Midnight realised that nopony was going to come to his beacon to re-group so he trotted around the woods. Then he heard it, the unmistakeable sound of something striking an anvil in a forge. He galloped in its direction and found a small town, he was just quick enough to catch Re entering a shop. He decided not to stop and talk because drakk looked like he was in pretty bad shape and the sooner he got medical attention the better "I'll talk AFTER he gets drakk some help" he said and found the forge that had led him there in the first place "may I use your forge?" He asked the smith there, the stallion nodded and midnight set to work. He grabbed some leather strips he saw on the table and crafted himself a steel sword "there's one for me" he said under his breath and crafted a second "there's one for Re" and continued two more times. He was pretty sure that little wind had his own but he made an extra just in case. He now had a sword for everypony in the group and his bag of ingots felt a lot lighter now... Then immediately heavy again when he put the swords in it. "I'll hang out at the Inn until everypony finds the town" he said and did just that

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"How the hell did I get here!?" The interrobang rung throughout the village, interrupting the calm of the many ponies about. He softened his voice the second time he spoke. "Why am I covered in blood... One drink please."


"You have the bits?" The bartender was rubbing a glass bottle with a brown washcloth like the cliche.


"I hoping you wouldn't say that." Re went into the bathroom and came out with a slobbering bag of bits. "There goes my emergency supply. How much."


Mister Re went through the motions of purchase and got himself a sarsaparilla. He drank and looked around his surroundings seeing if he knew anypony. Re didn't see any pony but they saw him, namely Misery, his ex-wife.


"Oh where did my little colt go..." Misery sang as she inched ever so close to her former beloved.


"Oh shi-..." The punch spilled his drink and before he knew he was being dragged outside.


"I do love the company." Her tail wrapped around his tail. " You're going to love me, whether you like it or not."


"Help! I'm being carried away by a white maned, grey coated mare with... what's your eye color again? Oh, right...  Cyan eyes and slightly fat body type." Re received a kick in the rear for that but he didn't care. Re became lazy to save himself, so he'll wait.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Wait... What? Re are you sure you're on the right RP? I guess I'll save you then.


Midnight heard re screaming outside the doors of the Inn. He went outside and saw that a few residents of the village were already freeing him. When they were done midnight walked over to him "overpowered by a girl" he said smiling "nice"

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((You said store and yeah I am in the right Rp. I think you've been reading some of my other posts in other rps I take it?))


"Let me at him! Let me at him..." Misery was held back by a few villagers, being dragged away.


Re responded to Midnight. "I would say overpowered but surprised is a better term. Too lazy to save myself as well." He got himself up and saw Midnight's weapon. "That for me? Awesome."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Eeeeeeup" midnight said, mimicking a farmer he had seen earlier. He handed Re the sword "have you seen little wind or shadow around? I don't feel like hauling a sack of swords around everywhere I go" midnight said "the extra weight is getting annoying"

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Little Wind heard his name and walked away from the bottle of wine he had taken from a drunk patron. "You called?" he said, than he noticed the swords that Midnight was carrying. "Cool. Steel or Iron?" he asked ,taking one. "You too look like you need a drink. So come on, I got about fifteen bits, so let's have ourselves some drinks while we wait for Shadow to get here." he said, going back inside and ordering fifteen bits worth of wine and mead. 

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Midnight followed little wind into a pub, he drank several bottles of mead and became a bit... Intoxicated. When he was done drinking he trotted back to the inn... Okay he wandered around the village drunkly, vomited in the river then fell asleep in a room in the inn that midnight had purchased for the group. he would have got one for each of them but there was only one room in the building aside from the innkeeper's room

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With the static echoes gone, Re had regained his sense of peace. He drank and drank but never intoxicated one bit, his liver could cut diamonds... untill it actually hit him. The black out was similar to the haze he used to heal his wounds. Night wasseamingly washed down and out by liquor.


"Damn, I can't believe wha...t just happened." Re carried Misery to the bed where Midnight was sound as sleep and laid with his ex-wife. "Thi-...s is owr last night to-gather okay?"


"Sure thin*Hic*g honey."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Bunch of*Hic* lightweights. Ain't that right Barnabus?" Littler Wind said to the penguin next ti him.He got up, stumbled for a bit, found a nice bottle of mead, and curled up with it on the inn floor. He woud have made his way to the room, but the magical pixies that he saw convinced him he was sleeping on clouds. 

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Midnight woke up and saw Re with the mare from earlier, he stumbled out of the room and saw little wind on the floor. The innkeeper was poking him with a broom "yer drunk liddle whind" midnight said drunkly "ya need to git up er else yill git *hic!* kiked owt" then he stumbled out the door. He found his way to the blacksmith's shop and met a lovely iron helmet, he tried to take it out of the shop on a date but the blacksmith yelled at him "yer father seems strict" he said to the helmet "but I'm sure once I git to know 'im he'll be nicer" he eventually got her out of the shop once the smith went to sleep and the two had a lovely evening together, he bought her some mead but she didnt drink any for some reason. He took the helmet back to the inn and curled up with it on the floor next to little wind






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(Sorry been busy with games and friends. I actually got my Vector K10 on Black Ops 2 gold, finally.)) 


Little Wind awoke to see the inn keeper poking him with a broom and Midnight curled up next to hm, a hoof around his neck. He caught the broom and snapped it in half. "Mind cutting that out, I got a headache." he said. The inn keeper growled and went back to his desk. He looked back at Midnight and lifted his hoof off of him. He saw a random helmet a few feet off and put it on Midnight's head. he noticed a slight smell of wine on it, but didn't want to ask about it. He draped Midnight on his back and put him in the chair in the room. Re was in the bed with his ex. "Ok, no more wine or any other type of alchohol for us. That was a crazy time, and we just got here. Now where's Drakk?" Little Wind asked himself. He walked outside the inn and saw Drakk halfway in the water. His back legs were ni the water, while his front legs were splayed out in front of him. He pulled him up and into the inn. 'How did he even get out there' he thought. Once Drakk was seated and he was sure that everypony else was safe and sound, he mosiest up to the counter and asked if there was any work around here. "Yeah the Jarl set a bounty on a couple bandits up at that old abandoned fort a couple miles away. Offering a thousand bits to see them dead." he said, handing over a rather official looking paper. 'Alright, now than if these guys would WAKE THE HELL UP! And if Shadow would move her arse and get here, don't even know where the hell she went, we could tackle this job, and get a nice little sum of one thousand bits. Than maybe we could find some armor off the corpses of those bandits. And if they won't WAKE UP than me, Re, and Midnight can go up there, while Drakk stays here, if he's not feeling up to killing, and he can wait for Shadow." he thought, taking a seat in the main room of the inn. 

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When midnight woke up it felt like six hammers trying to smash his head open at the same time, he was wearing a helmet for some reason. "I got drunk didn't I?" Midnight asked little wind, he nodded his head. "Well then were lucky that nopony got hurt" midnight said, looking at the bag of swords on his back "it could have ended up a lot worse than a headache and a nap on the floor" midnight walked back into the room he got for them all, Re was sleeping with his ex-wife "at least I only slept with a helmet, they are going to be so suprised when they wake up"

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"Yeah, maybe. But I got something for you, and Re if he ever wakes up." LIttle Wind said, handing over the bounty. "Think we'll be able to take them? If you do, then we can ask around, se whwere that fort is. We got weapons, and we can get some armor from the fort if we need to." he said. 

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Re stared in horror as he woke up, he was never a good drunk or even a light sleeper.


"Shit. Why is it always have to be you, Misery." He asked to the sleeping body.


"Because... buck you." She said in her sleep as if she heard him.


Re took his arms out of hers and began to start his day up. He looked about the other two's faces. "So, what are we going to do?"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight handed Re the bounty "shouldn't be too hard, I've got a score to settle with these kinds of guys" he said as he took the sword that was supposed to be for shadow out of his bag "if she dosnt show up I can have one of these in each hoof" midnight started swinging the swords around in the inn, testing them out "CAREFUL!" The innkeeper said "if you're going to do that, go do it outside!" She said as she pushed him out the door "this mare is really strong" he said to himself "if I didn't know any better I'd think that she's some kind of warrior"

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"Well, come on than. We need to get over there if we're gonna take tha bounty. Plus, I'm eager to find some bits and armor for myself, as well as y'all. It would be good to find some so we don't have to buy any. And Re, is she gonna be coming with us, or is this a one night stand? I don't really know you're history so I can't say much, but if she wants to come we should let her. She could rile you down whenever you get to drinking again." he said, a smile going over his face. 

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"I sure hope it was but she's just going to follow me around. Last time, I buried her alive within a coffin and she still managed to escape. And she literally asked for it." Re let out a exasperated sigh. "Well Misery, you up for an adventure?"


"Last time it almost got you executed so... Heck yeah." She raised her hoof in the air. "Ummm... You want me to bring the arrows?"


"Definitely... aim to kill please this time. I don't want ponies getting up and trying to return the favor."


Re handled his sword like a bit and felt the pressure of the blade in his tongue and cheek. He mumbled "Lets do this."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"You tried to bury her alive? And she asked you to? Man, you two are full of suprises. But yeah, let's get going. I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing." he said, walking out the room. He went straight past the inn keeper and right outside. 'I'll wait for them out here while they get there stuff situated. I hope one of them remembers to get some food and wine. Wouldn't last long without food, and the wine would help to relax if something bad goes down.' 

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Midnight was sitting outside when little wind walked out. he had a red mark on his face, indicating that the innkeeper slapped him after pushing him outside. "I'm going to go over there while we wait" he said, pointing to a nearby tree. He took both of the swords out and started slashing at it, he knew that it wasn't really training but he needed something to get him in a killing mood before they went into a fort full of bandits

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Misery was back and forth in an instant, which almost surprised Mr. Re if he didn't know that she had a horn underneath all that mane. She was carrying now two bows and two leather arrow quivers. Strangely, the weapons she held in her hoof seemed not to be crafted nor bought, but as if they were made by being born, they felt alive. The bow's limbs were warm and felt under duress because of the sting that bounded. Its color was green and black birch patterned by nature. Living weaponry, Re thought only the myth of it.


"Misery, where did you get this?" Re held slightly glowing weaponry in his hoof.


"Let's just say some pony died trying to impress me." She cleared her throat to speak in an under tow. "The Tendril's Eye is one of the few bows that use a living being to increase its range and power. Impervious to magic, it cannot be enchanted... but it far extends the quallity of regular bows, even with enchantment. Its base is made from an ancient tree and string of spider's web. The bow can only be made in combat with the Divine Tree beast. One must cut off an appropriate portion of one of its tendrils while its attacking, that way the sap is hardened. In those crucial moments one must string the bow before the sap turns soft all the while avoiding the other tendrils... He managed to make two before being gravely injured."


"Cool story bra."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight returned and saw Re and his ex with two amasing looking bows, being a pegasus he was a natural archer "are those... T-t-tendril's eyes?" He asked "c-can I... No you keep them" he said. It was hard trying to keep from grabbing one and sinking an arrow into the nearest target, but he managed

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Wind saw Midnight freaking out about the two bows and looked them over. They did look im[ressive, and their forging process seems rather interesting. "Cool bow. But the process seems a little too much. I'll stick with one-hoofed weapons. Now that we got our little party, let's start towards that fort, The bits'll be good, and th earmor will be aplenty. Now let's get a move on." he said, walking through the overhead gates on the otherside of the town, he walked over the bridge and stopped to see if the other's were following. 


(This is the only thing that annoys me about Roleplaying. It's like we can only move one person at a time, But everthing else is super fun.)

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