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"Well then lets meet up with them" midnight said after drakk suggested that the fire was Wind or Re. Midnight began to run to the fire, forgetting drakk couldn't run just yet. midnight accidentally left him behind, and ran right into Re and wind's makeshift campsite "hello" he said

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"Wait, Mid-...-night..."Drakk tried to yell at first, then went silent. Drakk sighed then trotted over to Shadow."Hey, you alright?"Drakk asked."You should probably get over to the others, i'll just slowly trot over."Drakk said, pointing in the direction of the others. 

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Hello... There... Where are the others?" Re gestured giving Midnight the torch. "Can't believe you made it. Could you hold this for a moment while i Stand up?"


Re was tired but needed to stretch his legs. The amount of stress he endured needed an outlet, so after midnight gets the torch he would crack his neck and his back..

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight took the torch "the others are back... Somewhere... In a place..." Midnight said awkwardly, he had to fight the urge to say: "how am I supposed to know? We were in a place with trees, there bloody trees everywhere! If they arnt with me than I have no idea!" Midnight sat down "so, where should we go when the others show up?"

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Little Wind came trotting into the camp when he noticed that Re had found the others. "About time something good happened. Where's Drakk? Oh, there he is. Didn't see him dragging himself for a minute. Here, let's get you up." Little Wind said, picking Drakk up and sitting him against a tree. "Oh, and I found these flowers on the way back. I may not be an Alchemist, but I found some Blisterwort and Wheat, maybe you could make a healing potion?" he said, setting his rabbit down. 

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"Blisterwort and Wheat? That could make a simple health potion, or i could combine it with those other ingredients i found earlier...Yeah, i could make some potions with that!"Drakk said, taking out the pouch he took earlier to see if he had useful ingredients that could help."Mind giving me the Wheat and Blisterwort?"Drakk asked."I could make some simple potions once we find somewhere i can mix them."Drakk said."Anyways, im going to have a rest. I'm exhausted."Drakk said, as he layed down on the grass.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Yeah, here it is." he said, handing the ingredients over. Little Wind walked over to Re's little fire and laid down next to it. Legs tucked under him, he rested. "Perhaps we should all take a break and sleep for a minute? I know that a few of us are tired." he closed his eyes, letting sleep and dreams take him. 

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Shadow Dust caught up with the rest of the ponies. Two of them were resting agree  and another was stretching and the other one was doing something else. "I agree with little wind, we should rest after after all that, but i do have one question. Why...is there...a dragon? I thought they weren't real!"

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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"Last time I checked, things that aren't real cant burn down villages" midnight said and lay down "if my sense of direction is as good as I think it is, there should be a city about... That direction" he pointed north-east "I'm almost sure that I saw a large city kind of over there"

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"You know sleeping is kinda hard when other's are talking!" Little Wind yelled at them. He shuffled himself so he was on his side, his legs sprawled out to the side. 


When he fell asleep, he dreamed of a dungeon. Spider's were everywhere, and Draugr walked the halls. Chest's littered grounds, with gold spilling from them. Jewels, weapons, and armor were everywhere. As well as the white demons. Falmer, the worst type of Unicorn pony to exist. Banished to live underground by gods know's who, they lived, growing blind to light. They infested Little Wind's family grave site. He had this dream a lot. Something was telling him to visit it, and perhaps he should. But he would not go alone. His ancestors told him this many times. He walked the halls, noticing the draugr trying and failing to defend the crypt, but something told him that he would have to do it. Perhaps your friends can help you? spoke a ghostly being. Little Wind looked around, looking for anything that would tell him who spoke, but nothing came. The dream blacked out, and he awoke, the other's still arguing about dragons. Maybe the voice was right, he thought.


(Hope I ain't throwing too much on this little fire of an adventure we got going, but I couldn't think of anything else to do)

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The leaves rustled overhead and the wind cooed the grass underneath. It was nature at its finest, unabashed and untampered by pony kind. It was sickening. Re needed a real shelter not under a roof of stars nor walls of trees. His nature wasn't natural, it had conceptions of technology and of future but his surroundings were the opposite of . He sees no evolution, no progress, no society in the forest that he now resided in. The fire burned low now and some were already asleep.


"I'll meet you guys in the morning..." He whispered as he trotted away.


Re took into the forest, marking his path with standing sticks every few meters. He walked and walked but distance couldn't place him any farther from his problems. He was to be executed but the dragon happened. Maybe it was time for redemption in a way that doesn't involve death? The wandering colt pondered and pondered, never closing in on the answer to his question. Though, the more he thought, the more the question became obscured. What am I now? What am I thinking now? What am I? So close. Still so close to the final question and its final answer but there was something missing. Re thought.


"I don't understand why I was spared. Do I really have anything else to give in this world, except for violence and lies?" 


Mister Re collected various components from the trees around him: berries, tree sap, sticks, vines and leaves. From there, he procured a makeshift pallet attached to a rope and dragged food and left over indigents back to camp. He slept right after, pushing the berries to his side and laying upon his side.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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As everypony slept, day slowly crept towards them. Finally it was morning. "Weird, i don't usually wake up before everypony else. Well I guess I'll wait for them to wake up" Shadow thought to herself. When they wake up, they'll probably be rested up, ready for adventure. Well, that's what Shadow Dust hoped for. As she waited, she observed the scenery. It was an amazing view, so amazing that it made shadow wonder "There's a war going on right now and dragons are here?" When she was done, she tried to practice aiming, without a bow. She grabbed random rocks and threw them at a tree. Maybe it didn't really improve her aim, but it was fun. Shadow was a archer at heart. Almost nothing in the world can make her change weapons. She continued to throw rocks at the tree until somepony woke up.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Drakk woke up where he last night had slept. Slowly opening his eyes and standing up, all rested up and ready for anything.'Wonder if anyone else is awake' Drakk thought to himself as he trotted over to the campfire. Once he reached it, he noticed Shadow throwing some rocks at a tree."Good morning" Drakk said, trotting over to her."So, whats the plan for today?"He asked.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Little Wind woke up to the sound of rocks hitting trees. He lifted his weary head, and saw the source. Shadow was throwing rocks at a tree. Drakk looked like he was asking her something, and everypony else was asleep. "So, I;m gonna take a stab and say that the tree insulted your mother?" he said sarcastically. He tried to lay back down and sleep, but the noise increased, making him get up. "I think I'm gonna try to find a stream and wash myself. Cause I don't know about any of you, but I can only tolerate being covered in blood, ash, and dirt for so long." he said, trotting away to find his stream. 

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Midnight slept for a while, then woke up and kept his eyes closed just to mess with everypony. When he finally got up he saw shadow tossing rocks at a tree, little wind was gone and drakk and re stayed "good morning" he said "man, I have the worst pains in my back from sleeping and I don't know why" he then looked where he had bern sleeping, he had been sitting against his sack of iron and steel ingots all night "well that makes sense" he said to himself. He decided to just stay at the camp until somepony made a decision on what to do

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"Anyways, im off to go hunting" Drakk said, whilst he checked his stuff."I might even find an abandonded cabin if im lucky"Drakk continued.

Once he finished going through his stuff, he took off into the woods, having his dagger ready if he were to find an animal. After awhile of going through the trees, he found a deer eating some tall grass in the short distance. Drakk went low in the tall grass, so he wasnt visible, then started to silently sneak over to the deer, taking each step slowly. Once he was at a short distance, he accidentally stepped on a stick which was on the ground, making the deer raise its head in caution. "Dammit" Drakk thought, as he quickly went up and ran over to it, hoping to be able to hit it before it started running. He successfully slashed its leg before it ran away, and so the deer was unable to run. The deer fell down as it tried to run away, and instead suffered on the ground. Drakk trotted over to its head."Sorry" He whispered, as he cut its neck. Drakk stood up, and looked at the dead deer for a couple seconds, then proceeded to slowly drag it back to the camp. As he had been in the woods for a while, it would take some time until he reached the camp again.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Little Wind was picking his through the forest, heading towards the sound of water. His sword was strapped onto his back, and he had his head low to the ground in thought. What had the dream meant. It began coming to him when he was in Cyrodiil on mercenary work. The client was paying a heavy sum to eliminate a so called 'corrupt' leader. 10,000 gold. A pretty sum that would have helped him get that house he always wanted, and more than enough to fully furnish it. Why the Dark Brotherhood was not contacted, he didn't know. The job didn't go so smoothly, and he was imprisoned for three years, voiding the contract that he was given. But when he was in prison, he began dreaming about his family crypt. It was strange, but he couldn't ponder it no longer, because he had reached a river stream. He went into it and washed his body. And by that he sat in the water til he felt he was clean. satisfied, he trotted back to camp. It didn't take as long and he sat by the fire, which was still burning. He wondered where Drakk went, but he figured he would be back later. For now, he had to think. 

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Midnight began to wander into the forest, he found a path and began to follow it upwards, when he got to the top he found an abandoned cabin. It looked a bit creepy, which ment nopony would enter it and see him. He dropped the bag of ingots he had been carrying on the ground. He was glad he had the ability to carry the bag around with such ease, he may not be born with the natural strength of an earth pony but if you work at a forge pretty much your entire life you'll get muscle. He took a book out of the bag, he was able to grab it in the village when nopony was looking. He opened up the book and read a few senences from it, then he turned around, took aim at a chair on the opposite end of the room, and shot a bit of lightning from his hoof at the chair "yeah! Who says unicorns are the only ones capable of using magic?" He said as he put the spell tome back in his bag of ingots, he hoped it was hidden enough. Midnight walked back to the camp "I found a creepy shack for anypony that's interested" he said, not realizing that most of the ponys in the camp were gone

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As Drakk moved around the woods, still dragging the same deer, he had been hoping to randomly stumble into the camp once again, as he was lost in the woods. After a while of dragging dead deers around the woods, he noticed something in the distance. He stopped dragging the deer and looked at what he saw, but he couldnt realize what it was. He took hold of the deer again and dragged it with him closer to the thing in the distance, and once he was close to it, he saw that it was a cabin. It seemed abandoned, but there were newly planted crops in the garden. Drakk dragged the deer to somewhere safe, then proceeded to sneak closer to the cabin, dagger ready. He did a quick spin around the small cabin, nothing out of the ordinary. He then slowly went over to the door, taking each step with caution, ready to attack anything that might attack. Just as he was ready to step in, what looked like an old mare came out of the door, scaring the living hell out of Drakk. Drakk took two steps back as he looked at the old mare."Oh, did i scare ya?"The mare said. Drakk put the dagger back in his saddlebag he had earlier, and took a sigh of relief."Uhm, excuse me, but have you seen some other ponies around here?"Drakk asked. The old mare looked at him in a weird manner."Y-yes, of course i have! There is a small village over there."The old mare said, pointing in a direction."It is a little far away, though"The old mare continued."Thank you" Drakk said. The old mare trotted out of he door, and went behind the house, and sat on a chair which was behind there.'I better loot whatever i can' Drakk thought to himself as he sneaked into the small cabin. Once he was inside, he saw a bunch of different ingredients on a shelf, all variating from Night shades, Thistle, Mushrooms and different coloured mountain flowers. Drakk silently took every single one of the ingredients and put them in his saddlebag. After he was done clearing the shelf out, he went to the other side of the cabin, where he found some different objects. Some iron boots under a counter, about twenty gold pieces and different books. He took the gold and the boots, and once he thought he was done looting everything, he saw something that looked like a floor safe. Drakk looked around, to see if there was something he could use. He found four lockpicks in one of the drawers, alongside some old clothes. Drakk took the lockpicks and tried his best at opening the safe. As he broke the first one, he cursed under his breath. He tried to use another one, but broke that one aswell. He broke the third one upon using it, and at this point, he was debating wether or not he should use the last lockpick or save it. But out of his curiosity, he used it, and carefully tried to find the soft spot, which he did. A silent 'Click' noise was made as the hatch opened, and a ladder was revealed. Drakk, climbed down, closing the hatch behind him. Once he was down, he looked around at what would seem like a secret alchemy lab. There were skulls and ingredients around, even an alchemy table in the corner. Drakk, however saw a note on a table, with ink and quill next to it. Apparently it was some sort of invite to a group of witches. Once Drakk finished reading the note, he noticed some poisons on a shelf, which he took. He then proceeded to trot over to the alchemy table, to try and mix with some potions. After twenty minutes of mixing different ingredients together, Drakk had made several simple healing and strength(Stamina)potions, alongside some weak poisons. Drakk felt like he was done looting this place, and thus decided it was time to leave. Before leaving, however, Drakk coated his dagger with one of the poisons he had made, incase he was to be under attack upon leaving this lab. Drakk went over to the ladder and climbed up, and upon exiting it, the very same old mare was standing there, looking furiously at him with clear anger in her eyes."No one sha'll leave with my secret!"She yelled, as she proceeded to shoot a lightning bolt which just barely hit Drakk, but he dogded it. Drakk proceeded to charge the old mare, stabbing her in the throat with the dagger."Curse...You"She said with her last breath as she fell down. Drakk was breathing heavily, seeing as he somehow had commited murder, but he had done it plenty of times before, so he shrugged it off quickly. Drakk went outside, and looked at the garden with the fresh cabbages and potatoes. He proceeded to pick them and put them in his saddlebag. Once he was done with that, he went over to the place where he had put the dead deer, and continued to drag him around the woods, hoping to find camp. After a good twenty minutes of walking, he noticed the campfire and quickly dragged the deer over to there."Finally!"He said loudly, after letting go of the dead deer.


(I decided to do a long post, sorry)

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Little Wind noticed Drakk enter camp with a huge deer. "Hey, big buck. Nice. That hide should get a few bits our way. And where'd you get the boots?" he said, but than he noticed the dagger, which had some blood on it. "Ah I see. So you loot it or find it. You know what, it don't matter. You got a kill, and your damn lucky. I haven't killed anything but a rabbit, and I have a sword." Little Wind said. "Hey, have you seen Midnight? It's been a bit since he left and I think we should all be here to figure out where we're gonna go." Little Wind also wanted to talk about his dreams and if they wanted to come with him, but that would wait till everypony was here. Until than, he would keep it a secret. 

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"Yeah, i had quite the run while in the woods" Drakk said."First this deer, then a cabin with a bunch of ingredients, poisons, some gold, and these boots. There was a Witch guarding it, however, she nearly burned me to a crisp."Drakk continued."Oh, yeah"Drakk said as he opened his saddlebag and took out a bunch of different health and stamina potions."I made these while i was at the cabin, mind handing em out to the others?"Drakk said, giving Wind twelve potions, 7 health, 5 stamina. Drakk stared into Winds eyes for a few seconds."Also, if i may ask. Whats this 'Dream' about?"Drakk asked.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Little Wind's eyes shot open, surprise the only emotion visible. "H-how did you know?" he asked, amazed. Drakk just shrugged his shoulders. "-sigh- I'll tell you when we're all here. And not a moment sooner alright." Drakk noded and trotted off towards the deer, probably to skin it. Little Wind looked at the potions given to him. 7 health and 5 Stamina. Ok, so if their's 5 of us, than the five stamina potions can easily be split between us. The question is what am I gonna do with the two extra potions. Midnight might need them for his cut, so he'll get two. And I guess because Drakk made them, he should get the other one. Alright, it's set, he thought. He walked around and handed out the potions. Re, Shadow, himself, and Drakk got their potions. Now all he had to do was wait for Midnight and he could both give him his potions, and tell the rest about his Dream. 

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(If there's one thing i like about you guys, it's that you post A LOT)


As Little Wind handed Shadow her potion, shadow asked the rest of the group where is the closest town. "I don't know any towns nearby, but that's just me". She held the potions in her and and tossed it up in the air, then caught. She kept playing catch with herself. Probably would have dropped it, but she was bored and had nothing else to do. Little Wind, Drakk, and Midnight had already been on a small adventure themselves. Shadow couldn't wait until something cool would happen, like they would capture a dragon.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Midnight walked into the camp with his bag of ingots "so are we going to go again as soon as I come back or do I get a chance to stop for a second" he said. He saw the health potions everypony had "if I could get one of those... I could be able to fly and figure out where we're going. Can I have one?"

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Re was woken by the sudden motion of glass hitting his belly. He sat up from his stick woven pallet and examined it was a health potion.


"Neat." Mister Re opened the bottle with his teeth and drank a little for his sprained ankle.


Re had stood up, stretching once again to wake his body up. Then he broke the pallet into a smaller, more portal square. This was now his sheild, for now. For lack of a better offence, he asked the others.


"Does anyone have tips of a spear?"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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