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(I know right? I like 1x1 roleplays better because its a lot quicker to get everybody to places)


"I'll go and find the fort from the air" midnight said "then I'll come back here and we can form a plan of attack... Or we can just go in with brute force and slaughter everypony. A or B?"

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(Yeah, but like you have more people posting)



Re took her bow and started thinking. "Why don't we plan a little. You can never underestimate your enemy, even bandits and thief."


Misery followed the group and so did he. Both carrying their respected quivers and bows.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight flew away and found a ruined fort, there were a few bandits in it but also a few mages. Some of them saw him and started to shoot at the sky, once he had all the info that he could get without turning into a guard that took an arrow to the wing (there were already too many of those in skyrim) he came back and drew a birds eye view of the fort, it had four walls with a watchtower at the end if each one, he drew little X's on top of the watchtowers "these, are the mages, they don't look like they're too skilled in magic but don't underestimate them" he drew several more X's inside "and these, are the bandits. I was thinking that the four of us could hide in the bushes and take out the mages with those bows, once the bandits realise something's up we'll burst in through the doors and kill all of them. Sound like a good plan?"

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"Sounds good. I just worry about the inside. We don't know how many bandits are in the fort tself, and whether or not they set any traps. But I guess we'll figure that out when we get in right." he said shrugging. "So how far away was the fort. How long would it take to get there you think. Half a day? A full one?" Wind asked, eyeing some movement across the river that the bridge went over. 

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"Mages I'd gladly take care of. Misery, you should take the front line. I want avoid as much... friendly fire... as possible." Re took an arrow and aimed it to a nearby tree. He fired and felt the bows recurve twitch because of the tension produced. The arrow went straight through the base of the tree and enjambed itself into a second one a few feet away.


"The range on this thing..." Re was considering giving the bow to Midnight and taking Misery's instead but he insisted on keeping his promises. Misery wasn't a good shot. She would sooner use it as a whacking stick than an actual bow.


"Misery... be a front line archer. I can stay in the back somewhere far... that's my plan"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Lets go then, I flew pretty fast to get there but I think if I did my math right it should be about a half an hour's walk away" midnight said "I bucking hate bandits, let's go" midnight began to run towards the fort


((either of you know what's going on with madpenguin and Bradley mystery lord? They haven't posted in a while))

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(Well I don't think Bradley has been on for a long while and penguin I don't think the he/she ,not sure which what with the hidden identities of the internet, didn't really post a lot from the beggining. But I woulda think that he/she would have gotten into it a bit more seeing as the action will be coming up pretty soon.)


"Half hour huh. Well that'll be good. Not much of a fan of walking from city to city, that's normally why I take carriages." he said mostly to himself while running after Midnight, falling in close behind. 

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Misery ran beside Mister Re like the pair was meant to be. Mister Re ran beside her, trying to out run. He felt a heavy feeling in his heart. Whether it was love or guilt for leaving Misery, he did not know. They looked at each other from time to time, her, lovingly, him, in disdain. 


"Why?" He said.

"Why not?" She replied.


Their questions remained unanswered, its origins obscured.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight ran through the forest. he was exited to kill some bandits, He hated bandits. He wasn't watching where he was going and stopped thinking just in time to see a tree branch greet him. He smashed his face into the branch and got knocked out cold, he awoke to see Re, misery and little wind looming over him, it felt like he had a black eye and his nose was slightly bleeding. "As long as they don't turn out to be some freaks that can smell blood, it's okay" he said to himself

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After Midnight said that he would be good, Little Wind helped Midnight up and spoke to him. "How bout someone else goes first, don't want you knocking yourself out again." he said, a smile creeping on his face. "And here, I think I found some cloth for you to stuff up there." he said, handing him the cloth. He looked around and noticed something in the distance. He thought it looked somewhat familiar, but he decieded to ignore it. No need for bad memories. 


(It's like every OC has some personal thing to do in the world. Like, I gotta clear out my OC's family crypt, Midnight has a grudge against Bandits, and Re is dealing with emotional craps you know. I LOVES it.)

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((It is cool isnt it? I kinda wanna find some situation for midnight to meet two other OCs based off my best friend and cousin too, so there's another thing for my OC to do in this world))


"You're probably right" midnight said, putting the cloth in his nose to stop the bleeding "don't want to get knocked out twice in the same 60 minutes"








Alright I've just recived a private message from mystery lord stating that he will be un able to use his account for two months, we should find a way for him to exit the RP and return again later via magic or something. This message was simply for informative purposes

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(We could have his character have to sleep because of the wolf bite. Like whenever he joins back in his character could wake back up because the bite was so bad and we didn't get the potion to him in time to stop sleep effects.) 


"Alright than, let's head out then. Me and Re can go fist, and you and MIsery can stay in the back. Sound good." he said, walking forward. He barerly walked two feet when the very tip of the fort appeared over the mountain. "Well well. Maybe you didn't have to take the backseat. Alright, I guess we should set up, than our two archers here can take out the wizards." he said, scratching his head whith his hoof. 

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Re took a moment to aim and check wind speeds. He peered over distance looking for targets; He found one and fired.


"Hit and confirmed kill"


Misery copied the same maneuver with a similar fashion but all her arrow disappeared and reappeared into one of another wizard's head.


"Hit and confirmed kil." She mimicked and negged him.


"Cheater..." Re replied and looked for another target, instead he saw some arrows hurled into his general direction, not evenclose to hitting. "Hmm... seems they've notice us archers. Its a good thing the can't see us from here though."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight saw the arrows fired at them and facehoofed at their terrible aim "I just hope the archers arn't pegasi, would give us a bad name" he said quietly. He couldn't wait any longer to fight the bandits "this has been nice but, screw the plan" he said before he flew to the Mage that misery missed, sword in hoof. the mage shot some sort of destruction spell at midnight, he dodged it and stabbed the Mage through the chest "bucking bandit" was the last thing the stallion heard before everything went black.



((I'm going on a trip for a week or so and I don't think I'll have access to the Internet, you guys can either find some excuse for me to black out and come back or just control my character. Up to you))

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"Now that is a pegasus that I could get to liking!" Little Wind said. He rushed into the fort and looked around. Not too many banduts, which kinda depressed him. 'Wish there were more, but nothing I can do about that' he thought. He went over to the nearest bandit and took a swipe. The blade cleaved itself into the ponies back, and he couldn't get it out. "Now that's just awesome." Wind said. He saw another bandit coming over. He got ready, waited for the attack, and twisted the sword out of his mouth. He sliced the banditslegs and stabbed his head when he was down. "Best part of the job if I do say so myself." Wind said, wiping off the blood. 


(Well Re has Misery and his OC, so I guess I could do it. But I'm not sure if I could do it so well. If you want Re, you can control him.)

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Re kept firing his bow, taking out the straggling bandits that tried to group up to put up some sort of resistance. Even though his skill set didn't include advanced archery, his implication of mathematics sufficed skill.


"Too easy..." Misery said as she just ran in. "I'll meet you"


"Dammit, Misery. You're going to get killed." Re replied.


((I'm fine, no thank you.))

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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(Actually, I think it's be good for him to be blacked out or something. I don't think I could control someone wlses OC because I don't know how the other person would do things with him. How bout he he breaks a leg or something, but it's not serious enough for him to be gone for long.) 


Little Wind looked around and saw all sorts of carnage. Bandits were running around trying to either escape or find a better weapon. Midnight was off picking bandits up and dropping them onto the ground, and he couldn't even see Re or Misery. 'By the way theya are, I have no doubt that their fine, and kicking some real ass' he thought. Another bandit came over and quickly tried to slice him up. He blocke it, and stabbed the sword straiht into the bandits chest, breaking his spine in the process. "I think that's almost all of them out here." Wind said. 

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((Turns out that I do have wifi so I'll be able to post))


Midnight jumped down from the tower he had just killed the Mage in and came face to face with a bandit in full iron armour, he stabbed his through a weak spot in his throat and took his stuff. He grabbed the extra helmet and repeatedly struck another bandit in the head. He found that the second had a quiver of steel arrows and a hunting bow "this'll come in handy" he said as he stabbed a third through the stomach

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((Well this is going dead so I guess I'll do a second post))


Midnight dodged an arrow from another bandit. he grabbed a second bandit that was fighting Little wind and used him to block another arrow, it pierced the bandit's knee "I'm never gonna hear the end of this am I?" He asked nopony in particular. the bandit crawled over to him "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took a--" midnight stabbed him in the head "just shut up about the arrows and the knees already" he said

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((Well this is going dead so I guess I'll do a second post))


Midnight dodged an arrow from another bandit. he grabbed a second bandit that was fighting Little wind and used him to block another arrow, it pierced the bandit's knee "I'm never gonna hear the end of this am I?" He asked nopony in particular. the bandit crawled over to him "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took a--" midnight stabbed him in the head "just shut up about the arrows and the knees already" he said


((Sorry about that I was in LA without my Mlpforums password))


Misery was smacking everything in her path as she went inside the strong hold. If it weren't for Mister Re covering her, she would have been killed. And as well she knew that.  Arrows to ponies, these ponies with sowrds, all a game to her. Life seemed to be chisled in her likeness until...

A swift slash across the side soon changed that. She was pissed. The mare's eyes turned to glass and her hooves turned to stone. She killed the bandit that dared to harm her.


"Crap, Misery is pissed." Mister Paused for a moment. "Good."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Midnight followed Re and misery into the stronghold. Misery was in some crazy killing mode. He nudged Re and whispered "what in oblivion got her so f:yay:ing pissed off? I want to make sure to never do it" before he could get an answer he felt somepony slash at his wing with a dagger. He turned around slowly and said to the bandit "what, did, you, just, try, to, do?" The pony replied "I tried to cut your wing" he grabbed the dagger by the blade, not worrying about any bleeding, and threw it away. Then he leaned in close and said "I'm going to give you one hour to get as far away from here as you can, them i am going to hunt you down, and kill you" the bandit whimpered and ran away

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(Sorry I've been at my great grandma's for the better part of a week than I spent a good 20 minutes looking for the computer charger.)


Little Wind looked around and noticed that everypony else had gone into the stronghold. He searched three mangled bodies and grabbed off an iron chestplate, some arrows, boot for his little hoovsies (would it be spelled like that?) and at least 24 gold. He than sped into the stronghold and met up with the other ponies. "That was a good pull right guys!" he said enthuisiastically. 

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"Yeah" midnight said, an arrow wizzed past his face. "Why does everypony keep attacking me while I'm trying to talk?" he turned to see a unicorn mare holding a bow with magic. He flew upwards at her extremely fast and gave her an uppercut she wouldn't soon forget "now go away, I'm not in the mood for killing you guys anymore. Too easy" he told her

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Re soon had to run in there as well, running out of arrows and such. Random swords from the dead were at his disposal. He ran after Misery's killing spree, following the blood dripping from the unicorn's wound.Its a nice thing that you're killing them all, but you can still bleed out while doing it.  Misery had the tendency to bleed to unconsciousness when fighting groups of anything. A flesh would drain the blood needed for consciousness. For lack of a better word, her wounds didn't heal on their own.


"Misery, wait for me!"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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(We're in the fort right? Plus, we need some badass music)


Wind got distracted for a minute, but then he saw a door. It was a special door, A locked one. Hmm, there's bound to be some pretty good booty (You know what I mean) behind this door, he thought. He looked around and found a spare lockpick. He tried it, but it broke. Mad, he turned around and bucked the door in. It worked, and it revealed a chest. "Why don;t we just do THAT to open doors." he chuckled. He opened the chest and found a health potion, stamina potion, magic potion, and 100 bits. "Sweet!"

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