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"Yeah I guess I am having d" Gem answered. "I don't know how to dance either and this is also my fir-" Gem stopped before seeing that the pony interrupted her while she was talking. After hearing what the stallion said Gem decided to ask. "Can you help me also" Gem asked

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Forty Gauge rolled his eyes as a voice came over the microphone, setting the heavy case down in a corner and finding a couch to sit himself down on. He was hardly a dancer. Really, he wasn't entirely sure why he'd even come, but he supposed it'd be a nice break. The earth pony yawned as he plopped down; he hadn't actually realized how tired he was until now. This really wasn't a good time to go to a party at all. He wondered where the drinks were. Maybe he could get a hold of some caffeine and keep himself from keeling over asleep.

He'd have to look later, he reasoned with himself. He'd rather rest a bit first. Hooves ached. Had been a long walk up here. He'd be content to watch the others here make fools of themselves for a while, smirking slightly as one of the Pegasi bolted over to the dance floor and began... Well, dancing, he supposed.

Just then, a unicorn that had eyes like a cat sat down. She was black with blue stripes, long hair, and catlike teeth. She turned to Forty Gauge. "Hello."


Boom Box continued to chat with sapphire. "So, what made you decide to come to the party?"


Rainbow Flow shouted, "I'm taking song request! Any pony brave enough to sing for the crowd?"

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Skyla looks at the pegasus. "Alright, but nothing too crazy," she says. "I don't want to lose my dignity in the process," she says. "But, I actually want to have fun too," she adds. "I will take your advice, please," she sums up. Skyla looks over at the pony asking for song requests. "Nope, not me."

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Sapphire smiled as she looked over at him, swiching from the pony who had just been crazaly dancing back to boombox. She shrugged "Well, Most of my time I spend reading books, so I thought it might be nice to get out of my house and go somewere, just get away from the normal"

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"My pleasure!" said Riley. "I guess we'll start off with some basics..." He got up. "This is a classic. And a personal favourite of mine." He turned around, and shook his posterior, pausing a little after each shake. "It helps if it's decently big like mine. It may seem simple, and even a little... well, dirty, but it's a sure-fire way to get partiers to notice ya!"

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Gem shook her head. "Nope not me I don't want to sing" Gem said before looking at the stallion. "Isn't there a better way to dance instead...I don't feel comfortable doing that" Gem Shine said. "Something that doesn't seem dirty at least" Gem said to herself quietly.

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Riley rolled his eyes. "Well, you could try this..." He put his front hooves on the ground under him and began breakdancing. "This too is much easier than the eye leads you to believe. And if you were a Pegasus..." He flew up, and was still in the same body position that he was in on the ground. "You'd be able to do this!" He continued breakdancing in mid-air.

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Skyla watches him demonstrate dance moves. The break dancing in mid-air looked pretty cool to her, and wasn't too ridiculous. She didn't want to try it though, she didn't want to look like a fool, or break a leg or a wing. She didn't say anything and just watched silently.

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The earth pony blinked as his couch was suddenly intruded upon. He glanced at the pony and did a short double take at her unusual, almost feline appearance. He stared for a moment before deciding to reply. "Hey," he said, not having anything to really say, rubbing a tired eye with one hoof. "I'm, uh, I'm Forty Gauge. Gauge for short."

The black pony smiled. " My name's Cheshire Grin, because I get my look from the Cheshire cat, and I grin a lot."


A hoof shot into the air. "I'll sing and dance!" It was Rainbow Flow's little sister, Python.

Rainbow Flow smiled. "That's my sis! Okay everypony, make some room!


Boom Bow waved his wing in the direction of the kitchen. "Can I offer you a drink? Don't worry; we have any drink you can think of.

Edited by PoisonPegasus
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@@Midnight Starfall,


Riley continued his (as far as he knew) unique dance move for quite some time, hoping to attract attention. "That's right, be jealous," he teased as Skyla watched him from the ground. He came back down. "Excuse me for a second, guys." He trotted back into the kitchen.


(OOC: Goin' to bed now)

Edited by Blue Eclipse
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Sapphire smiled and looked back over at boombox. "Well, Thanks for talking with me, I suppose I should go exploring for awhile" She said with a yawn, fliping her backpack over her sholder as she walked over to the drinks, looking around and wondering why there was so much punch 

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"It looks difficult but if you say it's easy then I guess I can try to do it" Gem Said as she tried to do the same as what the stallion was showing her and did it...mildly good but screwed up as she tried to float with her wings while she was spinning. "Hehe...I guess I can do it" Gem said

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Skyla watches as he trots into the kitchen. That was weird, she thinks. No, I am not letting my curiosity get the best of me, she thinks. She looks over as a pony volunteers to sing. She doesn't move from her spot, and waits for Riley to come back, trying not to let her curiosity get the better of her.

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Sapphire looked through the food, sighing and picking up a small sandvich before returning to the hallfway, making her way outside and sitting down,leaning on the house. She pulled out a book while nibbling on her food before fliping it open to the first page. She said to her self that she would only do it for a little

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It was a ways from her home in the Everfree Forest, as a lime maned mare trotted into Ponyville, to locate the home in which she received a letter of invitation to attend a house party. Knowing she'd be running late, it didn't really bother her. Badaboom Box was also aware that ment she'd be able to make an entrance.


Down a block or so the soft sound of bass drew Boom's attention. Ah yeah, seems like the place may need a little pick me up the mare thought with a sharp toothed grin. Now at the steps leading to the front door, it was obvious she'd arrived, but decided to do one last address check before clarifying she'd made it.


Rearing herself up onto her hind hooves using one to powerfully kick the door open, without causing harm to the hinges or door itself. (Something Boom was known to do.) "Hey hey hey, ago 'erypony! How's y'all doin' keepin' it real, and..." Badaboom dropped back onto all four hooves looking across the faces of all the ponies. "Well mellow fo' dah most part, I must say."


Badaboom noticed a couple ponies dancing, a few making their way outta the room probably off to get some refreshments, a couple more lounging on the couch one strangely feline in appearance, and yet even more in what appeared to be about to burst out in song. The last being the most attention grabbing, so Badaboom decided to press past giving quick hello's to most before stopping next to the one with a mic.


"Jeah, naw dat's what I be talkin' 'bout, yo! Let's hear it!" She cheered to Python, her voice easily overtaking the music as she stepped back to be next to the host, Rainbow Flow, to make way for Python to begin. "Nice turn out Rainbow." Boom added in a much more appropriate tone.

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Skyla looks over at the new mare that kicked open the door. Geez, I could never do that, or party as hard as her. How did I even get invited? she thinks to herself. She decides to step outside, and flies up to the roof and looks at the stars, as she always does every night.

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"Ayo Rainbow, hold dat thought, and Py, don't hold on my account, I'm sure I'll hear ya from dah roof, heheh." Boom quickly retorted seeing that a stray pony was already making her way outta the house. She was able to see that the Pegasus had took flight through the livingroom window. There was no way she'd be out yet, Badaboom felt a compulsive urge to see what was up with the fleeing mare.


As quickly as she entered Badaboom made her way out the front door, deciding to open and close it gently this time. Without even looking she knew just where the winged mare had went. Letting out a sigh she turned her head to look up at the star gazing individual. "And what brings ya aut here?" Badaboom asked with a friendly smile. "Name's Badaboom, care tah introduce yerself?"

Edited by Bada3oom Box
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Skyla looks down at the mare. "Oh hey, I'm Skyla. Nice to meet you," she says. "I just needed some fresh air, that's all," she adds, and looks back up at the stars. Not going to ramble on this time, a couple sentences is fine. I really need to stop rambling all the time, she thinks to herself.

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"Oh? Dat be it, eh?" Boom was about to just leave well enough alone, but decided against it. She'd have the whole night to mess around inside, and maybe she just wanted to have a little fun with her new acquaintance. Her friendly smile grew into a more devious one as she suddenly sank into her shadow cast by the entrance light of the house, almost instantly reappearing from Skyla's moon lit one as to be right behind the Pegasus. "Suppose ya wouldn't mind some company den, huh?" She questioned taking a casual spot next to Skyla, before the mare had time to react to Badaboom's unnatural, seemingly impossible, feat. She too now looking up nonchalantly to the stars above, waiting to see how Skyla would react before saying anything further.

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Skyla looks down at the ground then back at the mare, wondering how she got there. "I don't mind..," she says nervously, and looks back up at the stars. How did she get there? In an instant? she thought to herself. She considered asking her, but decided against it.

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In the kitchen, Riley surveyed a plate of sandwiches. Without even checking what flavour they were, he grabbed three of them, and returned to the party.


Riley flew up into the air. "Yo, party people! Watch this!" He juggled the sandwiches continuously, then one landed in his mouth, and he ate it. He did the same thing with the other two sandwiches.

Edited by Blue Eclipse
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Sapphire sighed, she stood up and slowly walked back into the house, trying to make sure that no pony noticed her. She looked down at her backpack, putting the book back into it and walked over to a table, sitting there and yawning before looking around oncemore

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