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open Fall of. Equestria (RP)

Drago Ryder

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"We're in a forest that's rests under Canterlot and the mountain it's built on. I smuggled you out the city though an old sewer pipe that they don't use anymore. It lead out near this forest bet we're to deep in that he wont be found, if someone dose get near the camp I set up some traps. We're near Ponyville, it's where I get my supplies. Even though it'occupied by changelings, but I'm sure you already knew that." He didn't say the last part harshly.

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Lucid sighed; he knew that there would be a catch. But on the bright side, it was simple as helping out somepony out finding a friend. Especially if that pony he was helping provided water. He knew he didn't have to but it seemed only fair.

"Well okay, you helped me greatly. I see no problem helping you. But before we go, I better tell you that ponyville and everfree is a very dangerous place right now," he said.

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Vibrant felt his breath lock in his throat, "I had n-no idea" he managed to stutter out, 'changelings, in Equestria'. Just the thought horrified him, and the fact that they were just a few trees away didn't help. Quickly he sparked his magic and cloaked his body with the familiar blue coat and turquoise mane. He knew changelings could see through a disguise a mile away, still just being in his preferred body helped him keep his own emotions under control for the time being. 

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"I just got lost." Skater said with a sheepish smile hoping it was a good enough excuse. "And no, no one is with me." she added more seriously. Skater wondered why Tempest would ask that question, but she just ignored it. "I'm just looking for a temporary shelter before I find a better place to live." As she said that she thought about how the Everfree forest is perfect for her to thrive in. She snapped back to reality. "What are doing here?" She asked Tempest.

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Tempest nodded slightly and smirked. "I'm just staying here with a friend. She found another pony outside her cave, and I was wondering if you were with him." The bat pony then shrugged. "If you want, you can stay with us." With that, Tempest trotted back towards the cave, intending to lead the mare.

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Trench raised an eyebrow at how Vibrant was acting now. "Really? I thought since you're a changeling yourself you would know what your own people would be up to." He sad as he eat the rest of his peach. He takes out a small dagger from his bag and started cutting off pieces of the peach off the pit.

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"Sure, I guess I can stay with you." Skater said. She had no idea where this would lead to. "One minute, she's happily chasing a dragonfly. The next minute, she's hanging out with strangers in a strange place not knowing what's ahead. She started to follow behind Tempest. She wasn't too sure of the whole thing, so she always remained cautious and ready for anything. "Where exactly are we going?" she had to ask.

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Vibrant shook his head. "I lost connection with the hive mind during the Canterlot invasion years ago and have lived as a pony ever since" he said, pausing a second before continuing. "If I were to be recaptured they would either execute me as a deserter or worse, reassert me into the hive."

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When Trench was done cleaning the pit he dossed it in a small bag that hold other seeds. He puts the dagger back in his bag and sits back in his chair again. "I see. No wonder you're acting worried." He sighs. "Sadly it's the only town for a while other then Canterlot. And I was going there to stock up for myself and head out around to see if I could help other towns and cities."

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Clayton nodded and smirked. "I heard about the changelings." He said, before putting a hoof on the handle of his scythe. "That's what this is for. I just hope my friend is ok, or at the very least his family." The unicorn then glanced out the cave and sighed. "I guess I should give you a name. My friend is Tempest Sol.

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Frost looked to Gale and then back out to Tempest. "I'm guessing you two know each other well." He said to Gale without changing his gaze. "Do you guys help out ponies wandering through the woods often or are free ponies a rare breed now?" He asked her figuring it would be best yo make conversation since he figured he would be bedridden for a couple days

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Lucid nodded, "I see, I guess we better get a move on; we want to get out of this desert as fast as we can."

The blue unicorn looked over at the cave entrance and got up, grabbing his saddle bags. He passed Clayton one of his old apple pies he found. "It doesn't taste good, but it's packed with enough preservatives that it wont make you sick. We need to eat something before we get moving."

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Gale nodded slightly and sighed. "We meet a few months before all of this happened. He was one of the only ponies I ever trusted and am able to call a friend." She said, before turning her attention to the other question. "As far as I can tell, you and whoever Tempest just met are the only ponies who were able to escape."


Tempest glanced back at Skater. "I'm staying in a cave with another pony and my friend." He said, not wanting to give to much away. As the cave came into view, the bat pony began to think of his wife and daughter. He couldn't help but reminisce on the good times they had together, before it was shattered. "I won't forget about you. I don't care what they do to me." He thought.

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As Skater followed Tempest she felt good emotion coming from him and she quickly fed off of it not knowing the next time she will be able to feed on love. She felt more energized and alive. It felt good. Then she felt felt sorrow and grief. She had no idea what Tempest was thinking about. Maybe he lost a loved one? she wondered. As they approached the mouth of the cave, Skater noticed another pony and a large dragon. She froze for a second at the sight of Gale. She was very scared. She had heard stories of changelings being captured and eaten by dragons. Skater always believed they were old mares' tales, but now that she saw a real live dragon, she had second thoughts.

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Clayton nodded slightly and began to eat the pie. After a few mouthfuls, he pushed the pastry towards Lucid."That should be good. The last thing we need is for me to get sick, Besides, you need it more than I do." He said, smiling slightly. The unicorn then stood up and put his scythe on his back.

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Lucid picked it up and wrapped it before placing it in his saddle bags. "You lead the way," he said as he waited for him to tell the right direction to go.

"Incredible, he must have been really close to go and risk his life for a friend that he doesn't even know is still alive. I shouldn't ask too many questions about how they know each other, though," he told himself in the secrecy of his mind.

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Frost looked back at Gale with a worried look, If the number of ponies that escaped is really that low Equestria really is doomed...then again it was doomed before. he thought to himself as he turned his attention back towards the cave entrance seeing Tempest and the pony he guessed Tempest just met, mare, he watched as she stared towards Gale, he wasn't surprised at this reaction.

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Gale nodded slightly and glanced at Skater. She couldn't help but feel a slight chill run down her spine.


Tempest entered the cave, and glanced around. "Well, I do believe introductions are in order." He said. "Gale, Frost, this is Sparkler." The bat pony then turned towards Skater. "The dragoness is Gale and the other pony is Frost." With that, Tempest trotted towards the back of the cave. It's not that he didn't like being with the others, but he needed some time to think about what to do next.

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Clayton nodded and began to trot out the cave. He then pulled out a detailed map of Equestria and his horn began to glow, levitating the parchment. "According to the map, we should only be a few days from Ponyville. We can follow the rail system so we actually have a bearing on where we're going." The unicorn then noticed railroad tracks that weren't to far from the cave and began to trot beside them and in the general direction of Ponyville.

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Vibrant nodded. "I'll help, as long as I'm not acting too suspicious then they'll have no reason to expect me right?" he said, more to convince himself than Trench. "I imagine Chrysalis had the drones take most of the good stuff for the hive by now, I'll find where they're storing it and let you know when it's unguarded. Then we can make a run for it into the Everfree, sound like a plan?"

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Lucid looked at the map and got up. "Alright, then there's no time to lose," he said and followed.

He looked around the desert as he followed the train tracks. Once again, he dreaded an attack, and kept his mind ready for a fast shield. The water had completely revived him and he was ready for more travel.

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Trench thought about it for a bit as he put his bags and holster back on. "I already know where they're storing it It's in the town hallthey have about five guards per rotationWhich happens about each two hoursThe other guards leave to the barracks near that apple farm so it'll be just be themother then the onetwo or three drones walking and or flying about the town." He walks over to a large crate marked with a large W. He opens it and pulls out a club that was smaller then Trench's with metal studs around the top. He walks back over to Vibrant and holds it out to him to take.

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Vibrant frowned at the brutal weapon being offered to him and pushed it away with a disgusted face. "I don't mean to be rude, but I think I'll manage just fine with my hooves thank you" he said before trotting to the tent flap. "Let's get this done and over with".

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Trench just put the club under the cot and walked outside the tent. Then he took lead and head in the direction where Ponyville is. As he walked though the forest it seemed like he was just making a steady stride, like he knew right where to step as if he knew the forest inside and out. His ears twitched sometimes like he was listing out for anything while his eyes stayed forward and even. 

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Vibrant followed Trench Club through the forest, trusting the stallion's navigation. Finally the dense trees thinned and Vibrant began to see the remnants of the once bustling city. "Do you want me to go in alone and create a diversion, it may at least allow us to sneak by a few of the guards. I'll signal you if there's an issue of course" he said making out the black forms of changeling guards surrounding the town hall.

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