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open Fall of. Equestria (RP)

Drago Ryder

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Trench shook his head." If you made a diversion then one of the drones might head off to the barracks and get reinforcementsThen we would be in a lot of troubleThe best way to do this is take out the guards one by one." Trench takes of his bag and holster. Then he took of his dark black duster, reviling his countless scars and prosthetic metal leg. He takes his club out of its holster and outs it along with his duster in his bag. He placed the bag under a tree and covered it with leaves.

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Frost looked at the mare Tempest had brought in he dipped his head when Tempest introduced him. "It's good to meet you Sparkler. What are you doing all the way out here?" He asked noticing that she seemed to be in pretty good condition. Maybe she was just luckier than I was he thought with a shrug

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"You're the boss" Vibrant said eying the fortified city hall, "going in head on is a good of a plan as any I suppose." With a flash of green Vibrant dropped his disguise, the lithe black form if his carapace would allow for much greater endurance and agility than his pony body, and it gave him the added bonus of stealth. "I'll handle the two on the left side" he whispered to Trench before disappearing into the shadow of a dilapidated house to begin making his way towards the town center .

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@@Frosty V,

Skater sat down on the cold ground which felt really nice to her. She turned her attention to Frost as he started speaking to her. She tried to forget about the large, possibly changeling eating dragon who was right there also. "Well." she started her story. "I was trying to escape from Ponyville to find a better place to live. Luckily, I made it out alive, but barely. The guards were everywhere. All I had to hide me was this cloak and the shadows of dark alleyways. I then found my way into the Everfree forest. I didn't like it, but I had no other choice. I tried to ignore all the creepy sounds and the thought that some hungry creature was stalking me. I just decided to keep wandering until I found suitable shelter, then your friend found me and now I'm her." she sighed. "What's your story?"

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Gale listened to Frost and Skater talk and watched as Tempest headed towards the back of the cave. She then sighed and decided to stay where she was.


Tempest watched his reflection in the spring and put a hoof on the amulet that hung around his neck. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." He said. "I know I could've done more, but I was scared." The bat pony then chuckled at the thought. One of the best in Luna's guard and he was scared of a few hundred changelings.Tempest shook his head to clear his thoughts and laid at the edge of the spring. He already had a plan for what to and eventually found himself drifting off to sleep.

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 Trench agreed silently as he picks up his club again and rest it on his shoulder. Then he made his way into the shadows as he cleared all feeling of emotion so to appear invisible to the drones.  When he got close to one of then he put his cub around the drones throat and choked it and slowly pulled the club towards him till her heard the drones trachea being crushed, killing it. He hid the pods in the bushes and went after the next one.


As he got closer to it he slammed his club into its head. When the drone fell over he he stomped it throat, crushing it's trachea like the last one. He picked up the body and hid it with the other one. When he got to the last one he hit its head with his club like the one before but then smashed its head in with it on the ground. Then he picked up the body annd walked it over to the bush where the others were, with some of its blood dripping on his back.

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The first Changeling guard was dozing against the side of a house as a figure approached from behind. With a single motion Vibrant clamped his hoof around the guard's mouth and swiftly placed a jab into the back of his head, effectively knocking him out cold. He finished dragging the limp body into the house when the second guard rounded the building. 'Just a little more...' thought Vibrant as the oblivious changeling walked by in search of his missing companion. When he was finally within range, Vibrant jumped up and delivered a quick uppercut to the jaw before following up by driving his elbow into the changeling's windpipe, the guard gaped in surprise before finally passing out from asphyxiation. After leaving the unconscious bodies Vibrant walked to the front of the town hall where Trench had just finished 'taking care' of his own guards. "Would you like to do the honors?" he asked indicating to the locked door.

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Trench gave a nod and head for the door. He then took out lock picks that were in two of his dreadlocks and started picking the lock. When he was done he put the picks back in his dreads and opened the door. There was a large pile of supplies in the hall so much that it look like it could feed a whole town two times. So much so that it looked like there was hardly any left 'for' the town. Before going towards it, Trench took a long look around the town hall to see if there were anymore guards. He started walking all around inside the town hall to make double sure. When he didn't find anyone he walked over to the supplies. "After we get what we need we're give the rest of it back to the town. But first..." A large wave of hot pure anger flowed though him as he look back at Vibrant with sapphire eyes filled with burning fury. "We're going to take out all the changelings."

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Vibrant looked at Trench as if the stallion had sprouted a fifth leg. "Are you insane, they have probably already realized the guards we took out have gone silent in the hive mind, we need to grab everything we can carry and run for the Everfree before they send reinforcements to investigate" he said in an urgent whisper as he slung a large burlap bag over his back and began stuffing it with necessities.

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Frost rested his head on his hooves as he listened to Sparklers story with some interest as to her previous whereabouts, Ponyville, he was staying there for a while before his move to Canterlot for some business. His ears perked up when she asked him how he got here. "Well I actually had been staying temporarily in Ponyville when all this happened, I ran out of fear and some ponies followed. I lost them out here but managed to fall down a hill and cut open my leg. I apparently passed out in front of the cave because I can't seem to remember anything after falling down that hill." He said with an awkward chuckle

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 Trench shook his head. "If we leave they will take every bit of food and water till everyone in this town will die of starvation. I've seen it a thousand times back in my homeland." The emotion of pure and udder hate and anger flowed though him like a typhoon. "Never again." He walks over to one of the weapon crates and opens it. He takes out a small sharp dagger with a wooden handle and placed it in his mouth, He bit town on the handle with his teeth. He looked back to Vibrant with eyes like blue flames. "They will die by my club." He slams his club on the hard wood floor, making a large hole in it.

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Gale smirked slightly, and rested on the ground. "The only reason the fool isn't dead is because I happen to live here. I brought him in and Tempest arrived shortly after." She said.


The bat pony woke up and stretched slightly, before noticing a faint light. When he looked up, he could see a hole in the roof that led to the forest. "I'm sorry Gake, but I have to to fhis." With that, Tempest flew out the hole and into the air. He could see Ponyville in the distance and his amulet begin to glow. A black aura formed around Tempest's body and he flew towards the town.

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@@Frosty V,@,

"Wow, that definitely sucks." Skater said with another small awkward laugh. "So, why do they call you Frost?" She tried to be social and couldn't think of any other questions. Just then, she felt a wave of sadness coming from Tempest. It made it harder for her to feed on the little good emotion around them. She hoped it would end soon. In times like this, good feelings are hard to come across. She then saw him fly out of the cave. What's he up to? she wondered.

((what time of day is it?))

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Vibrant merely shook his head and sighed as he began filling a second bag. "I don't care how good you are with that club of yours, if you take on an entire hive of changelings you won't be walking away. Go ahead with your suicide mission if it makes you happy, but if that's the case then this is where we part ways."

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 "I'm never going to be happy and neither will anyone else in this town if I don't put a stop to themThis town will be gone in year or two if we just left it. I know with you being a changeling that you will never really care about ponies other then them being a source of food." He slowly walked towards the door. "This is my fathers homelandand I grew to be fed up with the scumdogs that made it its den." As he walked out the door he said one more thing in even tone with a great deal of fury on each word. "My wrath is just...."

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Tempest landed outside of Ponyville as black armor formed around him. He could hear horns echo through the air and watched as changelings buzzed through the air. "This is going to be somewhat more difficult than I thought." He muttered to himself, as he trotted forwards. Any magic that was shot at him was absorbed and only served to make him stronger. The bat pony then started firing aura spheres at the three changelings using magic. He noticed two wielding swords trying to flank him and ducked as their blades sliced through the air where his head was moments prior. A pair of dual swords formed in his hooves and he stabbed the changelings in the heart. "No mercy for the wicked, the guilty, and the oppressors." He growled in a tone that wasn't his own. "Equestria, along with her allies, will rise. Their people will no longer fear your tyranny. This is the beginning of your end." The bat pony then flew onto the wall and pulled a lever that opened the gate, giving anypony who was still alive a chance to get out.


In the distance, two bandits watched Clayton and Lucid. They wore only cloaks that hid most of their features. The taller one glanced at his associate and nodded, before the two moved from their position. They were headed straight for the two ponies.

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Vibrant watched as Trench disappeared into the rundown remains of Ponyville. Slipping out the door he made his way to the edge of town lugging the two bulging rucksacks filled to the brim with necessities. "Good luck, you're gonna need it" he muttered as he looked over his shoulder one last time before disappearing into the tangled Everfree.

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Trench ran through the town as the alarm horns blew and changeling scrambled into the town from the air and the ground. Trench stayed in the shadows, killing any changeling he came across. He bashed in there heads with his club, tackled them and sliced their throats and the back of there necks with the dagger in his mouth. Blood of the changeling he killed dripped off his body lick sweat. He made his way where they kept some prisoners.


@, As he got closer he saw some ponies running away from where he was heading, When  he got there he saw a bat pony in black armor holding onto a lever that controlled the gate. Trench walked out of the shadow to revile his scared, blood soaked body. face, dagger and club. He hit the stone ground with one of the metal studs on his club to get its attention. "Do you fight for the just?"

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Before Frost could reply, she felt something that made her shudder. It was death. Lots and lots of death. The feeling of it was strong, so it must have been in mass quantities. The other thing that was making the feeling so strong was that it was the death of other changelings. Skater couldn't help but feel horrified on the inside. Not because they were killing the changelings. After all they did exile her and took over the land around the Everfree. The main reason she was horrified, was because she was a changeling. She was one of them. What would ponies do if they found out she was one? Her legs grew weak from a combination of fear and the new difficulty to feed on love and positivity. She then lied down and curled up on the ground trying to ignore the pain and suffering.

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@, @, @@Frosty V


Vibrant panted as he hacked through the thick underbrush of the unforgiving forest. He gagged inwardly as he tried not to breath in the musky odor of rotting wood and humus. Suddenly an out of place scent reached his nose, 'there's no way they would have followed me this far into the forest' he thought as he coined the familiar smell of changeling magic. Following the scent trail, he soon found himself in a small clearing that opened on one side into a large cavern, a large cavern in which the changeling he sensed was residing. Knowing that walking in unguarded would put him at the mercy of his prey, Vibrant began to brainstorm other ways of taking down the changeling. 'I can lure it into the open with my own magic and ambush it' he decided as he felt the wave of energy transform him back into his usual disguise. 'Perfect' he thought and hid in the nearby forest as the scent rising of his own disguised body floated into the cave mouth.

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Tempest cast a glance at Trench and nodded. "I fight for those who are unable to defend themselves and who have fallen to the evil that now infests this land." He said, before jumping into the air and landing in front of Trench. "There is a cave not to far from here with a dragon and two other ponies. Should you wish to have any further contact, meet me there. By the way, you can call me Tempest." With that, the bat pony trotted away and out of Ponyville. He wanted to send a message, one that meant that ponies would not lay down and die out of fear any longer. His armor vanished back into his body and the bat pony began to ease out of his adrenaline fueled rage. He could already figure out how Gale would react, but not Frost and Sparkler.

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Trench didn't say anything but he knew where to go. He head back to the woods first to get his bags that was still hidden. After brushing off the leaves on his bag he pick it up, not bothering to put his duster back on or putting his club back in its holster. He placed his bag on his blood soaked back and head to the town hall to get some things before going to the cave Tempest told him about. When he got what he needed he put the supplies in a small cart. After putting his bag and club in the cart he made his way to the cave with the dagger still clinched his his teeth just in case he gets attacked.

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Frost chuckled at Gales comment "Yes and I'm very grateful you saved me, something a lot of ponied need." He said, his voice trailing off as he thought about the amount of suffering and death that had fallen over Equestria. He wanted to fight against the evils, but he felt as if the dream would never become a reality. Frost lowered his head back to his hooves in sorrow. "Hey Gale? How long do you think it'll take for this wound to heal up?" He asked not moving his head but looking at her out of the corner of his eyes

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As Skater listened to Frost and Gale talk, a familiar scent ran through her nose. It was another changeling. The odd thing was, it was only one. Changelings travel in swarms. It's very rare to see one alone. If it is alone, then it probably either got lost or was abandon for whatever reason. Skater's natural curiosity kept urging her to follow her nose, but she wanted to stay in the cave where she had possible reinforcements. she didn't fully trust the pony and dragon inside. Her curiosity got the best of her. "I'll be right back guys." She said. Skater didn't wait for a response as she walked out the cave. Once she got out of clear sight of Frost and Gale, she took off her hood and transformed into her normal self. It felt good. She stretched and smiled before following the smell again. She knew perfectly well that well that the other changeling could smell her too. She was ready for anything. Besides, she 's lived in this forest all her life. she knew it like the back of her hoof.

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Trench walked though the everfree with no worry or fear. He has heard stories of the everfree, but he's been to scarier and more dangerous places. He could hear animals  walking about the forest, he could also feel them watching him. Like they were biding their time to pounce on him at any moment. But then he looked in each direction while giving a  angry growl like a tiger that was ready to rip anyone to ribbons. And then the forest went quiet.  


It didn't take him long till he could see a cave, and he knew that was where he was supposed to go.

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