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open hail to the King


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Look Aries, I congragulate you on yaking down Celestia, but it's been done before. Multiple times.... Nightmare Moon,Chrysalis, Discord, Tirek. So yeah, I'm gonna give to to you straight. I will fight for you but I will never respect you as a ruler. No offense". The knife wound in his leg began dripping blood like a leaky pipe.


Dusk Shade

"As the young Steel has so aptly stated, it does not matter how they were defeated just that they were".

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Aries smirked "and why's that "Aries said obviously not interested he used magic to move the others as a large magic circle appeared on the floor he stood "many have tried but failed defeated by the elements of harmony and where are they now, in my dungeon being tortured and are bearly alive " he walked into the magic circle "the time for words has ended since you have no respect I'll teach you fear now come fight or die"

Grell was shocked by this he wondered what hivemind would do

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"As much as I love the thought of crushing your worthless skull underhoof, and I do... the thought of watching you fall to those "barely alive" elements of harmony is just too perfect to let pass. And why I do not respect you... in the true nature of you stupid villians... you have left the greatest threat to your rule alive". Hivemind then used his own magic to blast a burst of magic out that split into many and aimed for each of the other ponies except Melliwinus who he felt sorry for as he clearly had nothing going for him. "Aries, fighting you is simply a waste of time and resources that I need not waste on swine like you". He then warped out the throne room and into the rebel's base directly in front of Thunderdash leaving an air of tension behind.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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Aries smirked "to bad he left I know of his hatred for chrysilis (I think I spelled that wrong ) and I had planned to give him a gift " Aries said pulling a chain that lead to another room from this room came chrysilis in a collar

grell easily blocked the magic stopping it from hitting moonbeam as well

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Mellownius was surprised he wasn't dead yet. For a moment he lost his calm demeanor and reeled in surprised as he saw Hivemind release a mighty blast of magic. He wasn't hit or even aimed at. He regained his composure and stood his ground. He was not surprised to see the changeling leader, Queen Chrysalis or ex queen now, seeing as she was stripped of her regality. Chained and collared like a pet, Mellownius was not shocked to say the least, if Aries could defeat the princesses and the elements of harmony, Chrysalis wouldn't be much of a challenge.


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