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private Grand Galloping Gala Role-play

Your Nightly Spectre

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@@Lightning Bliss,@,@@Eloquence@@Gloomfury


 Dark Star understood how the Alicorn felt, and he felt a bit bad saddening her. Lighting up his horn he teleported right next to her.


"Well, I am sorry for bringing up bad memories. But look at the bright side, even if the night didn't end that well for you, you did change lives. Take Roac for example, he came out a better griffon then when he entered, you awoke something in him. Also, if you hadn't had me arrested and brought to the guards, I would have never actually faced justice, and probably would be running up to this day, for no good reason. That also led to a chain of events that made Celestia pardon me. Letting me start a new life. "


He felt as if the things he say were not really that cheering.


"I am sorry, I sort of mistreated you last Gala. I was kinda mean and snobby. But... " they entered the ball room. "...how about I make it up to you with a dance? "  Extending/Offering his hoof in a gentelcolty and noble manner towards the mare he hoped for the best. But also at once he really didn't feel sure about what he was doing, he was reserving himself tonight for his date, but she was clearly not coming. And he did want to fix some things. 


"And don't worry, I do realize you are married, I won't try anything funny.

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She listened as he spoke and nodded respectfully, still sniffing back her tears. She was too embrassed to look him in the eye just yet. Crying the way she was, she as too proud to show it. By the time they entered the ball room she was beginning to clear, only to come to a sudden hault at his question and gesture with offering his hoof.


She looked at it, then up to his face, blinking with confusing as well as surprise. Then quite abruptly, her cheeks flushed a bright pink and she shyed away slightly, caught off guard. "Oh um..." she didn't know what to say. It had been so long since she was offered a dance. Even Nights Hoopla never really danced with her, he didn't see a point unless they were flying together. But an actual dance with music to move her by...with a stallion she once quarrled with in the previous gala.


Without realizing it, and unable to stop herself, she placed her hoof in his trustingly and smiled. "I would love a dance..." She shyly answered followed by a a nervous smile.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Dark Star was happy that the mare accepted his proposal, slowly getting into the ball room they became surrounded by ponies dancing or just chatting. The music was calm and smooth. Taking one more step Star picked her up and brought her right in front of him. 


Starting off the dance slowly, doing circles around each other it was clear that he knew what he was doing. Even if dancing was not something he did a lot, it was something he knew well. Much like the music the dance was calm and smooth, and he tried to never loose eye contact with this partner. 


By the rhythm started changing to something much faster, and along with that his speed changed. . The music stopped for a short while since the last song ended. Having a small breather they paused. 


"Well, enjoying yourself? "


The old band went behind stage and a new pony entered. The lights dimmed, every-pony went silent and a spotlight hit the stage. Behind a curtain came out DJ-P0N3, and joined her mixing table. The room being filled with colorful spotlights at the dance floor. Suddenly an energetic dance classical music remix started playing. This seemed like an unexpected turn to the old Gala's since they were mostly for posh sophisticated ponies, this kind of music was rare here, but the most seemed to enjoy it, starting dancing right away. 


Star was just a bit confused to what to do, he learned classical dances, but all these energetic random dances just seemed silly to him. He felt a bit uncomfortable with it but he was not going to let the mare down now. 


Deciding to join he energetically grabbed her into a dance, not really knowing what he was doing but trying to imitate the others. "Okay, now I really have no idea what I am doing. " He told her over the loud music. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


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Her cheeks got redder as he lifted her up in a spin, only to place her down and gracefully take her hooves again in a fancy like dance. She was surprised and grateful he knew what he was doing, all she had to do was follow and trust... Her cheeks remained flushed as he continued to lead her around the dance floor, graceful as a deer in the wood.


Then abruptly the band stopped and switched their positions as DJ pony came out and the music changed to a sudden remix of classic and dubstep. She giggled seeing Star really had no clue how to dance like the other ponies. But unlike him, she knew it was the type of music that had no rules when it came to dancing.


"Relax Star," she smiled and winked at him, "you just move to the music the way you feel." With that she started trotting inplace, swinging her tail from side to side, and flapping her wings eagerly. Then she swung her head back and forth, feeling the bass move her inside her chest.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Eloquence watched the two ponies go, deciding to let them take care of things on their own, and continued eating until the sound of electronic dance music made her ears perk. She knew very little about classical dances, so she did not much care to dance earlier, but this modern music piqued her interest. She quickly finished her yoghurt and motioned for the other ponies to follow her as she made her way back to the party, hurrying onto the floor and shaking her tail with only her bird for a dance partner, who buzzed around her as she danced. Looking around she noticed Bliss and Dark Star dancing together, smiling at the fact that they made up but otherwise deciding to continue giving them their space.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Following Eloquence, Mirror Image just shakes judges in a confused manner. "What happened? Did pinkie spike the punch or something? Dear Celestia, that would be awful, Oh well, let's have some fun, right? Wait, why am I talking to myself? Hey wait up, I think I've gone crazy."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@Lightning Bliss


Dark Star tried and stop himself from bursting out laughing, to him these dances just seemed funny and ridiculous. And the mare in front of him was a great example of that, but then again so were a lot of people in the room. 


"You know, this feels very silly. But...fine." 


Deciding to just go along with it he listened to Bliss's advise. Trying to get into the music he started by simply doing the first things that his body felt like doing while listening to music, stomping his right hoof to the music. Then it joined by his other front hoof and by the next few seconds he found himself trotting in place, smiling. He felt silly, but he had to agree that it was somewhat fun. 


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As another song got switched up by the DJ pony, Bliss could only smile as she watched Dark Star get his groove on. She let the music flow through her as she began to spin around, her gryphon tail following in a smooth motion. Then as the chorus kicked up, she fluttered into the air and began doing back flips in the air, before sweeping down and snatching the gray unicorn up and holding him up in the air with her with her levitation.


"Ever danced in the air?" She giggled as her levitation kept him easily stabled. She hovered above the crowd, swishing her rump back and forth while her front legs kicked forward as she enjoyed the chorus, every now and then doing loops around Dark Star as she fluttered around the room.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Nope, this feels weird, but it should be fun. " 


Remaining stationary he still wasn't used to the feeling of his hooves not touching the ground. He shook his head and maintained the older trotting fashion dancing, adding to that a bit tail whipping, trying to feel into the music a bit more, but he did feel somewhat uncomfortable.. 


As the song ended another one shortly took its place. 



Dark Star launched himself at Lightning while levitating, the past feeling of un-sureness being gone by now. Grabbing her by the hand he spun her around in place and then around himself. 

He engaged in a fierce duet in the air, rocking both of them from sides to side and to his own surprise he managed to still maintain the rhythm of the song. Now he was truly having fun. And levitating did add a certain extra feeling to it. Just in case he was trying so hard that the alicorn could loose her concentration he decided to recast the levitation spell himself.


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As she felt her levitation ceased by Star's own magical conjure, she merely squeed with excitment as the new song moved them to the beat. She equally got into the rough duet with her friend as she spun around him while shaking her hips enthustiastically.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Eloquence watched the two dance through the air and clapped her hooves enthusiastically. "Now THAT looks like fun!" She exclaimed, wishing she knew a spell of her own that would get her off the ground.


She turned and saw Mirror Image running towards her and grinned. "Well, dancing on the ground is fun too, and it looks like I'll have a partner this time." She said to herself before meeting Mirror by the door and taking him by the hooves, spinning him around.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Whoaaaa. Uh, Hey guesser you miss top?" He says laughing. "So u guess you would like to dance? Am I right?" He asks shyly and sort of dizzy. "This looks like it might turnout to be a great night even after everything so far, but I am happiest to be here with friends."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@Lightning Bliss


Doing one final spin as the song ended Star gently lowered himself and Blissy to the ground. 


He felt somewhat tired, probably because levitating two ponies at once was not as simple to him, especially once trying to dance.


"Well, I hope that makes up for things. I need a drink. " 


Levitating two glasses of wine from a nearby passing waiter he offered one to Lightning Bliss and levitated one closer to himself. 


"Fancy a toast? If you don't want wine please tell me, I can go get you something else. " 

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She giggled and nodded, "Sadly I don't drink wine, but punch would be nice." She quickly placed the cup down on another passing bulter and levitated a cup of punch instead. "So, what should we toast to on this fine evening? Especially after making amends in the most, heh, fun way." She smiled gently.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


Dark Star felt uncomfortable with having to drink wine while someone else was going to be drinking punch because he himself wasn't that much of a wine drinker lately, the reason he mostly ever picked the drink was because of company.


Deciding that he would like to put the wine away and also settle for the punch he looked around quickly, but the waiter left and was out of sight. Deciding to just settle for the wine he raised his glass.


"For a well spent night. "  


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"Of course I want to dance you silly colt!" She spun him around again. "I may be here to work, but for the first time tonight I feel like I'm really at a party!" Letting the music loosen her up, she snagged a glass of wine and danced her way over to Bliss and Dark Star. "Hey!" she called out to them. "It looks like you two are feeling better, and if you don't mind me saying those were some impressive moves up there."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"A night well spent, and new friends that came of it," she added into his toast and clinked her glass to his and sipped happily. "Ahh...Really has been a fine evening, even if Chase Razor showed up... Oh um..." She stuttered at mentioning her rival's name. "Sorry, I don't want to bring up a negative subject and ruin the toast. I guess to sum up an old filly bully of mine showed up on this night and as usual...threatened me again. Unfortunetly some of our friends got involved and...well there was a fight but...thankfully he left peacefully."


She sipped her glass again, keeping her thoughts to herself at this point about Chase, and whether or not, despite the incident, he was alright at least and he wasn't that badly hurt from the fighting.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"You really ara a nice one huh? A tormentor shows up to ruin your evening, and you still care about him not being injured, I must say, I am surprised and i doubt I would be able to do the same, so a toast you all of you, for being better ponies than I, and I guess a toast yo friendship or something? Never done a toast before." He says laughing.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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  • 2 weeks later...

@, @@Lightning Bliss@@Rainbow Eclipse,



He sipped his wine to the toast. It was nice red wine, something he rarely enjoyed having when with company. But not really anything he reached for in any other situations. 


"Well, Chase Razor made me feel bad when I saw him, I must say I pity the stallion and what he has become. "


He sipped some more of his wine. 


"But, we do not have to talk about that. "


With one final sip he finished the glass. 


Turning to Riley he was a bit surprised, he never knew Riley was that much of a flier, he seemed way too clumsy for it. Especially for a Wonderbolt level. 


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She nodded to him and sipped the last of her punch.


"He is a sad pony...I just wish he could see past it all that it wasn't my doing...to make his life so sad." She sighed and levitated her cup onto a table and turned in the direction Dark was. She giggled to see that Riley was getting some attention form the wonderbolts and wondered whether or not she should go mingle with some of the more noticed ponies.


"I wonder if Princess Twilight wouldn't be too busy to have a simple chat with us?" She asked DarkStar.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Lightning Bliss@@Rainbow Eclipse,



Being rather disgusted by Riley and Soarin he just wanted to leave, and Lightning Blissies idea also seemed relatively interesting to him since he didn't get to do so last gala. Last time he saw Twilight was when she was still a foal, when she visited Shining Armor at school. He also got to talk to her once in those days while coming over to Shining a couple of times, but those were very few. 


"You know, I doubt she would be too busy for a chat with the one and only Princess of Peace. " He added with a whisper. "And may we please loose Rhiley while we're at it. " he gave her an uncertain look on his face. This was kind of mean, but Star was a bit[lot] disgusted by Riley at the moment, and he seemed busy anyway. 




@@Eloquence, @

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Bliss eyed DarkStar then back to Riley and frowned knowing why Star felt the way he did. Though she could giggle at the antic, the gala wasn't exactly the place for such immature behavior. She silently nodded and replied, "I understand what you mean, Riley can be a little...heh, silly at times. Come on I think I saw Twilight in the main hallway where the others go to meet the royals."


She lead the way out of the ball room, stretching her back legs out as she went. They were a bit stiff from the dance along with her wings. I guess it really has been awhile I've had this much fun! She thought to herself as she along with Dark she assumed, made their way to the stairway of the main entrance. She abruptly spotted Princess Luna talking to her sister Celestia, though the Princess of the Sun was the least of her concern right now. The last thing she wanted was a stink eye from Celestia. She ducked her head down and continued passing by the staircase, covering her face with her wings and looking at the ground to navigate where she was going. Only to realize she had bumped into some pony. Concerned that she might have poked the poor soul with her horn, she rose her head up.


"So sorry! I should have been paying attention!" Bliss said apologetically to the well dressed seemingly purple pegasus.


"Not a problem Princess Lightning Bliss, it was only an accident right?" Princess Twilight Sparkle turned to Bliss and Dark Star then, smiling and giggling that Bliss was now blushing.


"Twilight! Erm... Princess Twilight Sparkle! Gah.." Bliss didn't know what else to do but bow in response.


"Ah...why are you bowing? You are a Princess too right?" Twilight fronwed a little in confusion.


"Erm...yes sorry um..." she stood back up on her feet, "I and my friend Dark Star here were actually hoping to chat with you... But ah!" Bliss stammered, "if you're preoccupied or we came at a bad time I'm so sorry!"


"Hey now it's ok!" Twilight smiled and placed a hoof around her neck, "why you so nervous? It's not the first time we've hung out together. How are you Dark Star? It's been awhile hasn't it?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@, @@Lightning Bliss,  


"I can't wait to see the photos Ms. Finish, they sound absolutely fantastic!" Eloquence exclaimed. She had wandered off a bit when the rest of her group became preoccupied with other things, and now found herself catching up with Photo Finish.


"Yes, Striking Pose was just magnificent, she just has that spark to her, you know? Such a lovely pegasus, you'll have to meet her sometime."


Out of the corner of her eye as she continued her conversation she spotted Bliss and Dark Star talking to somepony. Somepony very familiar....


Her face lit up as she recognized Princess Twilight, and she politely parted ways with the eccentric photographer before making her way over to the three ponies, signaling her arrival with an excited wave of her hoof.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Eloquence,


Star gave Twilight a bow and was a bit surprised that she still remembered him. and was more then glad glad to answer. 


"I am relatively well, having lots of fun... Long time no see eh? I am a bit surprised, I never would have expected to see you as a Princess."


He noticed Eloquence coming their way, waving. 


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"And wouldn't have expected you two to know each other." Eloquence said as she joined the group.


"Hi Eloquence!" Twilight said. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself a bit more than you were the last time I saw you. Are the two ponies you were with then alright now?"


Eloquence blushed a bit and stammered. "Oh, yeah, yeah they're, they're alright now. Perfectly alright." She grinned sheepishly.

Edited by Eloquence

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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