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@, @@Eloquence,


Bliss blushed a bit feeling embrassed that Twilight seemed to know everypony here far better then she did and rubbed her arm, feeling a little out of place as Eloquence came over and greeted Twilight like they were old friends.


"So I take it you're enjoying the party then Twilight?" Bliss asked quickly to try and smooth things out.


"Of course I am! I mean my first Gala was just awful... I heard it was the same for you at one point Lightning Bliss?" Twilight smiled to her.


"Well...ya...I kinda had to leave abruptly. I almost did the same here, but everything is ok now, I'm just glad to be meeting new ponies." She smiled to Dark Star and Eloquence. "How do you three know each other? Just curious?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Eloquence,



"I used to be a friend of Shining Armors back in military school, so I got to see Twilight once in a while. "


He turned towards Eloquence. "As for Eloquence... my horn teleported me to her and Riley and others, and I decided to stick around since my date didn't show up. And my horn seems to know better then me sometimes. " 


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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Lightning Bliss, @,  


Eloquence greeted Riley with a smile and a nod before answering Lightning Bliss.


"Twilight has been kind enough to help me with some articles in the past. With all that she's seen and done, as well as her academic knowledge, interviewing her always provides me with the most fascinating material, and I trust her ability to proofread more than anypony's." She smiled at Twilight, who blushed a bit at the compliments.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@, @@Eloquence,


"Oh I see..." Bliss rubbed her head again, feeling even more awkward.


Twilight seemed to notice the smaller alicorn blushing and rubbed her chin, seeming to think of a way to cheer her up and include her in the conversation.


"It's true how I met these two," she smiled to Eloquence and DarkStar, "I remember how I also met you Lightning Bliss...oh was at least a few years ago... I believe it was for your corination!"


"Oh ya... was it that long ago?" Bliss blushed and pawed the floor.


"It appears that way, though granted we didn't really talk, it was a little awkward having a pony corination at a gryphon castle. Queen Nortica spoke very highly of you with Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence and myself though. A shame we didn't really get a chance to talk till after your cruise back to Equestria."


"Ya...heh," bliss rubbed her head feeling silly, "that cruise didn't end very well...what with the Pirate hijack and what not."


"I heard about that, I'm glad to see you and your friends were ok." Twilight nodded and smiled, "I suppose that means you may not want to go on another cruise anytime soon?"


"Prehaps never!" Bliss laughed out loud, Twilight joining with her.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"You were coronated in the gryphon kingdom? And came back on a cruise that was hijacked by real pirates?" Eloquence asked quickly and excitedly before applying the verbal brakes as she remembered that Bliss did not like being badgered with questions. "That, that sounds really interesting Lightning Bliss..." She trailed off.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


"It wasn't...awsome...If all else it was quite the dramatic experience," Bliss sighed and shrugged a bit at Riley's enthusiasum.


"So I heard... you must of been terrified," Twilight placed a soft hoof on her shoulder.


"It was alright...we made it out ok." Bliss explained, trying to sound more confident, "I mean I had my friend Polaris, Doc. Volt, my good wolven friend Seth, and NightStrike too! It was just...we had a lot of close calls. The pirates were a chimera, a gryphon and their captain...*shivers* Captain Slit...a Kirin."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Eloquence shooshed the foalish Red pony next to her, bending over to whisper a bit harshly in his ear. "Don't do that! Bliss doesn't like attention and you are making her uncomfortable!" 


She wanted desperately to hear more, especially with all of the different and unfamiliar creatures involved, but she knew better than to let loose her desire for stories onto ponies who did not wish to be interviewed. "It sounds quite dramatic. I suppose all is well that ends well though, as they say. Odd that such different creatures would find themselves working together in such a field though..." she mused.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Wasn't weird at all actually, since we got the time to spend with them during the napping," Bliss explained, "The chimera...was a three headed fellow, a panther, ram and cobra heads...Think their names were...Saber...Billy and...Shang? No Fang sorry...Anyways...the gryphon...I knew her back long ago before I got married. I knew her father, a Captain of the Gryphon Hub, Northern Claw, it was a hub outside the Crystal Empire in the northern mountains. Op sorry I'm rambling...Anyway, the gryphon was the daughter of that captain...her name was Jewel...She, apparently like the chimera, ran away from their former homes...Wanting to get into trouble and adventure...And well they got it. Captain Slit recruited them as his ship mates..."


"Captain Slit...?" Twilight thought about the name for a second.


"Kirin Captain Slit...A dragon pony of some sort... He was very powerful. Very skiled in magic and had obviously ponynapped before...He would ponynap important ponies like diplomates...even royals...and give them back to their kingdoms in exchange for tons of money...That's what he attempted to do with me and Seth... Seth, my good friend of mine, he's a diplmoat for his Wolven Kingdom."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Lightning Bliss,  


She sighed, considering following Riley before deciding against it. Sometimes ponies need a little tough love, and when he was ready to return and apologize for not thinking his actions through first she would apologize for her tone.


For now, she listened to Lightning Bliss tell a bit more about her story. "Yes, I suppose that does make sense, that such different creatures could be united by their desire for danger and riches. And, you needn't worry about rambling dear. You have some very interesting things to say. I certainly don't mind hearing them, at least."

Edited by Eloquence

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


"It's... it's ok Riley," Bliss smiled, "it's just I don't find getting marenapped and not able to prevent it...as exciting...Its terrofying...especially when you can't...you can't..."


"Lightning Bliss?" Twilight smiled, "are you still having problems with creating magic?"


Bliss looked up at the taller purple mare then, her eyes shrunk and her face turned a bright shade of pink.


"I...I...I..." she bit her lip for a moment, "I...I know magic! I can do it!"


"Hmm..." Twilight frowned and an eye brow perked up, "did you even bother to read that book of basic spells I gave you?"


"I...ah...a little...um..." she pawed the ground, "I've...browsed it..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Rainbow Eclipse@@Lightning Bliss,  


Eloquence lightly nuzzled Riley and spoke quietly to him, so no one else would hear. "Thank you Riley. I'm sorry I was a bit... gruff."


She watched Twilight and Bliss's exchange. "I don't mean to interrupt, but, do alicorns have to be really good at magic? What if magic isn't a part of their special talent?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


Bliss noticed the exchange of whispers between Riley and Eloquence, and she was about to follow Riley off, when Eloquence asked the omnious of questions.


"Well I...you see...um..." Bliss pawed the ground again, sitting down in a sulking matter.


"Lightning Bliss wasn't a unicorn when she ascended Eloquence," Twilight explained, "she was a pegasus. Am i right Bliss?"


"Yes...that is correct..." Bliss sighed again, "I don't have a clue when it comes to magic... I mean I just learn to light up my horn!"


She jumped up to her feet and frantically tried to display such magic and focused as hard as she could. Pointing her horn down at the ground, she tried to remember what Polaris taught her. "Come on...come on...glow you stupid thing!" She bit down as her horn began to crackle magic sparks off...then finally...after several seconds...her horn flickered and came to light in a rainbow aura followed by a light on the tip of her horn...


"Gah!" She bellowed and released the light..her horn returning to normal. "HA! See I told you I could do it!" She beamed.


"Hmmm...that's all well and good Bliss but ah..." Twilight felt a little silly having to say it, "it's just...you put in so much effort for a basic unicorn ability...You're putting in too much magic just trying...You just gotta let it happen. Have you had a tutor?"


Bliss blinked at Twilight, sighed and shook her head no.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Rainbow Eclipse,  


Eloquence let the pegasus have his space, but watched him as he left before turning back to the princesses, listening to their explanations. 


"Oh, so she's like Princess Cadence then?" she chimed in. "Well, that would explain why you only know very basic magic, if you're just starting to learn it now after your ascension, but it still doesn't really answer my question. I mean, pegasi and earth ponies guard and protect our kingdom just as well as unicorns, so, is mastering magic really... imperative, for an alicorn? It's certainly useful to know magic, but most unicorns only know magic that contributes to their special talent and their destiny? What does that mean if your destiny includes becoming a princess?"


Twilight nodded and answered the inquisitive unicorn. "Lightning Bliss won't have to master magic, but she still has to learn to use her horn, just like I had to learn to use my wings." She fluttered her wings out as she spoke. "A princess needs every tool at her disposal if she's going to be able to face the challenges that come with her title. I know firsthoof how hard it is to learn to use a part of yourself that you weren't born with, but I have every confidence that Lightning Bliss will be able to do it." She arched an eyebrow in Lightning's direction. "If she does her reading."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


Dark Star stood there, not really fitting into the situation. He hated talking with more then one or two people. Three just felt uncomfortable, not to mention Riley surely lurking somewhere. 


Finally deciding to try and speak he did so, but feeling as if he interrupted the conversation. 


"Bliss-y clearly won't do her reading. So I suggest sending her on a magical puzzle filled adventure. That would help her learn. " He said sort of like a joke but at once being very serious. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


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Bliss looked up flushing red even more at the idea of DarkStar's suggestion.


"A journey??? Me??? I've been on enough journeys-"


"That is a good idea," Twilight inturrupted the small alicorn, "I mean I can't exactly think of a journey that would depecit magical soul searching, but it would be an idea. Maybe we can think of a location she can reach while she learns the value of magic! Maybe she can venture forth, following the great Star Swirl the Beared's legacy!"


"But...but Twilight!" Bliss gawked, "I know nothing'bout Star Swirl! I can't just take off on my own duties for a magical search following the routes of an old beareded pony!"


Twilight turned on Bliss, frowning firmly, "Star Swirl the Bearded is NOT just any old bearded pony! He's the most magically skilled unicorn of time long ago! Before Celestia and Luna took power even!"


Bliss's face felt like it was going to blow up any second with embrassment.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Well, it seems that I should point out that I might soon be going on a magical puzzle adventure. Even if I left my past life, I got a request to rejoin the ranks of the guard, as some special ops. My job will be to stop things before they happen, and other things... much like before... Just a lot more legal. " 


He paused, trying to get back to his previous chain of thoughts. 


"Oh... ring, I might be going on a magical adventure. I was sent information about some weird magical anomalies happening in a certain area. Doing my research I found out that there was some sort of sealed temple close by. It is warded with magic, and nobody has gotten in yet, at least that is what locals say. Many tried to open the door, even Celestia herself... with no luck. " 


Star levitated a glass of water from a waiter and caused a map appear out of nowhere. 


"The Temple is located at the mountains near Vanhoover, that is also where the anomalies are. Thing is that we got one problem. Even if it does seem like a perfect mission for you, I will make it clear that those anomalies ain't pretty. In fact some are very disturbing.

It is dangerous, and you being the Princess of Peace and all... it just doesn't seem like it will work out. But it is up to you."


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Bliss paused at the idea of 'magical anamolies' going on in a mysterious temple. In her youth she might have jumped on the idea for adventure, but this was a journey to help her focus on her magic...she would be no worth on such a quest.


"The idea is great and all..." she peeked out behind her wings, "but I fear I would just get in the way...My mgic isn't exactly keen on breaking magical spells. It's more prone to helping others find their peace and balance in this world...and it only seems to work when it feels like it."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@Lightning Bliss



"Thought so. " He got back to his cup of water slightly disappointing but definitely understanding the situation. 


"Well, I would say that the fact that your magic is creating peace and balance it would seem natural that you would have the power to get rid of magical anomalies. But I won't press the subject on you, it was just a proposition. I am not sure if I will take it up myself. Getting back into guard business is a tough choice. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@, @@Lightning Bliss,  


Eloquence had no idea what to make of all this talk of magical quests. She peered over at the map that Dark Star projected, a bit surprised by his ability to project something so detailed. She wondered what it would be like to be invited on such an adventure, and to be the kind of pony who was given such invitations and could be useful in such situations, but she shrugged it off and returned to the conversation at hand. "It does sound rather dangerous. Do you know anything more about it?" she asked. "Oh, unless of course you aren't allowed to discuss it further, or you would prefer not to..."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@,@@Eloquence, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


Bliss was about to retort on the signt of DarkStar's dissapointment for her not joining in on the quest, when Reily came up with some sculptures he randomly somehow created out of thin air.


"Oh...they..." she stared at them, she felt a bit awkward that Riley would just go out of his way to make a sculpture of her and Nights Hoopla like that, it made her feel somewhat uneasy, "they are nice...Riley...dare I ask how you made them though? We're in the middle of a galla...*she whispered the last sentence*."


"Look," she turned to DarkStar, "if you want me to join in I will...if that will help you if you think. I just don't think I'd be of much use to you...I'm not exactly skilled in any means."


"You're being far too hard on yourself Lightning Bliss," Twilight interrupted, "Dark Star, Bliss here is a great flyer, and has even committed the Rainboom a few times on her own,"


"Only cause I was inspired by Rainbow Dash!" Blissh blushed.


"And..." Twilight frowned at her for inturrupting, "she survived a marenap of pirates... Her wedding day took place during a war between the draconequus and gryphons! She and her friends faced off against a shard frangmental spirit of King Sombra, and...As she keeps failing to mention- She can transform into a dragon at one time, and commence a shield."


"The dragon transformation never would have happened without Zecora's help though!" Bliss inturrupted again, "she gave me a spell to help harness my magic easier! And the sheild only happends when my magic senses a real threat..."


Twilight merely rolled her eyes and glared back at Eloquence, DarkStar and Riley in turn, gesturing as if to say 'can you believe her? She's being so modest!'

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Eloquence,


Dark Star turned to Eloquence.


"For the past weeks weird things have been happening. Mostly trickster spell-y things. People saw things levitating on their own surrounded in a red aura. That happened several times, no suspects were found or traces of any break-ins. There have also been cases where household pets would be turned into bats or something. But don't worry, the doctors reversed the spell. "


He rolled up the map and made it disappear with a poof. Now he was to say the part that would have probably turn everyone away from the mission.


"Right, it was all trickster spells up until now... two days ago a mother saw her child being killed by what was the same red magical aura as the others saw, thing is it was a transparent pony figure. There was no evidence but the dead body. Yesterday the mother went missing, all they found was a pile of her fur. There has also been a disappearance of a teen colt who was said to leave the house for a trip to the store and never came back, that was 4 days ago. All happens in around the same area. "


He turned to Bliss but still payed attention to Eloquence


"Like you might know as of now, this is dangerous. I won't press it on you and I won't say that your presence is vital. But any helping hoof might come in useful. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


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@@Lightning Bliss@, @@Rainbow Eclipse,  


Eloquence listened to the stallion intently, frightened yet fascinated. "You, you aren't planning to go alone are you?" she asked. "I mean, if Lightning Bliss does not join you, surely a single pony could not undertake such a task."


She tried to pay some mind to Riley and Bliss' exchange as well, just to stay in the loop, but this was far more interesting.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"I suppose...if my magic has an interaction with the magic going on in that area..." she pondered after Star finished, "it would sense the misbalance of it all...maybe even neutralize it. But that's a lot of "ifs" here friends...I don't think we should just chance this on a whim?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


"Well, I might have to go alone. I might handle it or I might not. I can't be sure. But some company always makes it two things. 1: Less boring, 2: I need to get distracted all the time trying to make sure the company doesn't get hurt. " 


He thought about the part of keeping everypony safe and he didn't like the idea. 


"Bliss, you don't have to force yourself to go, this is just a possibility if you wish to maybe somehow further your magical powers or understand the unicorn part of you then alright. But I can probably handle this alone, if you don't want to then don't. " 


He turned back to Eloquence. 


"If Princess Lightning Bliss doesn't join me then no harm will be done, and like I said, I can't be sure if I can do it alone or not, I haven't tried facing the anomalies yet so I can't really rate the difficulty. 


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  • 2 weeks later...



Eloquence worried for the stallion speaking to her. His use of the word "probably" was awfully foreboding. 


"Isn't there anyone else who could be of assistance?" she asked Dark Star. "I'm sorry... I don't intend to tell you how to do your job, but this just seems like a terribly dangerous task to undertake alone. Even a princess works with others, Twilight has her friends, and Princess Cadence has Prince Shining Armor, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rule Equestria as a team." 

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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