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private Grand Galloping Gala Role-play

Your Nightly Spectre

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"This is a quest where I will mostly need unicorn help. I doubt an earth pony can sense or take out these anomalies. Also, I don't really have that many friends that are unicorns, or that many friends at all really. I got Shining Armor, but he is busy with marriage and owning the Crystal Empire. Then there was Ironhoof, my mentor. But he died out of old age 3 years ago. So, my list is scarce. "


The unicorn felt a light headache and tension building up in his horn, slowly causing it to grow. But quickly got over it and everything calmed down.


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Eloquence nodded, still worried but understanding. "I suppose if there is no one who could help, you don't have much of a choice then." The discussion of unicorns caused her to look up in the direction of her horn. A fleeting, split-second thought of embarking on some dangerous quest such as this crossed her mind before being snuffed out. No, she knew her place. She was a writer, not an adventurer, and her magic was scarcely good for anything more than holding up a quill. She blushed ever so slightly, feeling ridiculous for even having had the thought.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"I take it a reporter such as you is not interested in such a journey. " He chuckled. 


Dark Star felt tiredness grab hold of him. It was getting late at night, and the feeling of sleepyness slowly begun overtaking his eyes. Not to mention being very drained out from the dance. 


"Well, I am starting to feel tired. I think I will be leaving the gala soon. Lets give it 20 more minutes. I will see what I can do with the journey when my mind won't be busy with being all social. "


He levitated a last glass of water and drunk it all. He really found water a refreshing treat at night, besides, he didn't want to get drunk while returning home. 


Since he was already talking with the reporter he decided to try and be friendly and instead of talking of his problems actually find out something about the other pony. 


"So... what do you write about mostly? " He asked a bit shyly. 


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She gave a forced chuckle in return. "Oh, no, I couldn't possibly be any help with such a thing. I really just write about quests and such..."


She shook off her awkward feeling in time to respond to his question. "I write many different things really, but mainly I write articles for the newspaper I work for. They can be on just about anything really, it's a very diverse paper."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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He took a bit of interest in the conversation.


"Oh, so what newspaper do you work for? Perhaps you might get yourself a new reader. " 


As much as Star was getting tired, he was getting more settled and compfy in the Gala atmosphere, the thought of leaving was starting to become a bit hurtful, but he had to do it, he was getting tired, and he had to leave sooner or later. 


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While Lightning Bliss allowed Eloquence and DarkStar to mingle amongst themselves, she turned to Twilight in an apologetic expression.


"I'm sorry you're Highness," she replied hummbly, "I know you and the others are only trying to help me...Magic is just not my thing though...it never was!"


"That's not true and you know that," Twilight smiled, "Everypony in Equestria has some form of magic within them, and some may go their whole lives without even knowing it. But you do have it...otherwise you wouldn't have ascended in the first place. Obviously Equestria needs an Alicorn of Peace, and you're the pony to do it."


Bliss could only smile and nod in return, not sure if she would ever master this...magic of peace or not.


-- Outside at the gate of the Gala --


Chase Razor continued to pace back and forth amongst the gate while the guards watched emotionaless. His frustration and anger builded to a boiling point. After what happened with the Princess Floppy Ears and the civilians, he had quickly gone to the nearest town...Ponyville he recalled, to get some healing ointments and quick cut healer spells, before immiedatly galloping back to the Canterlot castle, already plotting his plans for another revenge scheme.


"Stupid white false alicorn pony..." he snorted as he continued to pace, hesitating on entering juet yet, "if there weren't so many ponies around...I'd have my way with her in an instant! But no...no...I can't be that foolish...even I hate to admit it...But she has more power then even I realized. No matter...magic of peace or not, princess or not...she and I have unfinished business... Anypony who tries to get in the way of that, well that's their loss...they'll just end up on my list of prey."


After a moment of pondering out his plans, he turned towards the gate, levitating out his ticket to the gala to the guards, and trotted back in, taking the west side gate back into the main ball room. From there he entered, taking a glass of wine, chugging it down distastefully, tossed it to the nearest butler pony...then focused his magic. He targed it towards female mares...ones with unsual magical levels to help narrow his search.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Dark Star got another head ache feeling a building tension of magic up his horn but not coming out. This time hiding was impossible since the pain was getting unbearable. Suddenly from his horn fired a powerful shockwave. Densing up the wind and causing a loud gust for a split a second, knocking off some nearby glass. 


Straightening up and shaking his head he turned to Bliss. 


"I am sorry... this keep happening, it was like this a year ago, but now it got worse. " 

Edited by TheDarkStar


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@, @@Eloquence,


Chase felt the wave of magical outburst, it seeming to clear the crowd slightly while he kept his head up. It would take more then a magical spell to make him duck down. This undoubtfully had given him an advantage since he was able to spot Lightning Bliss...along what appeared to be Princess Twilight Sparkle, and two other unicorns. One was a green mare he had seen before who attempted to help Lightning, the other a gray stallion he recalled who tried to speak to him the last time he left.


"Good...she's still here after all...Not had gone running back to her cursed draconequus husband..." his teeth grinned at the thought she was married to another speices of...pony...if he were to call Nights Hoopla that, snorted the thought away and firmly walked towards the group.


-- Group --


"Oh my," Twilight said brushing back her mane, "that was some powerful magic. Hope you're ok DarkStar?" She smiled, "well if you ponies excuse me, I need to go find my brother Shining Armor for a moment. Think he wanted to talk to me about the new securities at my castle in Ponyville. It was good seeing you all!" Twilight waved to them then made her way through the group and outside the ball room.


"Bye Twilight!" Bliss waved then turned back to Dark Star and Eloquence, "that was a weird outburst of magic there Star...You have any idea what causes it?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


Dark Star nodded no rubbing his head around the base of his horn. 


"Well, after I went rouge from the Lunar Watch I started seeking redemption while being hunted. Long story short, I had my horn suck in a huge explosion of magic so it wouldn't get to a bunch of civilians. At first it was horrible, then it got weaker. By now it should have been long gone, and it was... but lately things have been going haywire again. " 


Finally fixing his posture he took a quick look around and returned to Bliss. 


"But don't have it worry you tho, it is somewhat... under control. "


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"Really..." Chase Razor said after ease dropping on the group secretly. He approached just behind the left side of Dark Star, "from the looks of things you seem to be a unicorn with the magical control of a foal..."


Bliss snorted and took several steps back her ears pinned. "Chase...? Not again..."


"Surprised to see me your Highness? You should know I don't give up on you that easily..." He smacked his lips, a devlish grin in his eyes and smile, "if you excuse me sir...The Princess and I have some things to discuss..." With that he shoved Dark Star out of the way and grabbed Bliss by her hoof roughtly.


"Hey! Let go! I'm not going anywhere with you!" Bliss snorted and attempted to pull her hoof free of him.


"Quit your squirming...After all...we're in public..." he grinned knowing she wouldn't make too much of a scene.


Bliss turned back to Dark, her eyes pleading for help.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


Without a second thought and practically out of instinct he quickly recovered and with a quick lighting up of the horn he teleported between the two. Using a simple spell he sent a shock at Chases hoof and with another spell he pushed him back a bit. 


Materializing a rapier out of nowhere he pointed it in the direction of Chase, ready for anything that was to come. 


But before things got out of hand he spoke out, trying to grab hold of the situation. 


"I challenge you to a duel Chase Razor. After all, why would you deny? The great and powerful Chase Razor will probably put down a foal within seconds... you have nothing to fear... besides, we are both ponies of nobility, doesn't declining a duel count as something dishonorable?"


He kept eye contact with the pony, giving him a deadly but full of self-confidence look.


"I assure you, it is legal to duel at a gala. On the other hand, I can always call the guards on you for assaulting a Princess. " 


Now he had more of a grin on his face. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


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Chase was stunned by the quick reactions of the darker gray unicorn, but even more so, his quarry was once again taken away from him, only making him snort in frustration. But just when he was about to conjure retaliation, the rival stallion challenged him to a duel, and this only turned his frustrated snarl, to a cunning and happy grin.


"You challenge me? HA!" Chase bellowed out laughing, nearly tearing at the eyes, "me? Top unicorn in his class? No unicorn could match me in a duel!"


"Dark Star...what are you doing? Chase he's...he's not to be underestimated..." Bliss tried to whisper to Dark but was unfortunetly heard by Razor.


"She's right you know," he grinned and began walking around Dark Star, encircling him like a wolf to a deer, "before I met Lightning Bliss as foals, I was the top of my class in magic University... Of course when my father brought...shame...to our family and I was forced to live amongst the peseants of Appleloosa..." he grinned, a short insult to Lightning Bliss and her family who still lived there, "my magic was unmatched even there...They couldn't even use me as one of the royal guards because my abilities were too good for fair obidence. Heh, their loss is what I say."


"I thought you were dishonrably expelled because you used your magic on innocent civilians that were nonpony in Canterlot...?" Bliss grinned firmly back knowing that was the truth based off the reports from Shining Armor.


"Shut it mare, you stay out of this." He growled and came back to be standing in front of Dark Star. "I use my magic to hunt down rogue monsters and creatures now...and they are much deadier then you could imagine...I should only give you fair warning..." He grinned and looked back to the mare the stallion claimed to help, "She's not worth the duel. Why waste your time on a reckless stupid false Princess like her? She's not worth getting your horn in a knot... Step aside and let me have my words with her. If you don't...then the duel will probably be your last one for awhile..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Isn't it funny the way you speak of "underestimating" while you are clearly doing so yourself. "


He lowered his blade but was still ready for anything. 


"And to answer your question... Indeed she might not be worth the duel... but non-the-less I am not wasting my time. You just work against my moral system. You threatened a mare, use force, harsh language. Not to mention you are the most disrespectful person I met. I will also add that I pity you, and somewhat understand you. And trust me, in other circumstances I would say we would make good friends, but... you got on my nerves. " 


Dark Star slowly undid his bow-tie and levitated it over to Bliss, all not loosing eye contact with his challenged opponent. 


As much as he didn't fear his opponent, he did not underestimate him a single bit. 


"I will let you pick the weapons we will be dueling with: Flintlock pistols, swords, magic, everything at once... your call. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


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"This is a duel between unicorns you fool, we use magic!" Chase snorted and undid his own bow tie as well, flinging it aside.


"Stop wait..." Bliss got between the two, "I can't allow this to happen...We're in a public royal area..."


"Much as I hate to agree, the floppy ears is right." Chase smiled, "Outside colt...I don't want to make a mess with you on the royal carpet..." He grinned and abruptly turned away from Bliss and Dark Star, expecting them both to follow. After a few paces, he turned, eyeing Bliss hungrily, "Finally you get to see a real unicorn in action. Not some petty chaotic spirit you call a husband."


"His name is Nights Hoopla..." Bliss snorted as she held up Dark Star's tie, "and you're lucky he isn't here to teleport you to the nearest dungeon in Canterlot..."


"Aww..." he mocked and looked to Dark Star, "she's so cute when she's angry, don't you agree? Oh by the way, I didn't catch the name of the colt I'm about to easily school in magical arts?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@, @@Lightning Bliss,  


Eloquence watched the event in shock, jaw agape. "What a time for Twilight to leave." she thought. "This can't be happening, they can't fight at a gala. This is insane."


This couldn't happen again. Not to the ponies she'd come to see as friends. She couldn't see them get hurt, or worse. She took a deep, shaky breath, and trotted past her two friends and their enemy, placing herself between the group and the door. "I'm going to ask you all nicely right now not to do this. Star, I know you're angry, but the perceived slight in honor you see is a lie. He's just trying to antagonize you to make himself feel better. His words are meaningless." She turned to Chase precisely on the word meaningless. "And you. I could not even begin to describe all of the reasons why you need to shut up and leave, but no one needs to fight you to make this so. Not unless you feel like fighting the entire royal guard, that is."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Chase merely waved his hoof arrogantly at the light green unicorn mare, giving her a mocking glare, like she were nothing but a small filly, annoying him with a cookie.


"This is nothing to do with you mare, so I suggest you step aside. I'd hate to dampen that pretty little outfit and mane of yours..."


"Stop it Chase..." Bliss took a step next to Eloquence, "she's being mature enough to tell you the facts...There is to be no duel here on the castle grounds!"


Chase's confident smile soon dropped into an irritated snarl, to which he stomped over and gripped by Lightning Bliss and Eloquence by their hooves, jerking them closer to his face to make his point clear.


"You're precious Princess here is a fool, young lady..." he spoke to Eloquence firmly, "if you want me to so badly NOT duel your friend here...Then you're Princess would stop being a coward and simply yield to my requests. She and I have unfinished business, and if it's not finished here then it will happen another time...But mock my words young mare..." he let go of Bliss and stroked Eloquence's cheek to her own helplessness he assumed, "I will...have my words with Lightning Bliss...she's my silver plate of revenge...and no foolish filly like you...or colt...will stand in my way.


"Chase! Let her go!" Bliss stomped the ground and got between them, "Fine! Let's go! You and me, right now!"


He smiled and nodded to her, "Glad to see you finally came around Floppy Ears..." He suddenly gripped her hoof and began dragging her away.


(OOC If anypony would like to teleport us out of the castle, now would be a good time since I assume we still want to have a stallion duel?)

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"My apologies princess" Eloquence said before grabbing Lightning Bliss by the tail, the closest thing to her as she was being dragged away. "A coward..." she began, her eyes fixed on the back of Chase's head as her hooves began to slip on the polished floor, "is someone who does what other ponies say, even if they know it isn't what's best, or who chooses to accept what other ponies do even when it is wrong or hurtful. If you ask me, Chase Razor, there is nothing Lightning Bliss could ever do that is more cowardly than YIELDING TO YOU!" She planted herself where she was and refused to move. "If Bliss is to speak to you, it should be her choice, wherever and however she chooses, and under her own power!"


(Teleportation would be up to Star, I suppose, since it certainly isn't in Elo's magical repertoire)

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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(OOC Same since my OC can only do one pony at a time before being completely drained, she's not capable of a mass 4 pony teleportation)


Bliss squeaked in pain as Eloquence yanked her back by her lioness tail and sat on it so she couldn't move. She blinked at the gesture, then back to Eloquence then back to Chase. His face grew from annoyance to frustration...he was becoming more dangerous by the second.


"Eloquence let me go...It's ok I can...i can handle myself," Bliss tried to plea with Eloquence. "I don't want to make a scene just because I refuse to talk to my rival..."


"Oh we'll be doing more then talking I assure you Floppy Ears..." Chase growled as he stomped towards Eloquence, shoving his snout into her own. "Remove yourself now...or face my magic... It won't be the first time I've had to use my magic on such a pretty face!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Eloquence,  


[OOC I got confused with all that was happening above this post, so I just did this. ]


Out of nowhere all 4 were teleported to an empty Canterlot street. Separately on the sidewalk of the street stood Bliss and Eloquence while in the middle of the road in a medium distance from each other were Dark Star and Chase Razor. In between stood an old pony unicorn with an eyepatch and a scar going across his eye. 


"Hello, I am the matchmaker!" He spoke in a rather crazy/goofy voice. "I heard you two were to duel, and since I am in charge of that and the gala seemed like a dangerous place to do it, you are here. "

He took a look at both contestants and laughed. "This should be fun!" 


The look on his face became more serious. 


"Let me remind you. This is a duel between two sophisticated representatives of nobility, not a whacky bar fight. So I expect both of you to follow basic dueling rules that I am quite sure both of you know. And no dirty tricks. This is to be a clean game. But you can't really cheat in a magic duel unless one possess and artifact of magical power. Which I am sure is not a problem here."


Dark Star just stood there not really knowing what is going on, the whacky old pony seemed to know his business, but this all seemed way too random. 


Deciding to let go of the weirdness he gave a look at Eloquence and Bliss. Trying to show everyone that he was sure of this he kept on a confident face. Even tho it was very dim he did notice a force field around them, but it was almost invisible.


ooking back at Chase he knew what his target was capable of, and that this was not going to be easy. 

[OOC Rite, the old man can say "Go" on your post Blissy, and Chase can have the first move... This should be interesting. ]

Edited by TheDarkStar


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@, @@Eloquence,


Bliss blinked sensing a omnious magic that seemed to snatch them from the gala and transport them to some forigen arena, meant to be as a town and surrounded by a force field. Eloquence was still positioned on her tail but they were both clearly at a distance from the two stallions DarkStar and Chase Razor as a bizzare old stallion stood more or less as...their referee?


"What in the name of Princess Luna is going on here?" She asked to any who listened.


Chase meanwhile was confused as well, but paid no mind when he realized the duel was going on without a hitch to his delight. Pays no consequence, I get my fight...knock this ignorant colt to the ground, get my revenge on Lightning Bliss and then...He eyed Eloquence who was with his prey in the distance, who knows...I'll have the little green filly for dessert.


"Very well old stallion..." Chase snorted and lit his horn up.


"GOOD! Heres the rules my powerful friends!" The old pony bounded up and down with joy, "there will be no deaths during this duel! Its a battle till one falls and can no longer get up! Break their legs if you gotta but NO DEATHS!"


"Break...their bones?" Bliss shook with fear.


"You may teleport where you like but not outside this street area!" the old unicorn went on, "all magic tolerated except for healing spells! Do we understand each other boys?!"


Chase merrily stomped the ground, anxious to get the fight moving. When the old stallion checked to see if the other stallion DarkStar was ready, he took several paces back..."Ready...? Set....BEGIN!" The old pony quickly teleported out of the duel area.


Chase smiled, his restraint now open to any conjure of his liking...He didn't mess around and went straight for his primary magical talents. His horn lit up bright red and gold, like a torch...and above him...out of thin air...a weapon of sharp razors as big as Dark Star, came to be...The razor like daggered swords shaped like claws pointed right at Dark...and seemed to be enguled in flames.


"Ready to surrender yet?" Chase smiled and darted his horn forward, instructing the daggers to attack. The claw like fire weapon darted towards Dark Star, aiming directly.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@@Lightning Bliss,


Eloquence blinked several times, awestruck by the unpredictable turn of events. This was, without question, the single strangest party she had ever attended. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered that she was actually here to gather information for an article, but work seemed oddly distant now. She heard Lightning Bliss speak beside her and realized that she was still sitting on her tail, exactly as she had been before but with no real need any longer. She removed herself with an awkward grin and a muttered apology.


Remembering something else, she put a hoof on top of her head and felt around for her pet, eventually poking the sleepy bird and waking him up, causing him to look around with the same confusion she had.


She listened to the strange pony who had apparently brought them there, glad at least that he seemed not to be trying to cause anyone's death. She took a tentative step towards the duel and shot a tiny testing bolt of energy. Seeing it bounce off the barrier confirmed her suspicions, and as she tentatively pressed a hoof against it she felt confident that the barrier was impenetrable.


She looked over to the only other pony she knew she could communicate with her. "What do we do?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


Dark Star felt pressure build as the referee begun the duel. The pressure lifted as soon as Chase did his first move, which Star predicted and expected. 


Quickly teleporting closer to his opponent but not into mele range. He knew it was time to use a spell of his own, and so his horn lit up purple and he shot scattered beams of magic in the direction of his enemy. Having them spread out like a "shot-gun". 


To all that Star cared for was taking away the "undefeated" part of the stallion. Possibly that would make him more possible to slowly reform... or it could further his need for revenge. 

Normally he doesn't talk during duels, since he finds it distracting, but this he had to know.


"So, as unlikely as I will defeat you, how would you feel if the tides turned... and I won?"

Edited by TheDarkStar


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"GAH!" Chase blocked the beams up with one of his hooves as his claw like fire weapon slammed into the street. His target clearly teleported out of the way before it could slam home. He too teleported out of the line of fire, only to land behind Darkstar, smirking devlishly. "Ah but you stupid cold, I never admit to surrender or defeat!"


At that he conjured sharp spikes from under the ground, poking out of the earth like hellish trees on a growth potion, seperating both of them for the moment. Then, using his red magic, he pulled the spikes from the ground like roots, lit them a blaze, and sent them diving towards DarkStar, threatning to cut him up like a carrot.


Bliss closed her eyes, unable to watch as Eloquence asked her, what they could do.


"I...I don't know..." she shook, "i have no ability to take us out of this area...I could only teleport one of us out if i wanted to...But I cant leave all of us behind!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@Lightning Bliss


At this point running or dodging was probably something expected of him. That would have let things go by plan of his enemy, and he was not going to let that happen. Stomping one hoof hard he shot a powerful wave of energy at the vines blasting them away and sending them in all directions. One of the vines bounced off and headed straight on Bliss and Eloquence but was absorbed by the shield. 


Deciding to not end it there and still being in an offensive stance he decided to go stationary, hurling low-energy but still dangerous paralyzing bolts at chase. 


After he was finished with his salve he spoke. 


"Not admitting to defeat is not a thing to be proud of... It seems like quite a stubborn thing to do. "


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@@Lightning Bliss@,


Eloquence jumped back a bit as the vine crashed against the force field just in front of her face. Shaking her head and regaining her composure, she began thinking through the problem in front of her. She felt the force field with her hooves and horn and looked through to the makeshift battlefield. There didn't seem to be anything special about it. It was just an old Canterlot back road, not quite as nice as the main roads, a little cracked, definitely more so now that the duel had begun. Although, those cracks were giving her an idea...


She turned to the rainbow-maned mare watching the duel. "How do you feel about rules, Bliss?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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