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Your Nightly Spectre

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@, @@Eloquence,


Bliss turned after she had dodged what thought to be a flaming spike hurling towards them. She shook with fear and disorientation, but managed to compose herself long enough to answer Eloquence's bizzare question.


"What do you mean?" She asked.


Meanwhile Chase was using his own magic to neutralize the paralization that was thrown at him. It didn't take too long considering he had studied this in magic school and the means to repel it in case one unicorn were to be ambushed in a duel. He grinned as the neutralization spell worked. Then turned to DarkStar...his teeth suddenly began to turn into fangs.


"So...you think it's stubborness that's my issue?" He grinned as his body began to animorph... "then see what a stubborn bull thinks of that!" He then transformed his form into a flaming fire red bull with fangs and yellow eyes. He snorted and howled, swaying his large horned head, then began to charge...


"Oh my Luna..." Bliss whinnied! "Stop, that's not fair he's cheating!" Bliss yelled at the older unicorn ref.


"Not at all your Highness!" The old stallion grinned, "he's using magic to attack! Oh this is getting good!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


At this point he had two things to do, play along and have fun and try and be a toreador. Or just get it over with and not foolishly risk his life. He prefer the second. 


Overall he found the spell impressive, as much as he could polimorph, it was magic draining and he hardly ever used it. And his adversary seemed to do it like it was nothing. 


Finally deciding to act in the last second before impact he simply sidestepped the bull and shot a magical crystal bolt at its back neck. Then his horn lit up once more and he made more distance between the two by teleporting 2 meters away from his enemy.


Taking a quick glimpse at the two mares he got a feeling that Eloquence was planning something, something that he thought he wouldn't enjoy. 


Analyzing the situation once more he found himself on the good side. His enemy knew nothing of his arsenal of spells, while his enemy quite much pointed out what his profession and specialities were. This gave Dark Star a feeling of advantage. But yet, he did not underestimate his enemy. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


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@@Lightning Bliss@,


Eloquence eyed the mysterious old stallion before speaking, considering his influence. He seemed not to be particularly strict, instead just wanting a good show that doesn't result in death. Understandable, if he doesn't want blood on his hooves.


"I have an idea." She started as she began to pace back and forth, attempting to look more flustered than calculating for anyone who might be watching. "This shield will deflect any magic either of us attempt to throw into the ring. It extends all around the two duelists like a dome. However, it does not go underground. What does go underground though..." She pawed at the ground a bit. "Are roots. An entire network of them, tangling around each other. I could send a spell through those roots, making it come up on the other side. They would be best equipped to carry a healing spell, honestly I don't think they could withstand offensive magic. I wouldn't be able to send it to Dark Star though, it would come up and sit on a spot in a crack that he would have to touch. We would just need some means of signaling the spell's location to Dark Star without tipping off Chase Razor. However, I think I've come up with a means of fixing that as well." She placed a hoof on her head, encouraging Ellipsis to hop off her head onto it. "Eli, circle and come back to me." Ellipsis complied and flew a quick circle, flying effortlessly through the force field twice before returning to Eloquence. "Just as I thought, the force field prevents magic from going through it, so magical creatures like us are stopped, but non-magical creatures like Ellipsis can go through with no trouble." She finished and looked to Bliss inquisitively, wordlessly asking for her answer.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence, @,


Bliss wasn't sure what all Eloquences plotting and planning were going to lead to, but all she could do was nod to her and trust in her judgement. She looked to her bird pet and smiled as the little thing.


"Sucha clever animal," she smiled to it and extended her hoof out to allow the bird to land on her. "I still don't know what you plan to do...if you mean you want to give medical aid to DarkStar I'm not sure it will be allowed..."


Chase's flaming bull spell cast was preventing most of DarkStar's attacks. It was more used as a shield but he'd taken up this spell to be used more as an offensive. It indeed take a lot out of him, but thanks to years of practice in magical arts to fight against more dangerous beings...he was withholding his composure well. He jerked his large bull body forward, stomping the ground and shaking the blow from his neck.


"Think a blow to the neck will stop me colt?" He roared out in a demonic lion roar, "best to do better then that!?" He charged again, this time not giving much warning, slamming dead on into DarkStar's side.


"DARK STAR!!!" Bliss whinnied out in terror as she saw the darker gray unicorn fly several feet from the blow.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Eloquence,


There it was, tons of muscle and flame, and Dark Star could feel every inch of it. Feeling a big pains in his rib everything started blurring. 


When everything became visible he was a few feet from his enemy, and he was on the ground, pain all over his body. Turned out his plan wasn't that good, but he always made back-ups. 


As things quickly paused in his body he tried to get up but was once more met with stinging in his ribs. He tired once more and the pain was lesser, but still he failed. Finally he just lit up his horn and teleporting himself up on his hooves facing Chase. Taking up a very weak defensive stance he met with the eyes of his enemy. He was not done, and he showed no weakness in his soul.


He turned to Eloquence and Bliss. He saw that they were planning something, and he didn't like it. Seeing the bird he knew the plan immediately and gave a big no and quickly turned back to Chase. 


Keeping his pathetic and weak defensive stance and just awaited for his enemies move. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss@,  


Eloquence stared in abject horror, mouth agape and quivering. She watched as Dark Star got to his feet after several failed attempts and shook her head. "I can't watch!" she blurted out as she ran away from the scene and dove behind a bush, her bird hopping off of Bliss' hoof to follow her.


Once concealed, she dropped the act and got back to planning. Terrified as she may have been, this was no time for inaction. She had made mental note of Dark Star's position, and assumed he would be there for a while, seeing as he could barely take a step. She pinpointed the exact place she would need to send her spell, one tiny patch of grass growing in the crack under his left hind-hoof. It would be small and invisible, meaning her only danger would come from the crazy old pony who'd brought them there. The odds of him being able to detect it were slim to none, but she had to be ready for that possibility anyways. If it happened, she would just take the fall. Since he seemed to care about some twisted sense of fairness, it seemed unlikely he would hold anyone but her accountable, and he didn't strike her as the killing type. In fact she'd bet her life on it.


All that having been decided, she still shook a bit. Intervening was dangerous, she would have to be a fool not to see that. Still, she couldn't let an innocent pony be hurt like that and do nothing! She just couldn't!


"You can do this Eloquence. You are not a sideline pony. You are not a helpless damsel. You are smart, and strong, and you will not let your fear hold you back any more!"


She touched her horn to the ground, using her magic to feel through the root system before sending a bolt of magic through it up into Dark Star's leg. Judging by its size and knowing it would dissipate quite a bit as it traveled, it would be just enough to get him moving again, albeit rather slowly. All he'd have to do is be smart enough not to indicate any drastic changes, a bit of a concern, but he did seem like a rather smart stallion. She considered again his behavior that night, leading up to his most recent refusal of whatever he thought she might be planning.


"Here's hoping you've read Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny dear. You don't have to do everything alone."


After sending her magic she dropped to the ground, hooves over her head, assuming the proper frightened pose. Best to take every precaution and make herself look useless.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence, @,


Bliss shook in terror, tears soaking her cheeks as she watched DarkStar stand to his defense.


Then after Eloquence seemingly ran away avoiding the scene, scared as much as she was...she suddenly sensed a small spark of magic. She darted her head to see that it was Eloquences...how she knew she wasn't sure...Then she darted to see if any other pony noticed...but it appeared the other unicorn stallions have not.


This is odd...I can only sense it? She asked herself, maybe it has to do with the fact I'm an alicorn? Could it be my magic is stronger then i realized...that i can sense other unicorn magic?


Chase grinned from inside his firey bull spell as he watched DarkStar stand against him.


"Good..." Chase grinned, "i didn't want this to be over too quickly!" At that he dismissed his bull firey shield, revealing himself once more, his horn still glowing. "What else should I use in my arsenal of magical abilities on you...Hmmm? Prehaps I could open a pit of fire around you! Or I could send more razor weapons at your worthless hide! Pfft...and to think you call yourself a unicorn... I fought pegasus more challenging then you..." He encircled DarkStar, taunting him as he went, daring him to make a move.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Eloquence


Dark Star felt a smoothing energy up his leg which traveled to his wounded rib smoothing everything out. Normally, this should be considered cheating, but by dueling laws this was a legal move, even if it was done by illegally passing the shield. 


Now he had Chase fall RIGHT in his trap, going out of bull form and taunting him. He probably thought he had won already. A direct spell wouldn't have worked, he was expecting it. But something better came in mind and a course of action came into his head, replacing his plans. 


Lifting his head high and feeling a powerful surge of energy go threw his body

and up to his horn he finally felt it release. 


Sound stopped for a second and a powerful shockwave fired around him, damaging the road and heavily pushing anything next to him, in that Chase, tossing everything at the shield that acted like a simple invisible wall. 


Taking the moment in and looking for opportunities he finally found it. At the moment his enemy was disoriented and probably either in the air or while Dark Star was the exact opposite.


Locating his target in mid air he teleported out to Chase before he hit the force field and tackled him making his impact even bigger. Both of them fell to the ground and Star aimed his horn at the enemy, lighting it up preparing to cast the paralyze spell to finish it all. But was he fast enough?


[Yeah, I did take control of your character here kind of did I? Sorry. ]

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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(OOC it's hard not to in a duel, it's all good, long as we don't end this too quickly? Dunno exactly how to end it yet)


Chase was thrown back suddenly by a shockwave of energy. His disorentation only gave him enough information to tell him he was air born and flying helplessly...As he stared at the sky, he then saw his rival teleport above him with great speed, dive down on him, and with his magic, increaing their speed downward, slamming them both into the ground.


He felt the air leave his chest for a second as they made impact, making a rather large wagon sized crator in the street.


Bliss shook from the termors the two stallions were making. It was both amazing and horrifying to watch...To think this is what stallion unicorns did to battle for the protection of mares? She thought to herself.


After a few seconds of regaining his breath....shaken but not dismissed...Chase activated his horn again, and levitated DarkStar off him...and intentionally tossed him off and onto the street. He then leaped up out of the hole in the ground, snorting and pawing the ground...his angery bursting to fury.


"YOU SON OF A GOAT!" He gripped Chase once more with his levitation and lifted him up in the air, "I ought to squeeze you into cider!" He then proceeded to use his levitation to smack Dark into the street repeatly like a basket ball then slam him into buildings before finally forcing his body back into the street.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @,  


Eloquence returned from her hiding place just in time to see Chase being slammed into the ground. She hated to feel any sort of happiness in the face of such violence, and she kept her frantic poker face carefully affixed, but she couldn't help but feel an odd mix of pride at the successful execution of her plan and satisfaction that Chase was getting what he deserved. That mean, haughty, self-important, misogynistic creep...


Her positive feelings dissipated as quickly as they came as she watched Dark Star being repeatedly pummeled and thrown around like a rag-doll. It would appear that her small interference wasn't enough. If Dark Star was to walk away with no permanent damage, really if he was to walk away at all, some more drastic measures would have to be taken. She just had to figure out what...


She turned to Lightning Bliss, about to ask for her aid, when she stopped and watched her for a moment. In all her planning, she hadn't given the alicorn as much thought, given that she was not part of the duel. She could see now though how scared she was, how shaken and concerned. She could imagine the poor mare might even blame herself for what was happening, or feel as helpless as she often did herself. She walked over to the large-eared mare and nudged her gently, unsure of what to do but hoping she could perhaps do something, even if it was just letting her know she was there.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Bliss's bottom lip began to quiver, a sure sign that another wave of tears was on the way as she watched DarkStar being shamelessly tossed and thrown like a ball. She felt Eloquence's gentle nudge of assurence but it didn't do much for the newbie princess as she watched helplessly from the side lines...


"Chase was my rival..." she blurt out amongst the fighting to Eloquence, "my bully...my problem...and yet every time he shows up...somehow some pony always interferes between him and me...It's...it's not fair to my family or friends...who try to stop him...when it's me he wants..." she said as more tears came down. "Eloquence...I'm not a good Princess at all...If Twilight were here she'd have the magical control to stop all this...and I can barely teleport myself or light up my horn..." She turned to the green unicorn mare... "but...maybe...there is one way..."


She remembered back during her journey with a group of ponies she now called friends... They were on a quest to follow Star Swirl the Bearded's legacy on a new found power. During the expedition, one of her friends suffered a mishap with a dark evil entity...and the only way to stop him...was through the uniting of her horn with Princess Clover's horn...an alicorn union of magic and peace...It was a strong and powerful magic, though unpredictable...Bliss had no control over the aftermaths of it...


But that was with another Alicorn that specalized in magic...Eloquence is merely a unicorn...surely she couldn't help to control my magic...could she? Before she could think about it again, she heard another yelp of pain come from Dark Star as Chase continued his levitation assault on him. And then...that all came to clarity.


"Eloquence..." Bliss finally snapped to reality, "have you ever united horns with another?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Eloquence


During the beating Dark Star managed to form a magical barrier lesering the impact force and making the moves almost useless, but still a bit painful. 

Finally when he had enough he performed an anti-magic spell and removed himself from the grapple. Landing on the ground safely and still managing to stand he felt full of energy, magic was flowing threw him and he liked it.


"Loosing your temper I see. " He grinned trying to mock his enemy. "You will have to try harder then levitation spells. "


Taking a heavy stationary caster position he was prepared for any magic to be thrown at him, and was ready to cast spells back, but for now in this case he decided to fire first.


Charging up his horn he fired a series of magic draining spells, used to heavily weaken an enemy and use his own magic against him. Out of 6 shots fired the last two hit doing major mental damage and drained a lot of his enemies strength. He returned to his stationary defensive stance. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss@,


"I... tried to, once. Princess Twilight has been kind enough to give me a few magic lessons in the past after interviews, and it was among the skills she attempted to teach me. She's incredibly powerful though and, well, I was kind of sent flying across the room..." She grimaced as she spoke, remembering the impact and all of the books that came tumbling down on top of her.


She looked into Lightning Bliss' eyes and smiled. "I'm willing to try again though, if you have a plan. I want to help you, just like Dark Star does, and everyone before us who has stood between you and your enemy." She glanced to the battle going on beside them before speaking again. "You are not weak for needing or receiving help, Lightning Bliss. Chase Razor is a monster, and it would be just as monstrous to turn a blind eye to his actions. Anypony with a heart would feel compelled to help, and seeing you so willing to face him on your own, to stand up and say that his actions are wrong, is what gives them the courage to." She placed a hoof gently on her shoulder. "A wise mare once told me, that a great princess is not one who can fight, but who can inspire others to fight by her side. And you've done that for me. I've always been too afraid to fight, I've felt as if there was nothing I could possibly do, that I was weak and helpless. I don't feel that way now, and you shouldn't feel that way either. We need you."


"Now..." She removed herself and stood erect, ready for action. "What is it you have in mind, Blissy?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence, @,


Bliss's eyes glazed with tears of joy and insperation at Eloquence's confident, kind supporting words. And with her stance and willingness to continue with her risplay, she nodded and stood to face her.


"I don't know what will happen...My magic has a mind of its own." She attempted to explain, "but it's the magic of peace within me...if it senses that it needs to take action, then it will, especially if it has somepony I can trust...to show it the way." She placed a hoof on Eloquence's shoulder, "if I can trust anypony here in this dire need, it's you."


Chase meanwhile was doing more growling and panting then anything now. It was bad enough he used up some much energy into his magic, but now he was hit with two magic barbs that sucked more so of his energy then he thought. He toppled to his front knee, trying to catch his breath...then looked up to DarkStar.


"You fail to realize..." he panted, "who you're dealing with...You lack the confidence to push yourself to the limit...when I am not..." He slowly regained his composure and stood up, several feet from DarkStar. He pointed his horn to the sky but continued to keep eye contact with his rival. "You see...my power thrives for revenge...and battle...The more you get me angry...the more powerful I become...and my friend... you've done more then enough!"


He shut his eyes then...focusing his magic up into the sky, as a wave of wind seemed to get sucked up from all around them, being drawn upward to where his horn pointed. A swirling vortex of clouds becan to spiral above him...and then in an odd electric trigger of magic...the sky began to burn above him...The firey clouds then began to shapeshift...turning into sharp jagged edged weapons...that became solid... It was his most powerful spell that he only used on his largest opponants like dragons or a flock of gryphons. But Dark Star had proven worthy of this card...He didn't care if this put a crater in the middle of arena, this would cripple the foolish stallion to a burnt crisp...Severly injured but not dead...least that was the rule.


Bliss looked up in awe and terror at the magical display.


She had no idea how powerful Chase's rage truely was let alone his magical talent...At this rate not only would DarkStar would get hurt...but so would she and Eloquence. The time to act was now...She turned to Eloquence.


"Do you really believe everything you said? Do you really trust me!?" She took a step towards her. Her horn already beginning to glow a familiar rainbow aura.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Eloquence nodded and took a step forward as a green aura formed around her own horn. "Lightning Bliss, I am a writer and journalist who's greatest pride is in the power of her words. It is my duty to only say that which I firmly and honestly believe." She twitched a little at the sound of a loud crack from the inferno above her, but stood her ground. "I trust you with my life, and I am ready to do this, whatever comes of it." Her horn glowed to the fullness of its power, and she brought her head close to that of her friend, waiting on her lead.


"I believe in you..." 

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Eloquence,



"In your rage you forgot that we are both unicorns. "


Now, here it was, the final card. 


Dark Star looked up at the doom that was coming at him, lighting up his horn he fired upon it, weakening the spell a bit, then phase 2 came and he decided to time things perfectly, he was going to do something a dragon or huge foe can't do. 


His horn lighting up not even being seen he very quickly teleported to Chase and within not even half a second tackled him, while still in air he teleported both of them close to the impact zone, but not right under the weapon but next to where it was to hit. Casting a short anti-magic spell in the area so both of them couldn't cast spell anymore he waited another second for the plan to finish. 


As the weapon impacted a powerful force pushed everything around it, throwing rocks at the stallions and pushing them back to the very borders of the arena having them bounce off the arena force field, dust begun covering up the whole scene.


As the scene lifted both of the stallions were lying on the ground, too wounded and drained to fight. 


The shield slowly lifted from the arena and the Duel Master walked up to both of them. Both had broken bones and bruises all around, and were not really in any way ready to move. 


"Eh, well. It is a draw!" 


Dark Star was broken everywhere, he didn't even try to move as pain came out of everywhere. This time a healing spell wouldn't do the job, these were wounds that needed time and care. Looking to his opponent he found him in an alike position. The sound of a draw was nice to him, at least it was not a loss. He grinned and spoke out to Chase. 


"Good... duel. We should do this again... some time. " He chuckled and went back to a comfortable broken bone position, looking up at the sky. 



(Yeah, I had to end it here. I just felt like this was perfect. I might have misunderstood Chases spell a bit maybe, or what he would have done. But I just needed to do this.)

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@, @@Eloquence,


(OOC ah...well you ended up ruining my plan to end it as well then...Scratch this Eloquence I guess the only magic show we'll be doing magic wise is a teleport sequence followed by dismissing Chase's last ditch effort fire weapon. Bit bummed about it though Dark... I know it's your RP but if you wanted to end it, heads up next time so I don't plan something in the future?)


As the two stallions were thrown back and forced into a draw...the fire storm had weakened somewhat but continued to descend upon them...there was only one way out of this burning scene...A massive teleportation of all three ponies.


"There's not much time...hang on to me..." Bliss encouraged Eloquence to hold her as her rainbow horn magic mixed with her green hue....


(Play Me for atmosphere)




In a flash of briliant spring green and rainbow light, both alicorn and unicorn were in tranced by their own powerful forces entertwining with each other....Then...as if spring had coaxed forward out of the middle of fall...a peaceful atmosphere envoloped the entire grounds.


"What in the name is this???" The arena keeper shouted as the magic, quite litterally destroyed his shield around the town...creating a new found night sky...one would have in the spring...But it was the midst of fall. The magical atmosphere contiuned its peaceful quest, abosorbing the firey sky above them...transforming it back to a spring stary night, clear of clouds...The ground turned to soft grass...flowers bloomed...and all the ponies...were glowing with a raident peaceful aura.


"It must know..." Bliss's Equestrian voice bellowed out, still keeping horn touch to Eloquence, "Peace knows we are in aid...It shall take us back to where we began...where we are meant to be..."


At that...The magic surged forward on top of everypony, and teleported them back to where they belonged, leaving the odd old stallion and Chase Razor behind.


-- Back at the Gala, in the middle of the Castle Gardens --


Bliss woke up, finding herself lying next to Eloquence, and Dark Star not more then a few feet from her. He was hurt...but it didn't seem as bad as it used to be. The magic must have quietened his wounds...but they would still need medical care.


She herself felt tired....but for once tonight, at peace and relaxed. She looked down upon Eloquence and realized her magic must have gotten some insperation from the green mare.


"It was like Spring...a warm place filled with rose and honey suckle..." she smiled to Eloquence. "What amazing magical talent..."

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@@Lightning Bliss,


((I'm a little bummed as well, but this seems to work too. These things happen though, 'tis the nature of roleplay after all))


Eloquence's eyes fluttered open and she found herself lying in the grass. She looked up a bit and quickly realized she was in the Canterlot gardens. Still dazed and with some struggle she pushed herself into a semi-upright position and looked around, seeing with relief that Lightning Bliss and Dark Star had were safely brought back with her. She patted the top of her head and brought down Ellipsis, who was understandably unsettled but otherwise no worse for wear. She snuggled him against the side of her face and sat up.


She could remember everything that had happened; the end of the duel, the spell, the immense feeling of magic surging through her like she'd never felt before, but it all seemed so dreamlike, so surreal. Surely she couldn't have participated in such a thing. Surely she hadn't just tipped the scale of a duel between two incredibly powerful unicorns singlehoofedly before assisting an alicorn in disabling one of the most powerful spells she had ever seen and rejuvenating a huge swath of land. Surely she couldn't be so... so powerful, or so... heroic. Could she?


Seeing Bliss pull herself to her hooves as well pulled her back to the present. After everything that had just taken place, she was rather at a loss for words. After some staring she settled for something simple.


"Are.. are you alright?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"I'm...amazing," Bliss smiled, being honestly blunt in her statement, "you're magic really did help give mine an insight into controlling the situation. I think it got inspiration from you of spring, composure and dignity."


She wobbly attempted to stand up, only to slump down again on her rear. She blinked a bit in surprise, then suddenly began to laugh. Her wings fluttered up and down against her side as her lioness tail wagged about eagerly.


"I was just so scared!" She blurted amongst her laughter, "and now we're all safe and... I feel so good and relaxed and! OH such a good thing to have!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Eloquence smiled shyly, honored by her friend's words. "Thank you... I, I wouldn't have imagined before tonight that I could do something like that. It really was amazing..." She watched as the small white mare slowly fell into a fit of giggles, and seeing the joy and relief in her brought up the same emotions in herself. Before she knew it she was laughing too, twitching her tricolored tail as her up-do finally fell apart completely and her long mane flopped in front of her face. She looked utterly ridiculous, and this whole Celestia-forsaken night was utterly ridiculous, but here they all were at its end, safe and sound.


((I take it we're wrapping this up soon?))

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


"Yeah, yeah, yeah, giggle it out. I'll just wait here. " 


He continued lying, this time on the soft grass of the gardens which felt so much better to his fur then the rocky ruined street. 

Dark Star couldn't really move, and he really didn't want to either. He was tired and has a few fractured bones, besides that the night sky looked very pretty, not a single cloud in sight, just the moon slowly getting ready to pull back and make room for the sun once more.


"Well, don't bother yourselves, but while you are at it could you bring me and my friend Chase some wine? That would be very thoughtful of you. " 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Elo's ears twitched at the sound of her now-conscious friend's voice, and as her giggles died down she got to her feet, looking down briefly at the battered rose that had finally fallen from her mane with a soft thud. She walked over to him and laid down on her stomach near him to speak to him at eye level.


"Are you alright Star? That was quite the ordeal back there, and I can't imagine you got through it without needing a bit of medical treatment, even after being healed to some extent." She said looking him over, easily able to see that he did not sustain as much damage as he should have thanks to her and Bliss' spell. "Also, your umm... friend did not accompany us on our return, at least not to my knowledge."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@, @@Eloquence,


"Eloquence's magic, helped mine to be controlled long enough for it to do what it needed to do what's best for us..." Bliss finally came out of her giggling, her tone was soft and assured of itself. She too slowly got up and stumbled over to Eloquence and DarkStar to check on the brave stallion's physical wellbeing. "The magic of peace, it's quite interesting how it determines what's best for the situation. I suppose it felt it best it left Chase Razor where he is, so he could do no harm to others. I'm sure he's still back there, sitting if not laying in the street...pondering his next plans to find me and...well force me to face him again."


She rubbed her head then, blushing a big.


"It's kinda ironic since somepony else is always seeming to face him, but not myself...I know day though I won't be able to avoid him...and I won't have friends to help me when that day comes...But," she placed a hoof on DarkStar and one on Eloquence, "it's good to know I have friends in all sorts of locations to rely on, should Chase Razor return again." She smiled and pulled back, taking a closer look on DarkStar. His tux was clearly ruined as well as his tie, and he was bruised and obviously in some discomfort, but at least he was better off then what he could have been.


"You're a mess..." she spurted out bluntly. "Thank you..." and hugged him.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Eloquence,  


The hug was nice, but overall he was not a hug person, especially from people he hardly knows and he did feel rather uncomfortable.


"Well, as much as this moment is enjoyable, may I please get some personal space? Not trying to sound mean or anything, I am just a closed person. " 


He got back to his lying down position, a bunch of thoughts rushing through his head, mostly trying to process the whole duel since it happened so fast to him. 


"Anyway, a shame Chase didn't come with us, maybe your peacekeeping powers need a bit of tweaking. "


He fixed his bowtie and mane.


"I think he needs to be approached with more friendship and chance. Ponies change, you just need to show them the way sometimes. His goals are dark, but having him sink deeper into them by spoiling his plans does not seem like a good idea either. I can't say I know the situation but from all I do know that is what I think. " 


He turned to Eloquence. 


"Quite an ordeal... feels so heroic. Well, at least I got some magic stretching, I don't feel much fullness in my horn anymore, I feel so much lighter. " 


Dark Star lit his horn and teleported himself up on all four hooves, being at once met with serious pain, hardly standing he leaned against a tree for security. 


"You two have no idea how much I wish to be friends with Chase, possibly the similarities, also the fact that we are equal when it comes to magic combat. I feel like it would be a very nice friendship. Speaking of friends we also both seem to lack them... I believe I should try and find him and get to talk to him a bit, think that would be possible Bliss-y?"

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Bliss could only smile at the stallion who believed he could reach out and make friends with Chase...but she knew Chase better then any pony around...aside from his own family of course. There was no reasoning with the stallion, not unless she attempted to, but even then...he wouldn't be satisfied till he had his revenge on her.


"I'm sure if you found him again and tried...who knows what will happen...I just know I've never been able to reach him...Because well," she sighed, "he never gave me the chance to. It's several things with him that will make him happy it feels...I either submit to him and be his mare...To which I never will...I've married my husband. Or I face him in combat...to which he'll beat me to a bloody pulp...Though I'm hoping if I were to let him do that, he would finally be at peace...but I know he won't stop with this violence...He'd want to keep beating me till there's nothing left..."


At that she hotly turned on Dark Star at his comment against her magic of peace.


"Peace isn't something to be forced into the hearts and minds of others good sir!" She stomped a hoof, "you have to want it yourself...You have to except it into your heart...If you want it to...Chase was uneffected by my magic because he didn't wish for peace...He wished for fightning...Fighting against you...so that he could take his revenge..." She turned away, feeling hurt by his comment, as well as the truth of her magic. "My magic isn't meant for fighting...or defeating foes like Twilight, or Luna, or Cadence or even Celestia... it's about making peace...What good is the alicorn of peace...if she fights using her own magic?" She turned to Eloquence and Dark Star then, "nothing...because my magic isn't meant for fighting...It's a choice...and it reacts by choice..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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