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private The Keepers of the Portals


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104729-the-keepers-of-the-portals/


Welcome to the House with the portals. We are known as the Keepers of the Portals. We will all beliving together, fighting together and collecting antiques that we like or will help us. We are all the chosen ones. We are to keep the world and Equestria safe.
Waterfall galloped up to the large house where she was told she would be staying for the rest of her life. (( I can't believe this I am only 16 and I have keep this to myself. Why did my family have to be weird. My father always told I was special. But this. I don't what to be a keeper of the portals or a chosen one. Well at least I don't have to do this by myself)) she thought. She walked into the house and went to where the bedrooms were. All the bedrooms had different names on the doors. She walked into her room and stopped dead. She saw and heard the ocean out the window. When she was nowhere near the ocean. She shook her head and looked around the room. She had a black king size conopy bed, a bathroom that was ocean themed and a walk in closet. She had everything she loved to do in here. A tv, a gamesystem, with a whole lot of games, a dvd player, and a stereo. On the bed there was a unlimited credit card, a tablet, a ipod and a samsung gallaxy victory cell phone. She went to the closet and put her stuff up. And went to explore the house.

Edited by Kay Dreamer
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Dusk Shade marched up to the front door of his new home. "The house of the portals, huh...? Well, at I lnow you are in good hands Princess Luna, my friend". With that, he adknowledged his orders and stepped inside of the strange house that was to be his home and walked into the room that bore his name. There he found a bookcase perfectly stocked with classics and spellbooks( three of which he himself had written), a case on which to store his armour, and a study bed made of fibe oak. "All anypony could ever need", he said to himself as he left his room to explore. Upon turning his third corner, he aaw a young mare walking the halls. "Who might you be"? he asked summoning hos etheral scythe. "I will have you know that intrusion is something I will not tolerate".

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"Hi my name is Waterfall. What is ur name? And I didn't intrude. This is my new home" she said getting affended and a little scared. She knew how to fight because her father made sure of it, but didn't like to. She didn't what to fight so she backed up into a wall and kept her eyes on him.

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"Ah... you are the pony I am to work alongside...my name is Dusk Shade. Over a thousand years I have served Equestria and more specifically Princess Luna as her personal knight. What of you? What qualifies you for this rask...I am curious". With a tilt of his head, he diminished his scythe into nothingness.

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"It's nice to meet you; Dusk Shade, but I was born into this. And I am glad that you did not fight me, that would have been bad," Waterfall told him. She looked to the side and saw a door that said "The Room of Portals." She looked back at him and smiled and said "Well I guess I am the youngest in the house so far."

Edited by Waterfall
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Muffy looked around the place not knowing what to think. Even though she is away from her friend, she thinks she can handle it though. "I wonder if I'll meet somepony new, well it looks like more then one pony can live here though, I think" she whispered in a happy toned voice.

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Dusk Shade teleported away from Waterfall and behind Muffy. "Another child....I am beginnibg to wonder if I am to be a portal keeper or a foalsitter...no matter. Greetings newcomer..please identify yourself." He made sure not to overreact to the new pony's arroval again with his scythe.

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"Oh well I'm Muffy, I'm friends with Derpy, she gave me my name, I think she based my name on muffins, but I don't know, but what about you, what's your name" she asked trying not to speak to fast, and trying not to be annoying but just informative, but what she said is true, Derpy did name her.

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"My name is Dusk Shade and I will not bore you with my entire life story as you have I..." he said with an irratated sigh. He then used his magic to teleport to his own room and emptied his enchanted saddlebag onto his bed revealing countless rara artifacts he had collected during his thousand years of service to the princesses.

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"Well that was rude" Waterfall she said to herself. She turned around and saw another poney. So she went up to her and introduced herself. "Hi my name is Waterfall. What's yours?" She asked. " Maybe I should put dinner on. Maybe they will like that. Hopefully Dusk Shade will like that. He won't have to fend for himself" she thought.

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"Oh my name is Muffy, maybe I should make some brownies, or muffins, no brownis sound better" she said the last part mainly to herself not realizing that she said it out loud. Then she just looked at Waterfall and asked "Do you like brownies or muffins better" and she looked pretty serious to.

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Dusk Shade had shut himself off in his room. He removed his armour and placed it inside of it's case. The only thing he did not remove was his amulet one of his only reminders of his past. Dusk Shade used his powers to dim the lights around his room. He had no need to darkenhis own room as he had already removed all lights. Then he began his daily meditation levitating a few feet above the ground, his chanting echoing through the house.

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Waterfall chuckled a little bit and said "Well Muffy, I like brownies. What do you say about we go find the kitchen and I start on dinner and you start on the dessert. And lets leave Dusk Shade to his chanting. Shall we." "Oh Muffy do you like shopping?" Waterfall asked.

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Just then, Riley and Anala galloped up to the front door of their new home. "Hellooooo everypony!" greeted Riley, as he swung the door open. He skipped inside, Anala walked in, and Riley began to set up his Super Neightendo Entertainment System - or just SNES for short.


"So, who might all you be?" he asked.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Waterfall heard a comotion down stairs and went to see. She saw a boy and a girl and went down. "Hi my name is Waterfall what are your names? And can one of you please close the door?" She asked. "Also I am going to start on dinner and what would you to like. I am thinking of making fried chicken" she said.

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Anala looked up at Waterfall. "Fried chicken? Sounds good to me," she said, and she went to close the door.


"I know right!" agreed Riley.


He then started doing a little dance on the spot while singing a song about fried chicken. Anala took advantage of his distracted state and went on he SNES.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Waterfall laughed and went to start dinner. She got out everything and started peeling the potettos. Once had that done she put them on to boil. She than got the chicken started. And than got out the packs of white and brown gravey. She set those aside and set the table for five people. When she was done she also got the brownie stuff out for Muffy. And than went to see Riley.

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"Fried chick-keeennn... uh! Yeah! Get it while it's hot... f-f-f-fried chicken..." sang Rikey, still performing his silly little dance. He then stopped when he noticed Waterfall standing near him. "Oh, hiya, Waterfall!" he greeted her. "Wanna play some Super Ponio World?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"You bet, but in a few minutes we have to pause the game so I can check on the food and make sure it doesn't burn" she told him still laughing about the dance and song. She loved video games and could tell that Riley and her would be great friends. She sat down on the couch and got a controler

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She started playing the game and trying to keep an eye on the kitchen. She heard the potettos starting to boil so she looked towards the kitchen and the next thing she knew her poney died. She sat the controler doen and went to check on the food. She took out the chicken and put more in. She made sure the potettos were done and drained them. She than mashed them and got the mashed potetos done and on the table. She put the corn and green beans in the microwave and and started to heat them. She than put the cresanuts and beascuts in the oven. And started on the gravey. Once those were done along with the rest of it except the bread and second batch of chicken. She put them on the table and went back inyo the living room.

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Muffy happily humed a little tune that Derpy signed to her while making the brownies, but she was so happy, well from what she thought is happiness, she started to make muffins for fun.


((the song she is humming is Bubbles and Muffins, BaldBumboRat made the song))

Edited by LunaFlower226
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Waterfall went back into the kitchen and the rest of the chicken and got the bread out of the oven. She put it all on the table with everything else. And said "Muffy it's time for dinner. I'm going to get the others" she walk up the stairs and knocked on Dusks door.

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Dusk Shade uses his magic to open the door atthe sound of knocking. "Yes... it is open..." he says in attempt to be friendly thay goes less than petfect to say the least. "What is it chi-Watetfall..?" Upon a sniff to the airhe had his answer in the form the aroma of freshly cooked food. "You waste your time on me... I will not be eating".

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"Ok if you change your mind there is a place set for you" Waterfall said before smiling at him and walked out. She went down stairs and told Anale and Riley dinner was ready. She walkef over to the table and set down waiting for them to join her at the table.

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