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@, ''Try again at a closer distance.'' Hiro said as he watched Mitsuki training using chidori ''well then... Kaguya it seems that you are fine on the chakra control part so go train what you want right now'' he said as he took careful watch over all of their training 'seems like they are atleast experienced enough to take a mission ''Do you guys wanna go take a mission tommorow?'' he asked them while they were training and Karuya responded whilst preparing to make a rapid amounts of genjutsus ''its fine for me, so its on the others''

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"Ok, this will be interesting with loud mouth over here. But oh well. Also not much younger than me, you, Ryoko, introduce yourself as well, I am curious as to why you two got paired with me." Sigjing he starts thinking, 'great, the girl is either gonna have to learn to fight, or she will end up having to basically charn others to her side, and then we have that kid. Why cant my life be easy?'

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Ryoko put his hands behind his head and followed his teammate's lead. "The name's Ryoko, and don't forget it. I'm 15, i like seafood and cute girls. I dislike people who mess with my friends, the spiky white haired jerk who takes my spot at the women's side of the hot springs, and nobles that like to pop in on their daughters without so much as a knock. My dream is to be the greatest ninja that ever lived." He said nonchalantly.

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Mitsuki got closer to the tree and charged the jutsu before striking the tree leaving a large indent in it. She smiled and looked at Hiro. "Thanks sensei" She said before trying it again and striking the tree before stepping back a bit farther and doing it again.

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Looking at Ryoko he says one thing. "Pervert. Look, if you are going to perv out, do not do it towards your team. I don't need the drama. Also, the cocky attitude will probably kill you one day. Anyways, tomorrow we will have our first mission and I expect to see teamwork. "

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"Yeah yeah, teamwork." Ryoko said, kind of blowing him off. He then then turned to Koneko. "You going home yet?" He asked her, "I'm get something to eat if you wanna come."



this is a filler so you can ignore the spoiler.i just need to reach the minimum word count. Ii


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"Yay, a mission." Koneko said with a smile. She then turned to Ryoko who asked if she wanted to come eat with him. With his introduction of him being a big pervert, she didn't really want to go anywhere with him at the time. "I kinda have plans today, sorry. Maybe next time." She said to Ryoko.

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"Remember, teamwork and don't forget one thing, Ryoko, you still have a long way to go before you catch up ti that mouth of yours. Koneko, you need to work on your skills, as much as I hate to say it, the only reason you assed was my kindness towards my team. If you have a skill that you would like to work.on, let me know."

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Ebisu focused carefully as he approached a tree, he had heard and learned of these kinds of Chakra control but rarely had the opportunity to practice them. Pressing one foot against its base he ran up the side, never once breaking his focus. He managed to make it about half way up the trunk before he was forced to leap off the side and prevent himself from falling. Kneeling down and focusing again he dashed up the tree once more with little difference to his previous attempt. 

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@@Sanctified Absence, @,  Hiro looked while Ebisu was trying to climb the tree ''try standing on the side of the tree and once you have gotten used to that walk, its much easier that way.'' he said while Karuya had managed to create multiple genjutsus to make the trees look like it was another season of the year or even another tree in general ''so you are quite good at using genjutsu Karuya'' Hiro said looking at the trees ''But you still would need way more training if this is all you can do'' Karuya looked at Hiro ''Ofcourse i can do more, i just dont want to use up all my chakra in one go'' Karuya sat down by a tree after this and started focusing on creating more illusions. After checking on Ebisu and Karuya he looked at Mitsuki ''Focus on extending the chidori's front if you cant control it for a long run. It will make it easier to hit the target though it will be somewhat weaker if you dont penetrate through the whole thing'' Hiro knew the other two would probly be okay for awhile and watched Mitsuki more than Ebisu and Karuya for now.


(And the day will be over soon. And then we will get on our feet and do some missions.)

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"Oh well. I'm gonna gonna go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Ryoko said as he jumped up to a low branch and branch hopped away. 'Well, that was fun.' He thought. Once he reached the village, he made his way to his favorite food stand. He sat down and noticed a girl sitting not too far from him. "Well, looks like I'm just having a good day." He said as he got up to introduce himself.

(I'll post next after the timeskip)

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"Well if I am not needed here, I will be leaving as well. Koneko, I didnt get a chance to tell Ryoko, but be here tomorrow morning, I will breif you on the details and hopefully we can get through this without his mouth screwing everything up." Picking up the remnants of Quick Razor, he turns to leave. "Koneko, wirk.hard and you can be stronger than Ryoko, trust me."

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''Focus on extending the chidori's front if you cant control it for a long run. It will make it easier to hit the target though it will be somewhat weaker if you dont penetrate through the whole thing'' Hiro knew the other two would probly be okay for awhile and watched Mitsuki more than Ebisu and Karuya for now.


"Alright" Mitsuki said as she charged chidori again before striking the treepart way through. She tried again on to keep on striking through it part way. "I need to make it stronger" Mitsuki said as she charged for a longer period of time. after she finished she struck the tree completely through before falling to her knees worn out. "I used up a lot of my chakra....damn" She said to herself 

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"Bye." Koneko said to Ryoko as he left. She then turned to Kenji, who was telling her the instructions for tomorrow and his side statement. Koneko nodded. "Yes Sensei. I'll be here ready to go. Also, I'll get him to shut up." She said with an innocent smile. "Have a nice night Sensei." She finished as she began walking back to the village. As she walked into the village, she decided she would hit the hotsprings before she went home. She walked up the street and down another to the springs and went inside. She did the usual business in the changing room and walked into the springs. She sat there, relaxing from the exciting day she just had, and was thinking about what tomorrow was going to be like. "I hope it's a fun mission tomorrow..." She mumbled.


(I'm good for a time skip if you are.)

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"Ok" he heads back to his house, and once he gets there he starts to work on his damaged puppet. "That wind attack was good, I should have dodged it differently rather than letting it take the hit. Oh well, tomorrow wilk be different. I do hope it's a mission that actually has some use for them if they actually work toggle they are quite powerful."


(I'm good, I need mssin orders from rolle first though)

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@,@@Sanctified Absence,  Hiro looked up at the sky and said ''its quite late now, we should go back to our homes and rest up.'' With that being said Karuya had finished up to 11 illusions today and managed to keep them up while using up most of his chakra. ''Well then, im leaving then'' Karuya said as he walked back to the village then home to say goodbye before his dad went off to his mission again. After they all had left Hiro walked back to the hyuuga residence.



(time skip initialized..... And sage you just go to the hokage building. I will have some interesting/uninteresting missions, also Absence if you want you could always rp from the beggining of my last post to this post now.)


Karuya woke up on time this day and went to eat something then leave for the hokage building to wait for the mission. After he got there passing half of the village he decided to wait outside where he saw Hiro who had made a sign for Karuya to wait with him.

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Kenji, waking up early for once, starts to head towards the Hokages building. Walking up the.door, he steps in, and heads.toward the office. "Lord Hokage, Kenji, reporting for a missin for my squad. I assume there is one, even though the team is new?" (Ok, just need the mission lol)

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Mitsuki had woken up and yawned. "I better get ready today before I am late" Mitsuki said to her self as she got dressed ate and left. As she walked through the villiage she noticed a boy from the Uchiha clan with black hair. She took no mind to him and continued onward






((Just wondering if its okay to make references to other characters in the Naruto Series? if so I'll have to modify this post a bit)

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"YOU BASTARD!" Was the sound coming from the Hyuuga compound this morning, alond with some crashing noises. Soon after the noise, Ryoko could be seen jumping out of an open window and fleeing the scene. "That was a close one." He said to himself. "Although it was completely worth it." He smiled thinking about the events since he saw that girl at the food stand. "Anyway, today I go on my first mission. Don't wanna be late." He said with a smile as he umped from rooftop to rooftop. 

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Another punch, another kick. Ebisu had awoken early and was going through his standard morning routine, he had already eaten straight after waking up and was now finishing his 30 minute training session. Another punch, another kick. He wasn't quite sure what to make of his team, from what he gathered one of them had an affinity for Lightning Style and the other was already well versed in basic Chakra control, combbined with the fact that they both supposedly enjoyed training he was going to have a hard time getting to and keeping the strongest.


Grabbing his weapon sets and donning the rest of his garments, Ebisu sped out of his house and once again onto the streets of Konoha. He wasn't late, far from it, but any opportunity to exercise or train was to be taken advantage of and so he ran to his destination rather than walked. After coming in view of his destination, he slowed down to a walk as he spotted and approached Karuya.

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Koneko was heading out the door, eating a rice cake she made for breakfast. Today was the day of her first mission and she was excited. She had gotten up early and prepared herself. In light of the mission, she decided to put her hair up into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way, revealing her whole face and her tattoo under her eye. As she walked down the street, she could hear yelling off in the distance. "That must be from the Hyuuga's." She said to herself as she continued walking. After a short while, she saw Ryoko jumping on the rooftops, coming from the direction of the Hyuuga compound. Koneko sighed and took another bite of her rice cake as she headed towards the training grounds.

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Karuya had talked to Hiro about what kind of mission or around the rank the team would have been able to accomplish but ofcourse new genins are supposed to mostly only be able to handle D or C rank missions so Hiro had responded with an easy C rank mission. After some minutes of silence Karuya noticed Ebisu had arrived ''Good morning, Ebisu.'' he said when he arrived. After greeting he asked Ebisu ''So, what kind of kekkei genkai or chakra element do you use or which of the 4 jutsu variants do you focus on?'' having asked this he looked up at the sky 'its kinda cloudy today aswell, huh' he thought while listening to Ebisu.

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Walking out of the Hokage buliding, with orders for C rank mission. "I'm probably putting too much faith in them. Well, if they screw up, they will be stuck doing D ranks." Running to the training grounds, he pockets the orders and stands in yhe center, waiting.

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Mitsuki finally arrived and saw Ebisu, Karuya, and Hiro there. "Sorry if I am late I got a bit caught up in something"" Mitsuki said as she looked at Hiro. "I would guess we are going on a mission today" Mitsuki said as she looked at her team members. 



(just had an idea to use the fuma shuriken)

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"Well I specialize in Ninjutsu, it's also my most naturally strong of the types," Ebisu still didn't know why he was telling Karuya this, surely his team mates should figure it out through actions rather than words, then again knowing their strengths beforehand could e useful in case they needed to rely on each other soon. "I have an affinity for Water Style although I have been trying to dabble in Lightning, with no success as of yet given my experience. As for Kekkei Genkai, I don't seem to have an-" He was cut off by Mitsuki, this was the one who was practising a relatively strong Lightning Style technique the other day, she would be one to pay close attention to.

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