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private Sonic and Dash (Action/Adventure)


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"Well we are on the Planet Equus which is the only known planet in the solar system to have life on it," she talked at a slower pace so Sonic could get it, "this means that if you did come from Mobius as you said then you got transported here from outside the solar system"

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"Well we are on the Planet Equus which is the only known planet in the solar system to have life on it," she talked at a slower pace so Sonic could get it, "this means that if you did come from Mobius as you said then you got transported here from outside the solar system"



"Uhhhhh.... yeaaaaaaaahhhh..." Sonic looked towards the fourth wall. "I'm going to just call it Equestria if that's okay with everybody." He then looked back at the rest of his group.

"So, we're going to look for Rainbow Dash, right? Any idea where should start searching?"

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Twilight rubbed her head with a hoof, "Rainbow Dash usually hides on clouds when she wants to get away from ponies, maybe we should check the clouds around Ponyville first, call her name and you may get a response. Fluttershy I want you to fly up and look for her"


The yellow mare looked at the ground, "umm...ok" she whispered nervously

Edited by DoubleRainbow_Dash
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"Fluttershy, huh? That's a cute name."

"Pinkie Pie..."
"Twilight Sparkle."
"So, that's all your names, huh?"
"Well, we have no time to lose, lets get going and see if we can find her before the night falls."
"Er, this world does have nighttime, right? Or is there something about it I don't know?"


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"Nothing weird happens at night, only if you happen to be a warehog of something." Twilight laughed. "So here's the plan, Rarity and Applejack you'll go East, Pinkie Pie go West, Fluttershy go over the town to the south and Sonic" she looked at him, "come with me"

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[O-Okay, so it seems like I should follow Twilight, after all, I have no idea where I am going or what is lurking here.] Sonic thought to himself.

"Um... Twilight... you know if something was to attack us, I could totally take it on singlehandedly, right?" 
"But, if I don't follow you, I'm going to get lost, so, er, I will follow you until you say otherwise, okay? But, um.... what do we do if we find her? How do we tell the others?"


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Twilight started walking down one of the larger streets, expecting Sonic to follow. "I'll send a short range message using my magic" the said matter of factly. "Besides, nothing is going to attack us here, and you'd probably just destroy more of Ponyville again. The only reason I even got you out if town hall was because I can slightly overide the mayors authority."

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"Haha... Right...." Sonic still felt bad about what he did to town hall and what happened to Rainbow Dash, but sitting around and moping wasn't going to get him anywhere, so he just followed Twilight Sparkle, until they heard what sounded like someone crying in the distance


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Twilight raised a hoof in front for Sonic to stop him from going any farther. "Shh....." She listened carefully, "do you hear that?" She scanned the clouds in the sky above them, none of them looked particularly out of place. "Keep your eyes peeled, Rainbow Dash could be around here"

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Twilight raised a hoof in front for Sonic to stop him from going any farther. "Shh....." She listened carefully, "do you hear that?" She scanned the clouds in the sky above them, none of them looked particularly out of place. "Keep your eyes peeled, Rainbow Dash could be around here"

"Okay." He whispered. "Quiet, I got it." Both of them slowly walked, scanning their eyes around every area they could see. "It's kinda funny, wouldn't Fluttershy be perfect for this?" Sonic said, getting the feeling that she was a quiet type. "That Rainbow Dash, she just... reminds me of me, in a lot of ways. Personality-wise, I mean." He whispered


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"Futtershy really isn't too good around ponies, even her friends. As for you being like Dash I can say that you have the speed and recklessness part of her down pretty well" she continued to scan the clouds above, "just tell me if you see anything, the noise is coming from nearby"

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Sonic scanned the area. "I think I hear something coming from over there." He pointed towards what looked to be like a cottage right outside the entrance of the Everfree Forest. "W-what? Who in their right mind would live right next to a forest?" He asked. But something caught his eye. "Uh, Twilight, did you just see that?"
Sonic caught a quick glimpse of a rainbow blurred in the distant sky. "I think I see her tail." He said.

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"Hmm......I think your right, she's over by Fluttershy's cottage. Let's go check it out" Twilight broke into a gallop as she headed over the streets, a blue blur passed her up. Upon reaching the cabin Sonic was already waiting for her, arms crossed and tapping his foot. "Some ponys can't run as fast as you can you know"

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"Sorry, Sorry." He retorted, waving his hand at her. "I can't help it if I'm the fastest thing alive!" Oh Sonic are you getting cocky again? 
"You are so much like Rainbow Dash, you know that!?" Twilight interjected. "I can see your trying to lighten the mood a little." Sonic started to laugh. "You're doing a pretty good job, Twilight." Sonic could see that Twilight definitely had a laid back personality to her, but he didn't know exactly how crazy she could get. There was plenty of things he still didn't know about the purple mare.

"W-wait, Fluttershy lives here!?"

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Twilight just rolled her eyes, "Jokes aside though we have to get to Rainbkw Dash quickly. She may seem all confident but when you get down to it she's much more sensitive than you think. With this whole Wonderbolts thing going on she may do something drastic" her horn glowed a bright pink color and a flare shot up into the sky, "Hopefully the others will see it, now come on let's go find her"

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"Of Course!" Sonic stated. "I hope she isn't too devastated because of what happened." 
They met up with the rest of the group and then they started to follow the path they had found leading to Rainbow Dash, Sonic was walking with them because he knew they couldn't keep up.

"Oh, I hope she's okay." Fluttershy started.

"Relax, I'm sure she's fine, Fluttershy." Sonic said. "Even though I've only known her for a little bit, she seemed like a strong pony."


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"Oh yes, she is." Fluttershy looked at the ground and blushed. "It's only that joining Wonderbolts was her dream and now that it may be over she's really sad" the yellow pegasus seemed to be done talking, she hid her face behind her mane and kept her head down.

"Keep looking every pony" Twilight shouted out a reminder

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"Oh yes, she is." Fluttershy looked at the ground and blushed. "It's only that joining Wonderbolts was her dream and now that it may be over she's really sad" the yellow pegasus seemed to be done talking, she hid her face behind her mane and kept her head down.

"Keep looking every pony" Twilight shouted out a reminder

"I agree with Twilight, we should keep looking." 

After a short time of searching they saw something strange.

There was a bunch of white clouds, but in the center of them all was one dark cloud, it looked like it was raining in that one spot, but the rest of the clouds were clear.

"But, how is that even possible?" Sonic asked.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"Pegasi are born with the natural ability to control the weather." Twilight explained, "not only can they move the clouds but the clouds are influenced by emotion. If Rainbow Dash is anywhere it's up there, I'd recommend taking this nice and slow and that means you Sonic, we don't want to upset her even more"

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"C-Control the Weather?" Sonic asked. "That's so abnormal! Where I come from, the clouds move on their own, the rain happens on it's own, and is random, and stuff like that." He explained. "Finally, something interesting."

"I-I got it, Twilight, I won't do anything sudden." He said to her.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"Are you sure he isn't just talking about the Everfree Forest?" A white pony asked Applejack. Twilight gave her a look, "Ok everypony, just let me do the talking right now" she took several steps out from the group, "Rainbow Dash, is tat you?" She called up to the cloud, there was no answer. "Rainbow Dash" she called up again. Still nothing. "We aren't going to leave until you let us help you"

The entire cloud turned black and lightning flashed inside it, "What is it Twilight? Can't you just leave me alone?" Rainbows voice yelled back at her

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"Are you sure he isn't just talking about the Everfree Forest?" A white pony asked Applejack. Twilight gave her a look, "Ok everypony, just let me do the talking right now" she took several steps out from the group, "Rainbow Dash, is tat you?" She called up to the cloud, there was no answer. "Rainbow Dash" she called up again. Still nothing. "We aren't going to leave until you let us help you"

The entire cloud turned black and lightning flashed inside it, "What is it Twilight? Can't you just leave me alone?" Rainbows voice yelled back at her

Sonic just stood there, he didn't want to say anything that would make the situation worse.

All he did was stand, and watch the events playing out in front of him.

[i hope everything is alright with Rainbow... Her dreams could be crushed...All because of me...] He thought to himself. This was going to be a long night.

He was slightly started by the attitude Rainbow had used to talk to Twilight.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"I just want to talk" Twilight tried to ignore her friends harsh tone of voice, "it's no use just pouting about it on that cloud, nothing will change if you do. I'm sure the Wonderbolts will still let you in, your the best flyer in Equestria after all"

"Ugh, do you really think that Twilight. The Wonderbolts are a military organization and if they see I have property damage on my record what do you think they'll do. They'll call me unstable and throw me out, besides I'm going to have to spend the next several years of my life just paying off damages to town hall" she was to irate to listen to reason

Edited by DoubleRainbow_Dash
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[but the destruction of Town Hall was my fault...] Sonic thought to himself.

The conversation between Rainbow and Twilight continued, and Sonic stepped to the side to talk to Pinkie Pie.

He pulled the Chaos Emerald out from where he had stored it before. 
"Hey, Pinkie, you seem to know alot about these gem, is there a reason for that?" He asked.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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She looked at it for a second before she smiled, "Oh, it's just what what voices in my head talked about. They mentioned you, the chaos emeralds, portals, Mobius, and some super mean doctor guy" Pinkie was completely oblivious to how crazy that made her sound.

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