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ooc 1-1 romance RP


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She is very cute. I got Mai to draw her for me since I have almost no skill in freehand.


Since Chelsea is somewhat flirty, how about she comes up to your OC in Ponyville.  


sure, I guess that'll work, Parso is new to life in Equestria so he'd barely know anypony in povyville

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Hi there. I'm stopping by to request that you edit in a link to your RP thread in the first post of this OOC, and a link to this OOC in the first post of your RP thread. This allows anyone reading the OOC thread to quickly and easily locate the RP, and vice versa.


More information on this and other requirements for the Roleplay World section can be found here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105753-roleplay-rules-start-here/



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