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private Easy Going Daily Conflict RP


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OOC Thread and Sign-Ups: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105918-easy-going-daily-conflict-rp/


Narration: *Setting being modern day Equestria, outside of the borders of nearby towns such as Ponyville. Starting time: Late night, mid-summer.*


Herald Minopini: *Silent in the chilled night air, wearing a traveling cloak picked up from an unknown land, trotting towards habitation with hood pulled over. Grim look on face, covered in grime from weeks of travel, seeking solitude and peace. Trying to avoid thoughts of the past, moving towards a potential new life. The sky threatens rain, winds picking up and chatter filling the atmosphere with random sounds of nocturnal creatures.*


"Such a dark past. Why do I go forward? Who will I find? Nobody truly needs my help, do they." *more of a statement than a question.* "No, they don't."


*Darkness clouding my mind, depression setting in. Having lost everything, continuing doubting that anybody would be around to make use of me. Dark thoughts like this popping up every minute of the travel. Unfriendly eyes following my movements as I trot towards habitation in despair.*


"I guess I will find out soon, won't I?" *And so continues the last few miles to town.*

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Anala rode on Riley's back into Cloudsdale.


"Good thing Princess Twilight Sparkle knows all these spells, eh?" commented Riley, setting the Earth Pony mare onto the cloud.


"Absolutely!" replied Anala, walking around on the cloud. "If not for her, who knows what could have happened to me, Kay, Blaze, Scribblegroove, and Crunchy on that adventure..."


Riley set the food cooler down... and it plummeted straight through the cloud.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Herald Minopini: *Walking along, suddenly noticing an object high above my head.*


"What?!" *Scrambles to move, then deciding against it, using magic instead to catch it. Muttering to self...* "Who would be careless enough to drop this? Of all the things to happen today."


*Searching the sky, looking for the source of the cooler. Out loud, using magic to amplify the voice...* "Did somebody lose this?" "What's even in here anyway?"


 *Thought with a hungry stomach, and begins to open the cooler.*

Edited by Shafer.Devin
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Riley flew down to fetch the cooler, and he saw a dark grey unicorn stallion opening it.


"Um, sir?" said Riley as he landed. "That cooler belongs to me and my future girlfriend."


Did Anala hear him say that? He hoped not.


"You must be pretty hungry. Wanna eat with us?" asked Riley, being kind as usual.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse


"Yes, that would be nice." Herald withdrew his snout from the cooler, sitting and pulling the hood back.


"Do I really look that hungry? Is it obvious I've been traveling?" Herald's stomach let out a long, drawn out sound of hollow displeasure.


"Where did it come from anyway? It almost hit me." Herald lowered his head, a standard greeting for his kind.

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"My friend Anala and I were just about to tuck into lunch," explained Riley. "Hey, Anala!" he called. Anala poked her head from behind the cloud. "This guy wants to have lunch with us. You can come down now."


"Great! You can catch me," replied Anala.


"Wait, what?" Before Riley could protest further. Anala did a backflip off the cloud, and Riley instinctively caught her.


"You're getting strong," commented Anala.



OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse


"I apologize, I have been rude. My name is Herald Minopini, a name granted to me because I've suffered memory loss after an incident. I do not know the origin. What is your name?" Herald sat while speaking, weary from travel.


"Also, do you know where I can get a room? I do not have a lot of money." Looking respectfully at the two with prevalent eye contact on his end, Herald spoke a little quieter than before.

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8*Saw the cooler fall out of the sky but was unable to see the spot where it landed*

*Rushes over to the spot where he thinks the cooler landed to find if anypony is injured


"You all right? That thing came out of nowhere. Guess we need to watch out for those falling coolers from now on"

*says with a slight chuckle*

Edited by Scotti3
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"I'm Riley! It's a pleasure to meet you, Herald!" said Riley, shaking Herald's hoof enthusiastically.


"As for where you can get a room," he went on, "There's a small hotel over in Ponyville. Doesn't come with a huge amount of luxuries, but it's still pretty cheap."



Riley and Anala saw a new pony show up.
Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Yes, I'm fine thank you. The cooler missed me. My name is Herald. And your's is?" Herald, again lowering his head.


@Rainbow Eclipse


"Thank you for the information. I will be heading there tonight. Luxuries are not important to me. Nice to meet you too. If you ever need me, just look around. I am not hard to find." Herald sits, waiting to eat.


@Sage of Six Mirrors


*Pulling from the dark cloak a long silver chain, attached to one end with a golden watch to check the time. Clearly once the possession of a dragon who had long ago left the land.*

Edited by Shafer.Devin
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"Well, clearly somepony doesn't value thier possesions. I will have to see this, and I know just how to do it. Heh" as he says this, quietly, he creates an.illusion of himself, and hides,


(The illusion talks like '', real us "".)

'Why hello there, my fellows. How areyou today?'

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@Sage of Six Mirrors


Stuttering for a moment, unsure of the sudden crowd of ponies building up around him, Herald replies, "Quite well, thank you. My name is Herald. Yours? Also, where is everypony coming from all of a sudden?" Somewhat agitated with the flux of ponies.


Leaning closer to the food cooler, smelling something good, Herald sits once more.

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Riley and Anala looked around at the unexpected inpour of ponies. "Ponyville is much bigger than you might think," said Riley. " I know because even though I actually live in Manehattan, I do visit Ponyville a fair bit. It's a nice little friendly town, y'know?"


"Herald?" said Anala. "If you go to a place called Skipper Meadows and see a magnifying glass lying around, do not go anywhere near it."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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As the illusion stands there yammering away towards the group, Mirror Image levitates the watch from the piny who had been holding it. Walking away quietly, he laughs a little. "Too easy. Now to deal with other business. My show needs planning and I cannot neglect it."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Riley's attention was diverted away from Herald and over to the pony who was walking away holding the watch. He went up and stopped in front of him, curious and eager.


"Hey, buddy! That's a nice watch you've got there!" said Riley cheerfully. "Where'd you get it?

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse


"I'll keep that in mind." Herald said, sitting and overly eager to eat. "But what does a magnifying glass have to do with it? I'm new around here, you know."


@Sage of Six Mirrors


Looking curiously at the new arrival, something feeling off. Taking it as hunger pains instead of instinct, Herald shook off the feeling and said: "Nice to meet you." All while watching another leave after a pony with a watch.

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(Next time I am saying I hid it like.)


Looking at the pony bothering him, he growls. "None if your damn business, go nightcore somepony else. I have a job to get to. Stupid children always bothering me and interfering with my business." thinking, 'I should have hidden it.'

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@Sage of Six Mirrors


Herald, agitated from lack of food, went to the pony Riley was talking to. "Is there a problem here? If not, then can we quietly get on with our day? No offence to anypony, but I've been traveling for a while."


@Rainbow Eclipse


"Riley, is something wrong? Something feels, ... , off here." Herald sat, somewhat lethargic, and unaware of his surroundings and what was going on.

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Riley's face had a comically offended expression. "Children? I'm nineteen years old, I'll have you know!" he told the pony.




He turned to Herald. "I don't think anything is wrong, I just noticed that this guy has a nice watch. Sort of like yours," he explained. "Where is that watch, anyway?"


Meanwhile, Anala decided to explain about the magnifying glass. "I once met up with a bunch of ponies in a meadow, and then one of them calle Blaze touched a magnifying glass lying around, and BAM! We each shrank to an inch tall," she said. "You would not believe the adventure we had."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Re-boot happens to spot a group of ponies grouping up together and walks over but not to close, he notices mirror image take the watch and smiles when the others take interest in it, he walks over to the thief and wraps a hoof around his neck.


"Ahh here you are, I was looking for you buddy, we better hurry up or we'll be late for work, and you know how upset lyra will be if we aren't there to open up the shop.


He winks and begins to lead mirror image away from the group, and whispers.


"You need to work on your skills buddy... There quite rusty"

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Herald, at this point sick of waiting and deciding to leave, going to check the time, and realizing the watch was gone. "Hey! First off, who are you?" Looking straight at Re-boot.




"Second, who took my watch? Third, why is everypony suddenly gathered around me when I suddenly show up in town? I get here and a cooler is nearly dropped on me. After that, everypony is everywhere when all I want is sleep and some food! Now, I will let this all slide if my watch is returned, at which point I will go and get a room for the night. Otherwise, I am going to the town authorities and turning EVERY one of you in for suspected thievery."


After thinking a moment, looking at everypony around him, Herald continued, "And now I have an accurate description of all of your faces and flanks, so do not put it past me." At this point, Herald was turning to leave.

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Riley and Anala looked offended. "What did we do?!" asked Riley. "We would never steal your watch! It must have been the guy who's holding it."


Anala's eyes widened. "An accurate description of our flanks?" She stormed up to Herald and smacked him right in the face with a forceful hoof. "PERVERT!"


Riley grabbed her and pulled her away.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse


Herald, rubbing his face, decided to explain. "I do apologize. I forget that I am not in my home town. You see, where I come from, thieves are the least of your worries. I suppose I did not expect it to happen here. In my home town, many of the ponies look very similar to each other, so when you report an incident you can't just report the face, you must also describe what you call a 'cutie mark.'"


Herald by this point was starting to sway, the hunger and travel catching up. His vision was very blurred, and things were moving in a haze as if he were drunk. Continuing, Herald said, "I was not being a pervert, I was just following habit. I didn't say anyone specifically stole it, I said I would turn everyone in for suspected thievery. This is done in my home town as well, because the one who did it can easily escape if you report the wrong pony, so it is required to report who was around you, be they innocent or not. I'm sorry to offend you."


Herald fell, his hooves giving out under him. The world was spinning, and a small wound on the left flank had reopened, causing a trickle of blood. "I guess it doesn't really matter though, this place is much different." From there, Herald lost conscience.

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Riley and Anala were horrified as they watched Herald's wound open and he then fell unconscious.


"What the heck, Anala?!" yelled Riley. "You can't just go and smack some dude in the face!" He loved Anala, but that was no excuse for her to be physically abusive to complete strangers.


"Come on, we'd better get him to the hospital," said Anala. Riley held Herald in his arms and flew off to the hospital.




"We'd better get away from here before he wakes up," said Anala as the unconscious Herald was placed in a hospital bed. She grabbed Riley by the hoof and ran.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Herald woke up with a start, still hungry but fully alert. "I need to get used to things around here. I'm not in danger here, and I ruined a chance for a great friendship." Herald's thoughts kept like this since he passed out.


"Nurse! I need a nurse!" Herald looked around, wondering if any of it was real to begin with. Coming to the conclusion that it was due to his face still hurting, he made a mental note to find Anala and Riley and apologize for how he came off.

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