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open Fallen Angel~Rp


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Ange lay on the cold floor of her darkened room feeling hurt. She hadn't done anything wrong, except talk to the wrong being while Ketua had obviously been lurking in the shadows. How was she supposed to know? She was simply doing her job, her duty. It seemed however that every being wanted to be the best. Best student. Best servant. They always got caught up in it all, pressing and pushing until they had indeed forgotten whom it was they were trying to please.

The young fox lay awake liking her wounded paw in attempts to make the throbbing pain subside. Staring out into the starry night she thought about freedom and choice. She thought once more about leaving until the harshness of reality hit. Hanging her head she thought, 'I can not leave, not until my debt is paid, not until I can run and never look back. Why is it that only in the darkness, only in our times of struggle that one seems to remember what it was that had sustained us even in light? Why is it that with each passing day the light seems to grow dimmer as it fades away, blending in with the shadows, the reality of life?'


Those were her last thoughts as sleep claimed her tired body. Ange awoke the next morn shaking the cobwebs. She stretched being careful as to not put too much pressure onto her injured paw. 'Well, I should get a move on, if I at least please Ketua the day should go by rather pleasantly despite the previous eve.'


Slowly she limped from her confined quarters to the eatery. New faces always greeted her with a smile, however a few familiar faces poked out from the crowd. Her and spirit nodded a silent greeting as she casually sauntered past. Ange admired her will and determination to make a bit the best way she knew how. The sleek feline was always up early, eager to start her day and could almost always be found talking up the passerby's. 'Equestria seemed to tolerate and turn a blind eye to every abominable practice, embraced every foul idea in the name of freedom and the rights to the common citizen. Society no longer carried on deviant behavior in private, but pridefully displayed it. It is those moral values that could no longer freely walk along a public park without having to witness some sort of revolting act. 

What happened to the public censors that protected decency? Did freedom have to mean abolishing common decency? Did freedom mean any living being could do anything they wanted at any given time without consequences? Apparently so, and this was the world I have been thrust into, I have become accustomed to all of it, numbed to the stigmatism that coincides with all of it. This is what, if not who we are, and I am proud?' Ange found her thoughts wandering as she continued on her familiar walk through the dinning hall not paying much if any attention to whom she passed, it was after all just an ordinary day.

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Seth had just walked up to the room he had most likely overplayed for when the mare from earlier came up and insulted him while also requesting his presence. With  a deep sigh, the hurting wolf turned to the mare and looked at her. "Look, I do not even know you, nor do I probably wish to. I have a descent migraine and I am already a bit peeved off with a lot of people. I just want to sleep..." the wolf moaned as he walked into the motel room. "So if you don't mind, just try and find me tomorrow and then we can talk. "He said as he closed the door.


Sighing to himself, the wolf quickly mounded upon the cheep looking bed as he nearly instantly fell into a deep sleep. The wolf didn't dream, just slept peacefully for the entire night. It wasn't till deep into the morning did he finally wake up and look to his surroundings. He was a little shocked at first to find himself in a strange environment when he remembered the events of the night before.


Slowly standing up, the wolf stretched his body and tossed on his bag and went for the door. With his headache barely acknowledgable, the wolf planned to go home, drop off his bags, then go for breakfast.


As the wolf departed the motel, he began his walk to the center of ponyville. There, he could get a better bearing of where he was. As he looked around the crowded street of the early morning ponies, Seth looked to the buildings to see if he could spot where he even was.

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It had been apparent that Lorec must've went to sleep, or at least, attempted to sleep, very late into the night. By the time he had gotten into town, it was already morning. He got looks from many ponies, as he was shirtless and of course, the scars were viewable. The fire ale had eaten a hole through his last tunic and it was very apparent that he would need another. He went deeper into the town, and found a clothing shop. A little dainty, but he wasn't very fickle when it came to clothing. He picked out a white, sleeved tunic and put it on. The only scars now visible were on his arms, and even then, he always had them covered with bandages. He didn't know why he was so self conscious about the battle wounds. Most of them had come from big game that he hunted. The others had come from the Feyrien assualt or from missions for the order.


It mattered not. He put a gold piece on the counter of the shopkeeper. " keep the change." He said as he left.


He wondered around town, three gold pieces left and looking for a place to eat. Perhaps the others would come back today. Perhaps he'd see a familiar face... Anything to kill the boredom, as he had planned on tracking down more information about the trafficking circle later.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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 Shivty was pretty annoyed that the wolf closed the door in her face. She had a strong urge to kick it down. But she decided not to. But she did pick the lock to the room next to the wolf's room. She had to get some sleep. Cause maybe Bayonet would have better luck with the wolf. No one could resist her niceness. So before climbing in the bed and falling asleep, she block the door with a couch. 


The next morning and after Shivty telling Bayonet everything that happen the other night, Bayonet woke up. She quickly moved the couch out of the way and head next door to the wolfs room and knocked. After no answer she quickly ran out of the motel and thought the streets to look for a the wolf. Since there wasn't to many wolves around, it wouldn't be hard to find him. She then started jogging thought alleys and streets looking for him.  She had to move fast or something bad was going to happen to the fox Shivty told her about.


After a bit of looking around she finally saw a wolf that matched Shivty's description. She quickly ran up to him and spoke in her kind and nice tone. "Excuse, Mr, wolf.  I'm sorry for my my other self'a rude behavior towards you last night. She was trying to ask for your help. She saw you following a black dragon while she was doing the same thing. She could tell that the dragon was a really bad and she wanted to help the fox, But she couldn't do it alone."

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Hearing a rather familiar voice behind him, Seth turned to see the mare again from last night. However, she seemed to have a different tone of voice this time around. He stopped his travel and looked to the mare. 


"Well, I was going after the dragon, but i lost him after a bit. Odd, seeing how he was a dragon. As for the fox, you seemed to be on her tail all night last night. I guess I can help you track down the fox if you want." He said with a bit of a smile. It would be nice to see the fox again, and if it was for the good of rescuing her, then it would only be for the better. However, it would seem odd for him to be literally hunting her down.


Shrugging at his thoughts, he put his nose to the ground and began to try to find the scent of the young fox. As he sniffed, he sensed the fox had been there recently. Slowly he trotted forward, fallowing the trail. Looking over his shoulder to the pony, he smiled. "I think I have her." He said as he began to quicken his pace.


Running down the road, not sure the pony was even fallowing him, Seth fallowed the trail until it abrupt ended. Ended with him getting a face full of pony. Falling paw over tail, the wolf landed against a building, his headache returning ten fold.

Edited by arkman575
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Lorec walked through town and had gotten something to eat. Clothed and satisfied with the meal, he had begun his inquiry into the trafficking ring. He had asked around about any suspicious activity, but none of the denizens of ponyville seemed to know much about the illegal prostitution that went on at night. Perhaps they really didn't think such a place such as ponyville could even have a trafficking ring. Ironically, it was not all rainbows and unicorns in ponyville. It had a dark side to it, the same as with every civilization. Even canterlot had it's vices.


Lorec continued to ask in vain, walking throughout the city. It was then that he had came upon the mare and wolf from last night. The wolf seemed to be in pain. Perhaps from some sort of headache?



@gloomfury @arkman575


Lorec walked towards them. " hey, I recognize you two! Sorry about last night... I don't think any of us made a good impression of one another..."


He looked at the mare, bayonet, and the wolf Seth.


He spoke to the mare first and then the wolf. " you seem.,. Different... And you seem to be in pain. Did she hit you too?" He said with friendly sarcasm.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Ange slowly limped around the room until she found herself at a table. Her best friend sat across the way. In front of her lay a thin strip of white presented in rows. 'I have tried to forget my hurt, my sorrows, but it always seems to catch up. I have tried to see the beauty in the day however I have always gotten a little lost on the way. I have stumbled and tripped, falling to the ground, yet always I seem to be found. I once valued my spirit as a gift of life. It had all seemed so fun in the beginning, but now, now it seems that only darkness is grinning. It is not the stranger who crawls into the dead of night that devours my soul but the mind numbing addictions that help to keep me whole. I feel no emotion but an empty love, yet for some reason the most satisfying thing is a huff.' She smiled to herself as she thought lowering her snout, taking a sharp breath in she erased the pain.


The table sat for a moment in mind altering bliss before the girls excused themselves from the table agreeing that a breath of fresh air would do them some good. Side by side they ventured towards the Inns front.

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When the wolf started sniffing for the fox's sent and then took off she followed right behind him. She didn't really understand to much about what Shivty told her. She just told her about meeting a, in Shivty words 'A gorgeously sexy fox with a sweet ass.' Which made Bayonet sight yet slightly blush when she thought of the description. She also told her about the wolf and a Minotaur who woke her up. She also said she punched he Minotaur in the throat and she took his money. Once she met the Minotaur she was going to apologize right away. 


As she followed the wolf she rushed to his aid when he tumbled over. "Mr. wolf, are you alright?" She asked with worry. But then a large Minotaur approach them. He started talking to them like they've met before. And then he said 'Did she hit you too.' And it hit her. This was the Minotaur Shivty told her about.  She quickly got up and walked up in front of the Minotaur with an apologetic look. "Mr Minotaur I'd like to apologize for last night. You see, I have another personality and she can be rather rude and abrasive. I'm really sorry she hurt you and that she took your money. It wasn't right." She reached into her bag and pulled out the gold coin and hold it out to the Minotaur. " I am really sorry for causing you trouble."

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Just then, they could hear a deep, bellowing laughter. The greatsword on his back was pulsating. Viruden had heard and even spoke out loud for all to hear.


Viruden: " ha! The way her other personality tells it, it sounds like you were the victim of a mugging! Hahaha!"


Lorec: " shut up, viruden. You know that's not how it happened."


Viruden: " when the others get back, the other primordial divines and I will have something to joke about!"


Lorec: " very funny. One word, and you and this sword get tossed into a volcano.


Viruden: " even so, it'll still be worth it."



The sword stopped pulsating and Lorec had quit looking over his shoulder to talk to viruden.






He looked at the mare, and apologized. " I'm sorry about that. That was viruden. I'll explain later. Anyways, allow me to give you a short story. The wolf, the fox, and I were all in a tavern. From what I was able to piece together, wolf boy offered her a drink. She accepts and starts walking in that direction. I'm sitting in a booth near him. As you can tell I'm.., quite huge. She trips over my hooves. I notice, and help her up. In embarrassment, she flees the establishment, and lays in an alleyway. That's when you come in. Assuming you were a weary traveler, you needed sleep and mistook the fox for a fuzzy pillow. I went out looking for angel, the fox, because I was worried. The wolf followed me. I wake you, or should I say, the other you, and get punched in the throat. I let it slide. Angel then confirms my suspicions by asking that we either pay for her time, or walk away, as her master would harm her if a quota wasn't met. Out of sympathy, I offer her coin to keep her safe for a few days, maybe even give her time to figure out a plan to run away. She declined, saying things that confirmed an entire trafficking ring. I left the money there in case someone would need it. your other half took it, and i had no quarrel with that. Either way, the plan worked and I got my information. And that's where my tale stops for that night, as I was exceedingly irritated and decided to head home. Today, I've been looking for any information on the trafficking that goes on around here. And that's why I'm here now. You two were still with angel when i left, did anyone else talk to her? Did anything happen at all? And don't worry about the coin, I've still got plenty. I just hope that what I gave you had given you good and a place to lay your head."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@,  @@Gloomfury,


After looking to the pony he ran into, making sure he was ok, the hurting wolf turned his attention to the mare and the minotaur. He shook his head to clear away the grogginess before replying. "Well... I've been worse... however i am reconsidering my drinking habits. Apparently I didn't catch the fox's scent..." He groaned as he rubbed his head.


Slowly standing to his paws, he looked over the three of them. "So... we have a wolf, a mare with two minds, and a minotaur with a talking sword. And, to top it all off, we are all trying to track down a fox. It's true what they say: normal is overrated." He sighed again while looking around. They had no trail and nothing to go off of. Only way to track the fox would be for her to find them. Seeing as it was mid-morning, ponies were already going about from store to store. In his heart however, Seth did want to find the fox and see to it she was at least safe. Captivity and basic slavery was one thing he couldn't stand for. However, he had never seen it until just today. 


Looking around, he sighed. "Well... I have no trace of her, any ideas?"

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@arkman575 @gloomfury


" yes, we are somewhat of a motley crew. But as it stands, me know more than most will in their lifetime about this trafficking ring."


Viruden spoke up and the sword pulsated once more.


Viruden: " perhaps you should actually introduce yourself to them and vice versa? You don't even know their names. If you're going to ask for their help, you might as well tell them who you are and what you do."



Lorec spoke. " ahhh yes! Introductions! I'm sorry, it is rude of me to forget. I am Lorec Krin. I am ranked third of the primordial keepers, who govern the divine retribution order. The voice that comes from my blade is also the voice that grants me sway over the earthen element. Hopefully, I won't have to display that power. As a keeper of the divine retribution, I am allowed to command a certain number of lower ranked members in specific operations. Most members lead ordnairy lives, and you've probably passed half a dozen today..."



He was getting carried away again. But he did have to explain who he was in full so he could earn their trust.



" I'm sorry for the lengthy introduction. But it is nice to meet you both in better circumstances. May I have the honor of knowing your names?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@arkman575 @Dirge of souls,  @Gloomfury,



There seemed to be a slight commotion across the street and as Ange peered into the crowd she realized it was the gang from the night prior, "Oh shi." She began stopping herself and taking a quick side step half hiding behind Spirit.

With out turning her head Spirit scanned the street, her eyes fell upon the small group, "Why are you hiding? Who are they?" She questioned softly.

"Hunny I don't know who they are but at least one has to be bad news otherwise Ketua wouldn't have acted the way he did. He must have been following at least one of them for some reason." She replied back.


The girls stood outside softly gossiping and contemplating what if anything could be associated with the mysterious characters she had met the previous night. Spirit began to contemplate aloud, "Well we could just go over and introduce ourselves, you are within the vicinity of his keep so you shouldn't receive any punishment, however, there has to be a reason for this all which would mean ketua or one of his lackeys is watching one of them carefully. I mean we are all expendable however his business is not." The cat smiled coily, "In it together." 

Ange smiled back, "In it for life."


Deciding it would be safer to approach the group as a pair they walked over slowly so Ange could keep up with her hurt paw. When they were close enough the fox let out a short whistle, "Hey, long time no see!" She called out. "What are y'all doin over in these parts?"

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Bayonet listened to the Minotaur's explanation. But she was kinda half listening after she heard the great sword speak. She's read about talking swords but she thought they were made up. She couldn't help but walk behind the Minotaur to get a better look at the sword. "Oh my!" She said as she looked over the sword. "You're Zweihänder very well crafted, if yo don't mind my saying. The blade is rather well done and it fits well with the hilt, the pommel and guard." He felt the bladed a little. "And blade is made out of a very strong steel. Whoever craft this dose beautiful work."  


When it finally hit her that she was touching someones sword without promotion, she gasped and went back around to face the Minotaur. "I am so very sorry for my rudeness. It's just when I see a very well crafted blade I have to get a  closer look at it. I'm a blacksmith so it's kind of a habit of mine." She giggles.  "Also, it is very nice to meet you Mr Krin. My name is Bayonet and the pony you met last night was my other self, Shivty."


She them looked over to the wolf. "I'm not sure were we can find the fox or how. Maybe if we asked around we could find her. We might find someone who would know where she could be."

  • Brohoof 1
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@,@@PurplePony,  @@Gloomfury,


Seth gave a slight smile to the biped as he listened to his story. Seeing how he seemed to be an honored warrior, the wolf felt somewhat trusting of him. He was a bout to introduce himself when the fox that had brought them all together came in and asked why they were there. Wit ha rather larger smile, he looked to her. "Well well well, we were looking for you. Apparently because I'm a wolf instantly makes me the bloodhound... which is half true." He stated. "As for you, where did you go off to? The mare and I were looking for you as well as the sword guy here." Seth said, gesturing the the Minotaur.


"Well, since the four of us are here, I guess I can give my part to the introduction. Seth Eclipse; Wolven diplomat for the equine throne, ex-warrior for the wolven empire, and part time dam operator." He said with a light smile. It amused him how random his life had became since coming to the land of the ponies. As he finished, he gave a light bow to the fox, seeing as to try and impress her. It was a cheap shot, but a shot all the same.

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@arkman575 @Dirge of souls,  @Gloomfury,



Ange smiled as the wolf bowed, "My friend came and picked me up and then dropped me off at home. That is where I went after you all left." she told the group.


I guess a proper introduction is in order eh? My name, or I suppose what you can call me is Angel. That is all you really need to know about me."

As she looked to her left she smiled and began to introduce her friend, "And this is my friend Spirit."


Her smile turned to a slight frown. "Why is it it you were looking for moi? May I be of any service?" she inquired.

Standing for a moment Ange shifted her weight falling onto her injured paw. Letting out a faint whimper she quickly re positioned herself on her good paw slightly tucking the hurt one away. She looked down slightly embarrassed and ashamed. Spirit payed little to no attention to what had happened stepping forward examining the group more closely. "As my friend has probably stated before, we have little time to exchange pleasantries, however if you would like to take us out to dinner we would be happy to escort you all. Perhaps then we could justify chatting instead of working." She asked scanning the group for reactions trying to get a better feel.

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Viruden spoke from within the sword.


Viruden: " close. More like, ' soul of a divine primordial entity trapped within the sword.' I'm one of five. My siblings are the ones who grant the other keepers, Lorec's friends, power, as I do for him. And stop. If I had a body, I'd be blushing right now... Well... If ursa kings can even blush..."


Lorec smiled at bayonet. " well it's nice to meet you too. And no offense, but I think I prefer you to shivty throatpuncher, in all honesty." He said with a coy smile.




" it is also nice to meet you, Seth eclipse. Very rare that a wolf is ever seen in these parts that isn't made from timber...."





As he had finished, it seemed as though the fox from last night had found them.. And she was with a friend. A cat? Geez... A wolf, a cat, and a fox... And Lorec thought he was somewhat of a rare specimen in these parts. He saw the fox's injured paw, and his demeanor changed from one that was friendly and somewhat light hearted, to a cold expression fueled by contempt. He could only guess what had happened to angel. Had he not wondered off into the night, he might've have been able to help her avoid whatever fate it was she had suffered... Most likely a beating. Lorec felt an almost uncontrollable rage... Very few things ever pushed him that emotionally. So why was this? He bit back the rage, and forced a smile, but not before his eye twitched a couple of times. Hopefully, no one saw the sign of irritation.


" yes, something to eat sounds great! In starving!"


Viruden: " you just ate, you glutton!"


Lorec: " I'm also huge. And that meal was an appetizer. Does anyone know of a good restaurant? I normally don't eat in town."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@,@@PurplePony, @@Gloomfury,  


Seth stood from his slight bow and gave a smile to the two newcomers. He then gave a small nod to the biped for the compliment. Returning to the two, he thought for a second. "Well, if we are going to go out for lunch, I know a place. Fat Olive's, a local Italian restaurant not far from here. And yes, they do serve meat." He said said with a smile, knowing more than half of the group were omnivores. "It isn't too far, an easy walk though town."


He began to depart, leading the group towards the location of the restaurant. As they walked, Seth began to walk closer to the fox and the feline. "If I may ask the two of you, how did you two meet? And in asking that, why chase after a bunch of misfits like us? No offence, but half of us you met in a bar while the other half literally used you as a pillow." He said with a light smile. He wondered what was going threw the two's head to be even remotely interested in the three (or four, depending on how you see it) people she just met. Oh well, only time would tell what the outcome will be, and the wolf would be ready when he knew.

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@arkman575 @Dirge of souls,  @Gloomfury



Ange hobbled along doing her best to keep up. She noticed the wolf edging his way closer, 'How currious.' She thought.

Indeed her intuition rang clear, he had been griping at gaining further knowledge. This time however spirit spoke up tossing her head lightly as she walked. With a slight laugh she started,"Oh, me and angel? We go way back. We had both been abandoned and picked up by the same family. We are really more like sisters than anything else. So I guess to answer your questions, we grew up together and now work together. We watch each others backs, no one else is gonna and you only got one life contrary to the popular belief that us cats have nine." She scoffed slightly trying to lighten the mood.

Ange smiled and retorted, "The way you go girl I would have sworn you had nearly a thousand." The girls giggled for a moment together before the mood drastically changed.


Spirit glanced across sideways at the group, her eyes grew sharp as her voice dimmed to an almost whisper, "The reason for us approaching you today, well, that is for a quiet public conversation. You see words get muddled in a crowded area so I hope the restaurant you picked is popular."

Ange finished speaking for the two, "Something in the air is sour. The winds have been changing for sometime now. I am curious as to what goes on behind the scenes and if my intuition is correct one of you carries an answer. A revolution is on it's way and the shadows of time are shifting. The time for change seems to be nigh."


Ange wasn't particularly paying attention to the placement of her paw. stumbling she went to catch herself placing her wight on the injured one. Falling to the ground in a whimper she looked up to the group wincing in pain, "Can someone please carry me the rest of the way." She felt shame course through her body but she found it difficult to walk and keep up with the rest.

She hated asking for help, hanging her head she made to get back up and carry on as if forgetting she had just moments prior asked for help.

'I don't need a paw up, never have, never will.' She thought stubbornly to herself.

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Lorec spoke to spirit. " it is nice to meet you, spirit. I look forward to making conversation at the dinner table. Kazas said I needed to make new friends anyways... So, I guess I'll consider you all friends from now on... And as for your allusion to change, let's hope that it will be a beneficial one. By the way, I still have two gold pieces left. If anyone needs help paying, I'm up for it."


He said. He had calmed down from his silent emotional trigger. Whoever was in charge of angel was not a very forgiving being. Unfortunately for this being, Lorec wasn't much for forgiveness for the wicked. Would he have his way, Lorec would immediately find the perpetrator and put him to the sword.... But no. They would need whoever it was. A plan started to form in his head, but was interrupted by angel's calling for help.


" sure thing" he said to angel. He offered his hand to her to lift her up. " take my hand. I'll carry you there, if you want."


As he offered his hand to lift her, he could not help but think. What if he managed to lure the pimp out? Perhaps he could set a trap... Members of the order were somewhat wide spread, and it wouldn't be too far off of a guess to assume that at least 30 lived in the town in relative harmony, until they were given the signal... Maybe he could use this to his advantage. One way or another.... This trafficking ring would be destroyed, no matter what. It had to end.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@arkman575 @Dirge of souls,  @Gloomfury


Angel smiled as she curled up into the Minotaur's arms, "thank you." She murmured, "Although I do not know your name and I can not thank you properly." 


She relaxed in his muscular arms enjoying the ride, for once she did not have to do all the work. It was a nice view, although the air up higher seemed a little odd. Perhaps it was just because she wasn't used to being up at that height but Ange felt slightly faint, worried about being dropped she half clung to the giants arms.


Not terribly long after the she was picked up so to speak, the group arrived at the the fine establishment known as Fat Olive's. They were promptly seated and offered complementary bread. A server came around asking if they would care for a drink. Ange ordered her favorite a double sambuka and gin fireball, sure to make her wall-eyed if she ordered enough of them, however tonight was not that night. She just needed enough to calm the nerves. Spirit ordered her go to drink, I'll take a shot of Russian standard vodka spiked with sriracha.  The server ran off to fetch their drinks and the rest of the tables.

Spirit glanced across the establishment before asking Ange to acompany her to the restroom. Complying the fox followed her friend.


"Just in case this is our last 'good night' because it honestly feels like it. You know we are getting in way over our heads here. We could die. We are in this Together, right?" She questioned pulling a small white baggy from her satchel.

Angel nodded glumly, "You know, we could die and fight for something worth fighting for. Or we can lie down and take it like we have been doing. I know you are just as tired as I, and now, I don't want to lay back. I will do so for now but things are changing, they have to."

Spirit nodded, both agreeing and accepting. She chopped up chunks of white crystal, two thick lines lay before the friends on the bathroom counter. Both stood before them glancing over at the other occasionally. Ange broke the silence. "You know, I didn't think this would all happen this soon. I thought we would have more time."


Spirit smiled, "More time to what? Run? Hunny we are running together, someone has to be the change. We are in this together."


The pair laid their heads across the bathroom sinks snorting and sputtering all the pain away. When the noise subsided Angel smiled, her head felt foggy, "In this for life."

The two friends made their way back to the table lost in what they had to do and hiding in what they must.


They sat back down in silence, not too long after arriving back at their seats the waiter took their order. The girls decided to share a mushroom and chicken fettuccine and waited for the rest to order.

Once food was taken care of Ange looked to the group. "Alright, enough pleasantries."

After that her voice softened as she continued her tail. "Now I am what I am and this is a common street walker. You can take it for what it's worth but the scum of the streets hold more value than the highest ranking soldiers." She half laughed at the shocked looks.

"Yeah, I know I waste little time but it is what it is. We are spy's so to speak. I have laid with some of the most prominent members of society. It would make you sick knowing names, some of which you may have trusted. We are used to gather intelligence. We are made to sleep at night and report back in the morn. Many of my co workers are sick of what we do and what we stand for. It seems as if we have stumbled upon a problem. There are two conflicting sides. It is more than just some group of whores. You see, we have pieced together some information that may be of use. This may be news to some ears here but the dragon regime has set their minds upon conquering the land. They want to take over and lead an ideal kingdom and many guards have sided with them in fear of the turning tides. I swear to Celestia that what we are dealing with is worse than the changelings, it is worse than anything that one being could comprehend. Darkness darker then the reign of Nightmare Moon approaches, Dragons have been gathering the Duende, Harpy's, and Warg's; all the creatures of the shadows. Others have fallen, be them soldiers or citizens. It is our job to verify who is with the movement and who is against. Those against tend to fall into the night, seldomly heard from again. It appears that we are approaching a one world order and the darkness is rising above. We have little time to stop it from escalating and even so we must be quiet. Not even us low life spy's know who all lie within. I was in the bar last night to see what I could come up with, I do have debt to pay, however master would not have acted the way he did without reason. He would not have harmed me otherwise." She noted glancing at her broken paw


She continued on, "My master followed me or more precisely followed one of you, this group threatens his ability to take over and if I am correct we should be able to ally with you or possibly the groups you identify with."


After a short pause Spirit spoke, "We have been waiting for something like this, an opportunity to run from the shadows and fight for what we believe to be right. Now we need some help. All of you are connected in some way, shape, or form. Master is scared that his reign will end abruptly and there is no other reason for him acting the way he has. War will soon arise and only one victor can survive. Either the land will sway towards slavery and darkness under an unlawful king or it shall stay unscathed the way it has remained for years. This could very well be the beginning of the end and only time shall tell what is to come."

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Lorec had his arms crossed, listening intently to the story. Both arms were bandaged up to the knuckle. He sat in a state of surprise and disbelief, shaking his head somewhat. His golden-brown eyes looking somewhat downward, trying to peace together the story. He looked up at them, noticing small dots of white under their noses. He thought up a test for them.



" okay... So let me get this straight..." He said, after downing some water along with taking a bite of delicious meat. " you are spies, who have infiltrated a trafficking ring that, as it turns out, is more than just a trafficking ring. It's an entire shadow organization bent on gathering up forces to usurp the sister princesses' throne? Okay... Look. And don't be offended when I say this, okay? But it's hard to believe your story. One reason why it is hard to believe is because you are both under the influence of hard drugs. And before you ask, yes, you still have some of the product under your noses. And two, you mentioned that your ' master ' is afraid of one of us because we could endanger this whole operation. But what if this is a ploy to draw out this threat, isolate him or her, and then put them down? I'm not trying to be cruel, or a naysayer, but you have to understand that I would need proof of this whole espionage ordeal, along with the plot. You already proved that the trafficking ring was real to all three of us... Four, technically. And I could see why one would go to great lengths to

Protect their friends."


He sat there, and leaned in a bit. " you have shown part of your hand in this card game of death. Now I'll show one of mine. My The others already know who I am, partly. My name is Lorec Krin. If you can prove to me that this isn't just a plan to off the most threatening of us, then we can all show our full hands without fear. You must understand, I'm not looking out for my own safety, but the safety of the others with us..."


He said, passing quick glances to bayonet and Seth.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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While the two were in the restroom, Seth had ordered a half calzone. He still wasn't feeling 100% with the migraine, and food didn't seem to always help. As they waited, he drank a half glass of water before the girls returned. Before he could even say a word in edgewise, the two elaborated a plot that sounded like it came from a well written James Bronco movie. At the reveal that one of them had been being watched, he was about to wager in a thought, until the biped took the stage with his accusations.


After he was done, Seth cleared his throat to way in his own thoughts. "If I may add upon this conversation, I would like to express my own doubt. It is a little hard to believe without any facts given that a dragon uprising is in play, much less that a crime lord is calling the shots. That being said... i do have a fact or two that can support this theory. I work as a diplomat for my people, and part time for Equestria. Within the last few mounts, the wolves have been branching out to the dragons for a mutual peace agreement. To say the lest, it didn't go well. After publicly denouncing the wolves, they cut all lines of diplomacy. If it weren't for the distance between the dragon homeland and the Wolven Empire, we might have sent a few interceptors to rough up their mountains.


"Back on topic, I do speculate that their is a possibility that your story is just a halos inaction from the narcotics, but facts are facts. I for one, put some trust in your words. That doesn't mean that I will lower my guard. And if I may ask, if one of us is a threat to your holder's plans, how would we know... And what dangers are there to face?" He finished, curious as to what a crime lord in equestia might have at his disposal.

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@@PurplePony,@, @@arkman575,


 Bayonet was quiet as she walked along side the others. She couldn't really think of anything to say really. But when they got to the restaurant she really was at a lost for words. Hearing about an evil dragon wanting to take over and rule Equestria. She couldn't help but feel sad for the fox and her friend for their way of life. Bayonet would admit that she was a rather pretty mare, and others would think the same thing. And cause of that she's been abducted once or twice. But Shivty would usually take out the one running the operation and run away, freeing a few others along the way.


As she looked at the two and listen to what they had to say. She could see where it might seem like a fabrication. She could also see a little of white powder on their noses as well. She's seen it many times on the other mares who were in their line of work. When she heard the others talking about not believing their story she felt a little more sad for them. But she had a feeling that they were telling the truth.  She then looked at Seth and Lorec. "I believe them. Even though the thought of a dark organisation planning to take over  Equestria sounds a bit far fetched. But there is still a chance that it is true." She then looked back at the two with a firm look. "So I'm going to give you two the benefit of the doubt. And if you to also want to get out of this life I will help you. But I will only help you if you really want it. And if you do I'll have to trust you first. That means no more drugs."

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