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Sketchbook just finished unpacking the last of her things into her new home. It was so different compared to her small log cabin up in the Crystal Mountains. Her house was a hollowed out tree that stood just outside of Ponyville and it was right next to the Everfree Forest. How her grandpa never had any trouble with the local wildlife, she would never know. Sketchbook's room itself was on the second floor of the tree house and it had a beautiful overview of Ponyville and the Everfree Forest.


In her new room, Sketchbook just finished hanging the last of her many paintings. When her parents told her that she was going to live in Ponyville with her Grandpa Canvas, she had been so excited she couldn't sleep for weeks! Now that she was finally here, Sketchbook really wanted to go out and meet as many new ponies as possible and gain some friends.


With her grandpa out shopping for some supplies before his next commission, Sketchbook thought now was the perfect time to head out. As she started to grab her bag, full of pencils and other art supplies, Sketchbook thought to herself "I know I'm going to love Ponyville! I wonder who I will meet first?"


As she had just closed her door, she spotted a large hill that overlooked Ponyville and she thought she could see somepony sleeping on top the hill. "How could anypony stand to sleep outside?" she thought to herself. Although it seemed to be summer, it still brought a shiver to Sketchbook to think anypony could sleep outside like this odd pony. So she decided to take it upon herself to see that this pony wasn't sick or anything like that. Besides, it was already 10:00 AM Sketchbook figured that this pony had enough sleep. Once she was next to his odd pony with the yellow hat and cape, she gently shook him awake and asked him "Are you alright?"


(I really hope I wasn't godmodding or anything like that.) @   

Edited by AmaraEveinson
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Violia awoke the next morning to the sound of nature. There was a fairly think fog over her part of the forest from the previous night. She yawns and stretches. The leftover burning scent then overcame her senses from previously lit lantern. She picks it up and puts it away. She then looks and clean up her little hut home with a custom broom made from the wood of the forest. She made sure the ground was free of any ashes or left over dirt. With her finishing up cleaning, she readies herself some food. She knew there were some very sweet berries near her hut that grow. She went out in the slowly lifting fog and started picking berries and placing them in a hoof woven basket.

A quiet and crisp morning it was in the forest today. Most of the animals are not even out yet and the silence is kinda nice. The only a few birds looking for worms and some other early waking wild life is scurrying around right now. Ah, peaceful. Peaceful indeed. Maybe Violia will relax and enjoy her time in her hut today till things warm up a bit. That shouldn't hurt considering that'll give her some time to eat and enjoy her day.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Hail Spike woke the next morning, her bat "Void" was sleeping under it on a pillow. She got up, making her bed. Then woke Void up. Void would help her through the forest. She made sure both of them had a quick breakfast, then headed out the door. She walked through the streets and headed to the everfree forest. She finally passed Fluttershy's cottage. She lifted up a hoof, and Void flew down onto it. She rubbed Void's head, then said "Find Vilolia, if you do come back here and lead the way." Void nodded his head the flew into the forest. Hail waited for Void to return, thinking about what she was doing.


Void flew almost above the trees, searching for a pony. She quickly flew around, doing tricks. Until he sighted a hut up ahead.


(Sorry for the random post, :/) Some mist peacefully rolled in, and most of the animals were silent. It was a pretty peaceful morning in the everfree. Ponyvile was almost as calm. Each place was peaceful. It seemed like it was going to be a peaceful day, but Hail had a feeling it wouldn't be like that for her if her cons were right.

Edited by Hailcanuseacomputer
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Violia looks up and she notices a bat through a opening in the vast canopy of trees. "A fruit bat? I didn't think those kinds would be active during the day." Violia had no idea that Hail sent it. She figured it was stray fruit bat. She sighs and finishes up her berry collecting. Once she does, she enters her hut and gets the berries ready for a mixture she'll make a jam out of. She makes rather good homemade jam, for somepony who lives in a forest. Violia wasn't too worried about the bat and didn't think of Hail finding her. She was looking forward to making her homemade jam with her hooves.

The fog was slowly fading away as the morning progressed. Soon the paths were a bit more seeable but it was treacherous either way. Violia knows this all to well and this is why she doesn't explore too far away from her hut in the early mornings much. She maybe one day will visit Ponyville, but with her trama from her past, that so far has been prevented. Maybe somepony can convice her that it may not be so bad to meet new ponies. It maybe even pretty fun.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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"huh she must not be in the house mabey I should warn the zecora in the forest they would be at high risk of being atacked by a changlings but what about the zebra I hurt?" chain went to the hosbital to find that the zebra was a changling! "that thing you brout in yesterday we killed" nurse red heart said "why did you bring in that thing anyway?" "I thoult she was a zebra ok" "yeah right I think you did it on purpose!" "what no I dident!" "yes you did you changling!" when chain heard that he got the buck out of there "great I am in betwen a rock and a hard place stay in ponyville and get killed or go in the forest...and get killed! mabey zecora or violia will help me"

he dicided to go to the forest as chain entered he got hit with a branch and could not see any thing hiting 2 fleashy things and seeing blue until he hit a tree "ow that hurt" he woundered what the flesh things where and what the blue was when he opened his eyes and hit the tree "thats a weird tree wait it has a door!" mabey zecora or violia was inside so he knocked on the door

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Zecora opens her door to see Chain there. "I see you at my door, I ask why you're here for even more." She says, rhyming like she typically does. She waits for Chains answer.

Violia in meantime, was working on her jam and she was enjoying the idol work. I kept her mind off allot of things she'd rather not think about. Though she did think about Hail on occasion, wondering if she like jam. Violia then shakes her head and refuses to acknowledge her thought about Hail. She didn't know why, but when ever she tried to get her mind off of Hail, the more she thought about her. She soon felt bad for trying to forget her... it was just in her nature to avoid being attached to anypony. She feared being hurt and shunned again. She liked to keep to herself and to hide her past, but she soon wondered if maybe not everypony would be that closed minded. She then shook the thought. That was a load. Mortal ponies hate demons. She knew she would be hated if she told Hail that she was a halfbreed. A half demon. She didn't want to think about it.

Edited by Sadist the Wanderer

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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(I cant rhyme which sucks)

"h hello  are you zecora or violia?" zecora said she was zecora and she wanted to know why I was here "I need some where to go the towns people think I am a changling and I know there are changlings in the forest!" zecora never saw a changling in this forest but she had to help anypony how needed it so she let chain in to her home and said dount mess with anything (she says it all in rhymes I just simplafided it ok?) chain came in looking at all the things like the trible masks and the ingreadients to make potions and potions books

"wow thats a lot of stuff oh and do you know about a zebra called violia?" zecora said she has and that she was friends with her "ok I just need to relaxe he said not haveing a break when" *growl* "what was that?" *growl* "oh thats my tumy I need food zecora could I have something to eat?" zecora said he could so he had a sandwich but he did not see any daisys so he put in a familiyer blue flower in the sandwich and eats it "uh man just sit here and relax I will work on my plan later"

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"Yes, I am from the Crystal Mountains. I just moved/got here so I'm new. My name is Sketchbook, but feel free to call me 'Sketch-It' or whatever you like."


As Sketchbook took another look at the black stallion in front of her, she can't help but think that maybe she found her first friend. She also noticed that despite the fact that he was just sleeping, Sketchbook could have sworn that this odd stallion looked tired. It was almost the same look of tiredness that other older ponies like her grandpa had. This made Sketchbook wonder how could a pony who looked so young, could feel like he was odd.


However, Sketchbook brushed this off as her being silly and asked the black stallion "By the way, who's this other pony you know from the Crystal Mountains? Maybe I know her, after all not many ponies can stand to live there." It really bothered her that the black stallion knew where she came from just from her scarf.


Not that is wasn't rare, it was made from the wool of sheep only found in the Crystal Mountains because theirs was the most resilient to the harsh winters there. It bothered her because unless you looked for a special patch stitched into the scarf, you wouldn't be able to the tell the difference between this and any other scarf. 

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"Um.. ok. Sure, let's get some breakfast." Sketchbook wasn't sure what to think, she did think it was a bit rude how he never answered her question about the other pony he meet. However, Sketchbook just thought that maybe he didn't hear her or had a reason to not tell her. So she figured if she asked again later that if he still didn't answer her question, she would just drop it.


When Disrupits stood up and started walking Sketchbook followed along, just happy that she meet somepony new. As they were walking together, she couldn't help but feel that she met Disrupits somewhere before. Which was hard to believe since before yesterday, she never went outside her village before. She then thought that maybe she had seen him in the village before, since he did say he travels and that he knows somepony from the Crystal Mountains. However as soon as that thought came, she thought that it couldn't be it. Because she would have remembered some strange pony coming to the village. Mostly because she always made sure that any pony who passed through would have one of her paintings or she at least sang to them to welcome them.


So she decided that it was other question to ask him later since she wanted to ask some other questions instead. "So," she started "what brings you to Ponyville and how long do you think your going to stay? I'm only because I was kinda hoping to make a painting for you, to commemorate our new friendship before you left for someplace else!"

Edited by AmaraEveinson
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(Don't I know it, and sorry about the name.)


"I'll have a hot chocolate and some chocolate pancakes, please." As the waitress left, Sketchbook said "I also heard that about dragons and how they even sometimes use their tails as well! But I also heard that some creatures called 'humans' are the best in making art, since they have thumbs and developed numerous techniques for painting and drawing as well."


As they kept chatting like that for a long time, long past finishing their breakfast and almost into lunch, Sketchbook completely forgot to ask Disruptis about his other friend from the Crystal Mountains. She really enjoyed Disruptis's company and even thought that they could become the best of friends. Not only that, but he was knowledgeable about everything and anything they talked about. It was like he was a walking book, and Sketchbook had to keep herself from laughing at the mental image. However, soon a bright pink pony came walking in and noticed the new pegasus and the other pony with the yellow hat and cape. "Hey there, my name is Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" 


(I'll let you handle this since I don't know if your friends with Pinkie or not.)

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Void flew quickly back, doging every tree. Then felt the warm sun rays as he came near where the forest ended. He flew in front of Hail, and Hail calmly relaxed.


Hail Spike lifted her hoof again, and Void flew onto it. "Did you find her?" she asked. Void nodded then flew off her hoof and flew into the forest at a normal pony speed. She followed, scaried of if Vilolia would welcome her, or she wouldn't. She had thought over her cons over. She wondered if Vilolia would even want to see her, still, it wouldn't hurt to ask. She saw a hut came to view, and Hail's heart sunk, hopeing Void would hadn't found the right place, but it seemed like he did. Void landed into a tree, and began to take a nap. Hail walked awkwardly up to the door, and took a deep breath and went back into deep thinking. But she gathered up her courge and knocked on the door as quiet as possible. Maybe she could not ask her the questions she wanted to ask, maybe she could just visit Vilolia? It didn't seemed like a bad idea, maybe she could wait until the right time.

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Rainflower woke up slowly. The purple Pegasus yawned as she got up from her bed. She walked to her dresser and combed her tangled mane. When she was finished, she walked outside.


She trotted to the center of ponyville, nodding to ponies passing by.  She walked into a café, realizing she hadn't eaten yet. She waited to be seated. After a bit, she was put in a table near a couple of ponies. Rainflower heard Pinkie Pie say hi happily. She turned around slightly and watched the pink pony introduce herself. Being the shy mare she was, she didn't say anything, just watched.

"Ma'am?" Rainflower heard a voice say. She turned around, seeing that a waitress had appeared. "What can I get you?"

"Oh, I'll take a glass of water and some oatmeal, please." Rainflower replied.

The waitress nodded. "We'll get that to you as soon as possible."


Soon enough, The waitress returned with her food.

"Thank you." Rainflower said politely as the waitress left.



Once rainflower was done with her meal, she left 10 bits on her table and she began to trot out the restaurant

Edited by RandomRainbowz101

"I know the sun must set to rise." Coldplay, paradise

Avatar made by cartoonishcanter ;)

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Violia was washing up her hooves in a rather large bowl of water and she dries them before going to the door. When she opened the door, she was surprised to Hail standing there. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt herself shake. Her shyness was taking over and she looks away with a blush on her face. She tries to calm down. "H-Hello. You're that pegasus that I met the other day? I didn't think you'd return to the forest to look for me..." Violia says, a bit of nervousness in her voice. She then opens the door more. "Please come inside since your already here. There are some creatures here that are not safe to be around.

Violia's mind was wracking to what to do. It seemed like it was fate that Hail would comeback but she didn't think she would find her home of all things. There must of been some way she found out where her secret home was. She knew that no pony knew her home location, so it wasn't from Zecora or any ponies in that town called Ponyville. She sighs and closes her eyes, trying to calm down and think of a way to avoid the questions she knows are coming.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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"zecora do you know where Violias home is? I am done siting around" zecora said she did not know where she lived "ok fine I will just wounder around the forest till I see her home" zecora said it was dangeres so she gave chain 3 healing potions come back here when your done exploring she said "ok I am off" chain in no rush and waiting to be atacked so he walked and observed every where when he saw a cave "mabey its in there" chain walked in to the cave useing tow spells at one time witch made him weaker (fire ilumination and levitation) "oh celestia I fell like I'm going to be atacked by a aaaaaahhhhhhh" a pack of changlings apeared "well this sucks" chain was in his repost stance "come at me!" and they did all at once chain defended him self but he got hurt a few times "you will die!" he said not even fully trusting him self but they ran all exept one how hit chains head throw the floor what he saw was tarifing "a hive of changling" chain got his head out to see the changling glare at him and it hurt his head "why?" he colasped but got up and drank a healing potion

as he did that he saw another way out  so chain went throw the exit walking to find a door in a tree so he knocked on the door "please I want this to be over"

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Hail walked in. She guessed Vilolia was already felt weird to see her here, she shouldn't tell Vilolia of Void, or that she had tracked down her hut. It would be to..rude to say. She looked over to Void before the door closed, he was calmly sleeping. If Void didn't mess things up, this might go quite smoothly. Maybe she should ask her questions before she left, that way if things go bad, she would leave without this visit being rude. Void would know the way back to ponyvile, so it wouldn't be to hard. It would also give the chance to ask it at the right time, which is when she should go. It would be to awkward afterwards if Hail didn't have to bolt back to her house. She silently agreed. "What are you doing?" she asked keeping her awkwardness and nervousness out of her tone. It wouldn't hurt to ask that. Or would it?


Void silently slept on the tree, a leaf falling down onto his wing. He blinked open his eyes then turned to look at it. The leaf just stayed on his wing, Void staring at it if was going to move. Then he yawned, and he picked up the leaf then wrapped it around himself like a blanket, then difted off into a deep sleep.

Edited by Hailcanuseacomputer
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Violia sighs and looks to Hail. "I'm making some jam. It's a good kind too. Made from fresh berries, I pick in the forest." Violia says in a friendly tone. she tried to keep control in spite of her shyness. She hopes any unnecessary questions will pop up. It almost seems like that was the reason why Hail came all this way. She just hoped it was not true. Either way she couldn't be a discurdious host. She then looks to her jam, before looking to Hail again. "Would you like some?"



Violia goes to the door to see who it was. It couldn't be possible that another guest has come to see her. When she opens her door, she sees nothing at first but looks down to see Chain laying on the ground. She looks around before dragging him inside. He looks to be hurt. What in the name of Celestia was he doing out in the forest? "It looks like he needs help." She then looks to Hail. "grab one of my healing herbs, please. I'll use it on his wounds." Violia looks over all of his wounds to see how deep they were. It seems they he wasn't too badly hurt but he was in a scuffle for sure.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Hail looked at the jam. "Sure I'll try some, do you make jam a lot?" she asked, chosing only the questions she felt safe asking, and she shall leave the hardest ones for last. It seemed easiler that way, maybe Vilolia would work up the levels while she asked the questions.Hail knew Void would love to try some, but maybe she should buy some jam on their way home, after all, this is begining to go smoothly, she shouldn't try to ruin it right now, it would crush her chance of finding her answers she had came for.


Void's nose sniffed. He smelled fresh fruit, somewhere. He got up leaving the leaf on a branch where it couldn't fly away. His belly rumbled, telling him he must try the fruit, where ever it was. He flew down from the tree, and began looking. Where ever the fruit was Void would not stop trying to find it, but he had no clue where it was, only the nice smells that filled his nose.


The Everfree forest was nice and calm, most of the animals began making their noises, but it wasn't much of a problem or a silence breaker. It was going to be a very calm day.

Edited by Hailcanuseacomputer
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"huh where am I...is that you zecora?" he said seeing the black and wight zebra infront of him "wait your not zecora are...you Violia?" the zebra looked surprised that the pony infront of her knew her name "wait...I have to tell ponys about the changlings!" chain quickly sat up but the zebra put him back down "there are changlings here in the forest and in town" chain said while thinking about the nest he saw "they built a.....:" he couldent say it "they built a......" chain studered every time "the built a......" every time the changling how glared at him was in his mind it was tourcher in his brain "they have a home here" was the only thing chain could say "Its in a cave near here" Violia looked at him wondering what he was talking about chain knew from that look that she thoult there was no cave around her house *chain slowly got up* "I can show you" *5 minuets later* "but how? it was here a bit ago" they looked at him with scetchy looks "it was here. ok fine lets go back to your house" chain said *back at the house* "hey Violia where is the bathroom?" Violia pointed to the outside door "great" chain went out side to you know when "ah that was good...wait what is this tingling in my mouth...are those fangs and on my head...I have 3 horns?! whats happening! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh"

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Violia smiles and she nods. "Yeah. I make it allot in the morning." Violia says she grabs a small bowl. She pours a some in the bowl and she gives it Hail. "It's a bit hot but I'll should be very good." Violia says as she pours one for herself. She admits, this visit wasn't as bad as she thought it could of been. She relaxes with her bowl of jam. She looks to Hail and hopes she like the jam she made. It's not often that she share this with anypony. Maybe she could make new friends. It wouldn't hurt. Maybe she could let Hail ask her some questions. It couldn't possibly hurt.

Violia was quiet while they had their jam. It was almost like they were enjoying it a little too much. Either way it was a calm nice day and it was nice to have company. Maybe it wasn't expected but it didn't matter now. She was happy to have somepony to talk to and share things with. No harm, no foul. Nothing like a hot bowl of jam and a heart full of fun. Friends are nice to have. Hopefully she could get close to Hail, though at one point she know. Now she wonders if Hail does have questions for her.

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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"what...what has happened to me! I feel like a monster" *at the door* chain reluctantly opened the door "I dount know whats happened to me this day freaking sucks! I feel like a demond" when Violia heard that her head quickly turned to the door to see chain how had fangs,3 horns and, his coat change from brown to red and his mane to grey to black with black marks on his face "I feel like a monster" Violia coferted me as no one else was there (i am going to do the different time frame thing) Violia looked like she was going to talk when chain just said the thing that was on his mind "this is torcher! from my mind to now my body its the worst thing ever demonds suck they are the worst I just wish I wasent one" chain sheaded tears Violia wiped my tears away "can I have a little privise?" she lead me to her bedroom "i promise I wount do any thing in there just think things over ok?" she noded chain did that exact thing thinking about what is happening from the changlings to ponyville and now this he was a demond what could chain even do it was hopeless he needed help bad

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@, @, @@Hailcanuseacomputer,

Sketchbook couldn't help but laugh at the funny face Disruptis was making at how shocked he was. Soon both Pinkie and Disruptis started laughing as well and other ponies wanted to see what was going on. But as soon as they saw Pinkie there in the middle of the laughing fit, they just chalked it up to Pinkie being Pinkie.


Once the three calmed down, Pinkie suddenly said "Oh my guber gosh! I haven't given you two a 'welcome to Ponyville' party and song. Meet me at Sugarcube corner in an hour and we can party until the cows come home!" And with that Pinkie left, skipping the whole way. As she was walking, Pinkie thought this was the best time to invite Hail and that other new pony she heard Zecora talk about named Violia.


So Pinkie Pie went to Fluttershy's cottage and asked to have her bird friends send out the invitations. Fluttershy agreed and had the birds fly off to everypony in and outside Ponyville. As one of the birds started to head to Violia's hut, it got scared by a sudden noize and dropped it's invitation. Once the bird flew off, a small fruit bat by the name of Void grabbed the invitation and flew back to Violia's hut.


~Meanwhile, back at Cookie's Breakfast~

"Well," Sketchbook started as the two ponies walked out "what should we do while we wait for the party? I can't help but feel excited, especially if it's a party for the both of us!" She said this while thinking that this was another chance to gain more friends and learn even more about Disruptis.


(Just lost my post and had to rewrite the whole thing!)  :(   

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