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dark Letters from a Changeling


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Dear Reader, I hope someone finds this, that atleast someone will see that I am not the monster that I fear I might become…….


 I am a Changeling. Part of a society of monsters. I had always hoped that I could escape and live a life among….ponies. But alas, i have not been able to escape my fate. Traditions are of deep importance in the hive….

The first Queen to lead the Changelings, Queen Maggot, first wrote our traditions. Every Changeling is nearly incapable of love. The royals of the hive, for reasons that no one bothers to tell me, were full of love. Changelings didn’t want to be lead by some lovey-dovey, compassionate, sorry excuse for a Changeling. So traditions were put forth so that every Queen's aura would be completely drained of everything, but hate. After this, they become the cruelest in the hive, Completely and utterly, incapable of love. I know, I’ve seen my mother she is surrounded by hate and beyond powerful magic. Changelings are color blind. We can see but three things. Love, Hate, and Magic.


I have three days until my melancholy coronation, though I hope that I will be able to escape before then. And with the dreams that I have been having, I know that if I become Queen, my fears will become reality .Last night, I dreamt that I was sitting in my chair by my mirror in the corner. I was peering into the mirror, when suddenly it shattered. A dark being climbed out of the mirror and with shock I realized that it was me. But it was a little different. I was taller, stronger, darker, more powerful, and malevolent.  I also noticed that it had an incredibly strong aura of hate. Her aura of hate was one of the most powerful I had ever seen, even on a Queen. Then I noticed the traditional crown and realized that she was a queen. Then, with no warning, I was looking from its eyes. The scene shifted and I, still looking from her eyes, was in a ballroom.There was a formal party going on. Maybe a coronation? A wedding? A funeral? I wasn’t sure. Princess Celestia of the Equestrian ponies stood in front of me and said, “No. You won’t. You may have made it impossible Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects from you!” She attacked me with her magic and I fired mine. To my surprise, the older me was stronger. She sent Celestia slumped to the floor. There was so much power, even more than I sensed before. But the scariest part was that I actually liked it. Everything changed again. I was in my castle. The side wall was demolished and the older me was standing against a pony full of magic and love. A comet was flying overhead and my hate had been used to form a wall blocking what appeared to be five mares and three fillies. I saw myself trying to turn this loving pony into a monster like myself. I could just feel myself loathing her and wanting to get her out of the way somehow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


 I woke up panting and thinking about the horrors I had just seen. How I wished that my eldest sister Mimic was still alive. Then she would become Queen. I also wished that I had escaped with my twin Shred. Mimic was already a jerk; going through the draining ceremony wouldn’t change anything. In fact, she wanted to be completely drained of love and all positive feelings. Obviously, she was my mother’s favorite. Not like Shred and I. We cared, and we couldn’t imagine losing the ability to do that. If Mimic had been coronated, then Shred and I would have not had to have the ceremony.No one cares about the Queen’s sisters.              

So, everything would have been swell and then Mimic went out on a mission. Mother sent her and things went bad. They won’t tell us everything, but I do know that they attacked a town that’s only residents should have been love filled animals. There was something else there, Mimic didn’t come out alive.  That put Shred next in line. She was only older by a few seconds, but that made the difference. Shred didn’t want me to have to see her after she was drained. I didn’t want to see her like that either, so we planned an escape.


We had it all plotted out. Shred was going to be the distraction, so that I could escape first. But I couldn’t bear the thought. What if she didn’t make it out and I did?! I know that I would never forgive myself! I begged her to let me be the distraction. I wanted to make sure that she made it out safely. Finally, Shred agreed, but things did not go as planned.


 When midnight arrived and everything was black, we snuck out. Things were going excellent. Shred made it out and I was able to escape, as well. Then things went down the drain. Some Changeling must have seen us and it sounded the alarm. The whole hive seemed to be pursuing us. Some galloped and others flew. Some even used their magic to chuck boulders at us. Some Changeling jumped from a bush and tackled me. Shred ran to free me, but I made her go. If she slowed down, she would be caught, as well. I made her run and she made it out.


Our mother does not normally punish us for being bad, but this time I got it even worse than when I am inexcusably nice. My punishment was torture by whip. Shred made it out, though. That is all that matters. I half-wish that she would return for me, but I know that is being selfish. If she did return before my coronation, she would definitely be caught.

I want to try escaping again, but I am not sure if I could. Since our little stunt, they have tripled the security and I cannot even leave my room. They have also set up a large number of traps and have sent an army out to find Shred. If they do not find her, then I will be forced to take the crown.  I have been storing up my magic, though. Just maybe, I may escape. But if I can’t, I hope that I will be able to withstand the draining ceremony, like that pony in my dreams who successfully stood against me.  now, I can only hope that things will turn out alright.



Another day has passed and has put me even closer to coronation. I think that Shred is safe. They still have not been able to find her. This is clearly putting everyone in a sour mood. Especially my mother, Queen Shadow. She is disappointed in me and Shred. I have got yelled at many times about this. It probably didn’t help that I tried to escape again.

 Last night, I attempted to escape. It was extremely difficult, but I almost managed it.I used my magic that I had been storing to create a fire on the other side of the hive. Many Changelings left to take care of the fire. Many also stayed, suspecting that this fire was my doing. Their defenses were weakened and I launched out of there like lightning. I could hear more Changelings in pursuit, but I didn’t waste any seconds to turn around. I was almost out of energy when I found a forest. I flew through the trees and was able to throw some Changelings off of my tracks. I spotted a tunnel a crawled inside. I stayed there for a few hours. I knew that I should emerge before daylight, but I was terrified. I knew that I was near pony territory. While the Changelings are banished to our desertous badlands, ponies have very rich land. Finally, I shot out of the whole and discovered that an army was right there waiting for me. I took to the sky where others were waiting. I bashed through them and with delight, realized that I could see pony territory. Only those of pure hearts can enter from the outside. Changelings are banished, but I think that I may be able to pass through, anyways. Then several guards dove on me and I hit the ground. I remember thinking that it was all over and then hearing a voice. It sounded like Shred and she was calling my name! With newfound strength, I shot out from under the piling Changelings and flew. Several Changelings fought me back but, I prevailed. Then from behind, some Changeling stabbed something into my back and I dropped. I remember feeling a sudden drowsiness and landing one hoof across pony territory. Then I was dragged back and everything went black.

        I was again punished and the security was even tighter. I was locked in a room. The window that had previously promised my escape was bolted. My back hooves are chained to the floor. My wings are tied and I was placed in our interrogation room. This was a room that we used to question our prisoners in. It is enchanted so that magic can not be used. I have three guards standing inside with me, watching my every move. My mother told me that because of my behaviour, I will arrive at my coronation in chains.

     I fear that escaping is not an option anymore. And I am not sure if I can withstand the whole hive, including my mother. I had another dream that dims my hopes even more so.

     I saw the future me  transform into another pony. She was so full of love, I couldn’t believe it. She was an alicorn, too. I trapped her in some kind of cave and wickedly laughed. While in that form, I took control of another unicorn just as full of love. Then I saw the same pony that was in my other dream. I trapped her as well. Then it ended and I was horrified. I don’t know if I will get a chance to write again. I hope that whoever finds this will use this knoweledge to stop me.I am going to give it my best to fight the draining ceremony, but if not, if I become this monster, please share this letter. With anyone who can help me. And if you ever find Shred, please tell her that I love her.



        Princess Chrysalis


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Hay, everypony! This is my first fan fiction, so give me some feedback. If you ave any ideas to improve this, let me know. Thanks 4 reading!!!




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