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planning Anyone for cupcakes...?


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As far as i could piece together, grimdark is against the rules here based on scattered past discussions and locked topics. For that reason i'm focussing on doing this RP privately, possibly over MSN.


What RP? Well i'd like to turn Cupcakes into an interactive experience. I tried this once before but apparently my friend lacked the stomach for it. Basically this will be an homage to the original fanfiction with the same kind of content. Though Dashies fate isnt set and if the opportunity presents itself she may get a chance to defend herself or escape. It's very unlikely considering the fact that shes bound, but i liek to keep all possibilities open. Makes for a more interestign RP if anything can happen.


So what am i looking for? People who have an interest in the Cupcakes fan fiction or the pinkamena character and a strong stomach. I will most likely be playing the pinkamena role, because i think shes really interestign to play as, wrapped up in her own delusional mind. Roleplay wise we're talkign about a paragraph per turn and moderate writing ability.


Again, the intention of the thread is not to provoke debate, incite rule breaking or spoil anyones day. I'm pooling interest for this RP idea that, until i learn otherwise will take place off site.

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I would like to see my own face after reading the topic.


That being said, I _might_ have interest, either seeing how this will go, or taking part as RD since you really want to be Pinkie.

Although, if you ask me, in Cupcakes, Pinkie has poofy hair if you know what I mean. She'd snapped yet somehow she was bubbly and "friendly". Is it considered Pinkamena then?

Also, considering RD is stuck, there doesn't seem to be much for her to do other than describe the torment she has O_o

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The way i played Pinkie Pie was much like her depiction in Cpucakes. HEr usual hyper self. I tried to create the effect that she has completely removed hersel;f from reality. For example, hitting Dash with soemthing and claiming that shes just beating the ingredients in the dough together. I like to get metaphorical with it so that Pinkie can convince herself shes doign no harm. All of this kinda stuff makes her a very interesting character to RP as. WHoever is RD will have to get really creative. She'll probably be forcing on pleading, inner thoughts, environmental awareness or even escape attempts and fighting if she breaks free. As i say before, realistically her chances are slim. But shes wily enough to work out at least an attempt at freedom.


As for content, it will be open for discussion with whomever wants to play. It will primarily depend upon Pinkies goal. If she plans to murder and make cupcakes of Dashie you can expect it to get incredibly grisly. If she has other motives liek in my previous attempt, she may want Dashie alive, just broken. If that was the case then very deep cuts are not practical.


I'm actually interested in either role, I'm just got a fairly good grasp of how i would do pinkie.

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  • 2 weeks later...


:D :D :D


But one thing, what would we be doing? I'd do RD if no one wants but I'm just wondering what the options are.


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I only see one problem here. If your essentially making this a some-what different version of cupcakes, but still following the general plot, how exactly will the roleplay continue out? Also, if you are already Pinkamena, there's only one role left. So really, i don't see how this roleplay can turn out working well.


The concept is interesting, but i can see major complications and difficulties of it still being a roleplay since it will essentially be like re-writing parts of the original story. Unless you plan on making very LARGE changes?


And finally, you can't play as your own character. You have to play as a specific person.


I'm just seeing some complications with this role play. Would you be able to answer my questions? I may be more interested then.

Edited by Silver Arrow

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