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private Guilty until found innocent


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The wolf was speechless, being as now he was being held up by a kid. Also, this was his new record of knives close to his throat in a day. Looking to Bushido, Seth wondered waht the plan would be. "Um... you know if you kill me, the wolves behind you will have no reason to not shoot you." He replied, seeing the pack had woken up and now were bearing their weapons. They were pissed now. Each growled, yelling 'Stand Down!' in wolven. Seth didn't want bloodshed... but it was a bit safer if the guards at least got the kid to back off.

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Bushido, being blind didn't see the wolf looking to her for assistance but still quickly pulled the colt off if him as and disarmed him of all of his knives in a single fluid motion. "What is wrong with you", she asked though he ignored her, the first time he hhad ever done so, leaving her speechless and stunned as he sat there debating his chances of taking down the wolves unarmed. "So in as I get the chance, wolf, you will draw your last breath". Bushido stepped between the wolves and the colt, blocking either side from the other trying to avoid any bloodshed and leaned against Seth with a nuzzle.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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The wolf stood, a bit hurt from the kids threat. However, he wasn't fearing of them. Going to the wolves, he spoke in wolven that he was fine, but required some gear. Arming himself with a combat knife and a pistol to his arm, he wouldn't take a chane with the unstable child. He would kill him if he needed to. The ware would jsut have to deal with it.

"{We are about to land, sir.}" One wolf spoke, nodding to the window. Smiling, Seth looked to the two.

"Get ready to touch down." He called.

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Bushido hugged the wolf and snorted in anger at the colt. "You are not going to lay another hoof on Seth, or I will put you down myself", she said icly with a hoof around Seth. The colt went wide-eyed when she snapped at him choosing to protect Seth over him.

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Looking to the mare, she was a bit supprised to see that she was defending him this much versus her own kin. Tish was unlike her... but they wer ein love. The bonds of the two must be strong. Hugging her back, the wolf sat on the seat and helped her into the retrainsts for landing. "Thanks." He said, reffering to how she defended him.

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The colt completely lost I'll when she protected the wolf instead of him. "You bastard. You think you will honestly get away with taking Bushi-sama from me? I will kill you before I let you take her", the answered colt yelled and charged at the wolf, to angry to think rationally, and pulled a Kunai from Bushidos pouches ad he ran at the wolf, swinging it up at the wolf.

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The millitary drew their weapons, however, the wolf was faster. Since he was not seated yet, he drew his knife in his mouth, pouncing at the child. The colt may know his moves, but wolves were gifted hunter, Sething beign military traied. He countered the child's flawed anger-attack, gripping the blade in one paw as his body stuck the colt's Tossing the blade aside, Seth pinned the child down on the metal floor. Wit the knife in his mouth, the wolf growled down at him. "Dont. You. Dare." The wolf stated, the guards soon circoling the two.

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Bushido just stayed where kept in place the landing restraints. The colt just grunted and lashed out ad much as he could, biting the wolf's pay and watching the blood firm a puddle and glad there chanting a long Japoneise curse, one of the strongest Forbidden Arts aiming to kill all of the wolves, extremely painfully, having no intention of sparing lives.

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The wolves all fell to their knees, whining in pain. Seth rolled off the child as he chanted, glaring to the kid. "What the fuck are you doing? You are going to-" The wolf was cut off, the plane leurching downward quickly. The pilots were woves, so they were effected as well. As theaircraft began to dive, the wolf began to rull forward towards the frunt of the plane.

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The colt growled at the wolf as he headed to the front of the plane. "Searing Chains. Burn in hell", he spat at the wolf, though he only got half it the attack out due to an interruption form Bushido. Bushido flt the lurch and heard him begin to engage "Searing Chains and pulled herself from the landing restraints quickly silencing the colt with a slash across her own chest. The colt was bound in chains and lit ablaze until there was nothing left. "I warned you, Cobalt Sheen, Son of Descending Star", she said, completely shocked that she had just exterminated her last family member, but at least, his attack had been stopped.

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The wolf stood, growling in the aftermath of the pain. The plane was still falling, and he had to stop the decent. dodging debre from the crates crashing around the plane. Getting inside the cockpit, the wolf found the crew incapacitated. He moved one of the pilots out of the way, sitting in the seat. Quickly pulling up on the stick, the plain began to level. They were getting rather close of the ground, but Seth managed to pull up in time before nearly hitting a mountain. 

Patching in autopilot, the wolf returned to the wolves. They were alive, but out. Returning to the cargo bay, he saw the ash of what he assumed was the child. "You... killed him?" He asked, walking up to the mare.

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The mare was shaking in shock and disgust at what she had done when Seth returned and walked up. She just stood there where she was and nodded slowly before finally answering. "It....it was either that or let him kill all of the wolves on this plane, and the crash would have killed me most likely, so self preservation kicked in....and i couldn't let him kill you.....so, i killed him....".

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The wolf put an arm around the mare, staring at the ask. He couldn't believe what had happened. The child... The last true family the mare had left, had tried to kill the wolf and, by extension, Bushido. Again, it was his fault for the death of another member. Again, the pain hit. Again, he realized it would be a hundred times worse for the mare he loved. Draping an arm around her shoulder, he nuzzled her head. "I'm sorry..."

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Bushido crumpled on the floor of the plane and broke down, shaking in tears. "I.. I told I would kill my clan..... And now I have... First, by revealing thier location.... Bringing the children only death they didn't deserve... And now I have completely annihilated my family... Our once great legacy dies with me... All because I could be clever enough to save you without without telling thier location.... I didn't think to use Searing Chains... The Forbidden Arts... I wouldn't have had time.... To cut myself.. And use the technique..... ", she said as she lay on the floor, in tears." None of this would've happened if I never brought them to Equestria... I never would've had to become the soulless killer I became.... My clan would have at least died together...I never would have been locked up in that prison... And I never would have met you.... So, I guess at least one good thing came from my foolishness ".

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The wolf laid next to he mare, gripping her in his arms. He dried his tears with his fur, patting the mare's back softly. "Bushido... You and I both know none of this was your doing, or at least intentionally." He spoke, rubbing her mane. "You have been making the best of your life. No matter what has happened, you keep pushing for success. You saved you people's children. You saved me and Cobalt from the prison when I was facing the end of a gun. You even saved me from Cobalt's cur rioted heart nearly killed us. How can you blame yourself for anything bad?" He then asked, looking into her eyes. He then have her a light kiss on the lips.

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Her breathing slowed and she slowly became slightly calmed as he stroked her mane. Her eyes widened slightly when he kissed her lips but she returned the gesture after a moment.. "How can I blame myself for these things.....easily. I may have kept you alive but I brought him here and he almost killed you. That was my fault for bringing him here. But, your'e right....I didn't cause this.....I guess", she said and buried hr muzzle into his neck, biting it softly.

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The wolf placed an arm around mare, stroking her coat as she nommbed on his neck. He held her there for some time, noticing the plane was descending. The pilots were probabl awake and landing. They were probably going to give him hell for what happened here. Finally, the plane lerched as wheels hit the ground. "Well, we landed." He said, looking to the wolves who were watching them at he front of the plane. When the back of the plane opened, there were a dozen armed wolves waiting, humvees behind them. "The welcoming comity really pulled out all the stops."

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Bushido felt the lane land and stood up when he mentioned a welcoming committee. "Last I checked, welcoming committees were bad news.....I'm in trouble, aren't I", she asked quietly. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten up this morning....I had to kill my only remaining member of my clan, and now I'm probably in a shitload of trouble".

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The wolf noticed a white wolf in slightly less armor amungst the wariers. He stepped before the guards, nodding to Seth. "It's been a while, Eclipse" he snow wolf greated. He knew common, so Bushido would understand.


"It has. Is this he ride I asked for, Damon?" Seth asked, looking at he guards. They were well armed.


"There was a plane falling oh of the air. Seemed like a proper greeting. Oh, and what was he whole... 'Insane kid trying to kill ya', Seth?"


"Save that for a debreefing." The wolf finished, earning a nod from the white wolf. Raising his paw, the team of guards lowered their guns and stepped out of the way. The wolf lead the mare to an awaiting humvee.the two entered, Damon also joining. As they hagan to drive, the white wolf asked.


"So, who's your friend, Sethy? The cold warrior finally getting soft?"

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Bushido just sat down with the wolves in the humvee on silence, still shaken from being forced to incinerate her only remaining family member. After a short while however, the armoured mare spoke up. "Bushido Blade of Japon", she said in response to the snow wolf's question. This was however all she said to the wolves.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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The winter wolf looked to her, then Seth. "Im sorry about your kin." The wolf said in a low tone, looking away as they drove off. Seth hugged the mare, trying to comfort her. "Can you take us to the southern boarder?" He spoke, getting a nod from the driver as they continued through the tundra.

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"Things must happen for the set events of one's future to happen as they should...if one were to defy fate, such as me not killing him on the plane, then everyone on the plane would have been killed....that was predestined if the colt was not stopped....I merely altered the predestined event to minimal loss", she said, trying to pass it off as if it hadn't bothered her.

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Seth only hugged the mare more. It was obvious that she was hurting and both wolves knew it. Damon just turned around to look towards the road as they drove on, not wishing to bother the mare more with his presence. Since little was said, the drive went silently from then on. When they reached an outpost for a supply pickup, the white wolf got out to help load supplies into the Humvee. It was going to be what the two would get for their starting home.

While the two were alone in the car, the wolf took the mare's hooves. "I... I don't want to leave you alone... I don't want to force you into an unfamiliar place and expect you to live peacefully. When we find a place to stay near the boarder, I won't leave your side."

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"You have your own life. Your own duty. your own place. I refuse to burden you any further", the mare said sternly though she knew he wouldn't allow her to refuse. "Seth. If I am or become too bothersome, just say so and I will walk the opposite direction you do. I won't bother you. Just say the word". She hated her blindness and how it seemed to turn her into a burden, and she especially hated doing it to Seth, weather or not she really was,

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The wolf only glared at her now, letting go of her hooves and gripping the mare's shoulders. "Bushido... Don't you ever say that you burden me. Every time you do, it stings me that I might come across as wanting to let you go. The reality is only the opposite. You have saved my life, and I have saved yours. If I wanted to leave you, I could have given up looking for you when I was chasing you half across Canterlot. Bushy... I... I couldn't leave you... That's why I asked for you to join me on my trip home... I thought I was acting soiled, forcing you to fallow... I forced you to kill your kin. It is I who feels that I have been burdening you. I have only brought misery to you.

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