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private Guilty until found innocent


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Bushido was already falling asleep as they were talking, but was trying to stay wake since he kept talking to her and she didn't feel like being rude to him. She wound up laying down with her head resting peacefully on the wolf's chest as her eyes fluttered shut as she let herself fall asleep, nt yet wanting to build anything.

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The wolf sat back a bit, as to allow the mare to lay back on him more. Patting her softly, she let her fall asleep to the sound of he beating of his heart. He too soon grew tired, using a bag of supplies as his pillow. When he went down, the wolf didn't dream, just peacefully slept the trip away.

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The mare was fast asleep sleeping peacefully when she began tossing and turning, thrashing about violently as she began to enter a nightmare depicted the deaths of her clan members with her just standing there letting it happen and the wolf sitting snidely nearby, bringing the fact that had lost her clan to save his life back to her mind. She snapped awake and pulled a small knife, glaring at the wolf, tempted to take his life.

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The wolf had awoken from the mares actions, immediately trying to either calm her, or wake her. When she did awake, the wolf fell backwards at the knife near his face. "Wow, Bushido!" Seth yelled, gaining the attention of the military wolves. Two ran up, pointing their guns to the mare.

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Bushido heard the wolves run up and put the Dagger away, pushing a bit too forcefully and dropping a bit of her blood onto the floor though if she really wanted, she could have killed them. All she would have had to do would be to turn her head and grab her sword and turn her head back slicing both. But, she saw no sense it that. It would only bring more. She sat on her haunches with her head hung and her ears drooping knowing she had fucked up royally.

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The wolves looked to the mare, only one turning to see if Seth was ok. Slowly standing, Seth put a paw to one of the wolf's guns, bringing it down. The two backed off, but didn't leave. Seth only looked to the mare, questioning in his look. "Boshido..." He said, looking to her eyes. "What was that?"

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Bushido stayed seated and didn't raise her head, regretting coming along with the wolf. They hadn'teven landed and she had killed him.. "It was me. The killer that I am. Do you remember when we were in the armory... And the warden gave me an ultimatum? Reveal my clan or let you die... I chose your life over my family... And I almost killed you for it because I am nothing more than a killer who thrives of the blood of those who wronged me.... And, you being alive while my clan lies dead... Not only dead, mutilated.... I snapped. Almost".

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The wolf looked to her, pangs of guilt falling onto him. Just reminding him that he caused the deaths of he innocent ponies. He looked away, almost agreeing with here about him taking her with him home. With her hating him, and the kid not trusting him, he didn't know what to do. He only sat on the ground of he jet, looking to her. "I'm sorry..."

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Bushido hot up slowly and shakily before walking over to the wolf. "I know you're sorry. You told me already, but this is something that an apology won't resolve. Neither will time or anything else", she said as a single tear drop fell from her eye. "Know this though, I don't hate you for it. I chose to save you, and thus, I hate myself. I'm the one to blame for my clan's total genocide", she finished and went silent.

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Seth was speechless, having no words to say. He just looked away, to afraid to say anything more. They still had about an hour, but from his prediction, it would feel like an eternity with what she just said looming over them both. He knew it was his fault. He was weak, and he would have gladly die for the clan at that point. Wait... she did save him... but why? "Why did you choose me then?"

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Bushido 'glanced' from the wolf the wolves standing a few feet away to the sleeping colt. "I was bound by my honor. We agreed to help each other escape from the prison, I couldn't go back that promise, no matter what I felt, besides I thought maybe if they went after my clan, they would be able to escape, I was wrong... I failed them as a sensei", she said and thought to herself. "Of course, that is not the only reasons...".

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The wolf felt hurt again, but looked up when she said there was a second reason. "W...what is it?" He asked, wanting to know what he had done to change the mind of the mare to make such a dissension. He looked right into her grey/white eyes, waiting, wanting to see the truth.

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The mare just walked over to the far wall and sat down, not wanting to discuss her other reasons publicly where the wolves could hear. She would tell him, but only him, and not within earshot of others in case they heard what she said and misinterpreted the meaning.

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Seth looked to her,seeing her actions. Fallowing her to the back of the plane, he sat next to her. "What is it?" He whispered, looking to her. She seemed... Week, Seth couldn't tell. After being threatened with a knife after being used as a pillow, the wolf had lost all understanding of mare's communication through body signs.

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Bushido had hung her head with drooping ears, uneasy about what she was going to say. "One, sorry for almost killing you....but the reason I didn't want to elaborate is....at tat moment, I don;t know why, but i cared more about your survival than that of my clan.....I didn't care what happened as long as you survived, and I don't understand what made me choose that", she said almost silently.

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Seth felt a chill run down his back. Not a bad chill, but suprized. She had cared for him. Cared for him a lot apparently. And he knew what caused it. Was it out of love? He had done some stuff for her, like save her. But that was for just doing the right thing. Right? Did he feel something for her?


As the wolf thought, he had remained silent. Then, he spoke. "I... I think I know why..."

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Bushido shakily looked to the wolf with pleading eyes. "Seth... If you truly know what could have driven me to let my family be annihilated in exchange for your life, what this feeling that burns within me is, then please tell me", she asked him still her ears down in shame.

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The wolf had only one idea in mind, but it was one that he cloud never say. If he was wrong, he didn't know what the mare would do to him. For several seconds, he debated his choices until finally he looked strait to her and opened his mouth. "...love." He said, his tone firm.

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Bushido glared at him icly and her Dagger back put pressing it to his neck after shoving him to the ground onto his back. "You fuck. If it was love then why did I let all of my loves ones die..... Unless, you meant.... That you thought I loved you... Is that what you meant", she asked drawing a katana and poking it to strike the other wolves if they came to his aid. Her eye had dropped a tear at the thought of her loving him and she was fairly certain she actually had started to.

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The other wolves seemed to have crashed in the front of the plane, so the wolf was helpless from under her. Looking up, he only felt fear as the blade was pushed closer to his neck. The first time, it was a dream that had made her hate him. This time, it was all her. However, spotting the tear, he knew here was something other than just hate for his proposal. Truth. "Bushido..."he said, bringing a sport paw to the hoof atop his chest.

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Bushido resheathed the katana and pulled the Dagger away from his neck, resheathing it as well. She slowly laid down beside him and put a hoof around him after sliding over next to the wolf. "I don't know when it how or why it happened but I think you're right.... I think that's part of the reason I agreed to come here.... I wanted to be near you", she said quietly wishing he felt the same so it wouldn't be so bad for her to love him. At least then the feeling would be mutual and he wouldn't think she was wierd or hate her. "That's why I used so much Forbidden Arts, I didn't care I bled out and died as long as you survived....".

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Seth hesitated at first, not resisting, but not going for the mare. He had been thinking over how to react, and what to say. Then, he looked to the mare and sighed. "I...I guess I'm not alone then. When I first met you, I only wanted to help you out of mutual gain. However, as I got to know you, I wanted to save you because you didn't deserve what life has been giving you. I wanted to make sure you would make it out. It killed me knowing what I did to you. What I forced you to do. I was willing to give my life for your safety, but you nearly gave yours for mine. I guess what I'm saying is... I-I love you" his voice had changed from his normal semi-calculating tone to that of compassion. It was obvious he early used it. The wolf then brought his arm around her, bringing her closer as he nuzzled her face with his muzzle.

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Bushido sighed in relief when he told her that he loved her. "So,.... Where do we go from this.... The fact that we feel this way means nothing since I don't have any place to go specifically and my current plan is someplace isolated for Cobalt and I while you have a life in government and military, not exactly making sense for me to try to be near you, since that keeps you pretty much in the spotlight... I'm afraid when we arrive in the Empire, it will be the last we see of each other... Well, last you see of me, last I hear from you", she said wishing that she hadn't told him her feelings because now it just saddened her. She loved him. He loved her. But they most likely couldn't do anything a Bout it, considering thier lifestyles.

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The wolf thought for a second, trying to see if there was a way for them to be together. "Well, I could try and transfer to a military base close to home. That way i could just be with you two and then leave or the base when needed." He suggested. "And for the attention, it will be minimal. It's not like I'm famous. I will return as an officer and rejoin the ranks. Plus... who said I would be joining the second I returned home? I thought we would spend some time together before I got back to work."

The wolf smiled, nipping softly at the mare's ear. His own perked as he heard the colt clear his throat, turning to him. He was glaring at the two with accusing eyes.

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Bushido nuzzled Seth's neck lightly and and sat up. "OK... But, in order for that to work, I need to find a place near enough to yours that you can come around when you want to. And, one more thing, if I end up living near you, then I'll probably be in a decently populated area", she would have continued their conversation but was stopped abruptly by Cobalt's throat clearing. "Oh don't stop your ridiculous plans on my account. But before you continue this ludicrous conversation..... Let me get this straight. We are going to a place fill of fucking wolves. And living there. Abandoning our past. Because... You.... Fell in love.... In fucking love.. With a wolf. Are you kidding me", he asked the mare before pulling a knife on Seth. "And you. You must be insane if you think we are going to play this little game of yours".

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