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open New Beginnings [SoL]

Azure Envy

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New Beginnings


This RP is currently closed to new players.


OOC thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/108246-new-beginnings-sol/


It was another day in Ponyville, only two weeks after Astral Mirage had arrived in town and found himself a job working at Sweet Apple Acres. He had been staying with a childhood friend of his, but hoped to save up enough bits to move to his own place soon.


He decided to spend some time near the town center on his day off, maybe do a little shopping or at least find some lunch. He hadn't eaten all morning and figured why not treat himself to something nice at Sugarcube Corner? It was a beautiful day and he wasn't about to spend the day cooped up inside. Shutting the door behind him, he began trotting down the street towards the bakery.

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The market was abuzz with towns ponies bustling about, Astra Alcor among them — peering over manes, searching for a stand that was selling food. She'd been wandering around all morning, just arriving the evening before, and had yet to discover a restaurant of any kind. She was on leave from her work, a more frequent occurance than not. This time, her leisurely flight path took her through Ponyville, a quaint looking town. Astra had decided that this would be a good place to purchase more supplies, and maybe explore a bit as well.


Her stomach growled as she cast a glance down the path, and saw a sight almost as glorious as Celestial herself — a cart full of delicious-looking apples. She approached the cart, fumbling through her saddlebag for her bits so she could walk away with a decent hoofful of the beautiful fruits. While waiting in line, Astra's eyes began to wander. Waves of ponies going about their day. She turned her attention back to the matter at hand — food.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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As he approached the town center and market, he noticed it was much busier than usual. "I wonder what's going on today...," he thought to himself. Narrowly avoiding crashing into an oncoming apple cart, he decided it would be better to find a place to sit before fumbling through his knapsack. He spotted a vacant place to sit by the fountain in the town square and snaked his way to it through the bustling ponies that crowded the square.


He plopped himself down on the circle of stone cobble surrounding the fountain and began rummaging through his knapsack looking for a few bits for lunch. "I should really consider getting a wallet or something," he chucked to himself as he plucked a few bits from the knapsack, closed it up and swung it back over his shoulder. He glanced over at Sugarcube Corner, the smell of fresh-baked muffins wafting in his direction. "Mmm... a few of those will do just nicely," he said to himself as he flew over the crowd towards the small and elaborately decorated bakery on the corner.

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Riley was flying above Ponyville, letting the brisk wind flow through his mane.


He noticed a bird fly past him. "Hi there, birdy!" he said as he waved to the bird.


Oh, Riley, what an absent-minded pony you were.


He looked back forwards, and slammed right into the roof of Sugarcube Corner.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astral cringed as he heard the loud crash of something hitting the roof of the bakery. As he touched down next to the front door, he glanced upward and noticed the bright red pegasus on the rooftop.


"Hey," he called out, "Are you alright? That was some landing..."


He flew up next to the pony and hovered cautiously near, "Uh... you need a hoof getting down?"

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Astra sat under a tree, glancing at the ponies going about their day. She chewed the apple she was eating, watching the waves of towns ponies ebb and flow around the square. She saw a silver/grey pegasus flying above the ground, heading towards a building she hadn't noticed before — pink and decorated with what looked like... icing?


"What...?" Astra said out loud, looking at the structure. How in Equestria did she not see this? She looked up the building, eyeing it's architecture when she noticed a red pegasus fly into roof of the building with a slight smack echoing from the impact. The silver/gray pegasus from earlier flew up towards the crash site.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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@@Lunatic Envy,


With stars flying around his head, Riley got up. "I'm okay!" he assured the pony beneath him. He fluttered down to the ground.


"Ooh, Sugarcube Corner!" he said in delight. "Even though I live in Manehattan, I visit Ponyville quite often, and every time, I make sure to indulge in some of the delicious cupcakes they have here! I remember they once had a deal on: if you could eat thirty cupcakes within the alloted time, they were free, and you got a cool t-shirt!"


He reached into his bag and took out a t-shirt. He put it on to reveal it read 'I  Sugarcube Corner'.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Watching him don the colorful t-shirt, he could only smile, "I knew I made the right choice coming to Ponyville. There's always something new to see or do around here."


"I'm hungry, but I don't know if I'm THAT hungry. I was actually just on my way in to get a few muffins," right as his stomach made a somewhat noticeable rumbling sound. "Missed breakfast this morning... but maybe I'll take some cupcakes to go, they sound amazing."


"Oh, where are my manners. My name's Astral Mirage," he said, extending a hoof.

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Astra stood near the small group of towns ponies who were listening to the red pegasus, now wearing a T-shirt, talk about cupcakes. It felt kind of surreal, but she was glad nopony was injured. She was too far away to hear anything specific over the murmurs of everypony else.


As she turned to leave, she felt her left hoof begin to slide, on gravel or some kind of loose ground, causing her to fall to the ground with a thud. She looked to her left to find her saddlebag had come undone, spilling the apples she'd paid for earlier, sending them rolling on the ground in every which way.


Astra scrambled to pick them up, following the last one through the small crowd.


"Sorry. 'Scuse me. Ow, that's my tail!" She finally caught the last of her fruit, which lay resting before the silver & red pegasi ponies, the former extending his hoof to the red pegasus.


"Umm, hi. Just grabbing my apple." Astra said, placing it into her bag with an embarrassed look on her face.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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@@Lunatic Envy@@SeraphStar,


"The name's Riley. Glad to meet you both!" greeted Riley, and simultaneously shook their hooves enthusiastically.


Riley felt something roll behind him and bump him on the rear hoof. It was an apple.


"You missed one," he said, holding the apple out to the mare.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Smiling, he shook his hoof, "Yeah, likewise Riley. And uh... Astra, was it? Do you two know each other?"


Scanning the ground for any remaining apples, he came up empty hooved, "Guess that's the last of 'em. Would hate to let an apple go to waste."


He turned to the mare, smiling warmly, "My apologies. My name is Astral Mirage. I'm new around these parts, and Riley here was just letting me know about the great cupcakes they sell here."

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Astra took the last apple from Riley, thanking him and again looking embarrassed.


"Nice to meet you both. I'm Astra Alcor." She said, smiling. She looked from Riley's shirt to the Sucarcube Corner bakery.


"So this place sells good cupcakes then?" She asked, having never heard of the bakery before.

Edited by SeraphStar

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Astra. I came for the freshly baked muffins myself," he smiled sniffing at the air. "But I guess I can't really leave without the cupcakes if they're even half as good as he says they are."


He looked again more closely at Riley's shirt, "I've never seen something like that from a bakery back in Canterlot---...."


Realizing what he had just said, he quickly backpedaled, reiterating, "You know-- because I visit Canterlot every now and then. I have a few friends there," he stuttered nervously.

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@@SeraphStar@@Lunatic Envy,


"Astral and Astra... what a coincidence," he commented.


He listened in to the conversation.


'Ugh. Canterlot.'


"Please don't beat me up for my opinion, but... Canterlot is filled with snobs who seem to think that they're better than everypony else just because they're wealthier," said Riley disdainfully. "My friend, Anala, tells me that she visited once. She went into a restaurant, and a waiter asked her to take her hat off, at which point she told the waiter to kiss her flank. The next thing she knew, she was being thrown right out of those doors as if she was the lightest thing in the world."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astra chuckled in her head at the coincidence Riley pointed out and listened to the recounting of his friend's experience, cringing a bit from the tale.


"Surely not everyone in Canterlot is as horrible as that... at least I hope not." She said, looking pensively into the air.


"I mean, I've never had any direct dealings with anypony from Canterlot ... I'm sure it was just that particular pony. There are ponies in Manehatten who can be just as despicable." Astra said with hopeful resolve. She looked at the ground, for a second, before starting for Sugarcube Corner's entranceway.


"All this talk of muffins, cupcakes and snooty restaurants has got me feeling hungry," she said mater-of-factly.


She open the door to the bakery, holding it open, looking back and asked, "You two coming in?"

Edited by SeraphStar

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Astral sighed dejectedly in response to Riley's comment. "But," he began, "They aren't all like that... I'm sure of it. Maybe they were just having a particularly bad day? Not that it's an excuse to treat anypony like that..."

He turned to Astra and smiled a bit, "Yeah... you can find ponies like that anywhere. But then again, I just moved here not too long ago and you two are the first ponies I've met. So, I think I'm off to a pretty good start."

His stomach growled loudly for what had to be the upteenth time today as he followed Astra to the door, "Right behind ya. I'm starving -- can't wait to see what this place has to offer!"


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"Well... sure, I'll agree that some ponies in Manehattan can come off as sort of... rude... but I know the places to look to find nice ponies," said Riley.


"Sure, I'll come in with you!" said Riley, heading for the door. "It didn't take much for me to get a craving for muffins and cupcakes, because I'll eat those any day of the week! They're just sooo yummy! I once tried juggling cake, but it didn't go down so well. At least I managed to get one of them to land in my mouth..." He continued to ramble.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Upon opening the bakery door, the scent of muffins, cakes and sugar wafted out from the ovens and counters inside. The warm heat from the baking confections was so comforting.


Smiling and listening to Riley speak of juggling cake was all Astra could do to not start drooling.


I could live in here, she thought, prowling the counters while eyeing the icing-coated cakes and cupcakes, the orange, chocolate chip, and banana-nut muffins and the brownies and cookies.


"Sweet Celestial, I think I'm in love..." she whispered in awe. Astra promptly began surveying the bakery, mentally cataloging everything she saw.

Edited by SeraphStar

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Holding the door open for Riley, Astral was immediately enveloped with the sweet smells of the bakery and the dizzying array of pastries that lay on the counters before him. The only time he'd seen more food in one place had to be one of Princess Celestia's banquets yet still, there was a certain charm about Sugarcube Corner that felt very familiar, almost like home to him.


"Easy there... I'd like to get a few bites in before you get cake all over the place," Astral laughed, waving Riley in.


He glanced over at Astra, who looked deeply immersed in thought. "Astra... do you see anything you like? Or would that be everything?" he chuckled. "I don't think I've seen anything like this even in Manehattan, and they're supposed to have everything, right?"

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@@SeraphStar@@Lunatic Envy,


Riley stopped his tangent and followed the two ponies into the bakery.


'Yup, same as always.'


The smell of fresh pastries wafted into his nostrils, and without even realising it, Riley's eyelids dropped about halfway and his mouth fell open, letting his tongue slither out.


"Treats are on me!" he announced to Astral and Astra.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astral was too preoccupied with the incredible variety of treats that lined the shelves and the glass display case up front to notice. He pressed his snout up against the glass to get a closer look at some of the freshly baked apple pies, muffins, cupcakes, everything they could put apples into, laid out. There was something about this place that made him feel like a colt again.


His gaze wandered to the shelves stacked high with various pastries and freshly baked breads. He had all but forgotten how hungry he was. Either way, he'd wished he'd brought more bits along, but he'd be back later, for sure. He shook his head and snapped out of his trance.


"What? No, Riley... I couldn't possibly impose like that. We've only just met."

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Astra was gazing at an apple-cherry pie cooling on the counter, wearing an infatuated look all the while, when she heard Riley's offer.


"H-huh?" She managed, looking slightly concerned. She shook her head, trying to keep any irrational thoughts from overwhelming her.


"Yes, Astral is right. It wouldn't feel right." Astra smiled sheepishly, before glancing towards the ground.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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@@Lunatic Envy@@SeraphStar,


"Honestly, it's fine," said Riley, looking inside his wallet. "I've got plenty of Bits to burn. I'll leave you two to make your choice, because I'm gonna be temporarily unavailable in three... two..."


At that moment, Pinkie Pie came bounding through the kitchen doors. "Hiya, Riley!" she said in her usual happy hysterical tone while bouncing around on her hooves. "How have you been, huh?! Are you enjoying your job? Are you dating Anala yet? Did you-"


She stopped when she noticed the other ponies. "I haven't seen you before! And I know everypony in Ponyville! So that must mean you're new here!"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astra shot a confused look Riley's direction, until the kitchen doors burst open. Then she spent a second trying to calm her heart, which skipped a beat. A bright pink pony had just entered the room, coinciding with Riley's countdown perfectly. The pink pony was bouncing around the room, speaking quickly and hyperly at Riley.


Astra had regained her bearing when the happy mare noticed that there were other ponies in the bakery.


"Umm, yeah?" Astra half-answered, unsure of what to make of the pink pony. She glanced to Astral, not knowing if he knew who the young made was.


The pink pony was so full of energy and brimming with overt happiness — it was difficult for Astra not to begin feeling it herself.

Edited by SeraphStar

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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"Uh... well... I..." was all Astral could utter before Riley abruptly exited the room, only to be replaced by the pink pony who was now bouncing all about the room.


Returning Astra's glance, he then turned to the pink pony, smiling warmly. "Ah... Pinkie Pie, is it? The element of... laughter, is it? I've heard very much about you and your friends. My name is Astral Mirage, and this lovely mare is Miss Astra Alcor," he said taking a short bow.


"I recently moved into town from... uh... well, a small town a little ways from here. Just enjoying my day off and wanted to grab a bite to eat and bumped into Riley outside. He did mention you had some of the best cupcakes around, so I had to stop by."

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