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private Casual, Character Development RP

Wishing Star

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Wishing Star guiltily dropped her hat from her mouth yet again as she heard her mother's voice echoing her head: If I catch you chewing on that hat one more time, I'm putting it in the path of the buffalo stampede! Sighing and giggling to herself a bit, Wishing Star retrieved her hat from the train floor and mashed it on top of her head. Now stay put! she commanded. As if the ragged edges were the fault of the hat and not her own nervous habit. Still, it had held itself together for years despite the abuse, and without any magic. There was one patch on it from the time Wishing Star thought she could be an archer.... More sighs and giggles.


The screeching of brake accompanied by the sudden, shrill train whistle brought Wishing Star out of her reverie. She sat up quickly and stared out the window. I'm here, and suddenly the reality of the situation struck her. "I'm somewhere new," she whispered to the glass. "Somewhere I can be whoever I want, where nopony knows me, my parents, my teachers...." Munch, munch, munch on the hat. Still pressed against the window, Wishing Star slowly put her hat back on her head and whispered again, "You can do this." 


Suddenly the conductor called, "This stop, Ponyville! Everypony off for Ponyville!" Her heart practically beating out of her chest, Wishing Star gathered her saddlebags and trotted briskly off the train. You can do this, you can do this. It was starting to become a mindless mantra, but it was better than giving in to the terror she was feeling. Glancing around quickly, she made for the first safe-looking place she saw. A bench around the corner of the train station was out of sight of most other travelers, and the relative lack of noise gave her room to think coherent thoughts. 


Wishing Star had enough money saved to stay at an inn for a while, and her family had been generous enough to give her some extra, just in case. Still, finding a place to live and job were top priority. It had all seemed so easy and logical when she was safe in Appaloosa, but that she was actually Ponyville.... It was all so fancy! And crowded! Wishing Star had the name of the inn she was supposed to find, but how to find it.... It looked like she was going to have to talk to somepony. Munch, munch, munch....




Edited by Wishing Star
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'Remember, Anala - if you see any magnifying glasses, don't go anywhere near it.'


The archer mare's own words echoed back and forth inside her head. After her adventure quite some time ago, she had found a phobia of trains, but had gotten over it after a while.


@@Wishing Star,


She occasionally turned to look at a mare chewing on some sort of hat. It didn't bother Anala, so long as the mare didn't see the white mare's cap as a tasty snack. What did get to Anala was the constant sighing and giggling coming from the mare.


As the train skidded to a halt, Anala heard the shrill voice of the conductor: "This stop, Ponyville! Everypony off for Ponyville!"


She got up from her seat and walked off the train.


She noticed a nice-looking bench. Should she sit down on it? It did seem quite silly after she had been sitting for ages.


But then again, the whole reason she had come over to Ponyville was to relax, and the bench seemed like a nice, cosy place to sit her flank down on.


The hat-chewing mare was also sitting there. "Hi," Anala decided to say.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Wishing Star@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Skyla was flying around Ponyville, busting up a couple of clouds and picking up trash being blown in the breeze. It was a nice, sunny day, and she always liked to stretch her wings early, even though she was a night pony.



At the moment, she was lounging on a cloud, unaware of the train station 5 feet underneath her cloud. She snored softly, not having a care in the world.


In another moment, she heard the conductor's voice sound, and was abrubtly awaken, and she busted her cloud in the process. She dropped 2 feet before catching herself and flying back up. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked down to see ponies getting off of the train.


She flew down to the station and landed on the roof, looking down at all the ponies getting off. She noticed a couple ponies get off and sit down on a bench. She looked at them curiously, and thought why they would sit on a bench when they just got here.


Maybe they're waiting for somepony? she thought to herself. She walked to the end of the roof where the bench was and she sat down, poking her head down at them.


"Hello!" she said in a friendly manner.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Wishing Star, @@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Midnight Starfall,


Shadowhide spent the ride on the train staring out the window, watching the scenery roll past. There wasn't exactly much to do during the trip. Nothing inside the train caught her attention, except for the lavender unicorn occasionally biting her hat, which was really more annoying than interesting.


The conductor called out. 'This stop, Ponyville! Everypony off for Ponyville!'


Following the announcement, Shadowhide got up and walked off the train. She pondered where she'd go first. She had intended to come to Ponyville along with her friend Aero, but he had to cancel at the last minute, so she wound up coming on her own. Aero was the one who had planned out some particular places to visit, so without him, Shadowhide didn't have any places to check out in mind.


She noticed a bench up ahead. There were already two ponies sitting there, but she didn't concern herself with what they were doing. She just noted there was an extra space on the bench, and it seemed like a nice place to mull over her options. She went over and sat in the remaining spot.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Abyssal was outraged! Outraged! The ponies here showed absolutely no respect for his nobility, none at all! To make matters worse, he hadn’t seen a single lake or river for miles looking out that train window. Okay, maybe a few bodies of water here and there, but not nearly enough for his taste.


That all wasn’t even the worst part… he had been relegated to sitting in the back of a train… a train full of peasants and no-ponies. True, he had his own train car entirely… but still. Abyssal stepped off the train with his usual attire, minus the crown, and onto the platform. Still, no pony showed the proper respect he was due.


In somewhat of a huff, he stepped further out onto the platform, towering above many of the other ponies walking by, until he saw a gathering at one of the benches. He approached the group a little hesitantly.


“Greetings local gentry,” He directed towards the two unicorns, “and… uh… serfs.” The last was aimed at the earth pony and Pegasus who found it appropriate to sit on a roof. Peasents… He maintained a certain… air… about him, and barely looked at the other ponies around him.


"Might any of you be local, or have you all traveled from abroad?" He inquired. 

Edited by SilverThunder
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A serious-looking mare was coming in Wishing Star's direction. Looked like a opportunity to ask for directions, the mare certainly carried herself with a good amount of confidence. As she turned to sit on the bench, Wishing Star noticed the white pony's cutie mark: a bow and arrow! She began to blush deeply, and carefully put her hat back in place, angled to hide the patch. I doubt that story will impress this particular pony! "Hi," the white mare greeted her politely. 


Wishing Star opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a sound from above. "Hello!" A cheerful-looking pegasus was on the roof peering down at them! Now how long as she been there? Feeling a bit bemused, Wishing Star tried again, "He-" She stopped short as yet another pony sat down between herself and the white mare without so much as a nod. A tremor of anxiety ran down her back. Maybe I'm the pony interrupting something. This must be a prearranged meeting....


Her suspicions were confirmed with the newest arrival: a regal and...stunningly handsome alicorn. Was he a prince? Wishing Star considered herself well-read, but she had never come across a prince matching his description. I've never been this close to an alicorn before! Wishing Star's anxiety was losing ground to growing fascination. Whatever was about to happen would surely be exciting! Maybe if I just stay here quietly, they won't pay me any mind. Hm...maybe Ponyville is getting its own prince! Or Maybe he's here for a gala! Or a quest of epic proportions! She could feel a grin spreading across her face.


"Might any of you be local, or have you all traveled from abroad?" 


Or maybe he just needs directions too... With a small sigh Wishing Star made herself relax, but not too visibly. She still wanted to make a good impression on the alicorn. After all, every book she had ever read on alicorns included history-making events and tons of adventure! And his looks didn't hurt either....


Wishing Star waited to see who would respond to his inquiry. If any of these ponies were local, they could surely help her find the Happy Horseshoe Inn.

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Shadowhide stared towards the ground as she contemplated the places she would go. 'I heard there was supposed to be a circus in Ponyville at the moment, so perhaps I'll check that out sometime. Then perhaps tomorrow I'll check the marketplace to see if there's any souvenirs I could bring home. Speaking of tomorrow, I'll need to find an inn to stay the night. I should probably look into that fir... Is that an alicorn walking this way?'


Once Shadowhide noticed the alicorn, she was shocked out of her thoughts and looked back up towards him. An alicorn in public like this is extremely odd. After looking at him closely, Shadowhide recognized him as Prince Abyssal, ruler of Cetaceana. There are very few alicorns, so most of them are widely known. She watched him as he walked over to the group. 'Might any of you be local, or have you all traveled from abroad?' he asked the group.


'Abroad,' Shadowhide simply responded. She felt not answering his questions or doing what he asks could have some major consequences, to it's probably best to do what he requests.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Skyla looked at the alicorn curiously. "I was born and raised here," she said with pride. "Are you a real deal alicorn? The only alicorns I've heard of are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight," she said, and she started to ramble like she always did.


"Maybe you have fake wings, or maybe a fake horn? Or maybe you have fake wings and a fake horn," she said, thinking of the possibility, and she didn't think that her words could offend him.


"How would that be possible though? Magic?" she thought aloud. "Is there a spell to give you a horn and wings? I wouldn't know, since I'm not a unicorn."


She started pacing on the roof, saying all her thoughts aloud. One thought led to another, and another, and another, and another.


She suddenly stopped and thought about what she had said and looked down at the ponies on the bench. "Sorry..." she said, "I got carried away.. again." She sat back down on the roof and kept her mouth shut, not wanting to say anything else on her mind, or she'll get carried away again.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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Wishing Star was relieved to hear that at least one member of their strange group was from Ponyville, especially since the pegasus seemed quite friendly. The purple unicorn at her side, on the the other hand, was as aloof as the white archer pony.

"Maybe you have fake wings, or maybe a fake horn? Or maybe you have fake wings and a fake horn," Wishing Star stifled a gasp, and it was all she could do not to eat her hat once and for all! Suggesting that this magnificent creature was a fraud! As if somepony would try to pass themselves off as an alicorn on a normal day in broad daylight! Well...would they? Wishing Star glanced quickly back and forth between the pegasus and the alicorn again. Fraud or not, her words must be upsetting him. 

As the pegasus finally trailed off, Wishing Star decided to see if she could salvage the situation. Taking a deep breath and smiling at the alicorn she said, "I'm from abroad myself. I've just traveled here from Appaloosa, and I'm looking for the Happy Horseshoe Inn. Where might you be from, sir?"

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Prince Abyssal wasn’t upset. No, he never got upset. He was, however, absolutely furious. Being accused of such a thing, of being a fraud! Being called such only mere inches from his own face. He couldn’t recall a single time a pony had been so… so… impudent!


Abyssal began to fume, snorting once like a mad pony, and dug one hoof into the ground. He didn’t need magic to beet someone into a pulp, he was well enough to use his bare hooves. Before he could jump up and do something regrettable, the lavender unicorn interjected with a rather simple minded question.


He would be foolish to think it wasn’t a silly attempt to stall his attention, but it was excuse enough not to show that peasant of a Pegasus where she belonged in the world. Doing so would be extremely inappropriate given this was another’s kingdom. Even if this had happened in his own, it wasn’t exactly appropriate to strike a mare. That’s what dungeons were for anyways.


Abyssal straitened himself out, then turned his attention to the three terrestrial ponies before him, making it a point to ignore the Pegasus. “The great Kingdom of Cetaceana, were my palaces and spires leap from the ocean itself... such a simple minded question. I am it’s prince after all.”


Abyssal puffed himself up and out to appear more regal or… to some… a bit more arrogant, then extended his fore hoof to grasp the lavender unicorn’s. He craned his neck forward, and bent down a little to give a tender kiss to her forearm. He did enjoy playing these kinds of games, might as well have a little fun until business time.


“And you are?

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Skyla knew she upset him after she said that. She didn't mean it, really, but it was one of her bad habits. She considered flying away and just leaving them alone, which seemed like a good idea to her after she said that. She wanted to make it up to him, but she was afraid she'd get vaporized or sent to the Everfree or something along the lines.


She heard where he was from, but she never heard of the place. How was she supposed to know there was another alicorn beyond Equestria?


She decided to get some distance between the group instead of flying away, so she walked to the middle of the roof and sat down, barely hearing their conversation. She turned around, her back facing the group on the bench, and watched the other ponies in the train station. She hoped the ponies on the bench wouldn't notice her gone from her spot on the roof.


She felt ashamed, like she always did when she upset somepony. Except this was ten times worse. Then, one thought popped into her head.


He never answered my question.


She didn't even know if he was a real alicorn or not. Maybe she wouldn't get vaporized.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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(@@Rainbow Eclipse, @, it seems you two may have forgotten about this, so this is a friendly reminder)

After getting over the surprise of seeing an alicorn in person talk to her, Shadowhide started to question just what it is he's doing here. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are the rulers of Equestria, not him, so she found it rather suspicious that he would come to another kingdom and simply... mingle. Admittedly, she didn't know much about him; his name, appearance and kingdom are about all she knew. Perhaps it would be best to ask him and give him a chance to explain.

She stood up and approached him. 'Excuse me, Prince Abyssal. Might I ask what you're doing here in Equestria? This isn't your kingdom, and I doubt wanting to talk with ponies is reason enough to come here. Why are you here?'

There. Hopefully he has a good response. She'll probably need to go report it if it truly seemed like he was in Equestria for no reason, since that would be quite suspicious. However, it's probably best not to get too worried about it. It's doubtful he's here to vaporize ponies or banish them to the Everfree Forest.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"And you are?" Wishing Star felt a hot blush taking over her face and neck. She was transfixed, unable to retrieve her hoof from the prince's light grasp. Prince! Prince of ... Cecasee... what was it? Did he say it was in the ocean?? Oh, her family was going to be so jealous when she told them about this!

"W-w-wishing star," she finally stammered in reply. Her eyes met his deep blue gaze for just a moment before she bashfully lowered hers to the ground. 

As thrilling as the experience was, Wishing Star was grateful as she was surprised when the purple unicorn interrupted with some blunt, but admittedly quite interesting questions. And she called him by name! This unicorn must be somepony quite elite! Barely fifteen minutes into her new life, and Wishing Star was having more adventure than she had ever experienced before!

She could feel her father's anthropology training kicking in as her brain started to cough up its own questions about the prince. Could he breathe underwater? Did he rule over fish and other sea life? How big was an ocean? And why would a prince turn up in Ponyville without an entourage or someone to greet him? Ponyville was a big step up for a small town pony like Wishing Star, but surely a prince of...the ocean... was accustomed to grander places.

I must make a good impression, she told herself excitedly. This is the chance of the lifetime!

Distracted by both the prince and mysterious unicorn who knew him, Wishing Star didn't noticed that the Ponyville pegasus had disappeared.

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Abyssal shot the other unicorn an annoyed glance, then straightened himself back up, and released Star’s hoof gently. “Certainly a pleasure to meet you Lady Star.” He said kindly, then diverted his attention to the other unicorn, without stepping back and remaining a little closer to Wishing Star.


Once again, a pony was addressing him without first being addressed. This whole town was going to anger him, it seemed. But once again, it wasn’t his kingdom or his ponies to discipline. He would certainly discuss this lack of respect with Celestia.


The prince took in a deep breath to try and stifle his anger, then with a slight glare as a sort of silent warning, addressed the other unicorn. “You are correct mare. I did not come to talk with ponies, I am here for far more important matters. Those of which, do not concern you.” He said in an annoyed tone.


He looked back down at Wishing Star. “But there is much time before I must continue my own pursuits. You said you were from elsewhere, perhaps we could investigate this town together?” Abyssal gave her a warm smile.


It was then that he noticed one of the peasants had disappeared, the pegasus. He wasn’t done with her, not after such behavior. But that was something for later, for now, he might as well absorb the local culture. It’s not like he didn’t have time to kill before his meeting with Celestia, and that was a good few days out. He could have just went straight to Canterlot, but he didn’t much like that city.

Edited by SilverThunder
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Skyla took a glance back at the group, seeing the prince get annoyed by something. She didn't know why she was still here. She felt bad about saying those things, but it really was a legitimate question.


The only thing she could think of now was that she was a little glad Destiny wasn't here. She probably would've started to attack him just because he ignored Skyla, and made a point of it.


She decided to fly up and bust some clouds or something. She didn't know whether the alicorn already shrugged the questions off or if he's still fuming about it. She stood up and took to the sky, busting out a cloud in the process.


She looked down at the ponies on the bench one last time and flew off, hoping they didn't see her that time either.


While she was flying, she was thinking. The alicorn seemed... off to her. She realized that she didn't like him very much. Well, not at all. She understood that she shouldn't of said those things, but she couldn't have a little curiosity? To her, he acted all high and mighty, like he owned the place, even though he came from another place. It didn't seem right to her at all.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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A young colt suddenly raced up to the group. He was panting, but otherwise looked quite pleased with himself. 

"Wishing Star!" he cried. "My name is Ginger Snap, I'm here to escort you to the inn!" 

Wishing Star could only gape at him. With all that had happened in the last few minutes, her head was still spinning, and she couldn't process this newest development.

"The Happy Horseshoe, my mom and dad own it," Ginger Snap peered at her curiously. "You're Wishing Star, right? I have this description...." He rummaged in his saddle bag and produced a sheet of parchment that looked like the letter sent to Ponyville by her father weeks ago. "Lavender unicorn with purple mane, shooting star cutie mark, and a hat that has seen better days," he announced triumphantly. "That's you!"

"There's nothing wrong with my hat!" Wishing Star said with a glare. 

However, Ginger Snap was unaffected by her ire. "Well, let's go then! It's almost lunchtime, and mom made pink lemonade cupcakes for dessert! They're delicious," he said with a sigh. 

"Well..." Wishing Star looked hesitantly from Prince Abyssal to the other unicorn, but her good manners finally kicked in. "Thank you for coming to get me, Ginger Snap. We shouldn't keep your parents waiting."

She managed an awkward bow to the the Prince and nodded to the unicorn. "It was very nice meeting you both, I hope you both find what you're looking for here."

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  • 6 months later...
Pecn trotted throughout Ponyville humming along to her favorite tune by Octavia, She found it strange that she named a song called "I am Octavia" but the song was still a great thing to hear. She felt as if she could relate to all the ponies in town on a certain level depending on who they were. She was looking foward to some tastety apples for lunch, the sweet taste and smell made her stomach growl just thinking of it! Ponyville seemed normal today, no fighting, no Country in danger no discordation nothing. It was just perfect. Lyra and Bonbon sat on the bench laughing like everyday, Scootaloo and her mom Spitfire played basketball together, Rarity was buying some bits for a new ribbion while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle played tag by the trees. Unicorns and Earthponies living in harmony Pegisi in the sky, it was all good. Pecan trotted up to her cousin AppleJack patting her side to get her attention. "Why hey there Sugercube!" She placed her bag of apples down. "I got hungry waitin, but I couldn't eat without you. After all, I promised we'd have lunch together, and that's nothing but the truth." She slid a tasty bag of apples over, Pecan picked it up smiling. "I'm starved," She said leading her cousin towards a table to sit down at, she had always been a leader. She had problems keeping calm under situations where everyone turns to her instead of working together, she can't work alone honestly. "So are you exicited to go to the water fountain today?" Applejack took a bite of her apple. "Tartarus yeah!" Pecan cheered. "I woke up bright and early tis morning to get ready!" Pecan continued to eat. "Ah'm glad you are so enthusiastic!" Applejack smiled. Eating her food quickly Pecan bounced up and down just ready to jump into that water as she trotted along Applejack and Applebloom. "We're almost there ain't we AppleJack ain't we ain't we?!" Applebloom shared her excitement with Pecan. "Yeup! Just about a few minutes we should be there"


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