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searching Between the Sea and the Sky (1x1)

Rainbow Eclipse

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Here's an idea I came up with less than an hour ago:


A pony lives by the beach, but their home is destroyed. Now homeless, they wander the sands. A merpony pops out from the water and offers them a new life underwater as a merpony. After being transformed into a merpony, the formerly homeless pony jumps into the water and is introduced to life beneath the surface.


I have some requirements:


-I don't think either of my OCs would fit either of the roles, so I would like to use one of your OCs. 


-I would like the land pony and the merpony to be the opposite sex, to allow romance to blossom. (I do believe that homosexuality is perfectly acceptable, just like heterosexuality)


You can choose to be the land pony or the merpony.

OCs: RileyAnala

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