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planning Cyberpony (Sci-Fi MLP RP)


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"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." -William Shakespeare



This is a futuristic MLP role-play. Unlike Fallout: Equestria though, it is not post-apocalyptic. In fact, it is more like a utopia than your typical distopia. The purpose is, to grant as wide of a sci-fi setting to the players as they would like. I also just think that post-apocalyptic science fiction is just so overdone that it is to be expected. At any rate, this world takes place in Equestria's distant future, where technology has advanced so much that the world is forever changed. The government has evolved alongside the technology but the question of the age is: who has evolved with it and who has not? This RP will deal with very Asimovian issues of identity and synthetic lifeforms (like I-Robot) as organics and synthetics begin to co-exist. This isn't necessarily a Grimdark RP, nor is it casual. I am making a world here, for you to interact in as you see fit. Plain and simple.



Equestria is now governed by the G.E.F. (Grand Equine Union) and has been ever since the princesses vanished some 4000 years ago. Technology has surpassed magic and is powered by drawing pure magical energy from the plane of mana, the source of magic. The high energy efficiency of magical power has allowed for leaps and bounds in battery development as well as electrical power output, no longer requiring unicorns to power machines themselves. Not only that, but ponies have colonized the moon itself, finding that, in fact, the universe was not terra-centric. Over the four millenia, ponies have split the atom, developed nano technology,  built a space elevator, constructed arcologies, and developed artificial intelligence. The world is at peace as a new mindset of harmony and peace has made itself clear as far more beneficial than tyranny and strife. All is well it seems. Except for one thing. Synthetic life has diversified and developed so much and so soon, that ponies are now struggling to classify them as mere machines anymore. To make matters more confusing, now ponies are augmenting themselves with cybernetic implants for various purposes, such as increased strength, artificial wings, and such. Organic life is in a time of reconciliation with its metal children, and it is in the age of automata that you enter.






Character Creation:



Playable Races:

Please do not ask to play a changeling, alicorn, dragon, or bat-pony. The reason for this is because either too little is known about them to have any real consistency about how to play them and/or because it would just make other players jealous if you play a very powerful character.

  • Organic:
  • Synthetic:

Augment Platforms:

You can remove organic body parts of your character and replace them with synthetic ones to enhance your abilities. However, there are drawbacks to having too many augments in your character. If no part of you is organic anymore, then you cease to be a cyborg and are now an android, a synthetic imitation of life. This will have SEVERE social consequences if it is discovered as you will lose most civil rights (attorney, freedom of speech, etc) since you are not technically defined as a person by the current state of the law. So buyer beware when augmenting yourself.


Augment platforms are a basic set of implants that are surgically added to your character's body, they enable compatibility to certain types of augmentations and more specific ones allow for more augmentations of a certain category. You may take a general platform and pick and choose as you go, or take a specialized platform and choose from a branch of progressively more expensive augmentations. You also have to pay to have them installed too, the process is quick these days but isn't cheap and your implants are tracked by the local police so if you lose all organic composition in you, they will know. Unless you try the black-market, but then you run the risk of being harvested for organs and dying on the table. The risks and choices are yours for the taking.


Augment Points (AP):

To cybernetically augment your character, you first have to purchase a cybernetics platform to be installed in their body. This allows for compatible hardware to be installed in the future. However, each platform can only run so many augmentations based on the quality of the model. Cheaper ones cannot run as many augments as more expensive ones. The tradeoff is cost versus power. Each platform has a maximum number of AP that can be used by the augmentations. If you go over this number, the augment won't even be installed in the first place since it could septic and hurt your character.


Generic Platforms:

These platforms can accept any kind of augmentation as long as it is compatible with the platform itself. Unlike specialty platforms, these receive no bonuses on their AP.



Terra Enterprises

These platforms are too heavy and bulky for flight but provide a decent amount of room for augmentations at a very stable and affordable cost.



  • T-01
    • AP: 100
    • Cost: 1000
  • T-02
    • AP: 200
    • Cost: 2000
  • T-03
    • AP: 300
    • Cost: 3000
  • T-04
    • AP: 400
    • Cost: 4000
  • T-05
    • AP: 500
    • Cost: 5000
  • T-06
    • AP: 600
    • Cost: 6000
  • T-07
    • AP: 700
    • Cost: 7000
  • T-08
    • AP: 800
    • Cost: 8000
  • T-09
    • AP: 900
    • Cost: 9000
  • T-10
    • AP: 1000
    • Cost: 10000





These platforms are designed for flight and as a result they have less space and cost more per AP so that the user isn't too heavy to take off and to maneuver.



  • P-100
    • AP: 50
    • Cost: 1000
  • P-200
    • AP: 100
    • Cost: 2000
  • P-300
    • AP: 150
    • Cost: 3000
  • P-400
    • AP: 200
    • Cost: 4000
  • P-500
    • AP: 250
    • Cost: 5000
  • P-600
    • AP: 300
    • Cost: 6000
  • P-700
    • AP: 350
    • Cost: 7000
  • P-800
    • AP: 400
    • Cost: 8000
  • P-900
    • AP: 450
    • Cost: 9000
  • P-1000
    • AP: 500
    • Cost: 10000



These platforms are designed to boost magical powers and abilities. They are the most expensive of all generic platforms per AP but no one can argue with their results. They can be used with flight but their high cost is usually a deterring factor for most ponies but most of all since most pegasi can't use magic to begin with.


  • U-10
    • AP: 75
    • Cost: 2000
  • U-20
    • AP: 150
    • Cost: 4000
  • U-30
    • AP: 225
    • Cost: 6000
  • U-40
    • AP: 300
    • Cost: 8000
  • U-50
    • AP: 375
    • Cost: 10000
  • U-60
    • AP: 450
    • Cost: 12000
  • U-70
    • AP: 525
    • Cost: 14000
  • U-80
    • AP: 600
    • Cost: 16000
  • U-90
    • AP: 675
    • Cost: 18000
  • U-100
    • AP: 750
    • Cost: 20000







Combat Platforms:

These platforms are especially made for combat and fighting and as a result they get bonus AP for combat augmentations. These platforms are heavily regulated by the government and require special licenses or permissions to be installed.




These are military-grade, standard issue combat platforms. They are made by the lowest bidder and mass-produced for large amounts of troops. However they are waterproof, and are light-enough to be used in flight.



  • M-1
    • AP: 50
    • Combat AP: 100
    • Cost: 1500
  • M-2
    • AP: 100
    • Combat AP: 150
    • Cost: 2500
  • M-3
    • AP: 150
    • Combat AP: 200
    • Cost: 3500
  • M-4
    • AP: 200
    • Combat AP: 250
    • Cost: 4500
  • M-5
    • AP: 250
    • Combat AP: 300
    • Cost: 5500
  • M-6
    • AP:  300
    • Combat AP: 350
    • Cost: 6500
  • M-7
    • AP: 350
    • Combat AP: 400
    • Cost: 7500
  • M-8
    • AP: 400
    • Combat AP: 450
    • Cost: 8500
  • M-9
    • AP: 450
    • Combat AP: 500
    • Cost: 9500
  • M-10
    • AP: 500
    • Combat AP: 550
    • Cost: 10500





These are military-grade, special issue combat platforms. They are more expensive than standard Military issue equipment but more effective. However they are waterproof, and are light-enough to be used in flight.



These are the best of the best military-grade combat platforms. They use top-secret shrinking technology combined with nano-technology to increase the amount of augments they can sustain. Very expensive, but very effective. They are also waterproof, and are light-enough to be used in flight. Not only that, but they have life-support installed meaning that they can protect users from extreme pressure, poisonous environments, radiation, and fire.


  • X-1
    • AP: 1000
    • Combat AP: 1000
    • Cost: 10000
  • X-2
    • AP: 2000
    • Combat AP: 2000
    • Cost: 20000
  • X-3
    • AP: 3000
    • Combat AP: 3000
    • Cost: 30000
  • X-4
    • AP: 4000
    • Combat AP: 4000
    • Cost: 40000
  • X-5
    • AP: 5000
    • Combat AP: 5000
    • Cost: 50000
  • X-6
    • AP: 6000
    • Combat AP: 6000
    • Cost: 60000
  • X-7
    • AP: 7000
    • Combat AP: 7000
    • Cost: 70000
  • X-8
    • AP: 8000
    • Combat AP: 8000
    • Cost: 80000
  • X-9
    • AP: 9000
    • Combat AP: 9000
    • Cost: 90000
  • X-10
    • AP: 10000
    • Combat AP: 10000
    • Cost: 100000





Utility Platforms:

These platforms are especially made for various specific tasks and as a result they get bonus AP for utility augmentations.





*NOTE: Taking a break. Will finish this later and over time.*


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i am all about cyber punk stuff, you have my attention





This is very interesting.

It seems to be a very big project.


Personally I think I'm over-doing it in terms of planning. What do you guys think?


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Personally I think I'm over-doing it in terms of planning. What do you guys think?

Probably. I'm not that much into gaming statistics, or anything related, but yeah, this means big project, and I assure you, you'll have help.


Not mine, sorry, not interested. Maybe in other MLP forums you might get help.

Overlord of Darkness








Signature made by: Astral Blitzen





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Personally I think I'm over-doing it in terms of planning. What do you guys think?

you may be, but i would stream line your store thing, like cust have one currency AP, that will make it much easier to manage

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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