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open *~ The Great Cutie Mark Switch! *~

Pripyat Pony

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Ooc: http://mlpforums.com/topic/110401-the-cutie-marks-switched/


@@Rainbow Eclipse, @@The Last Derp, @@dusk shade,




Glory now has Bushido Blade's cutie mark and talent of Ninja Skills.

Rily now has Lucky Clover's cutie mark and talent of Luck.

Bushido Blade now has Riley's cutie mark and talent of Optimism.

Lucky Clover now has Glory's cutie mark and talent of Prophecy.



At first, it seemed like a normal day in Canterlot. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and nothing was out of the ordinary. That was til a small purple unicorn mare appeared, and all hell broke loose...


Jay was an unfortunate mare. Cursed since fillyhood with a secondary personalty named Jinx, who lived to cause mayhem, Jay had tried to avoid trouble by avoiding other ponies. But Jinx had taken her over now, and Jay was powerless to stop her. Jinx surveyed the area in front of her thru her mad red eyes, as different to Jay's shy blue ones as the night was from the day. She chuckled as she cast her spell over every pony in the near vacinity, before teleporting away. The spell was a particularly nasty one... it switched the cutie marks and talents of everypony who happened to be there!


So, now you've had your cutie mark and talent switched with somepony else, what are you gonna do? Only Jinx can lift the spell and reverse it, and she's gone. Better think of something tho, cuz otherwise you're gonna spend your entire life with a destiny which isn't yours!




By all rights, Glory shouldn't really have been in Canterlot that day but as it happened, her stock of medicines and healing materials was at an all time low and she had to go to buy more. There was a specialist shop in Canterlot which Glory always went to in order to get her healing supplies, and as well as this, she liked the way that she was anonymous in Canterlot. Glory, as a pegacorn, needed to blend in. It was so embarrassing every time a pony mistook her for a princess. After a further precaution to avoid this by putting on a long hooded cloak which hid her wings, Glory set out for the shop. She was just on her way back to the station when it happened. Her cloak flew up and off with the blast of the magic and Glory fell to the ground, closing her eyes and wishing that nothing would happen to her. When the unicorn responsible had gone, Glory opened her eyes, glanced down at her flank... and screamed. Her cutie mark, the symbol of prophecy and signifying her talent which was receiving visions of past, present and future, had disappeared. In its place was two symbols which she had no idea what they meant. What she did know, that was the spell had switched her cutie mark and talent with some other pony's! And, looking about her, Glory knew that she wasn't the only one...





Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Bushido looked around after being hit by a spell fast by a unicorn who had fled after casting it and saw that there were other ponies in the vicinity of the blast that had hit her. She walked around checking to make sure they were still alive then the pegacorn.....with her cutie mark. She just stared blankly at the mare's flank. "T..hat..that's my m..mark", she stammered at a loss for words.

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@@Pripyat Pony@@dusk shade,




"Sonuvagun, what just went down?" Riley muttered to himself, holding a hoof to his head after an unexpected blast of magic by a mysterious mare.


He checked himself. Everything seemed to be as usual. Four legs, four hooves, red coat, blonde mane, wings, plump rump... wait. That wa not his cutie mark.


Pasted on his flank was now a symbol of a clover.


He then noticed two other ponies. One of them had his cutie mark!


He ran up to the mare. "Excuse me, miss, you seem to have my cutie mark," he told the mare. She seemed familiar somehow.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Bushido turned to the stallion. "This useless arrow is your cutie mark...take it back. I kept the receipt", she said trying to figure why of all the possible cutie marks and talents she could obtain, it had to Mr a worthless arrow. "Wait a minute...I swear I've seen you somewhere before...I just can't place it".

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"Yeah...that's called useless. It has no physical applications in life and in especially in fighting. And since fighting is my life, useless optimism is worthless. I am a ninja for crying out loud. What use is optimism going to do me", she asked."Not feeling particularly optimistic, gotta say".

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@@dusk shade, "This is your cutie mark?" Glory replied, confused. "What does it mean? I don't understand what the symbols are meant to portray. This was one horrible spell!" She wondered who had her cutie mark and talent of prophecy, and how they were supposed to fix things now that the unicorn who had cast the spell had fled.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"They are Japoneignse symbols for honor and sword. A skill in battle especially with these", she said removing her armour and weapons. "Its likely I wont be able to use them now....but that probably you can", she said suddenly much more lively. "Careful with those now, they are heirlooms The katanas I mean".

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@@dusk shade, Glory felt utterly confused. "I wouldn't even know how to fight with them," she confessed. "My magic is mainly based around healing magic. Tho my main talent is prophecy. It's the symbol of prophecy and it shows how I get visions of past, present and future events. I'm used to the visions by now, but any other pony who got my talent might be frightened of them, as I was as a filly."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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She quickly readorned herself in her armour and resheathed her katanas after nodded. "Okay...then ill just hold onto them, not a problem. But still, swords are pretty simple to learn to use so I don't want to discourage you from trying", she said looking back and forth between the two other ponies.

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@@dusk shade,


Riley was still feeling hurt, but mostly confused. Why was this mare being so deprecatory about his cutie mark? His special knack in life? Why did she think that the fact that it had "no physical application in life" made it useless? Spiritual things could sometimes be stronger than physical things. "Bully," he muttered.

OCs: RileyAnala

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She heard what he said and snapped around to face him. "I may be blind but that doesn't mean I can't hear little children complaining", she snapped quickly growing agitated. She finally that even with her natural ability from her cutie mark, her natural ability coming from her blood would still allow Ger to use her weapons properly and she was growing tempted to test her theory on the annoying stallion whose mark she had received.

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"I wonder what would break first, my five tempered blade or your weak flesh....what am I saying....sorry...I don't usually behave in such a way. I'm sorry. In my agitation, I blamed you and lashed out at you for it even though you aren't to blame", she said bowing her head apologetically.

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"Calm down, everypony," Glory said, trying to mediate between them all. The last thing they all needed was an argument. "None of us are to blame for this, and we know who is. The question is, what are we going to do about it? The unicorn who cast the spell is gone. We'll need to find out who she is, first of all, and second, where we can find her."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"I know that already...I snapped at him because a cutie mark that's pretty much useless to somepony like me just isn't very positive, no. offence, Riley. As for how to find her, that's on you now. You got moat of my skills so you should be able to track her her and you can't then I should still be able to".

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Lucky woke up to the sight of ponies arguing, still feeling dizzy.


"Hey guys, break it up, will ya?" he said, getting up onto his hooves.


"Hmm, I feel different..." he said. "Wonder if anything has changed."


He glanced back at his body, everything was normal, apart from his cutie mark, which was now some sort of a broken circle, instead of his usual four leaf clover.


"WHAT THE?! Guys, what is going on?" Lucky asked, confused.


Derp derp derpity durp. Signature by Blue Moon



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@@dusk shade, @@The Last Derp, Glory was about to answer Bushido, when the new pony spoke and she happened to glance over at his flank.


"Hey, that's my cutie mark!" she exclaimed. She quickly filled Lucky in on what had happened. "And now the unicorn responsible has dissappeared, and we need to try and find her," she added. "Otherwise, we could be stuck with the wrong cutie marks forever!"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Oh, well thats just great" He said, rolling his eyes and noticing another pony now had his mark.

"So, are we going to look for that dude, or what" Lucky asked, smiling menacingly, "I enjoy being the lucky one around here instead of an unlucky idiot, what does this cutie mark stand for anyways? "

Edited by The Last Derp


Derp derp derpity durp. Signature by Blue Moon



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(The last derp....Glory has Bushido's mark, Lucky has Glory's, Bushido has Riley's, Riley has Lucky's you may want to edit your post)


Bushido sheathed Kami no Ōkami Kiba and bowed in respect and apology to Riley and Glory. "As for you, newbie, that 'Guy's is actually a mare".

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@@The Last Derp, "Um, prophecy," Glory replied, feeling a little put out. "My talent is having visions of the past, present and future. It used to frighten the life out of me, but I'm used to it now. If you get any visions, let me know right away and I'll tell you what they mean. They don't always appear as they are."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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