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private The Best Date Ever! (1x1 RP between Chikoritabrony and Stormlight)

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The Carnival was the perfect place to celebrate. She always enjoyed frolicking around with her parents, trying out the prize booths and the delicious carnival food to go along. "Me? I LOVE the carnival!", she shouts as they leave the Academy. They fly towards the carnival, seeing it thrive with excitement.

Beta sighs in relief. He starts to lean in his saddlebag and pulls out what appears to be two tickets to the carnival. "Well then, look what I got. Two tickets to the carnival, and two passes that let us cut to the front of the line for every single ride at the carnival," Beta says proudly.

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One gaze at those two glistening tickets made Stormlight squeal with happiness. With all those years having to wait in line just to get on a ride for a few minutes really made her feel exhausted and mad. But now, she can see other ponies' look on their faces when they get to cut in front of them, talk about payback.

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One gaze at those two glistening tickets made Stormlight squeal with happiness. With all those years having to wait in line just to get on a ride for a few minutes really made her feel exhausted and mad. But now, she can see other ponies' look on their faces when they get to cut in front of them, talk about payback.

They then go and fly off to the carnival. When they get their, they don't even have to wait in lie for the ticket taker. They use their passes to get in the front line for that. They like this idea. It's like having a super power that can be used for their personal selves.

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As they walk to the front of the line of a ride, Storm can hear the ponies behind them awing, making her feel like she was superior. They went on the ferris wheel, enjoying the carnival's scenery as they went up then back down. She holds Beta's hoof for the duration of the ride, enjoying her time with him.

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As they walk to the front of the line of a ride, Storm can hear the ponies behind them awing, making her feel like she was superior. They went on the ferris wheel, enjoying the carnival's scenery as they went up then back down. She holds Beta's hoof for the duration of the ride, enjoying her time with him.

Beta holds Stormlight's hoof tight. He really didn't like big roller coasters that much. He had an unpleasant experience as a foal where the car on the coaster went so fast that it sped off its tracks and rolled through town. It felt like an awful experience.

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Storm too, was afraid of rollercoasters, but more specifically the large drop. It made her stomach queasy everytime she expects the result of quickly going straight down. She screams with excitement, and fear...but mostly fear when that long drop downwards, like you were falling down to your death.

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Storm too, was afraid of rollercoasters, but more specifically the large drop. It made her stomach queasy everytime she expects the result of quickly going straight down. She screams with excitement, and fear...but mostly fear when that long drop downwards, like you were falling down to your death.

Beta too, was afraid of the giant drop. He was also afraid of the loop that would come due to the fear that his harness would break and he would fall to his death. Sure, he could fly but he would be falling in such an awkward position, he wouldn't be able to open his wings. 

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"THIS IS-AHHH!", Storm screams as her eyes water from the quick moving of the rollercoaster cars. She also hears other ponies screaming their heads off, seeing howuch of a torture this is. Thankfully, this ride was checked and assured that no pony will get in a severe accident whatsoever.

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"THIS IS-AHHH!", Storm screams as her eyes water from the quick moving of the rollercoaster cars. She also hears other ponies screaming their heads off, seeing howuch of a torture this is. Thankfully, this ride was checked and assured that no pony will get in a severe accident whatsoever.

They start going up what will be the first drop and they start holding each other's hooves. Beta was chattering his teeth slightly. He had heard this ride known as The Minotaur was the scariest ride in the entire carnival. So scary, that even Iron Will would faint from it.

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Her voice echoes in her mind, continuing to tell herself thay everything is going to be fine. Stormlight gulps as sweat falls down from her face, mane getting all frizzy. She prays that after the ride was over, she would still be alive in one piece. Breathing deeply, she tries to calm herself down.

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Her voice echoes in her mind, continuing to tell herself thay everything is going to be fine. Stormlight gulps as sweat falls down from her face, mane getting all frizzy. She prays that after the ride was over, she would still be alive in one piece. Breathing deeply, she tries to calm herself down.

Beta opened his eyes as he saw they were reaching the top of the first drop. He prayed to Celestia that he would make it out of this ride alive in one peace. Slowly but surely, the cart reached the top of the first drop. Beta looked down and saw that they could see all of Ponyville from the top. This ride has the Equestrian record for world's largest carnival ride. And then, the cart went down the first drop.

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With a squeak, Storm felt her stomach just fill with something that made her feel tingly. Her mane completley flies behind her, making her face feel the wind hitting it with a strong force. What's a rollercoaster without the screaming, she thought, but she didn't have to think thay to scream her lungs out with the other ponies.

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With a squeak, Storm felt her stomach just fill with something that made her feel tingly. Her mane completley flies behind her, making her face feel the wind hitting it with a strong force. What's a rollercoaster without the screaming, she thought, but she didn't have to think thay to scream her lungs out with the other ponies.

During this first drop, Beta got that burning sensation in his stomach that he gets whenever riding on huge drops. It was that burning sensation he absolutely despises. He saw that the drop was probably the biggest drop in all of Equestria. He prayed for it to end. 

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For having a slight fear of being in high places without the use of wings, Stormlight almost felt like fainting, until the drop finally ended. She sighs in relief...until she realized there were lots more of high drops throughout the entire ride. It was like a torture ride for the grey mare, reminding her of how she used to deal with rollercoasters as a filly; with hatred.

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For having a slight fear of being in high places without the use of wings, Stormlight almost felt like fainting, until the drop finally ended. She sighs in relief...until she realized there were lots more of high drops throughout the entire ride. It was like a torture ride for the grey mare, reminding her of how she used to deal with rollercoasters as a filly; with hatred.

The cart kept going down high drops and Beta kept getting that uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He didn't like constantly feeling it but these drops somehow also caused him to have an adrenaline rush, a feeling which he did like when going on a roller coaster.

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After the agonizing suffering of The Minotaur, the ride was finally over. When exiting the cart, Stormy was thankful to be back on solid non-moving ground. She could even see the other ponies in shock, or even crying that they actually survived the ride. Making sure they were alive, she hugs Beta and smiles.

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After the agonizing suffering of The Minotaur, the ride was finally over. When exiting the cart, Stormy was thankful to be back on solid non-moving ground. She could even see the other ponies in shock, or even crying that they actually survived the ride. Making sure they were alive, she hugs Beta and smiles.

Beta got off the ride, panting heavily. He couldn't believe he got off of The Minotaur alive and well. Beta sees Storm hugging him, and looks around for a much safer ride. "Maybe we should ride something lighter next time. How about we ride that Ferris wheel?

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Storm nods and they slowly reach the Ferris Wheel. It was a romantic slow ride after all, so this is good for a calming down from that atrocious rollercoaster. Going into one cart, it slowly goes upwards, giving a nice view of Ponyville and the carnival. She cuddled next to Beta for the duration of the ride.

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Storm nods and they slowly reach the Ferris Wheel. It was a romantic slow ride after all, so this is good for a calming down from that atrocious rollercoaster. Going into one cart, it slowly goes upwards, giving a nice view of Ponyville and the carnival. She cuddled next to Beta for the duration of the ride.

Beta enjoyed the nice, calming ride on the Ferris Wheel with his marefriend. He enjoyed seeing the sights of Ponyville without having to endure a fast roller coaster. He saw Stormlight cuddling next to him, and he didn' do much but let her cuddle next to him.

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Stormlight could feel her stomach growling, asking for food. She looks around below from the cart and sees hayburgers being cooked and eaten, making her mouth water. Right after the Ferris Wheel was finished, she zoomed towards the stand and orders for her and Beta. She carries them in a paper bag and chooses on where to sit down.

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Stormlight could feel her stomach growling, asking for food. She looks around below from the cart and sees hayburgers being cooked and eaten, making her mouth water. Right after the Ferris Wheel was finished, she zoomed towards the stand and orders for her and Beta. She carries them in a paper bag and chooses on where to sit down.

Beta's stomach was growling the whole way. All those rides really built up an appetite. He helps Stormlight find a seat to sit at and they sit down. Beta gazes down at his hay burger, his mouth watering just at the sight of it and starts to take a bite of it.

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Her stomach did not want to wait any longer, so Stormlight took big bite of her hayburger. As that went down her system, she ate if all after a few minutes. Now she wasn't the type of pony to eat and go on a fast ride quickly after, but for seeing some cases of other ponies vomitting, she knows you have to wait after you eat.

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Her stomach did not want to wait any longer, so Stormlight took big bite of her hayburger. As that went down her system, she ate if all after a few minutes. Now she wasn't the type of pony to eat and go on a fast ride quickly after, but for seeing some cases of other ponies vomitting, she knows you have to wait after you eat.

Beta was just sitting there relaxed and chowing down on his hay burger, feeling wonderment in the world. He was still glad he had survived those rides and was relieved to have lunch. As long as he didn't ride the tilt-a-whirl afterwards, he would be okay.

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Stormy burps, with her hoof covering her mouth to lower the noise. She looks around and sees other rides with long lines, along with ponies who look really excited to go on. She starts to get mad because she sees a group of mean looking ponies cutting in front of a couple that was patiently waiting their turn.

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Stormy burps, with her hoof covering her mouth to lower the noise. She looks around and sees other rides with long lines, along with ponies who look really excited to go on. She starts to get mad because she sees a group of mean looking ponies cutting in front of a couple that was patiently waiting their turn.

Beta looks over and sees some jerks cutting in front of a couple just standing their too and gets mad. "They can't just cut in front of somepony like that unless they have the special passes. And from the looks of it, they do not have them. That's just aggravating."

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