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private The Best Date Ever! (1x1 RP between Chikoritabrony and Stormlight)

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The mare giggles from the words Beta said and agrees. "It is beautiful, because I am with you,", she says to him in return. She then relaxes on the cloud as well, watching as the big ball of light slowly goes downwards, looking as if it's going to merge with the land. She cutely looks at Beta and smiles.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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The mare giggles from the words Beta said and agrees. "It is beautiful, because I am with you,", she says to him in return. She then relaxes on the cloud as well, watching as the big ball of light slowly goes downwards, looking as if it's going to merge with the land. She cutely looks at Beta and smiles.

Beta decides to, like the night before, put his wing around her to keep her warm. They watched the sunset calmly, mostly admiring it's beauty. Beta whispered a sappy romantic song about sunsets over to Storm to see what she would think about the song.

  • Brohoof 1



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Storm looks at the sunset, admiring Beta's singing and voice. Cuddling with him, she looks into his eyes, feeling safer than she did before. Being with her special somepony for the whole day really made her feel special, like there was somepony who cared about her. She closes her eyes and reopens them slowly as the sun descends down.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm looks at the sunset, admiring Beta's singing and voice. Cuddling with him, she looks into his eyes, feeling safer than she did before. Being with her special somepony for the whole day really made her feel special, like there was somepony who cared about her. She closes her eyes and reopens them slowly as the sun descends down.

Beta just let's her cuddle him. He really liked being cuddled. It let him know that there was somepony out there that truly did care about him. He even cuddled her back, in admiration for cuddling her. He then leaned up to her and gave her another passionate kiss.

  • Brohoof 1



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She enjoyed the kiss and blushes. The sun had finally went down, and the moon slowly rises making the sky become darker before anypony can see the sensation. Storm gently rubs her nose agaisnt his to show how much her cares. She decided to say it to him with no regrets. "I love you, Beta Ray, and I always will."

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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She enjoyed the kiss and blushes. The sun had finally went down, and the moon slowly rises making the sky become darker before anypony can see the sensation. Storm gently rubs her nose agaisnt his to show how much her cares. She decided to say it to him with no regrets. "I love you, Beta Ray, and I always will."

Beta is suddenly a bit surprised that she would say that. He knew she really liked him and adored him but he never expected it to go as far as love. He blushed at the compliment and decided to accept it and say what he wanted to say. "I love you Stormlight, and I always will."

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Storm feels happy from the reponse. She knew she did the right thing and confessed her feelings towards him, and relieved she didn't let it bottle up inside until she could find the right time to say it. This date did go well as she knew it would, knowing that they both know each other's feelings.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm feels happy from the reponse. She knew she did the right thing and confessed her feelings towards him, and relieved she didn't let it bottle up inside until she could find the right time to say it. This date did go well as she knew it would, knowing that they both know each other's feelings.

Beta knew that this date was once again going by perfectly. Nothing bad has happened thus far and his special somepony has just admitted she loved him, He knew everything was perfect. "Nothing can possibly go wrong." He said to himself. Then suddenly, a giant cloud of dense black smoke covered them. 

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"Wha-? Hack!", she coughs from the smoke surrounding them. She didn't know what it was, but it sure made her uncomfortable to be in. Covering her mouth and tries to look at who or what is causing this cloud to effect this perfect date. She wonders if somepony jinxed it, whatsoever.
  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"Wha-? Hack!", she coughs from the smoke surrounding them. She didn't know what it was, but it sure made her uncomfortable to be in. Covering her mouth and tries to look at who or what is causing this cloud to effect this perfect date. She wonders if somepony jinxed it, whatsoever.

Beta flies up, coughing all the way. He then covers his mouth to avoid breathing in more. He gets to the top of the smoke and realizes a dragon fell asleep on the cloud over them. "I thought Ponyville dealt with the likes of you!" Beta said, remembering the time when Ponyville nearly got covered in smoke by a dragon. "Come on Stormy, let's go to the cloud way over there!" He says, a bit angered but not raging.

  • Brohoof 1



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Stormlight quickly agrees and flies to the cloud he was pointing at, but stopping to give the dragon a piece of her mind. She didn't like being assertive that much anymore since she changed for the better, but if Ponyville gets into hot water again, she didn't want to just leave the problem alone. "You know, I think dragons are cool and all, but YOU just had to tick me off!", she roars madly at the dragon.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Stormlight quickly agrees and flies to the cloud he was pointing at, but stopping to give the dragon a piece of her mind. She didn't like being assertive that much anymore since she changed for the better, but if Ponyville gets into hot water again, she didn't want to just leave the problem alone. "You know, I think dragons are cool and all, but YOU just had to tick me off!", she roars madly at the dragon.

The dragon shrugs and flies off. Beta is watching in amazement at what she did. She flies up and hugs her. "Wow, that was amazing the way you told off that big mean dragon! You are such an awesome mare!" He then proceeds to kiss her again. They then go rest on the other cloud.

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"Whew, thanks for the compliment, but don't worry. I'm not going to get that mad often, I learned that the hard way...but oh well!", she tells him with a confident smile. It doesn't take a long time to persuade other ponies that she means business, but she is basically a cool and relaxed mare for when she doesn't have to worry.
  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"Whew, thanks for the compliment, but don't worry. I'm not going to get that mad often, I learned that the hard way...but oh well!", she tells him with a confident smile. It doesn't take a long time to persuade other ponies that she means business, but she is basically a cool and relaxed mare for when she doesn't have to worry.


"Whew, thanks for the compliment, but don't worry. I'm not going to get that mad often, I learned that the hard way...but oh well!", she tells him with a confident smile. It doesn't take a long time to persuade other ponies that she means business, but she is basically a cool and relaxed mare for when she doesn't have to worry.

They hang on the cloud where Beta once again proceeds to warm Storm up with his wing.  As the night goes on, Beta continues telling jokes in attempts to make her laugh. He really learns from Pinkie Pie all the advice on making ponies laugh and smile. Then at one point, he asks, "So, which element of harmony would I be?"

  • Brohoof 1



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Stormlight thinks of what element he is, or could be. "Let's see...you could be the Element of Laughter, like Pinkie Pie. OR, the Element of Kindness, just like my buddy Fluttershy. But it really depends on how you look at yourself to be more leaning on to. But for me, you could be a mix of the two combined.", she answered with complete honesty.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Stormlight thinks of what element he is, or could be. "Let's see...you could be the Element of Laughter, like Pinkie Pie. OR, the Element of Kindness, just like my buddy Fluttershy. But it really depends on how you look at yourself to be more leaning on to. But for me, you could be a mix of the two combined.", she answered with complete honesty.

Beta thinks for a second on what element of harmony Stormlight would be. He then gets the perfect two elements. "Well Stormy, I'd say you'd either be the element of generosity, the element of kindness, or the element of loyalty. I thought of 3 elements you'd be.
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"Huh, I guess I could be a mix of all three of them! Even though that may not be possible, I agree with your choices," Stormy never thought somepony would say those things that fits her personality, which gave her a huge smile on her face. "This was an awesome second date, wouldn't you say?"

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"Huh, I guess I could be a mix of all three of them! Even though that may not be possible, I agree with your choices," Stormy never thought somepony would say those things that fits her personality, which gave her a huge smile on her face. "This was an awesome second date, wouldn't you say?"

Yes this has totally been an awesome second date. We really got to know each other a lot more now. It's just too bad you never got around to reading your

Book." Beta said with a bit of sympathetic dissapointment to his tone of voice. "Say how far are you in this book?"

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Storm brings out the book from her bag and grins. "Halfway done...with the first chapter!", she jokes around, finding the page she was on. Oh, how her love of books amused her brain, she always had a bookshelf full of them back at home. "Seriously, how can anypony not like reading books? You learn a thing or two in just one reading!".

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm brings out the book from her bag and grins. "Halfway done...with the first chapter!", she jokes around, finding the page she was on. Oh, how her love of books amused her brain, she always had a bookshelf full of them back at home. "Seriously, how can anypony not like reading books? You learn a thing or two in just one reading!".

Beta laughs too. "Yeah, books are quite the brilliant way to enjoy your free time. I personally like to read this." He pulled out a book from his saddle bag titled The Big Book of Trivia. "Behold, The Big Book of Trivia. This is where I learn all my trivia facts and knowledge." He said proudly.
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"Ooh, it's so-ah! My eyes! I can't handle its awesomeness!", Stormy jokingly closes her eyes and uses her book to sheild them. Laughing, she examines his book, finding it intriguing and wanted to read. She intriguingly switches the books quickly and starts scanning through the pages, fascinated by its facts and words.
  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"Ooh, it's so-ah! My eyes! I can't handle its awesomeness!", Stormy jokingly closes her eyes and uses her book to sheild them. Laughing, she examines his book, finding it intriguing and wanted to read. She intriguingly switches the books quickly and starts scanning through the pages, fascinated by its facts and words.

Beta watches her as she skims through his book. He then decides to grab her book and skim through it since he already read it and wanted to skip around to his favorite parts. He quickly does that remembering all the awesome parts when he read it. "This book is seriously awesome. I would tell you all the best parts, but that would lead to a spoiler."
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Storm nods with agreement and finds a page which caught her attention. She started reading through the whole page and realizes her mind has been blown. "Woah, that was cool!", she shouts and then continues on. She looks at the cover and back into the tons of pages there were to examine.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm nods with agreement and finds a page which caught her attention. She started reading through the whole page and realizes her mind has been blown. "Woah, that was cool!", she shouts and then continues on. She looks at the cover and back into the tons of pages there were to examine.

Beta then gets curious. He wanted to know what exciting topic she was reading about. He goes up to her and asks her. "So, what exciting topic are you reading about in The Big Book of Trivia? There are many exciting topics to look up in this book. So what are you looking up?
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"Well, this one, about cats! I like how they're able to sense things we can't better than them, like using their ears to be able to hear things coming with out looking, even when the noise is small and soft! Kind of like Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense", but her ways are more interesting,", Storm explains with excitement and decides to switch back the books.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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