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private The Dark Stars : Fallout New Vegas


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The Strip was always a place filled with bustling activity, but this day seemed more zestueous. Arriving at the embassy a line has formed at new building establishment, awaiting outside along with the large line stands two black colored combat armored guards. Insigniaed upon their right pauldron is a red star emblem with a crescent moon hanging below it. On the left paldron is a yellow printed image of a griffon.head


All kinds of wastelander have come for this opportunity, some looking like they've been barely scrapping by, some armed to the teeth with weapons. And some with a sly demeanor.




The two NCR MP's push along the detained Connor bringing him past the line and directly into the back rooms, they enter into medical office. They force him into a seat.

Entering in is a young man dressed in reinforced leather armor, the same emblems of the two guards from before on his paldrouns, adorned on his belts are arrangement supplies of medical gear.


"Its okay fellows I'll take it from here." The medic says and the guards depart



"Let's see...Mr. Connor? You wouldn't happen to have a last name would you?" He asks

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor Looked at the young man in the leather armor and Scowled at him, not moving from his seat.


"Look Princess, I'm not sure if you know but I'm the bad guy here, so don't bother trying to play mister nice guy with me, I don't have to tell you shit, so I don't expect you to play nice, Mr NCR"


Connor started to look around the room, trying to find some way of escaping.

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"Hehe. Okay then... So I'm just ask you a few medical history questions. Just answer them as best as possible. When was your last vaccination? And what type? Tetanus? Flu? Anything? " The medic asks,

He writes along his clipboard as he examines Connor awaiting an answer.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Lucas stood in the line patiently. On his back lay a large backpack and a rifle strapped to that. He sighed. Why was he doing this? Was he this desperate? Yes, yes he was. Being a hired gun didn't pay as much as it used to especially with a bunch of raider nests getting wiped out recently. He shook his head. Lucas had barely enough caps to afford a room for the night. He needed the work at this point. Either that or resort to turning to robbery and that wasn't happening. 


Lucas rubbed the bit of fog that had collect out of his goggles. He checked if anyone was looking at him funny. No one, good. Every time he did that he was on edge. If someone recognized him... Maybe it was fine? Maybe he was just getting paranoid. It was years since that 'incident' happened. On that thought Lucas glanced around the embassy. Okay, keeping goggles and bandana on. He didn't care the wanted poster was half covered by a couple notices and another poster it was good enough for him.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The line progressed, Lucas is approached at the front desk of the recruitment station. Looking about there doesn't seem to be any NCR soldiers about.

The lady greets him with a smile at the front desk,

"Welcome to the New Vegas branch of the Dark Stars contractors company. Are you a local citizen? NCR Citizen? Or former NCR military?" She asks

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Let's see. If he said he was a citizen or Ex-Military that would warrant getting some papers checked which he had, outdated as it was, and lead to potential arrest. Yeah... NCR prisoners weren't the funnest places. Did they even care though? No soldiers... No. He didn't want to run that risk.


"I'm a local, ma'am"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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I stood in the line patiently, waiting for my turn. I took off my hat and wiped the sweat from forehead away. It seemed hot today, hotter than usal. And I was starting to get tired from standing in line and the equipment I had on only worsened it. I looked up ahead at the start of the line and saw I didn't have much to go before I was at the front. "Good won't have to wait in this line no more."

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The woman types on her terminal. Next to said terminal is a small printer, it buzzes and clicks as a printed page comes out. She attaches it to a clipboard handing it to Lucas.

"Just fill out your basic information and we'll get you ready for medical screening." She says,

Looking on the page it states the basic informations like name, birthdate, age and other such, however reading along the sheet only requires name birthdate and age, as most in the Mojave probably don't know much about the rest information.



Lou approaches to the front desk, "Welcome to the New Vegas branch of the Dark Star contractors. Are you a local, NCR citizen, or former military?" The woman asks.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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I didn't really know if I was an NCR citizen or a local. I was born in the wasteland so there was really no way of telling if was either or one at all. I knew if I said military they'd check so I just smiled at the woman and said. "I'm a local ma'am." I wiped the sweat off my forehead again. "Damn it's hot out today." I said to no one in particular.

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((I'm just going to do this in the first-person cause it's easier))



"Of course, ma'am" Medical screening? That was probably a good idea. I hadn't been to a real doctor in... Three years at least.


Name: Atlas Lloyd

Age: 25

Birthdate: Sometime in April


Seemed good enough. I could have come up with a better last name but it should do.

I passed her back the clipboard. "Need anything else ma'am?"



"Tell me about it" I told the man next to me regarding the weather. "That's the Mojave for ya"

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The woman prints out a info sheet and hands it to Lou, "Just fill this out and we'll send you back for medical screens when we're ready.


"No sir, just be patient with us and we'll send you back when we are ready to go." The receptionist responds.


Once the line has shortned the room fills up with quiet chatter as everyone awaits.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Twitch, wearing a gasmask to hide the fact that he was a ghoul, waited in line, as patiently as he could, snapping his fingers, as he itched to blow something up. "Shit...I hate NCR bases...or even being around NCR...but if these jarheads can give me a nice, well payin job, that lets me blow assholes sky high, I'll put up with their damn rules and regulations...even if they are glorified boyscouts..." he thought.


(Twitch is wearing a wastlander merc outfit, btw)

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The receptionist seems a bit stunned by the amount of gear and intimidating appearance of Twitch but she smiles, "Welcome sir, to the New Vegas branch of the dark stars. Are you a local NCR citizen or former military?" She asks.


A woman dressed in reinforced leather armor approaches to Lucas, noting on her paldrouns holds the Dark Star emblem on the right pad, on the left a yellow print of a griffon.

"Mr. Llyod?" She calls out to the group.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Twitch shrugged. "Uh...well, I've only moved into the area recently, and I used to be a drifter...but I guess I'd be a local..." he said honestly. He noticted that she looked a bit surprised about his appearence, but he didn't really care. She'd be much more surprised if she saw what he looked like under the mask.

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"That'd be me, ma'am" She looked a bit intimidating. Ah, well. Work is work... I stepped toward her pushing a few people aside. At least it was this Dark Star group and not NCR troopers doing all this. Interesting uniforms. Looks more like thugs then a mercenary group but then again half the mercs in the wasteland were thugs.


"Follow you then?" I asked.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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She prints out again another sheet and hands it to him, "Just fill this information out and we'll ready for your medical screenings, please be patient." She says and returns to her terminal work.


Entering next comes three Dark Star mercs, they walk past by the reception desk heading back inside to the screening area.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Medical screening? I don't like the sound of that...I wonder if they'll accept a ghoul?" Twitch thought, as he accepted the paper and leaned against a nearby wall as he filled out his information.


Name: Twitch


Gender: male


Age: 23


Birthdate: October 29th


Twitch nodded approvingly as he reread the info. "Seems good enough to me...I just hope they don't mind ghouls..." he thought, as he gave the receptionist the clipboard back.

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The medic escorts Lucas into the back screening rooms, following down the hall and into one of the examination rooms,

"Please have a seat sir." She says to him booting up her terminal.

"I'm just gonna ask you a few medical history questions and we'll go from there." She says,

"When was your last visit to a medically trained doctor?" She asks



Exiting from the screening room, a male medic dressed in black combat armor approaches the group,

"I need a Mr. Lou step forward please?" He asks

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Yes, ma'am" I sat down on the chair. A bit unconformable but what was I going to do about it? 


"The last time I saw a doctor? The last time I saw one in the NCR was three or four years ago for a bullet wound in my leg I believe. Last time I saw a 'doctor' was in Goodsprings about a week ago" I sat back crossing my arms.


I wanted to groan. I hated wearing these goggles and bandana. The goggles wouldn't stop fogging up and the bandana left the hot hair on my face.


I silently complained to myself sitting in the chair. 

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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While I was waiting in the reception room I heard my name being called. I looked up to see a medic in black combat armor. I stood up and said. "That's me." I walked towards. It's already time for me to be checked over I thought as I walked to him. "Yes?" I asked when I got up to him.

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"Huh... You've listed yourself as a local. Yet you were with the military..." She types on her terminal.

"Alright... When was your last vaccination? It could be for anything, flu , tetanus. Anything." She responds.



Another medic exits, a young man wearing leather armor, he checks his clipboard, "I need a mister... Twitch? Please stand." He calls out


"Please follow me sir." He says leading him back, heading down the hall he escorts Lou into an examination room.

"I'm just gonna ask you a few questions and we'll go from there." He says booting his terminal.

"When was your last visit to medical trained doctor?" He asks

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Me?" More lies, less evidence. "I was never in the army. Hell, I'm not even a NCR citizen. How do you have me on record?" Hopefully she'd buy that. It sounded nice, probably.


"I had tetanus shot about two years ago. Since then nothing" That was a half true. Yes I had a tetanus shot but I had been vaccinated for everything they could when I was in  the army because of protocol.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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After being asked that question I thought for a moment. "Well last time I visted one was in out in Freeside about 3 months ago." I answered. "Like where those doctors set up that thing with them tents." I explained. "Cost me a few caps." I waited for the guy to ask the next question.

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She looks at him as if unsurprised, "You just told me you were in the NCR. Bullet wound? Remember? Do you amnesia?" She asks sounding a little concerned.

(You did plainly say "In the NCR." LOL)


"Alrighty then... When was your last vaccination? For Flu, tetanus, rabies, anti venom, anything." He asks

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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((Charisma check?))


I'm not very good at this lying thing. Next time I should bring a paper with all these details, if there is a next time. "I was just visiting the NCR. I got shot by some bandit and went to a doc. Simple as that" May be she'd buy this one! Hopefully... possible... With some luck...

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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