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private The Dark Stars : Fallout New Vegas


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The medic looks at him questionably before shrugging, "Whatever then." She says, "I'd like for you to please remove your goggles and mask please, just gonna do a examination." She asks as continues typing on her terminal. Finished she gets out her basic tools such as a stethoscope and blood pressure monitor.

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Twitch steps forward. "That'll be me. Am I supposed to follow you now, or something?" He asked, seeming as if he was dreading the meeting with the doctor. "I wonder what they'll do if they don't accept ghouls? Shit! This could be bad...the first wrong move these assholes make, I'll blow em sky high..." he thought.

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"Come along." He says motioning him to follow, he follows along into the hallway entering one of the medical examination rooms.

The medic takes a seat near his terminal booting it up,

"I'll just be asking you a few medical questions and we'll proceed from there, when was the last time you visited a doctor?" He asks

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Twitch followed the man into the room and sat down, getting comfortable as the doctor began asking him questions. "Hmm...I think it was about 6 months ago...my brothers a doctor, and I try to get checkups from him whenever I can." He explained. "Good...so far he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to ask me to take my mask off..." he thought.

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Before the next question can be asked, stepping in is a tall ghoul dressed in his black combat armor.

"Parkson, just wanted to let you know them med-x shipments came in." The ghoul says,

"Alright man I appreciate it."

The ghoul then departes,

"Alright.. How about vaccinations? When was your most recent?" He asks


The medic continues his typing, "Okay okay... Just gonna do some examinations." He says, from his equipment he holds out his stethoscope. Near the table Lou rests is a blood pressure reader.

Taking Lous arm he wraps the fastner and machine activates, he places the stethoscope under his shirt listening to his heart rate.

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Okay. That went well and oh Lordy! Take my goggles off! Well then! Slowly I took both off letting my bandana drop to my neck and lifting my goggles to rest on my forehead. 

"Okay, doc" I said attempting to keep my voice as it was. I was nerviness now. Paranoid my ass. I was thin ice as it was with the NCR doctor. Hopefully she didn't pay attention to bulletins.

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Twitch was sursprised how well treated the ghoul merc was, so much so that he almost didn't hear the next question. "Er...I think I got my last vaccination around the same time I last visited my doctor, about six months ago..." he said. He then decided that his disguise wasn't needed at the moment, so he took the mask off. "Whew! Damn...those things can get hot on the inside...and the lenses fog up so easily..." he mumbled, thankful for the chance to get fresh air.

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(Just clarifying that the Dark Stars are not in no means associated with the NCR, they work along side them, but are fully independent.)

She looks at him examining his features, she nods a bit before taking her stethoscope.

"Just gonna listen on your heart rate." She says to him


"Alright just gonna donow some medical examinations." He says as he grabs his stethoscope and blood pressure reader.

Edited by IllusivePony
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"Sure" I sat quietly letting her take my vitals. "Not to sound impatient but how long with this whole screening process take?"


(Er... Words! So Dark Star is independent but working with the NCR. That makes sense then. Would Dark Star have all the same resources available as the NCR then as well? More words!)

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(If you'd like if you befriend the Dark Star commander he can give you a full back story about the formation of the group.)

"Only when I'm through with what you need. Looks like you don't need much. Now another question, I understand if your hesitant to answer but have you ever had a history of addiction?" She asks

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"Me? Do I look like one of those Jet addicts? I'd never touch that stuff" I wasn't addicted to anything. I know that. I'd never been addicted to anything. Does Nuke-Cola count then? Whatever. I'm perfectly healthy.


"No, I've never been addicted to anything. I have used chems though but that was when if I didn't I would have died but am I addicted? No"

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The medic looks concerned to him, "Hey hey relax. No need to sound too eccentric." She respond, she turns back to her terminal and continues typing.

"I'll be printing out your release." She says, from the printer she takes the printed page handing it to him.

"Here you are. Present this to thetroopers at the monorail. At Mccarran you'll finish your processing there." She says

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"Thank you, ma'am" I took the paper. "Mccarran? Will do" Folding it I slipped into one of my jacket pockets. "I'll get going them" I stood up and made for the door making sure my goggles and bandana were on. Leaving I noticed I felt way too eager for this. Why though?


With that done I walked down the strip toward the Monorail station. Drunken soldiers and gamblers lined the streets. New Vegas for you. If you're not broke you're drunk it seems.

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"last vaccination? Probably when the Enclave still had bases out in california, and as for what type, well how the hell would I know I'm a soldier not a doctor, now is that all or would you like for me to start telling you about my childhood"


As he finished you could almost taste the sarcasm it was that thick, and he kept a grin on the whole time.

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The arm brace tightens a bit as the readings appear on the medics terminal.

"Okay... Good so far. Let's not waste any other time. From so far you're rather healthy." The medic informs him.

The, printer ejects a form, from a stamp on his desk he stamps down an approval post on it.

"Take this form to the monorail and the troopers we'll let you through. You'll finish processing there." He informs Lou.


The medic appears unmoved by his sarcastic tone.

"In that case I'll get those vaccinations ready, if your body reacts poorly to them, well then that'll be your fault." He says giving a slight smile to the arrogant Enclave prisoner.

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Twitch nodded. "Alright, alright..." he said, rolling up the sleeve of his shirt. "I hope I won't have to get any shots...I hate neddles, dammit..." he thought.


((You did say you were about to check his blood pressure, right? I can't remember what the full post said, lol. Also, after we get our gear taken from us, will we get them back afterwords? Or will we have to find different gear?))

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((Yes yes. Just gonna give you the basic examinations, don't want to hold much of your time. And when you enter final processing and training your weapons will be confiscated temporarily and need to be authorized for usage. I know it sounds inconvenient but I want to keep it near realistic. Plus, in reality one man couldn't haul around massive pounds of grenades, mines, missiles, a two launchers.))

"Now just relax." He says as the brace tightens. A few seconds and it releases his arm.

"Hmm okay good hearty rate." The medic says now turning to physically examine.

"Okay... Pupils intact... Nose structure seems functional. Skin still holding no organ massive degradation. I think you're good to go." He says and types on his terminal.

the desk printer ejects a form, he hands it to Twitch.

"Take this to the monorail and you'll be sent to Mccarran for final process.

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He rolls his eyes and stands up, walking around the room, with his wrists cuffed together.


"Well could you hurry it up doc, I kinda need to hurry it up with my escape, The Wasteland isn't going to protect itself you know, oh and do you think you could throw in a treat as well, for being such a good patient"

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"If you'd sit back down we can finish this quickly." The medic says, from his cabinet he retrieves out vials and syringes, taking the first syringe he begins to fill up.


Approaching at the monorail station, Atlas takes a seat awaiting for the next monorail.

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He nods and sits back down,holding his arm out as he started to whistle the tune to Butcher pete.


"Sure doc let's just hurry this up please, I ain't getting any younger here"


(May I ask what's going to happen to my Power Armor, and My Laser Rifle, please don't give them to the NCR weapons Specialists, they won't treat them right!)

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((Don't worry. They'll be held in special storage by Dark Star energy weapon specialists. They'll be secure don't worry. If you prove trustworthy and get approved by the Dark Star commander he'll sign a release and you'll be given your equipment but this does not approve your freedom.))

The medic carefully searches for a vein on Connors arm, finding such and gently injects him.

"That'll be for flu only. Any other vaccinations will need to be finished at McCarran." He says,

At his desk he returns to typing, near by he presses a small buzzer button.

Entering in next are two Dark Star mercenaries, one dressed in dark combat armor, the other in T45d black painted power armor (Minus helmet).

"He's ready for transfer." The medic says

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Connor smiles and walks over to the two Escorts and starts to chuckle a little while looking at the one in the T-45D Power Amor.


"Awww isn't he just the cutest, what is that the 45D series, good where did you get the relic, did you take it from the Brotherhood HA!"


He holds both his hands up in the air.



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The guard smirks and snickers a bit, he suddenly gives a hard quick punch into Connors gut knocking the breath out, momentarily stunning him as he falls onto a knee.

The guard pulls him up by his collar,

"Get this straight. I ain't no pussy ass trooper. You better learn quick to lower that ego." He warns as he shoves him out the door, these lads aren't NCR standard, their different. And they aren't messing around.

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