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private The Dark Stars : Fallout New Vegas


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Connor gasps for air but still manages to laugh a little.


"Ack... that's funny coming from someone... In Armor that was a Relic... Two hundred years ago... God how the Dirty Commies would be laughing at you... In your Tin Suit... Kids used to wear that as a costume... God how embarrassing!"

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"News flash fucker. Your shitty excuse of a government ain't gonna save you. " The guard responds continuing to shove him out.

"You two done ? I don't want to hear this back and forth." The other speaks up as Connor is escorted out from the station heading to the monorail.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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He starts to laugh even more, getting more breath now.


"Oh my shitty excuse of a Government, yours can't even beat a bunch of guys wearing sportswear, now that's shameful, tell me, how dies it feel to a bunch of tribes men wearing skirts... Now that's embarrassing"

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"If it were up to the commander, he'd mobilize and we'd be knocking down Caesar's front door." The front guard says.

The three enter into the monorail station and take a seat awaiting for a transit.

(Just gonna hold here until at least three players are in the station before progressing. I want everyone on the same page.)

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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I took the slip of paper and I walked out of the room. "That was faster than I thought." I said to myself. I walked down a hallway leading to the monorail. When I got to the monorail, I hoped on it and took a seat in the back. Wonder what the final processing's gonna be like? I thought.

Edited by Red Sage
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A Trooper calls out to the group.

"All recruits line up for travel. Atlas finds himself at the front of the line, handing in his paper be is allowed past.


Pushing though the line, the guards bring Connor upon the monorail sitting him down onto one of the seats sitting on each side of him.


Lou falls into line and is finally allowed entrance, he takes his seat at the back of the monorail.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Twitch nodded, accepting the slip of paper and walking to the door, making sure to grab his mask before he left. He looked at it for a moment, thinking about putting it on, but decided not to. "Ah, fuck it. Maybe these mercs will be as accepting as the doc?" he thought, fastening the mask to his pack, before walking up to the monarail station. "Next stop, camp Mccraan I guess..." he said.

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After receiving his form pass he heads off quickly to the tram. Arriving quickly the troopers awaiting let him through,

"Nice timing. You just about got left behind." One says to him, boarding on he takes a seat inside the monorail.

(just minor filler. Poke)

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor starts to hum a tune again as the Monorail starts to depart, he looks at his two guards and sighs.


"Either one of you got a Cigarette, I haven't had a smoke since last week, I'd be really grateful, and maybe I won't kill you guys later, sound like a plan?"

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The Monorail soon arrives at the station at McCarran, awaiting as they depart is a female NCR Lieutenant , her name tag reads Boyd. Along next to her is a young man dressed in black combat armor, wearing a simple black beret, his ginger hair peaking out a bit under said beret. From behind them is a set of crates.

"All right newcomers I need all of you to turn in your weapons, place them in this here container move it." Boyd commands.

Connor is pushed past the group and lead into the airport.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor rolls his eyes as he's led of the monorail, and as he's led away he winks at the Lieutenant.




As he's brought into the Airport he looks around and whistles.


"Wow... You guys did a really... Shit job restoring this place... You guys can't do anything right can you?"

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"Sure" I said upholstering my pistol and taking my rifle off my pack. Trying to be gentle I placed the two weapons into the container. "I'm going to assume you want my mines too"  Taking off my pack I began to dig for them. Wallet... Ammo... Med-X... Bingo. I grabbed the four mines and dropped them next to my rifle. "You want our ammo too?" 


"What's his deal?" Maybe pointing out the man who seemed to be in serious trouble with the NCR wasn't a good idea but might as well find out. "Seems like a jackass"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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I slung out my automatic rifle and set it in the container. I took off the rest of my weapons and set them down as well. "Be careful with that rifle alright. Took a lot to get one." I said to the lieutenant backing away. I looked at the guy being lead away from the group. "What he'd do?" I asked

Edited by Red Sage
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The guards bring him into the interrogation room setting him in the seat.

"The commander will be here to introduce soon. You just sit. Tight." The power armored guard says and the two depart awaiting on the other room.




Everyone forms into a line, the armored man approaches, he gives a confident smile.

"I wanna take the moment to thank you all for making the best investment of your life. And to encourage you, I suggest this: You follow orders, you push yourself, and you do what you feel is the best option, and I think you'll fit right in." He says,

"I'm commander Kristof. Main founder and company commander of the McCarran post. If there's ever anything you need you come either directly to me or Colonel Hsu. I won't take up more time I'll let Boyd here take you to the bunks." He says and departs.

"Alright get to it! Out to the terminal." Boyd commands

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor sighs as the two guards leave the room.


"No don't go, I was just starting to get used to you guys, us three were like family now, you can't just walk out on me you good for nothing... Fine, I'm am going to kill you guys when I escape! No Mercy!"


Connor starts to fiddle with his restraints, trying to get them off.

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Entering next is the same lad from outside at the monorail, now inside the chamber he places a small cup and pack of cigarettes before him. He pours a small bit of whiskey into the glass.

"Help yourself, there's a lighter included." He says and leans back in his seat.

The commander smirks a bit, "When I heard they were bringing in an Enclave prisoner I just had to take this opportunity. You're not what I expected... Or maybe you were hehe, can't make up me mind."

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor looks up as the new guy enters the room, and smiles as the pack of Cigarettes is placed on the table, he grabs the pack and places on in his mouth, lighting it up he takes a long drag and sighs as he breathes the smoke out.


"You know the docs back at base used to say that smoking would kill me, I was more sure of it being you guys... Anyway chief, care to explain why I haven't been put in front of a firing squad, I know that's the standard protocol for any Brotherhood Soldiers you find, and they used to be your Allies... Hell you kill me now you'll earn yourself a nice little Payday I'm guessing..."

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He smiles, "No no you're right, in our line of work cancers the last thing that would kill us. I wanna inform you that, while we work in coalition with the NCR, we are an independent organization.

And yeah you're right, what isn't stopping you from being pummeled away into bit and gore?" He quarks rhetorically.

"The NCR can see an opportunity with your talents, course they won't admit it: you know how they are. We both know." He smirks, he takes the shot glass taking the drink.

"But. I'm just gonna warn you. If I do find you the slightest an annoyance, I'll personally blast your brains myself... But I know you're a smart man. " he gives another smirk at him pouring another drink.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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He grins and takes another pull of his cigarette.


"Coalition with the NCR? God how do you stand that? Before they changed their minds and had me sent here they were gonna put me on trial, hell they even appointed me a Lawyer, The NCR isn't cut out for war, not like us, we know War, hell you and me, we were made for it, maybe me more than you, I had weapons training at twelve years old man, but that's another story"


He takes another pull and sighs.


"Let me ask you something, where have you seen action before? I'm guessing your more of a front line commander, not like those NCR pricks they call generals"

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"I've seen alot growing up... Time for history lesson.

I grew up in one of the Vault Tec Vaults. Now from careful documentation, each vault was assigned to some form of gradual preservation or experimentation projects. Some great, some not do much... Looking at you Vault 22!" He shouts at the wall looking west.

"So my vault was established as something like a military preservation or something like that. Basically the whole vault was an entirely trained military force, well not everyone the basic requirements are simple firearms training and such but they had advanced classes."

He takes another drink.

"I think I'm part German... I can totally hold my alcohol.. Anyway so I got to take part on a short expedition to the Capital wasteland was like on the east coast and stuff.

Well to put a long story short, the wasteland kinda changed my look on things." He responds

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor starts nodding somewhat surprised.


"You went to the capital, damn, you didn't happen to bump into the Enclave out there, they were the mean fuckers back East, jesus they used Deathclaws as weapons, NCR never think of something like that"


Connor takes another drag.


"What happened out there man? Whole area went dark for us about five years ago, and we never got a reason why"

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"Hehe, what I ment was I'm from the east coast, that's were my whole group started. Course back then that was just a few of us. About 6 of us, and they're here too... Well minus one.

Anyway anyway, yeah we had run ins... Not a friendly bunch. Preaching about helping everyone then coming around slaughtering innocent wastelanders. I had a lot of faith in them until they truly their ugly faces." He takes another drink.

"I thought there wasn't any hope at a unified government. Then after our mass migration west, which took freaking for-EVER! We encountered the NCR. " he says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"See we have a little toy we call a Vertibird, makes travel a whole lot quicker... And for the record, that's old Enclave, I'm... We are... A separate Division"


Connor finishes his Cig and puts it out on the table.


"The Government that NCR calls itself isn't working, it won't ever work... No matter how hard they try... There spreading them selves to thin, they haven't enough men to cover from here to california, that's why they're losing this war"

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"I get what you mean yeah, with us here at station it can help lighten that load. If only Mr. Shit head wait and see Oliver would stop sitting on his thumb.. While we do manage our independent operations, full advances and assaults are needed approval by the Operations Command from California or from General Oliver... Sometimes I just wanna punch that prick. And if I mobilize without authorization they'll take that out of the contract payments. And they'd limit our company resources." He responds.

He returns with his smile, "I haven't talked this much since I first got into California..." He chuckles

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor laughs and leans forward.


"Well, its hard to find good company with people who don't have an education... Anyway I got an offer for you, seeing as your worried about losing your funding if you did go into action without orders, I can get my Division to spare your men some Guns and Ammo, maybe a few lifts in our Vertibirds... That's if you decide that you do want to kick the Legions ass sometime this Decade..."

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