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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

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, @Nerd-Letter


the rock that hit Snowflake caused him to become enraged he then says in his own voice "you shouldn't of done that you stupid colt" he then leaves the guards body causing the guard to feint he then hit Nerd-Letter as hard as he can "now Alamo I wanted our reunion to be a little more special but you guys just had to ruin it" Snowflake gives a very creepy smile "remember me old friend?" Snowflake starts to laugh "oh I have waited a decade for this day"


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*After seeing Snow hit the unicorn Alamo's mind starts turning back in place * "You, I told you it was a bad idea you never listened and now your gone just like I told you would happen, I've flipped my life around, but made the change for the worst, your goal was to protect ponies not cause more harm to them!" You are dead, just like the rest of them, all because you thought that the trouble was worth it weight it wasn't now I can no longer see the ponies I onced called family!"

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"Evil? we were Mercenaries it didn't matter what we did as long as we got paid but our final stand was an act of righteousness no one was paying me or the others and I knew I was going to die. you abandoned our cause and refused to take our final stand at least my death meant something if only you had joined us you would of been a legend I was the only one who died the others split off after I died maybe I would of survived if you had helped instead of abandon us  what do you have to live for a apple farm?" Snowflake comes closer "now I have come here for you the only survivor of the Shadow Bolts and yes the only survivors the others got assassinated by bounty hunters I would of thought they would of had you dead by now but I'm back from the grave to put an end to your pathetic life for them and in your condition you don't stand a chance" Snowflake starts to freeze Alamo very slowly "any last words before you join the others?"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@Snowflake Frostflame


Nerd-Letter rams into Snowflake, hoping to make him lose his concentration. "Leave him alone, you brute!" Nerd-Letter shouted. His horn started glowing. "Alamo, run! Go get help or something! Go alert Shining Armor about this! I'll keep this pony busy," said Nerd-Letter.

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A tall, dark, slender figure moved through everfree forest. It moved through the trees with ease. On closer inspection it could be seen as a dark male alicorn angrily marching through the forest paying its surroundings no heed. "They call me monster.......and him...... I know he speaks about me behind my back......" The alicorn, known as Shadowknight, shouted angrily to himself. With a sudden shout of rage a gout of shadowflame shot from his horn and engulfed a tree, scorching the wood and leaving behind what looked to be a monster's face etched into the burnt wood. "Scorn and fear is all I receive........ those ungrateful pathetic ponies...... Not even a simple thank you or smile........" Shadowknight said, he slumped down. "Am I really a monster?" He asked himself. "They don't trust me...... they don't care for me......they don't even respect me...... but......they do fear me...."


An armored Pegasus marched down the road to Ponyville. His helmet dangled from a saddlebag and he smiled as he saw the town ahead. "Finally I hath made it." He said to himself. The young Justicar rolled his shoulders as he continued marching along, finally reaching the edge of the town. He still smiled brightly, but in his head he could tell something was amiss. A dark presence loomed. He had heard of recent strings of strange occurences in Ponyville, but now he could sense it clearly. He had done right in coming here. He would find out the cause and do his Justicar's duty.


Sunmane looked around Ponyville for his brother, Shadowknight. The pegasus was concerned for his brother had started acting moody and angry, which was very strange. Sunmane blamed himself for he had made many friends in Ponyville and had been so busy lately that he hadn't had time for his brother really. He hoped that his brother was okay. "Shadow are you here?" Sunmane called out gently, not wanting to bother anypony else. Sunmane grew more concerned as time drew on. He knew his brother was a bit of a loner, but that hadn't stopped him from wanting to socialize with everypony else and after a nasty incident involving a traveling tradespony accusing his brother of stealing, Shadowknight had gotten rather broody. "Oh where is he?" Sunmane asked nopony in particular with a worried expression.

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"this is between me and Alamo," Snowflake creates a dome of ice around him and Alamo "now Alamo your time is running out" Snowflake turns to Nerd-Letter "don't try to destroy the dome I will just keep it strong now you can watch me kill Alamo and die next or run and I won't kill you"


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"You, went mad we had no other choice, the only thing that your death meant was a hoorah from their army and a failure for us, if not an embarrassment that caused most of us our lives and my exile, the client had set us up but you never thought of it and now look at you trying to still fight after a lost cause, you can't bring back the Shadow Bolts and neither can I, I've learned this in my time alone and I regret not smacking sense into you, so kill me but leave the kid alone, He'll cause more trouble to you in death than if you were alive, The Cause is no more, your mind left the gutter because of greed, my mind left because of that results of that greed and plus all the fighting but none the less. If you kill me do it now, or I will fight for my last breath to put you back into your body!"

Edited by Castle
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Snowflake starts having tears come down his eye "if you think saving.... Equestria and sacraficing my life was an embarrassment to our cause... then you...." Snowflake is constantly getting memories shot at him from the day he dies  "I had to more meaning to live" Snowflake gets memories of his sister flashed into his mind "Ember.... I....." Snowflake then stops freezing Alamo and destroys his dome "you may of been right that it was my grave I was heading towards but I know what I did was the right thing" Snowflake's sorrow overwhelms him "go Alamo you have your life to live leave me here I am but forgotten nothing else" Snowflake sits down motionless and starts sobbing


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*Alamo looks at Snow* *Turns back to the unicorn* "Lets go kid or he might start asking me to get rid of him, but he still hasn't learned the trouble he caused, that's why I haven't taken my toll yet, we need to move to the castle, Now! I want to see what these guards want, I feel he *Points at Snow* will be thinking a bit about what he did, I will tell you the meaning of this fight on the way to the castle." *starts walking towards the castle.*

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@Snowflake Frostflame and Castle


"...No. You go on ahead, Alamo...I wanna cheer your old friend up, even if I don't know what that fight was about," said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter trotted towards Snowflake and sat down next to him. "You okay, buddy? There's no need to cry now. Alamo has forgiven you...and him and I know that you can help us. You can redeem yourself by helping Alamo and I," Nerd-Letter said in a friendly voice. Nerd-Letter held out his hoof to Snowflake. "So, what will it be? Will you help us?" Nerd-Letter said with a smile.

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Night stopped. Bring back the Shadowbolts. ...yessss....he needed an army and he was sure his mother wouldn't mind. He flew off to work on a spell to maybe bring them back. He even found one of his friends that was a shadow bolt back when Nightmare cane back. "Perfect"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake looks at Nerd-Letter "I have no reason to redeem myself....." Snowflake stairs at the sky "my mercenary unit is gone now not much I can do about it and killing him won't help......*sigh* sometimes I wish I could of lived a normal life and never became the master of ice and never became a mercenary..... my journey began when I was made an orphan and separated from my sister and it ended trying to save Ponyville I am nothing more but forgotten and I always will be" Snowflake looks back at Nerd-Letter "you don't care though and I understand"


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@Snowflake Frostflame


"I care! Tartarus, I'm a teenager and I don't have my cutie mark! And I'm a unicorn and I never really was one for fine arts!" said Nerd-Letter. "Tartarus, I'm even a bit insane, but I don't care about any of that stuff. All I care about is making friends and helping others, even though I've never done anything bad in the past. I help others not to redeem myself, but just because I want to seem helpful. Why don't you try doing what I do, and ponies will trust you and see you as a good pony," said Nerd-Letter.

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"I did I wasn't always evil our Mercenary unit fought mostly for good we never got involved in major crimes but we were known as heroes I named us the Shadow Bolts after Luna's elite army" Snowflake turns to Nerd-Letter adjusting his hood "I was just going to fade away but it seems Equestria needs me more then ever" Snowflake grins "lets go" 


(to anyone who doesn't understand Snowflake is now a hero)


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@Snowflake Frostflame


Nerd-Letter smiles at Snowflake and nods. ​"Come on, let's go catch up with Alamo at the castle," Nerd-Letter said in a cheerful tone. Nerd-Letter then ran towards the castle, occasionally looking back to make sure Snowflake is keeping up.

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*Alamo reaches the castle, and looks at the guard* "I demand to speak to your person in charge, I have dire need of him and he has need of me as well, I was attacked by the black alicorn, and it appears that your officer wanted me about something so I am here to reply to that as well, a unicorn should be showing up here as well *without even letting the guards ask questions walks into the castle*

(Gonna be here until the captain comes)

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Shadowknight -


A few moments later Shadowknight stood among a group of scorched earth and trees. His magic was reacting to his anger or was it the opposite way, he couldn't tell. "I try my best......I work hard and help whenever I can......They don't deserve it." After a while, Shadowknight just stopped talking and satisfied his need for vocalization by snarling and growling in rage, lashing out at nearby trees. He even heard the whimpering as he set a timberwolf alight that was stalking him. His powers were feeding off his anger and insecurities, making both his powers and his emotions grow.


Steelhide -


By this time Steelhide was in Ponyville. He admired the fabled Twilight's castle from afar. In truth he had only heard of it recently from passing travelers. He decided that it would probably be best to introduce himself to the ruling princess. Perhaps she already knew of the dark presence that he himself sensed. Even if she didn't, he would offer his service to uncovering the source and dealing with it as Justicars do. To right wrongs and deal with evil wherever it may hide is the Justicar way. With a determined stride, Steelhide approached the castle.


Sunmane -


Sunmane had given up on searching for his brother and reasoned that his brother probably just wanted time to himself. Sunmane was still worried. He wandered about Ponyville for a little bit longer hoping his brother would show up before heading to his own home. His home was a rather newly grown oak tree, raised from a sapling to a great growth by some unicorn magic. From his house Sunmane ran a little herbalist shop that provided natural remedies and cures for a fairly cheap price. As Sunmane entered the tree, a few fireflies awoke and started flashing their lights, illuminating the room in flashes of yellowish green.

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Nerd-Letter catches up to Alamo. "Hey buddy. Has Shining Armor talked to you yet?" Nerd-Letter asks. Nerd-Letter then looks back to see if Snowflake kept up with him, then looks back at Alamo. "Luckily for us, I made your friend realize that you don't have to do good stuff just to redeem yourself, you can be like me, doing good stuff just to be helpful," Nerd-Letter said with a cheery smile.

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The Guards had let an Earth pony trot right in...at first Shining Armor rose quickly from his seat at the small table across from Vested Interest and looked quite startled, but then calmed down and addressed the pony,


"Ah, you're just in time! I was just about to get started!"

Edited by Nightwind Boreas
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@Nightwind Boreas


Nerd-Letter walks in. "Get started with what? And why were the guards looking for us? What do you want from me and my cousin?" Nerd-Letter asks. Nerd-Letter wanted answers, and he knew he could only get them from somepony with authority.

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*Looks at Nerd* thanks kid, you know what might as well make you family, means you get a real nickname how but Orange Sun idk we will figure it out but welcome to the family *walks over to Snow* "This is your second chance to make up what has happened don't repeat yourself." *Give Snow a friendly shove* "Good luck this time."

*Turn to face Shining Armor, and also notices the ponie in purple that he saw earlier today*

"Yes what are we starting?"

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@Nerd-Letter, ,


Shining Armor motioned towards the table where Vested Interest was sitting.


"So, about these disturbances that have been coming from the Everfree..."


"You aren't trying to pin it on us, are you?" Vested Interest said flatly.


"No, ma'am, in fact, we were wondering if any of you had any information about what was going on out there. There's a way in which you could be useful to our security efforts in Ponyville and across Equestria."

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@Nightwind Boreas


"Well there's an alicorn going around messing with people. Trying to bite pony's heads off and making them go crazy," explained Nerd-Letter. "I had a little encounter with him near Everfree Forest, so he might be related to these incidents you're talking about," he continues.

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I have the also have info you need, I was near this black alicorn and so was my little brother here, knocked him down." "The alicorn can use hypnosis and can teleport that is the main concern but maybe my old, dead, light blue friend can tell you more than I did, he knows who he is maybe."

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