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"I LOVE THE OCEAN, opps sorry, it's just been a while, I miss the ocean that I live by, but yeah I think that this pony is nice" Cecilia said a little embaressed about the sudden outburst she made. By this time she was really missing home, Cecilia wish she could see her brother and her friend.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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Tempest nodded slightly and laughed a bit. "The funny thing is that I'm not even a pegesus. I'm a bat pony." He said. "As for this," The bat pony then waved his hoof to emphasize the current environment. "I don't remember being here, but I think Gale said that she visited a island like this in the past." Tempest then noticed a large mass in the sky heading towards them and drew his swords. "Looks like we have company."


Gale groaned as she woke up and noticed Tempest, along with Cecilia and Raven. "Well, looks like somepony made some friends." The dragoness said, before taking note of her surroundings and seemed to tense. "This isn't be good."

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"Can't get a single break can we" Raven said drawing out the two handed blade before casting the light weight spell on it before hearing another voice and seeing the dragoness waking up. "Cecilia get ready...at least this time we are getting help" Raven said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Seriously, grrrrrrrrr, why can't we get a single brake, I mean what the hay" Cecilia said not wanting to do this, but she still got her braodsword out anyways. Just great she thought, hopefully this didn't last long, she wanted to make that dress, get a house, be happy in this world while she can.

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"Hopefully we can end this very quickly" Raven said as he hel his blade up and he himself was surrounded by fire and he slowly took tick damage.


((Aether Aura: Become engulfed in fire to raise attack and defense and gain new attacks but lose health slowly till it is either dispersed or the user has 1 hp left))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest waited for whatever was in the sky, but whatever it was just flew right above them. "Well , that's a bit anti climactic." He said as he put his swords away. Something didn't seem right, and he noticed Gale was up. "Is everything ok?"


Gale glanced at Tempest and nodded. "Yeah. I just have a few bad memories here." She said, looking at the ground. "Come on, we should find a town." The dragoness then trotted into the forest.

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Raven dispersed the aura and sighed. "False Alarm...good to know" He said using a life gem to heal what health he had lost. "That thing will probably come back soon" Raven said sheathing the blade and looked at the ocean.



A blue Pegasus was holding the blade of a rapier to a mates neck. "Send him the message or I'll end you now" The Pegasus said to the mare who was crying. "Quit your dank crying and send it to Cecilia and Raven...after all it would be a shame if your brother found out you died..." The Pegasus said as the mare sent a message saying something. " Good...now we just wait"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Thank Celestia it was a just false alarm" Cecilia said with a fake smile. She started walking then heard something. "Wait I just got a meassege, that's strange the only ones that that have this is you and Dusk, wait could it be Dusk, if it is that would be great" Cecilia said going to her settings, then going to her messages. "Wait who's that, how come I got a message from a strange pony" Cecilia said.

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Tempest glanced at Raven and Cecilia. "I'll go scout ahead and make sure Gale is safe." He said, before doing just that. He needed a reason to get away from all of this and figured that he might as well see if his suspicions were true. If they were, Gale would have to get out of here as soon as possible.

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Raven looked at the message and went wide eyed. "Cecilia thats my sister...she needs help" Raven said now feeling very worried. Raven rushed forward as he sent another message to his sister. "Sis where are you" Raven sent the message as he stopped and waited for her to answer. After a while his sister answered. "A cave...where the hell would a c-" Raven saw a forest and sighed. "In the forest somewhere"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"In a forest, we have to save her, and I think we should go no, it would be for the best if we want her to live" Cecilia said thinking if that was her brothers life on the line, she would go there right away. She still feels bad for Raven's sister being stuck in this world, for her, her brother means a lot to her.

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"Let's go then...if she dies then..." Raven looked at the ground before he rushed towards the forest killing the monsters that would get in his way. "Damn it who ever or what ever is holding her I will murder them" Raven said as he arrived at a cave. Ravens eyes slowly turned color from being purple to yellow. "SISTER" He called out only to hear a cry.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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At this point Cecilia would do anything to help Raven save his sister, she could only imagine the kind of pain he could be going through at the time. "Where is she at, grrrrr stupid cave, having to be somewhat dark and things" Cecilia mummbled to herself.

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Raven saw his sister tied up at the end of the cave."Lunia!" Raven called his sister name and in turn what she said couldn't have been perfect for the blue Pegasus. "EQUINOX WATCH OUT" His sister yelled but was too late as he was stabbed through by a rapier. "You know...I told you I would get you back" Trinity said puking the bblade out before kicking Raven/Equinox. "Cecilia...you done nothing wrong so why don't you leave" Trinity said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"But, why would you do this, why, c-can I at least leave with both of them, alive" Cecilia said really wishing that she could do something. Cecilia was panicking a little, but did her best of hiding it, she dident want ANYPONY killed, well not in her presents anyway.

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"Either leave the girl and allow me to kill them both or take his sister" Trinity said as she cut Lunias ropes before she ran over to Equinox. "Brother are you okay" Lunia asked as Equinox sat up before laying back down feeling pain. " Cecilia...Lunia go" Equinox used a heal Crystal before using Aether Aura. "Im going to kill her...NO ONE MESSES WITH MY FAMILY AND LIVES" Equinox tells before striking Trinity into a wall. "You are a dense idiot Raven.." Trinity said before appearing behind Lunia and putting a knife to her neck. "Drop your weapon or she dies" Trinity threatened

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I have had just about enough of this, either both of them live, or if you do kill them, I'll have to kill you" Cecilia said her eyes glowing read now. Cecilia was mad now, but in no time she thought up a plan. She quickly dashed behind Trinity, without being seen. "No I really don't want to do this, but if I have to I WILL" Cecilia said with her sword already drawn, a pout to plunge it into Trinity heart.

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"You really think I wouldn't think this through" Trinity dispersed into smoke as she was hit before appearing behind Luna before Equinox blocked her attack. "You can't fight two ponies at once unless you want to die" He said as he jumped back. "Trust me...I'll be doing a favor for the Black Coffins by getting rid you you Raven...they heard what you want to do and now you are a target" Trinity said before her weapon glowed green.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest exited the forest to see a Nordic themed town and sighed. "I have to hand it to Discord. He certainly went all out on the world design." He thought. The bat pony just needed to find Gale and explore the floor more.


Gale sighed as she laid in a patch of tall grass in a cove and felt her muscles relax. She knew where they were and had already seen the village. She then opened her eyes to see a second dragon and jumped up. "Well, this just got interesting." She thought.

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"NO I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO DO ON MUCH FARTHER, YOU WILL BE STOPPED" Cecilia said her sword still drawn, charging at Trinity her sword pointing at her heart. She ran fastster and fastster, making sure that she won't be able to miss Trinity this time, she really close to her now, Coles enough to impale her.



((yeah I've been letting you deside if she gets hit by Cecilia or not, because it is your character))

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Trinity laughed before dispersing into smoke before appearing silently behind Lunia before impaling her bring Lunias hp to Zero. Equinox turned to see Lunia fall and caught her. "Sister no..." Equinox said as he tried to heal ony for her to shatter into polygons. "Oh boo hoo she's dead" Trinity said before feeling a hoof to her face. "Trinity...I had ignored you multiple time but this...IS THE LAST STRAW" Equinox was covered in blue fire and held two blades and his hp started to drain. "I'll kill you...I don't care if I turn to a red player...I WANT TO SEE YOUR DEAD CORPSE IN THE REAL WORLD WHEN I GET OUT" Equinox yelled

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I-I dident stop her, she keep disappearing on me, why couldn't I stop her, why" Cecilia said keeping her years back, she had to do something now, she dident care what, even if she becomes a orange player for a while, she dident care, it was something she would have to deal with. Cecilia started charging after Trinity again for the third time.

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Equinox rsuehed forward before stopping and grabbing Trinity. "Cecilia hit her into the air..." Equinox said before he slamed her into the ground and threw Trinity towards Cecilia before he jumped up before looking at his health. "Half gone hopefully I end her" Equinox muttered.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Cecilia heard this request and thought it a little crazy. Did she really lesson to Raven though. Actually yes, she did lesson to him, Cecilia hit her into the air, she dident know if that would lower any health though if she did that, but what Trinity did was unforgivable.

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Equinox smiled before sending one blade into Trinity pinning her to the ground when it hit her before stabbing her through the neck leaving her at on HP. "Any last words Trinity" Equinox asked as he took out the other blade. "I hope Discord kills you...all you care about is getting out...YOU WON'T WIN" Trinity said. Equinox only sighed before looking at Cecilia. "You want to do the honors?" He asked Cecilia

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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