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private Raising the Sun, Carry the Fire. [1 & 1]


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Finished, he picks up the backpack Equipping it onto his back and picks up the little filly carrying her out.

Exiting from the hall they enter into a lobby area approaching to the exit. He carefully steps over the collection of shattered glass below.


The air smells stuffy, with the addition of burnt ash. Looking both ways along the desolate street he walks quickly across.


The streets are littered with junk. Turn clothing, trash, scrap and such.

The sky above still dull and gray. But the suns rays could barely make it through as its shape could be seen above.


Bishop approaches to a set of railroads. He begins walking along them, following the route south.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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     Frowning at the bleak scenery Celestia wonders to herself what happened. Looking down at the rusty tracks she can make out small traces of greenery growing between the rotten wooded planks and dead leaves, but not much. Being carried was fine but the filly wanted to walk on her own, she squirms around to signify she wants to be put down. 











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Noticing her squirming he nods and let's her down.

"Now careful girl. Don't trip on these rails." He says to her, the duo walk about along the track, the only sounds are the wind, the crows cawing in the distance and the occasional rustling.


They continue about, the scene of stone, wood and iron the only unchanging factor in their travel.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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 The scenery was starting to do a number on the filly's earlier enthusiasm, she silently hopped from one beam to another without really looking around at much. Looking up at the faded image of the sun in the sky she wished it would come out, the grey rolling clouds just seemed to be choking all the life out of everything around them. 











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Up ahead the two could see something laying about on the tracks.

"What is that?" Bishop mutters to himself as they begin getting close.


Close and closer they discover it is a corpse of man. Upon identifying it Bishop pulls out his revolver carefully approaching.


He kicks at the body making sure it is fact dead.

The dead newcomer is laying face down onto the ground. His exposed skin a pale gray.


Bishop presses his finger against the skin.


"cold... He's been here awhile..." He thinks to himself.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Celestia eyed the body with interest but stayed far away from it, she was worried that it might be one of the monsters from before. As Bishop got closer to it she let out a cry of warning so he would be careful but seeing as it didnt get up she relaxed slightly. Why were there so many bodies around, she still had no clue. 











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Guiding her about, they pass the corpse and continue on to the tracks.

-The hours have passed along near the noon. Bishop Carries the little filly in his arms as she grows weary of walking.


Bishop carefully walks along the beams as they approach a rail bridge. The crackling wood giving slight unease but they make across.


Deciding to rest on the other side, they stop along a scenic stop point placing Celestia down onto a bench keeping her wrapped in a blanket.


In the distance she could see a large cloud column in the distance as if like a wall of ash. The shape similar on form of a mushroom. Bishop offers her some water.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 3 weeks later...



Large amethyst eyes constantly scanned their surroundings as he walked. She constantly felt ill at ease out here; there seemed to be something dangerous around nearly every corner. The filly spared a worried glance downwards as they made their way across the old, unstable wood, tiny wings trying to stretch out by instinct; as if they would carry her and him should they fall. But they reached safety, and she relaxed somewhat.


The little pony had returned to looking around once she was set down, movement otherwise hindered by the blanket around her. When she noticed the strange dark cloud in the distance, her eyes widened as she took in the sight of it. What was it? Where did it come from? That looked like no cloud she was familiar with...


Her attention was drawn away from it when she was offered water. She gratefully accepted the drink, eager to quench the dryness that had started forming in her throat.

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@@Miss Reaper

Bishop took in heavy breathes... The air to him seeming rather thin, or perhaps he was just always near fatigue?


Lack of good meals, bark tasting water... Air made of ash.All the old world luxuries took for granted. Not saying he was always that way, but life seemed too secure to be destroyed.


"And then... The world was engulfed in fire." He mutters looking at the drifting monstrous cloud, in a spectacular site, red bolts of lightning arc about it around the cloud.


"Like the work of the devil..." He whispers, he gently pets the angelic filly next to him.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The air... it seemed harder to breathe somehow. A soft cough escaped her, the filly's small body trying to cope with the less than ideal air.


What was wrong? Why did the sky seem so dark, the clouds so unnatural? She knew it was supposed to be daytime; it most likely would have been hard for a pony so young to tell with the sky dark like nighttime, but somehow she knew it was day. And the sun was going to set soon, too.


It felt wrong, not seeing the sun, not knowing that the ash clinging to the air and the black clouds blanketing the sky were blocking it from view. Something inside her yearned deeply for that familiar yellow orb she had grown accustomed to seeing every dawn and every dusk and all throughout the day. She stared sorrowfully up at the sky, wishing she could just reach up and pull it back into the sky where it belonged.

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@@Miss Reaper

Bishop looked about at the ground, his stare seeming... Lifeless as if everything is drained from him. He shook his head returning to reality.

"Alright girl let's go." He says in a tired tone and placing her down from table.


She follows him along down the scenic path exit away from the decaying railroad. She could hear in the distance, water.

Along their path they spot a stream flowing amongst the dead forestry, its color however quite unusual a murky brown and nasty shade of green.

"Best not drink that. Not safe." Bishop warns.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 4 weeks later...

The tiny filly's thoughts of the sun were quickly swept away with the stream. She looked at he water with caution and curiosity. Something about it certainly didn't feel right. Grey sky? Murky water? Decaying earth? It felt like death was all around them, greedy and waiting to pounce.

Celestia's uneasiness grew as she observed the stagnant and pungent water. Cringing, she adjusted her wings under her coat, wanting to fly away--although she wasnt sure where to go. She looked up at the man--the only sign of life other than herself--he seemed uneasy, too. Where were they going, she wondered. She decided to walk a little closer.

  • Brohoof 1

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Bishop took another step along the path, his foot sinking into the damp mud, before proceeding he turns about and scoops up the little princess before she took into the mud.

Pressed against his chest she could hear his heavy breathes as he struggled through the mud and wet ash. There was a distant rumbling followed by its echo. The monstrous cloud of ash on the far distance near the mountains giving off its red electric arches.


Finished struggling they reach the far end near a paved road, looking both directions. Bishop sits down the foal and begins heading right.

"Come on girl. Let's get going." He says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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As Bishop placed her down on the rocky ground, the filly looked up at her human companion, tired and confused. He began to walk ahead.

Celestia struggled as she walked dazedly beside him, nearly tripping a few times. She was unbalanced without use of her wings, but she hardly noticed. The tense and dreary atmosphere was picking away at her last shreds of energy and happiness, and Celestia had closed her mind from the danger around her. It didn't feel right, but she couldn't remember what did, so she simply kept walking.

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The trekking continued. It's as if this was indeed daily life, but each step never felt natural anymore. A precious cost upon his fatigued disposition. The sky in it's dark atmosphere began to grow darker. Bishop picked up Celestia and continued onward.


With what light still remains they approach to halt in the trek. Ahead before them seemed to be a large drawbridge. The metal and iron rusted deep with brown decay. Beyond it and it's river was more structures, a town. But none was about.


"We gotta get over there." He says aloud and walks past the bridge post and along a walkway under the bridge still lifted up in it's position.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Celestia looked up in fascination. What was this structure? What was if the man just said? She had rested a bit since Bishop had picked her up, and she had a little bit of energy again. With this newfound ambition, the tiny filly twisted her neck this way and that to take in the huge structure.

She noticed that Bishop's steps were becoming slower and more careful as they approached the structure. Celestia ignored this and stared forward, through the mist into the town up ahead. That must be our destination, she thought to herself, and she suddenly became full of energy and joy. She shifted in Bishop's arms and squealed happily. We're almost there, she thought.

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Underneath the structure, the two bridge sides meeting nearly upward at their tips. Bishop set down the filly.

"Gotta find some... Rope." He said just spotting a long length near tumbled over barrels. From his pack hanging along it's side he kept his steel crowbar. Looping the rope on the hole loop at the bottom near the pry he tied it firmly.


Satisfied with his grapple. He looked back down to Celestia and petted her gently.

"Just hang on." He says, a giving slight sigh.

With what energy he has,left he gave a hefty toss of the crowbar up to the bridge scaffold with a loud grunt. With the grapple clanging against the metal he tugs the rope firmly.

"Alright... Good hold." He says as he catches his breathe.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Celestia gazed at the rope as Bishop picked her back up. She had realized what he was planning when he suddenly pulled it taut and gave her a quick smile.

Celesia pressed herself against Bishop in horror, burying herself into his chest. As Bishop began climbing across, she let out a squeal and nearly leapt out of his arms. Utterly frightened, she scrambled back into his grip, gasping and shaking. She let out a sharp sob as the man tried to keep his balance.


((I'm guessing you were planning on climbing over, right?))

Edited by AmberDust

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Bishop groaned loudly as he strained to hold on .nearly half way along.

"Argghhh... Just hold to me!" He grunted as he reached his hands up to ascend.

"Just... Just a bit further!" He again groaned as his tired arms gripped tightly.


Finally as if by ages, they make it onto the scaffold. The metal groaning under his boots as he held Celestia tightly.

"Just hang on..." He whispered and looked up at the gap edge between the two bridge ends. With careful balance he holds up the filly helping her up to the ledge before climbing up himself.


Finally.at the top he lays upon the hard concrete breathing heavily his limbs shaking from the strain.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Safely on solid ground, Celestia scuttled onto the concrete nervously, stopping only when she was quite far away from the ledge. She turned sharply in a panic.

Bishop was on the ground, face contorted in pain and chest heaving. He was breathing heavily, but he wasn't moving otherwise. Worried, the foal no longer felt afraid. She trotted timidly over to Bishop, who was still shaking, with one hand clutched to his chest.

A look of determination came across Celestia's face. Bracing herself, the alicorn filly pointed her horn towards Bishop in an attempt to heal him. Yellow sparks flew in a beautiful show of lights, bathing the dreary concrete bridge in warm, golden light. Then...they stopped. Nothing had happened. Celestia caught her breath, dazed.

Saddened, but not defeated, she walked closer to the man. Nudging his hand with her muzzle, she slid her head under his arm so that it rested on her soft mane. Celestia licked his injured hand.

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Bishop's breathing began to regulate and calm. He looked at the little princess and gently petted her.

"I'll... Huff. I'll be okay." He says trying to assure her.

He sits up and looks outward toward the town.

"Come on. We gotta go." He says and he stands carefully walking down the angled bridge as, they enter into the town limits.


The streets were empty.like everywhere else they have traveled to. Only the rumbles of the ash cloud and the occasional caw of scavenger crows. Bishop and Celestia approached to the steps of the library.

"Come on now. We can stay here." He says.


Opening the doors the place briefly lit up but soon darkness returned. All shutters and curtains closed.

Carefully from his pack he pulled out the hand cranked LED Lantern. With the light on they enter into the atrium, the place seemingly untouched only by ash and dust. Books line along the shelves and stacks upon the tables.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Celestia looked about in wonder. What was this place? Something about it felt familiar to the filly, but she couldn't place the memory. All she knew was that if felt like home.

Easing up a little, Celestia ran ahead of her human companion, exploring the undersides of tables and trying to hop up onto shelves to sniff the books. She even wandered outside the beam of his flashlight, curious of what lay further into the building. As she galloped about merrily, all of her prior fears seemed to have melted away, and Celestia was certainly making the best of it.

After a few seconds of exploring in the dark, Celestia returned to Bishop, looking up at him happily. She tugged his pant leg with her teeth, urging him to shed light further into the dusty building.

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"Haha, okay okay girl." He smirked a bit as he followed the little filly inside. Normally he would be cautious before entering a random building. However in the past diasters, Library were reported the lest raided.or occupied building.

For the most part, Bishop was comfortable entering in.

Shining light along the rows upon rows they stopped at the children sections. He couldn't help but smile, stuffed animals and color posters lined along the Dusty walls and tables.

Most of the books remain intact. Color books, crayons, picture books and chapter books all lining about of the selection. In the center of the small section lay blankets and.pillows thankfully no gear indicating this was not used before.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Celestia was besting with glee as they approaches the most colourful, comfortable section of the library. She plunged into a basket of soft stuffed animals, snuggling up in the middle. She let out a quiet squeal. But she didn't stay in that basket long, as Celestia felt she had so much to discover in this wonderful room. She stared in awe at the array of colourful books, then quickly shifted her attention to the blankets, then the crayons. She looked up at Bishop expectantly, swishing her tail left and right.

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Bishop sat down next to her and gently petted her.

"Guess I know were we'll be sleeping for the night." He says scratching under her chin gently. Looking at the coloring books he opens a few along with the crayons.

"Make yourself comfortable while I go check the rest out." He says again petting and standing. He leaves the flashlight near by shining about in an angle allowing most of the section to be lit up. With a small pocket LED he heads onward.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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