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open The Rainbow Factory.... Part 1.... [Horror] [Dark] [Evil] [Good vs Evil]

The Shadow Stallion

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Exit the Factory, its your only hope OOC Thread





Ponies across equestria and far beyond have been disappearing. Most of the victims have been earth ponies and Unicorns with the rare case of a Pegasus. This has been going on for years and hasn't ever really been noticed.


A recent development has resulted in Cloudsdale. The Rainbow factory has grown over the past few years. The factory is dark and mysterious but as long as the rainbows keep flowing the public is happy. A few ponies have even claimed that the rainbow factory is responsible for the disappearances of ponies and have been publicly disgraced for their "False" accusations. After a few years these ponies too disappear and are never heard of again.


Mystery surrounds the factory and nopony has ever talked to any of the workers inside except for three ponies, one being the head of the factory; Sunnydays, Clearsky, and Dr. Summerheat. In every interview they have responded with honesty and have shown how their factory works (or so they want the public to think) The truth is that nopony truly knows what goes on behind those dark walls. Nopony except the three leaders and their workers who are either too afraid to reveal their secrets or too ambitious to betray their bosses.


Everypony else can only wonder and be curious.....



Sunmane was in ponyville tending to his herbalist's shop. He had to restock his shelves with fresh healing herbs and remedies. It was a rather small shop, but it gave off a nice and cozy vibe. Instead of regular lanterns, Sunmane had a group of fireflies flitting through the shop, illuminating everything in a not unpleasant yellow-ish green glow. His shop was also his home, his home being one floor up above and the entire building was actually a tree. Almost anypony that went into Sunmane's shop could feel nature all about them or so they have said. It was here that Sunmane and his brother dwelled.


Shadowknight was actually far from ponyville. In fact, he was in cloudsdale, examining the rainbow factory from afar. He wore his leafy cloak to cover his entire body from horn to hooves. He examined the fences and the rainbow stream that came out of the factory. He was quite impressed by it, but some feeling was nagging at him that something was wrong with that factory. Almost like an instinct, or like the darkness in him recognized another darkness not too far away.....

Edited by The Shadow Stallion
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Blue Flare, a pony in which had wandered Equestria most of his life, had noticed the disappearence of ponies. He read about the conspiracies and decided to check it out for himself, being a pony of mystery and desperation for an answer in Equestria. His eyes and horn glow red as he casts a spell of "Cloud Walking" on himself. He then continues to ask an old friend to take him to the City of clouds. As they flew towards Cloudsdale, an eery presence came into play. As he walked and searched around this heavenly wonderland, something bothered him. No, it wasn't the fact that every pegasus there was shocked by a unicorn walking on clouds. It was more of a evil darkness feeling. One that he could not shake. He thought "There is always a darkside to somewhere, somehow...". He looks turns as a meraculous amount of color filled his eyes. It was the reflection of the Rainbow Factory's bright vivid colors. He thought it was beautiful, seeing the multitude of colors. He found himself naturally drawn to it, but in the lost thought of his childlike wonder, something told him it was wrong. There could be no way thats posibble. He stood at a distance from the factory, staring at the rainbows flowing from the side suspiciously....

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Terias Quest, a weather pony from hooveingdale, was drafted from her post as guard hooveingdales weather factory, to serve cloudsdales needs. She has seen many horrible sights and has kept to herself for most of her life, having a small group working in a laboratory. She was posted at the front gates the the factory that had the rainbows produced daily. She heard the screams coming from inside but decided not to notice it. Watching from her post she saw a unicorn starring at the building from a fare distance, his mane was a blueish purple color. He seemed to be examining the rainbow in which case was flowing off the side of the structure. she ignored the imperative staring and kept watch for intruders, but she still, was wondering who he was and why he was noticing that small detail... Maybe he knows about the screams, and horrors coming from inside the grey bleak building, or the disappearances of filly's and colts. Though she kept guard, and was loyal due to her job, she always found a way to bend the rules, as the week progressed the screams became loud and more painful to listen to, and the more she worked the more she worried...

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The heights didn't bother her.  Nor did the bright sun, or slightly thinner air.  No, it was the wind, which was much stronger up here then down on the ground, and made it hard for her to breath.  But Sakuya was determined not to let it defeat her, nor to let the Pegasus ponies around her see any weakness.  She leaned back against the front bench of the wagon, as the four Pegasus' pulled it further up into the clouds.  This was her first assignment from Ennex where she was in charge, on her own.  He had been grooming her for a few years now to take a more hoofs-on roll in the Organization, and now, he finally was giving her the chance.  It's only a simple delivery run, she thought to herself, just twice per week, but at least he's letting me try.  She new that he was showing great faith in her to handle this account on her own.  Cloudsdale Weather Corporation was a big client, and they needed the business badly.  

Even if she was just in charge of delivering supplies.


And that was what worried her.  Ennex neglected to mention just exactly WHAT they were delivering.  She glanced back an the closed-in wagon behind her, wondering again what was in there.  I mean, what DO you use to make rainbows anyway?





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Luna walked around the factory ready for another exciding day at work. She loves working here, mainly for one reason though, the meat of the dead ponies. Luna worked on the "body disposal" team, sadly for her though, she wasn't the only one on that team, which disapointed her. "Maybe I should go to Mr. Summerheat's office and ask if I can be the only one on the disposal team, but wouldn't her question it" Luna whispered to herself so quietly that no pony should hear her. She walked over to the door of Mr. Summerheat's office and knocked on it. "Hey... um Mr. Summerheat, I would like to talk to you, um if you don't mind" Luna said still knocking on the door waiting for an awnser for the pony. "Maybe he's not here, or he could be busy at the time, but I have to ask him" Luna whispered to herself not knowing what to do, so she stood there waiting for something to happen. Still nothing, wait maybe he's at an interview or something, maybe shopping. Luna couldn't stand it anymore, she knocked on the door again. "Mr. Summerheat I would really like to talk to you" Luna said.

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Mazra Umbra traveling, searching for new ingredients to help with her experiments. Be it a rear plant of some kind  or the tail of a dead possum, anything she thought would be useful. As she was passing under Cloudsdale, a filling came over here. The only time she would get this feeling was  she was passing over a unmarked graveyard or a old battlefield from a long time ago. As she searched out this feeling she soon found herself looking  up at Cloudsdale. Most places wouldn't have such a large quantity of lost spirits. 


Wanting to find these spirits, she looked for a way for her to get to the city of clouds. Luckily it didn't take her long to find a hot air balloon pilot to take her there. When she made it she cast a cloud walking spell on herself and her things. And of course her undead pet rat, Lucy. After she got bouncing on clouds while giggling like a school filly out of her system, she set out too look for where the spirits might be.


But not before wondering around a little. Even though it was important for her to find these spirits , she was still on a trip so it's not a big deal if she did a little sightseeing. She's never been to a cemetery made out of clouds before.

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Summerheat, aka Dr. Slaughter, was in the process of preparing for an interview with the cloudsdale and equestrian press. She hated these interviews and wished that they weren't necessary, that she could continue her work in peace. She practiced a charming smile in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. She also had washed out the bloodstains from her labcoat. It had been a rather productive work day so far. After she had prepared she noticed she had 10 minutes to spare before the interview which would be held in front of the rainbow factory. She went to her office and not a few seconds had she entered, somepony started knocking. She groaned and moved slowly to the door. The knocking continued. "HANG ON!" She yelled angrily. She made it to the door and opened it to look at Luna standing before her. "Ah....disposal team. Is something wrong?" She asked sternly. She had glanced at the do not disturb sign she had hung up on her door and scowled that Luna had neglected to take heed of it.


Clearsky, aka Butcher, waited outside the rainbow factory near the back. The timing could not have been worse. Summerheat was going to an interview right in front of the factory. Clearsky himself was waiting for a new shipment of materials for the factory. It was supposed to be delivered by a Pony named Sakuya or something like that. He waited impatiently with several armored and armed pegasi guards who looked rather menacing in their black armor. However, despite how menacing they appeared, they weren't the real threat. The real threat was Clearsky himself, known by all in the rainbow factory as, Butcher.


Shadowknight was watching the rainbow factory intently and saw a gathering of ponies in front of it. He moved toward the front gate and joined the small crowd. Apparently these were various news groups and they were waiting for the appearance of the head of the factory. Shadowknight made sure to keep his cloak pulled low around him. He got several suspicious looks from nearby guardsponies who were eyeing their weapons while looking at him, ready to take him down if he caused any trouble. Shadowknight was content to wait.


Sunmane was still tending to his shop in Ponyville, he had made quite a few sales in the past few minutes. Some delegates of the rainbow factory had come by to buy some poultices to treat some "Factory injuries". While Sunmane didn't like dealing with anything associated with mechanics and opposed to nature, he did uphold the oath of treating and healing any and all who were injured. However if he knew of his customers and what they did, he might would've held back on giving these ponies any aid.

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"Oh um well, ah, I was wondering if it could be possible that I'm the only pony on the disposal team, sence I'm really good at it I would just be happy if it was only me, besides what's the point if I'm the best and no pony can compare, and if you don't mind if that is, and sorry about bothering you like this I know that you are really busy, but I thought that this was a matter that needed to be discussed" Luna said long gone from that short shyness, with her eyes a slit red color as if there was more of a meaning behinds her wanting to be the only pony on the disposal team, something that she won't tell anypony no matter what will happen, even if others some how found out the true nature of the Rainbow Factory. "And again I am sorry about bugging you like this, because of how busy you really are, but this is my only request that I'll make, then I won't bother you anymore, I promise" Luna said very calmly but her eyes were stil a slit red color for what she has in mind later if Mr, Summerheat accepets her small request that she made.

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  Finally, they broke threw the cloud layer, and Sakuya tried to contain her surprise.  She had seen painting and pictures of Cloudsdale before, but never the real thing.  An entire city built in the clouds, she thought, truly amazing!  As the wagon continued on, she took in the sights of the gleaming white towers, all resting on white puffs of clouds.  They flew past groups of Pegasus Ponies, and headed to one edge of the city.  Looking forward, she noticed a group of buildings, with what appeared to be black rain clouds.  A rainbow stream was pouring out from one side.  Guess we're here, she thought, as the wagon suddenly started heading for the... 'ground'.  Time for some magic!  Removing a small bottle from her saddlebag, she held it up, watching the purple-white liquid inside slosh around.  Pulling the cork free, she downed the bottle's contents in one gulp.  While a normal Unicorn would have just cast a simple spell to walk on clouds, she used a Zebra potion.  But the effects were the same.  A slight tingle in her hoofs, and they took on a purpleish sheen.  That should do it, she thought, watching them approach the structure.  As they passed around it, Sakuya noticed a group of what looked to be reporters huddled at the main gate, apparently waiting for somepony.  A flash of nervousness passed trough her. Ennex said this is completely legit, she reminded herself, no need to worry yourself!  But something was still bothering her, dabbing at the back of her mind...

  They flew around to the rear of the Factory, and with a bump, came in for a landing.  Noticing the guards watching her every move, She took a deep breath, composed herself, and forced a stern look on her face.  Game time!  As the wagon came to a halt, she climbed down from the bench, and noticed a single blue Pegasus standing in the middle of the guards.  That must be Clearsky, she realized, The pony who Ennex made this deal with.  Still a bit nervous about walking here, she took delicate steps, and approached him, while pulling out a clipboard from her bag.  

  "Hello," she greeted him, "My name is Sakuya, and I am here with the first delivery of," she checked the packing slip on the clipboard, "Fresh Supplies..."





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@@The Shadow Stallion


Mezra Was wondering though the shop, looking for anything that would catch her eye. After not finding anything she got herself some cotton candy from a stand that was near a factory of some kind. Where she could here a lot commotion coming from a large group of ponies stand in front of the building.  After paying for her cotton candy and made her way over to the group to see what was going on.


After butting a magic bubble around that would stop others from bumping into her she made her way thought the crowd to get to the front. While walking though the crowd the feeling she had earlier started to come back with a more strength.  It would seem that she found the place she was looking for. All she had to do now was find a way to get into the building. She though while she kept munching on her cotton candy. After breaking though the group she took of the bubble off the spell. When she took a step forward she accidentally  bumped into a large stallion who was wearing a cloak that was almost like her own.  "Oh, I'm sorry."

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Summerheat frowned. The disposal team was meant to dispose of any evidence of what went on in the factory. While relying on one pony had its security advantages, what if the day was too busy for the pony to handle the job by herself. "What makes you think you can manage all those bodies by yourself?" Summerheat questioned, raising an eyebrow. She still had time to kill and she nearly laughed at that thought given the irony of her job.


"I see..." Clearsky said, a scowl on his face. "Couldn't you have been more subtle? Well I guess it can't be helped given that blasted interview those press ponies love to foist upon us. Ennex promised me his best delivery and best supplies...." Clearsky continued on walking past Sakuya with his dangerous scowl. He stepped up to the wagon. "I hope you don't mind me checking the....fresh supplies to see that they aren't damaged." He said, moving anyway without waiting for permission. He looked at the crates on the wagon and opened a small wooden shutter on one. He peaked inside and nodded with satisfaction before closing it. "At least you got them here in useful condition." Clearsky said walking back to Sakuya and then holding out a hoof for a pen to sign any paperwork that Ennex insisted on using.


The Crowd outside the rainbow factory waited eagerly for the fabled Summerheat to come out. They mumbled among themselves various rumors and questions they would ask. They also bickered about their different news teams.


Shadowknight was waiting patiently for the interview to begin when somepony bumped into him from behind. He turned around rather quickly thinking it might be one of the guardsponies getting ready to escort him off the premises for being a "Suspicious" figure or some other excuse. To his surprise it wasn't a guard. It was a strangely dressed female unicorn. "No harm done." Shadowknight said and then continued. "If you want a better view your welcome to take my spot." He said, offering his spot. He was a tall stallion and didn't want to rudely block anyone's view which was ironic because he was pretty much in the front. He thought if he kept his head low everything would be alright though.

Edited by The Shadow Stallion
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@@The Shadow Stallion,


 "Thank you, and sorry again." She said as she got up and stood next to the tall stallion. She looked around the building trying to see if she could find a place she could sneak in from. She also listened to the ponies on the crowd talking about the building and the ponies running it. She didn't really know what was going on but maybe it had something to do with the large collection of forsaken spirits around the factory.  As she looked around her attention when back to the tall stallion. Not cause he looked strange but because we was really tall. Mezra was pretty short for her age so to her the stallion was like a giant.  


Mezra didn't like being short, it was always hard for her to reach things. That, and she looks like she should still be in school cause she looked younger then she really is. Mezra sighed and tried to stop thinking about it and focus on why she was there in the first place. While she tried to think of a way to get inside the building a hallow sounding squeak came from her cloaks hood. Then a undead rat climbed out of in and onto her shoulder. "Oh, sorry, Lucy." Mezra said as she took a bit of her cotton candy and gave it to her pet rat. Lucy took it in her little bony and rotting pas and started nibbling on it while Mezra did the same.

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"Not at all," Sakuya responded, waving Clearsky past her to check the cargo.  "I assure you, everything is in order.  We value your business, and promise only the very best."  Best of what, she thought, is the real question!  She watched as he peeked into the crate, checking on the contents.  Once he was satisfied, she held out the clipboard for him to sign the delivery form, noticing the look of annoyance on his face.  While paperwork was tedious, Ennex had insisted on it.  He wanted everything to remain legit and above board, in case any law ponies came snooping around.  This was a simple and completely legit business transaction, nothing more.  


After he signed the form, she waved to the Pegasus ponies who flew her up to the Factory to begin unloading the crates, and turned back to Clearsky.  "Thanks for your business," she said, while watching the unloaders out of the corner of her eye.  They appeared to be struggling under the weight, and again, she found herself drawn to the mystery of the contents.  "You'll be getting the bill from us in a few days."  Slipping the clipboard back into her bag, she decided to give into just a little curiosity.  "Can I ask," she began, still watching the crates being carried into the loading dock, "just how DO you make rainbows, anyway?" 





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"Well I've been doing this for a few years now, and I have every thing handled, besides training new employes for the disposla team would be to much of a hassle to deal with, expecially on a day like this, I heard that we have more ingredients for the rainbowd imported today, besides its easy for me to sneak around crowds, but say there were more ponies on the team, and were all disposing the dead fillys, wouldn't the crowd be courise about what were doing, and why there's so many ponies there" Luna said sounding very reasonable about the situation, knowing how many ponies there might be outside the factory at the time. It would be bad if they see so many ponies that are on the disposal team, and wonder what there doing, and why there's so many. "And besides the less workers the easier the secret of the Rainbow Factory can remain, and we don't want the secret to get out" Luna said hoping that Mr. Summerheat would agree with what she said, and will finally say yes to her request that she made earlier.

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Shadowknight saw Mezra's little undead companion on her shoulder. While he didn't necessarily know what kind of magic was keeping the thing alive, he knew it wasn't natural. Then again, neither was he. Instead of shouting 'Is that an undead rat!?!?' he leaned down and whispered. "You may wish to hide your little companion. Pegasi don't respond well to magic of our nature." He said. Though his magic was different, more related to shadows then anything, they did share a common source. Both sources were unnatural. Anyhow this pony seemed nice and he didn't want her to get into trouble with any guardsponies.


"Sugar, Spice, and everything nice of course." Clearsky responded with a sarcastic smile to Sakuya. He began to frown again. "Apparently Ennex forgot to mention not to ask questions." He walked towards Sakuya and stopped in front of her, looking her in the eyes, his own were as cold as ice. "Tell Ennex thank you from me and that I look forward to continue working with him." Clearsky continued by saying "And in case you get any ideas of 'examining' our supplies. Don't. If you do the consequences may be....dire." Clearsky said ominously before turning around and overseeing the rest of the delivery.


"Surely you know about the fake factory we have set up in the front. Nopony that doesn't work in the factory sees the real factory. They always are heavily escorted through the sugar and spice rainbow factory." Summerheat said disapprovingly. "While I do agree less workers means less noticeability, it also increases the chances that our disposal team won't be able to dispose of the bodies as quickly as we produce them." Summerheat eyed Luna up and down. "You really should make more of an attempt to control your bloodlust." Summerheat continued, guessing that Luna just wanted more bodies to herself. "While I do appreciate your enthusiasm, we don't want to overburden our workers." Summerheat glanced at a nearby clock on the wall. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to that blasted interview. By the way, the disposal team could use some more help right now." Summerheat said, glancing over Luna's shoulder and seeing that a particularly heavy-set pony needed disposing of. Without another word Summerheat left through the other entryway to her office. She went off to her Interview with all of equestria's press.


Summerheat walked up to a large raised podium and beamed a smile at the crowd. The crowd of reporters and onlookers grew quiet as the fabled Summerheat took the podium. "Hello, I am Summerheat. I am one of the supervisors of the rainbow factory and I am here to answer any questions you might have. I will say that shortly I will invite you to a tour of our little factory." She said laughing charmingly at the joke of the little factory. Most of the crowd smiled and laughed a bit at the joke, enraptured by the charismatic Summerheat.

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Luna nodded in approval of what Mr. Summerheat said, then walked back to her station of the disposal team, not going to tell the others of what she decused with Mr. Summerheat. "Ok we have more of the "ingredient" for the rainbows today, so do your best, and don't make to much of a mess like last time" Luna said, but mainly to herself, even though she knows the others will more then likely hear her. She looked around to make sure everypony was were they need to be, and doing what they are suppose to be doing. "Ok everything is in check, nothing's out of place, good were ready to go, but I have a bad feeling something is going to happen today, something different" Luna said to herself making sure no pony heard her. She did a double check to make sure that things are in line, once she was finally satisfied, she waited for any dead filliys that they might get soon. Luna still had something nagging at the back of her head though, she dident know what it was, but she was thinking that maybe the Rainbow Factory needs some more gaurds, just in case.

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A scowl formed on her face.  "You don't need to threaten me," Sakuya growled at Clearsky, "I've been in this business long enough to know the rules of the game.  No, Ennex didn't say anything about 'not asking questions', he trusts me to handle things on my own.  And," she nodded towards the crates being carried by the others, "you'll notice I didn't ask what was in those, just wondering about rainbows.  I heard you give tours of part of the Factory open to the public, and just never seen it myself."  She shrugged.  "Honestly, though, I was just trying to make small talk while waiting, but if you'd prefer silence-"


A shout interrupted her, and she turned to see a Pegasus, struggling with a crate that he was trying to pull off the wagon, without the proper support.  Two others flew over to assist, but it was too late.  Loosing his grip, he could only watch as, as if in slow motion, the crate fell off the edge of the wagon, striking the ground in a cloud of dust and wooden shards.  


"Damn them Luna!" Sakuya cried out, thinking about how much this mistake was going to cost them.  Thinking she had to react to contain the situation, and show Clearsky they could handle things, she rushed forward before he could react.  "Get this cleaned up!" she ordered the Pegasus, while making a mental note of his name to add to her report.  At the least, he would have to be assigned to another job in the Organization.  But as she approached, the dust began to settle, and, before she could realize that she was going to see what the big secret was-


There, laying in a heap on the ground, in the middle of a pile of broken wood....  was a unicorn.





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Shadowknight saw Mezra's little undead companion on her shoulder. While he didn't necessarily know what kind of magic was keeping the thing alive, he knew it wasn't natural. Then again, neither was he. Instead of shouting 'Is that an undead rat!?!?' he leaned down and whispered. "You may wish to hide your little companion. Pegasi don't respond well to magic of our nature." He said. Though his magic was different, more related to shadows then anything, they did share a common source. Both sources were unnatural. Anyhow this pony seemed nice and he didn't want her to get into trouble with any guardsponies.


Mezra looked back up to the large  stallion whom she bumped into. She's never really thought about hiding What kind of magic she practiced or Lucy. But but for some, seeing a undead rat might freak  out a good deal of ponies. So without a word she placed Lucy back in her hood where she wouldn't be seen. Then Mezra cast a spell around herself and the stallion. The spell would allow them to speak more outwardly with worrying about anyone overhearing them. "When you say  magic like ours, do you mean forbidden magic?" She asked the stallions while looking up to him with her big dark eyes. Then a large grin started grow on her face. 


"No way, are you a Necromancer as well!?" She said with excitement as she started to get giddy. "I never thought I would meet anyone else who practice forbidden magic as well! Most ponies are either too scared or squeamish to practice it or even talk about it. I think it's mostly because it gets a bad reputation. But pretty much anything that ponies don't know anything about gets a bad reputation." She shook her head with a sigh. "So, are you a Necromancer like me or is it another type of magic?"

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Summerheat looked over the crowd. "So are there any questions that you fine reporters would like me to answer before we start?" She asked with a nice smile to the crowd.


Clearsky growled in anger and shot a glare at his armored guard. One of Clearsky's guard subdued the freed unicorn and used a pair a manacles dangling from his saddlebag to maintain better security of the unicorn. The rest of Clearsky's guard had surrounded and subdued Sakuya's co-workers while Clearsky himself marched up to Sakuya. "Well... You have seen our fresh supplies... " Clearsky said slowly, looking into Sakuya's eyes, wondering what to do with her and her comrades. He knew Ennex would keep things quiet. If it was discovered that he had been involved in this, he would be in just as much trouble as Clearsky would. It was a reasonable assumption also that Ennex would like to continue making a profit. Clearsky wasn't sure of Ennex's employee Sakuya, he wondered if she would be discreet about this or not. She would be a loose end if Clearsky let her go. Clearsky continued eyeing Sakuya, trying to make up his mind about her. Already most of his guard was escorting the unicorn and Sakuya's co-workers inside. They knew too much and were considered to be expendable. However, Sakuya was close to Ennex. Clearsky still had two of his armored guards with him. (I am sorry if this post isn't that good Ennex, long day x.x)


Shadowknight looked at Mezra. "I... am not a Necromancer, I do not even really know what that is. But I do possess a form of what many would call dark magic. Similar to yours, but not quite the same." He continued. "I do not practice it.... it just happens, I have not really learned how to control it." Shadowknight was uncomfortable when speaking of his dark magic. It wasn't like necromancy, but the roots of his magic was chaotic and dark in nature or would that be unnature, Shadowknight wasn't sure. "What is this Necromancy? Is that what you did to the rat to make it....?" Shadowknight trailed off, he wasn't sure if the pony had used magic on a living rat to turn it into that or if she had somehow brought it back to life or unlife. Whatever it was, it seemed very unnatural to him. Then again, he himself is considered unnatural. 

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@@The Shadow Stallion,


"Come back to life? Yes. It's just one of the things I can do. Along with bring the dead back to life I can summon spirits, demons, creatures from other planes of existence, that sort of thing. I've learned many things about dark and forbidden magic. But anything having to do with the dead I'm an expert at.  And you do seem to have a darkness around you. Also from what you say it seems that you didn't choose this magic. Where as I chose mine."


She placed a hoof on the stallions shoulder to get a better feel of his magic. "Shadow magic, hmm. I've run across creatures with your kind of magic before, and one pony who practiced it . Of course the pony I met  has been dead for centuries, but still. I can also tell that this magic as been with you since before you were born. It runs deep within you, so deep that it would be like draining the blood from your vanes if someone tried to pull it out of you. It is a shame that this was placed on you without a choice." She took her hoof his is shoulder. "But the best thing you can do is lean to master it. Plus normal magic is so boring."

  • Brohoof 1
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She stood there, frozen in place, watching the guards lead both her workers and the shackled unicorn into the cargo door of the Factory.  Unable to move or speak, she could only think.  So, THAT's what Ravage has been doing.  I wondered why the keys to Warehouse 2 were missing from the office, and why I haven't seen that creepy 'Enforcer' around lately!  Ravage, another of Ennex's top employees, was his personal Enforcer.  A tough stallion that wore a black full-body suit which covered even his cutie-mark (assuming he even had one, nopony knew), she usually would see Ravage at their office tower in the evenings, but lately, he'd been missing.  Ennex had said he was working on an important project.  She would have dismissed it, if the keys for their warehouse near the waterfront hadn't vanished.  Again, she was told it was part of Ravage's project, and not to worry.  But Sakuya was being groomed to be Ennex's second-in-command, and she new that something big was going down.   But this...


It was a moment before she realized that Clearsky was standing over her.  "Well... You have seen our fresh supplies... " he said, and she finally broke her muscles free, and turned to look up at him.  Sakuya could see the thoughts behind his eyes.  He can't afford to let this out, she quickly realized.  I'm a 'loose end', and if... she glanced at the shackled unicorn, THIS, ever got out, Celestia herself would have them all imprisoned!  That thought made her realize another.  He knew.  Ennex new all about this!  Anger crept onto her face.  He knew, and he still sent me here!  After everything we've been through, he still sent me here!  Knowing her minutes were numbered, and that Clearsky wouldn't wait forever, she came to a quick decision.  I WON'T let this be my end!  If only to get answers from him!  Self-confidence restored, she found her voice, and gave Clearsky her best wicked smile.  "So, you somehow use poor defenseless unicorns as 'manufacturing tools', huh?" she said, pouring bravado into her voice, her own personal hatred of unicorns making it easier by the moment.  "Looks interesting.  And if it gets homeless delinquents off our city streets, who am I to argue?"




One reporter, a brown stallion wearing a grrey suit and black tie, raised a hoof.  "Ms. Summerheat!" he called out, "Some ponies have raised questions about all the heavy security around your Factory.  Tell me, if all you are doing is mixing ingredients into rainbows, why all the guards?"  He gave her a quizzical look.  "Got something to hide?  A secret project for Princess Celestia, perhaps?"

Edited by nx9100





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Shadowknight had flinched a bit at the touch of Mezra on his shoulder. It wasn't just that she was necromancer, it was just a normal reaction of his. He wasn't really used to being touched much less being in a crowd of this magnitude. He saw that the interview had begun and was half-listening to it while he responded to Mezra. "That is an interesting way to look at it. It is a part of me and I have made use of it." The sympathy sounded genuine in Mezra's voice. "I don't know how to control my magic. Certainly keeps things interesting when I accidentally darken a room with a cloud of shadows." Shadowknight continued. "So... you learned your magic? Why would you be interested in this kind of magic?" He asked, curious. He did think raising the dead was unnatural, but it did pique his interest a bit on how it was possible to do such a thing.


Clearsky raised an eyebrow at Sakuya, he realized the gambit for what it was. A desperate ploy to save herself, but he did sense a bitterness or hatred for unicorns in Sakuya. "Yes it is quite an interesting procedure in the factory." Clearsky said. "To think Unicorn's could actually be useful, though how Ennex manages to capture such fine specimens, I'll never know... I sense that mayhaps you have a grudge against the unicorns for some reason?" He inquired. He didn't even need to mention the broken horn. Perhaps Clearsky could send back Ennex's protege. If her contempt of unicorns and fear of him were maximized, he could coax her into a silence and thus avoid an unfortunate incident in his business relationship with Ennex. It was still a risky idea, but Clearsky was actually considering it, though he made sure not to let it show on his face. He kept a cold and calm expression while waiting for Sakuya's response.


"That is an excellent question!" Summerheat said and in her head she smirked. It was a common question and one she had planned for. "You see, the chemicals we use are indeed dangerous there is no use in hiding this. However, in our expert hooves they are turned into the beautiful rainbows which not only keep cloudsdale afloat, but also help us control weather all across equestria. Now since these chemicals are so dangerous to work with, we need guards to protect us and make sure that we can operate in a relatively quiet and peaceful environment." Summerheat finished eloquently smiling at the crowd as she saw many ponies nod their heads at the explanation. If one did deal with dangerous chemicals it was only natural that one needed all their concentration. Guards ensured that these scientists could do their civic duty to cloudsdale. "Are there any other questions before we begin? And no you will not be in any danger while we tour the factory. We have already stabilized the chemicals and they are prepared to be turned into lovely rainbows." Summerheat swept her gaze across the crowd. She had an uneasy feeling in her stomach, but her outward appearance was cheerful and friendly. She felt as though something would go wrong or was going wrong at this moment.

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Lun was bord of waiting and wanted to do something already. "Grrrrrr, how long is this going to take, what is going on" Luna said actually growling, even though she dident mean to growl, she was just very annoyed at the time. With the process taking a bit longer then it usually does, she desided to go outside of the Rainbow Factory to check things out. Once Luna was finally outside, she tried to look for any strange ponies that might be lurking around the building, trying to find out the secret. She started using her wolf nose to sniff around the place to see I'd she could find anything. Then Luna cought a sent of something that's been close to the Rainbow Factory. The sent was of a pony, something was really wrong, she had to warn somepony, but who. Mr. Summerheat was busy with the interview, Clearsky was busy with the ingredients, and she dident like some of the other ponies, but something had to be done, and she couldent talk thing into her own hooves, well not this time at least. With so many ponies here, she would have to be careful.

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@@The Shadow Stallion,


 Mezra thought over the stallions question. She's never really thought about why she wanted to learn Necromancy. Then she remembered when she first encountered the old house in the badlands. She thin hugged the large, patchy leather book that hung to her side, to her chest. "To be honest, it was a shot in the dark type thing. I never really thought about when I wanted to practice it. It's just when I found this book" She said showing it to the stallion. " I just couldn't help but feel something deep inside me that said this was the magic I was meant to do. And it turns out it was. Cause the first think I did was reanimate Lucy. Then I got my cutie mark right after."


She said as she pulled her cloak back a little to show it off. "But I as I got better at it I've had many encounters with strange things and beings. I've seen things that would drive a ponies with the strongest of wills into madness, or the toughest, meanest most cold blooded stallions into sniveling, bed wetting, crybabies. And for some reason I could't  help but love every time I got close to losing my mind. I find it fun and exhilarating."

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 "Yes, you could say I have a grudge," she replied, but decided not to bore Clearsky with the details of her life.  "Let's just say I have no use for them, and their so-called 'proper magic'".  A scowl formed on her face, as she looked away from him, and her voice turned soft and dark.  "They took my mother from me, so I have no problem taking them from their own families."  Even saying that, she felt a pang of guilt, remembering the look on the shackled unicorn's face.  But the memory of her adoptive mother quickly overtook it, and the guilt faded.  It didn't matter that this unicorn, or the others that were no doubt in the crates, had nothing to do with her mother.  They're all the same, she thought, so high-and-mighty with their 'magic'!


She looked back at Clearsky, and saw his attempt at intimidation.  Any lesser pony would probably give in to the fear and do whatever they were told.  But she'd been through worse, had even stood in that same position a few times herself.  I won't be intimidated!  Standing up to her full height (which was still a bit shorter then most ponies), she looked him right in the eye, and allowed the darker part of her heart to take over.  "So, do you just toss them in a vat, or is there some other form of darker magic involved?" 

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