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open Journey Through Space


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Ambon thinks very hard about the day she got hired at the station, and hesitates for a moment, before blatantly stating "I don't know!" She then takes a moment to process Biscuit's apology. "Sorry? What for? You've just given me a better reason to tell you that we always need more hydro-ponies to farm for the stuff AND things! After all, 10 per dozen spacebars in the station are used for farming!"

I wrote this thing.

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Biscuit looks at the odd pony with an appraising eye.  "You know the station?  Could you introduce me to somepony who can hi-- who knows more about the stations' hydroponics program?" 

Worst comes to worst, she thinks, I won't get the job and I'll take the next shuttle back to the colony.

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The small orb dissipated and the medicine dropped into the ponies hooves, "ok have a nice day, stay alive, you know the drill." Synth walked back to a working counter farther back and started to write some words onto a piece of paper.


(OOC: sorry its short I am a bit pressed for time at the moment)



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Ambon answers to Biscuit unhesitantly; I have no idea where the hydro-pony department is, but I know somepony who does!" She dials 2117 on her station communicator. "Qwello! Do you know where the hydro-pony department is?"


Sinu takes the bottle and puts it in one of his pockets before walking out the door. On the way back to his laboratory, he gets an F sharp on his headset, part of a custom system he designed that uses different pitches to denote different operations; he answers the call. "Hello?" pause; "By hydro-ponies, do you mean hydroponics?" pause; "Yes. Area 6, Section 9, space 2." He hangs up and continues walking.


Ambon puts away her station communicator. "Affirmabanana! I got the room; let's go!" She says enthusiastically as she bounces in the direction of the hydroponics department; as usual, she runs into a door before even leaving the gate.

I wrote this thing.

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Synth sat down behind her desk and waited for something interesting to happen. After waiting a moment she lost the reason she was sitting there for and turned on the music channel before sitting back down. Synth opened a draw in her desk, pulled out a book and quill, and continued to write her novel not paying attention if a pony comes in quietly.



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(Shadow realm)


Midnight Shadow flicked her mane before looking at the portal she had just made within her shadow realm. She smirked before stepping though it wondering what new world she could conquer today.



(Equestrian Realm)




A grey pegasus with red eyes dropped though a black portal with a green spiral hole, it then disappeared causing the Mare to groan. getting up off the floor she glanced at her right wing which was at a odd angle, "I already hate this world, wait where my portal go?" she groaned before opening her eyes "damn not another sacred world, why can't i just warp into a shadow world instead of having to make a new one each time" she grumbled.


She got up on her hooves and glanced around spotting a strange looking device, she went over to it and started tapping on the square buttons causing the thing to make 'beep boop' noises, unkown to herself she had just activated the intruder alarm without knowing it.


She gave up with the strange noise and saw a strange device with items inside, "must be a weapon stash she summarized before walking over it and reading the label 'Soda Dispenser', i knew it was a weapon stash" she finished before tapping at the transparent forcefield with her hoof "damn its guarded" she growled. She saw a slot with two thinks, a label mentioned 'coins' and another 'notes' "must be a security measure" she said aloud before kicking the device.

Edited by MidnaShadows
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With a belabored sigh, Water Biscuit trudges after Ambon.  She shakes her head grimly as she contemplates how she could have looked at a map of the station to figure out where the %!^#$! hydroponic stations were.  Could the ponies here possibly take the reference of the disoriented ADHD pony positively?

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The intruder alarm is sharply broadcast through Sinu's headset. Within a split second, he jumps up against the wall; on his hind legs, wide-eyed, breathless, and trembling. "Oh, Celestia." he exhales; "Why do I scare so easily?" After he takes a few breaths to recover, he checks the station status on his tablet. "That's strange." He thinks; "None the station's hundreds of doors has been opened within the last 60 seconds. I see no evidence of an intruder at all; I should find out." He then logs onto the security camera footage from the room where the alarm was triggered. "A strange looking pegasus... kicking a soda machine?"

I wrote this thing.

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@@Midnight Shadow,


2 heavily armored ponies approached her, both were decked out in the most advanced armor money could buy, a large laser cannon bolted to their sides, one of them spoke, his voice was heavily senthisized and had a robotic sound to it "ma'am, is their a problem? a strange energy signature was detected around here, also id advise not breaking the vending machine" 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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@@Midnight Shadow,


2 heavily armored ponies approached her, both were decked out in the most advanced armor money could buy, a large laser cannon bolted to their sides, one of them spoke, his voice was heavily senthisized and had a robotic sound to it "ma'am, is their a problem? a strange energy signature was detected around here, also id advise not breaking the vending machine" 


With a loud *pop* a large object dropped from the device, Midnight Shadow picked it up by the opening in the bottom. She then laughed evilly as she drained the colour from the object. She glanced behind as someone asked her something. She frowned at two large machine ponies and saw the two large lazer cannons on their sides. "are you telling me what not to do?" she growled casing her right ear to twitch, "because you forget you're place, bow down slave" she ordered. 


She opened her wings causing the lights to flicker across the room. then she threw the object at one of the ponies causing the back of his amour to slowly lose its colour "you dare challenge a princess?" she growled causing the colors to drain away from the soda machine and turn into black and white  "i  am now in possession of you're precious vending machine, So bow down or bow out" she finished glaring at them with her red orbs.


Meanwhile the room slowly started to lose it colour changing to black and white

Edited by MidnaShadows
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@@Midnight Shadow


Synth had been walking down the hallway to get some food from the cafeteria when she saw two heavily armed ponies run past her down the hallway. Having not heard an alarm she kept walking before falling over to another headache. When she got up she put a hoof into her bag and grabbed some pills. Downing the pills she continued walking before she saw a Pegasus looming over the guards of the station. Waiting for a bit she was surprised when the pony turned a different color and started to effect the room. Synth put her bag down and rummaged through it before pulling out a small hand gun. Loading it with a syringe that she used to calm down ponies which she had to find out in the station she aimed and fired at the black and white pony hoping to calm the pony down or make is fall asleep.


(OOC: ugh, I have action posts they look so boring)



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@@Midnight Shadow,


the soda can bounced harmlessly off the ponies armor, he took note that the pony seemed to have magic power despite being a pegasus, quickly a ball of blue energy shot out of one of their cannons, and hit the grey pony stunning her, they then put restraints on her, the other gaurd noticed a second pony @@child of the night,  "Please stand back citizen, we have this under control" the other one commented while activating the magic nullification device in the restraints "think this is some escaped black ops project?" the other one sighed "what ever it is, lets just take her in for questioning" 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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:) Paradoxical counts the bits for the soda so intently that he doesn't notice the guards and commotion.  "How many cans do I need to really get the idea of decompression?  And do I need different brands -- Oooh!ff"  he exclaims as he bumps into somepony.  "Sorry.  I wasn't paying attention."

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Synth ran up to the guards and saw that the pony had been kicking the vending machine, "excuse me guards but if this pony is new and unknown can I do a psychological test on them. Or at least a quick physical exam to see how powerful this pony is?" She shifted uneasily while waiting for the to respond. She didn't remember why but she was always slightly afraid of ponies wearing full armor.



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Ocean was walking along when he saw a some of security guards, and a couple of other ponies and standing around. He heard commotion earlier, but it was too far a away from him to care too much. He went closer to examine what happened. He saw a gray pony but couldn't figured out what caused the commotion. He went to the nearest pony that he saw that didn't look too busy. @@paradoxical,  "Do know what happened here?   

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Sinu sits down, watching the camera; he looks in surprise as three mare ponies crowd around the commotion. As the situation begins to get interesting, he decides to walk down to that vending machine to observe.


After getting to the floor, he walks to a few meters away, and stands next to the paradoxical. He almost asks "What's going on here?", but another pony asks the same question.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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Midnight Shadow twitched on the ground while another pony put something on her hooves preventing her from moving, "this isn't allowed how dare you, get you're hooves off me" she groaned sleepily before beginning to snore, she began to drool causing the floor to lose its colour everything a drop of spit hit it 

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@,  @@paradoxical,@,  


"Citizens please disperse, we can handle it from here" they dragged the dark grey pony towards the holding area


@@child of the night, "If you can show us an official licence, we can permit you to come along" one of the guards said looking at the pony "we will of course have to run it by the system to make sure its legit" 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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:) The Stallion looks confused at all the questions about whatever is going on.  "I was about to get a soda and I noticed the machines were listed here."  He turns back to the machines and the officer tells him to move along.  "What?!?  First I can't decompress myself for science and now I can't decompress soda?!  What is science coming to?  Will I have to write forms?"  he shudders, "I hate forms."


:wat: Biscuit looks through the hallways to find out where Ambon had lost her, and finds a big group of people, "Umm what's going on?" she asks a Stallion who for some reason seems slightly familiar to her.


:) "I'm not allowed to even buy a bucking Colta-Cola!"


:huh: Biscuit backs off from the crazy stallion and whispers at the nearest other pony, "So, what IS going on?"

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"Well..." Sinu thinks for a moment to recap what happened. "This unusual pony seemed to appear out of nowhere; she activated the intruder alarm and then began kicking a soda machine and turning everything black-and-white. No there's this huge crowd, including two security guards, coming to see what is going on."

I wrote this thing.

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@,  @@paradoxical,@,  


"Citizens please disperse, we can handle it from here" they dragged the dark grey pony towards the holding area


@@child of the night, "If you can show us an official licence, we can permit you to come along" one of the guards said looking at the pony "we will of course have to run it by the system to make sure its legit" 


Midnight Shadow wakes up in the strange room with two guard ponies watching her closely, she got up and frowned at the chains on her wings and body keeping her on the floor "well what in the world is this?, get it off me now" she growled, she tried to drain the colour from the chains but only slightly did it before they returned to normal colour. "can you turn off the lights please, just for a second" she asked smiling

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@@child of the night, one of the guards scanned it and gave it back "all right follow us then" the guards brought the grey pony into the holding areas and put her in a cell, and chained her wings, she shortly came to "go ahead and preform your psyche test on her, then we can do our own interrogation"


@@Midnight Shadow, upon hearing the request of the grey pony the guard just bluntly said "no" 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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@@child of the night, one of the guards scanned it and gave it back "all right follow us then" the guards brought the grey pony into the holding areas and put her in a cell, and chained her wings, she shortly came to "go ahead and preform your psyche test on her, then we can do our own interrogation"


@@Midnight Shadow, upon hearing the request of the grey pony the guard just bluntly said "no" 


Midnight Shadow narrowed her eyes and glared at the guard and strange science pony, "Psyche?, test?, do you realize who i am?" she hissed. She flicked her tail before fighting her chains, she closed her eyes before concentrating on building up her shadow magic, then she quickly opened her eyes and started at both ponies and released her magic.


"Will you, take me out of here?, when i'm blinded by the light and cannot see you're face, take me out of here, take me out of here" she screamed thrashing around on the floor causing the room to change colors, the lights also flickered for several seconds before everything returned to normal, Midnight Shadow lay on the floor panting several drops of red ran down her wings where she had cut them in paces to try and escape.

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"Well..." Sinu thinks for a moment to recap what happened. "This unusual pony seemed to appear out of nowhere; she activated the intruder alarm and then began kicking a soda machine and turning everything black-and-white. No there's this huge crowd, including two security guards, coming to see what is going on."


"Oh!" states Paradoxical.  Then he places his hoof upon his chin in thought, "If it's not about soda, then I guess I'll get a couple of sodas," he states before turning towards the soda machine and trying to circumvent the guards and odd pony whom they retain.   

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