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private Devils Paradise


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"They say that the devil reside in all of us. Heh. That's kind of fucked up if you think." says a booming voice over a loudspeaker. "From the second, nay, the instant we are born unto this earth, there is an evil inside of us. I can't think that you look at a little babe, and think that it's fucked in the head. You know?" The obvious stallion pauses for a few moments. "That only justifies the actions of evil people, to take and kill and do bad things and say that they took from the devil. Now, I'm neither bad nor good, in my opinion. I just like to help people, especially if their interests are in my interest. So maybe I save you from your evil habits and lives, maybe I place you somewhere to work for someone, build character. Maybe I get payed for it, win-win. Good. Oh and men. I don't mind if you get a little rough with the prisoners. They are the devil after all." Some snickering is heard and then the loud whine as the speaker is shut down. 


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Nightlife sits tied to a pole in his cage. "Can you believe that psychotic bastard? He thinks he's doing us some kind of favor?" He whispers as he struggles against his binds. "Balls..."

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@@Alex Kennedy

Goldseek's vision was fuzzy. Last he remembered, he was about to go on a wonderful vacation. Now he was in a cage, tied to a pole, surrounded by other ponies. He was in an unfamiliar place, which whilst exciting, scared him. He decided to listen to a pony who was talking through a loudspeaker. He spoke nonsense, but helped him understand his situation. He was being sold as a slave, and this stallion seemed to think he was doing a good thing. Goldseek struggles in the ropes, to no avail. He turned to the pony who was in the cage with him, deciding that if he wanted to escape, he would have to get help. However, he was surprised to find that there was not a pony, but a diamond dog in the cage with him. Goldseek didn't have a lot of experience with diamond dogs, but still decided that communication was key. "Hey. Name's Goldseek. Any idea what's going on here?"

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I looked around to see that I was tied to a pole and in some cage, on a ship heading for who knows where. I sighed "And my contract was so damn simple kill the damn leader of these pirates and I get paid a fuckton of bits. Well bad luck and a smart though insane target strikes again."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Scurry was busy trying to reach the ropes binding him with his claws, and almost didn't notice the pony trying to talk to him. As far as he was concerned, the circumstances of his arrival here were irrelevant. His instincts told him to get out, so he would fight his hardest to do just that. Eventually he gave up for the time being and turned to the pony. "Don't know. Want to leave. You want to leave too, yes? We should work together, find way out faster. I'm Scurry." He was about to extend a hand to shake, but his binds made that impossible. "Stupid ropes. But I have claws. Maybe I can cut your ropes, then you help me, too."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


 "Okay. Sounds good. Just try to act inconspicuous whilst doing so. Don't want to attract attention to ourselves." Goldseek looked around, trying to see if any eyes were on them. As far as he knew, there was no pony looking at them. He was also looking out for his weapon, hoping that he could find it as some way to protect himself from the obviously hostile pirates. "Right. Try cut me out, then I'll untie you. We can think of a plan after that."

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Scurry shuffled around and reached over to him, his binds making movement awkward and difficult. "Don't move. Sharp claws." He slowly- and as stealthily as he could manage- stuck a claw between rope and flesh, and, after awkwardly sawing at it for a little while, managed to cut through. He quickly moved to the other ropes and did the same. "Alright. Your turn."

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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@@Alex Kennedy


Goldseek was glad to be free of the rope, but made sure to stick to his part of the offer. He quickly untied to rope, with little difficulty. It would seem that they hadn't planned for escapees. With the ropes both untied, Goldseek decided to take the time to examine the cage he was in. "You got any ideas?"

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Scurry stretched his arms and legs, grateful to be free of his binds. "I can dig. Except, not through the bottom of this cage. Need dirt or something. So no good for now. Probably not strong enough to break bars, and that would attract too much attention. No good with locks, so can't get cage open. What about you?" 

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I looked around to see that a pony and a diamond dog broke free of their bonds. But to my mis fortune I was in a difrent cage. I tried to use my magic to find that I did have an inhibitor on my horn. "Damn it, these fuckers actually have magic inhibitors."


I decided to wait for them to give us some food, that would be the time when I would be unbound and could strike.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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*Quantum awoke suddeny and anxiously, his eyes darting about searching for threats. He was too nervous to speak and, seeing other ponies who were presmably responsible for his capture, kept quiet. He looked to his cellmate, but deperately avoided eye contact.*

Logical people think 'What have I been told to do?'

Creative people think 'What I have I not been told not to do?'

I think 'What am I doing?'

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Night noticed the awakening pony across from himself, but disregarded it for now. He craned his neck back to see that the pole he was tied to was cracked. He still couldn't break metal but he had an idea. "Psst, you.." He whispered. "I can't see behind myself, and I have a plan to get out. Can you tell me if something is coming?"

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@@Alex Kennedy,

"I've got nothing. Let me have a look at that lock." He checked without waiting for a response. It seemed to be pretty simple, and somewhat easy to unlock. Unfortunately, Goldseek didn't have anything to pick it with. "You completely sure you can't get it with your claw?"

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"Yeah, I could do that..." He said almost inaudibly, his eyes never meeting those of his fellow captive. "I think you're safe for now". *Quantum started looking around even more anxiously, They were apparently safe for now, but Quantum couldn't see behind him. His neck had become stiff from sleeping in an awkward position.*

Logical people think 'What have I been told to do?'

Creative people think 'What I have I not been told not to do?'

I think 'What am I doing?'

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"Don't know how. Will it even fit? I'll try." He reached around and tried to shove his claw into the lock. It fit, although it was a bit of a squeeze. He tried to fiddle around with it for a while, and he could tell he was making some of the parts move around, but he had no idea how the mechanism even worked. "What do I do?" 

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@@Alex Kennedy,

"I have no idea. Try fiddling with it a bit until something happens. I'll keep look out." Goldseek decided that an escape route would be important, and chose to start mapping one out in his head. They were on an island, so they couldn't just run home, they would have to survive for a while. He looked at the island closer, sure that it reminded him of somewhere. Then he remembered. The island was similar to the one he had lost his father on. The one which changed his life for the worst. He tried not to show it, but he was scared. Horrified of what was his worst memory.

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Scurry continued to push and twist his claw in the lock until eventually it popped open. "I did it! But... what do we do now? Can't just sit around. They'll find us. We need to find a way off the island. Or someplace to hide, at least." He turned to look at Goldseek and thought he looked slightly... off? Scurry wasn't good with emotions, so he couldn't exactly place it. "You okay?"

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Goldseek snapped back into his senses. "Yeah. I'm fine. Anyway, yeah. We're going to need to hide somewhere, because I highly doubt it will be easy to find a boat and I doubt you can dig all the way to land, not to mention we don't know where land is." He looked from left to right, trying to make sure no one saw them. He noticed a blindspot, along the coast of the island, where no pirates appeared to be looking. "On three, we run that way, okay? One. Two. Three!"

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Scurry shrugged and ran after him. He'd just as soon have burrowed underground and started working on a network of tunnels for them to hide in or something, but then, ponies couldn't dig quite as well as diamond dogs, and it would have taken a while to do it on his own. Still, he'd rather get underground then risk being spotted on the surface. After they'd ran a while, he spoke up. "We should find a good, open place. Then I will dig. Make us a place to hide. Once we're safe, I can dig more. Eventually make tunnels. Move about the island more safely. Until we find a way off, at least."

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I watched them bust free and decided to make myself known. "Hey can one of you bust the damn lock on my cage, I would greatly appreciated. Being tied up and having my magic stopped really restricts what I can do."


I stopped my little rant and waited, for a response.



(Ignore past posts my next will start correctly

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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After a long time of wiggling his forehooves behind himself his binds were cut. "Heh. Cheap ropes plus's cheap cages make it too easy." He says moving to unties his cellmate. "Alright. Now we just weigh our options. We can stay quiet and move slow, or go fast and dangerous. Personally, I prefer the safer one."

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@@Strider (Treat this as my first post) (warning may have POV slips but I will for this rp try to use 3rd person.)


Indicus walked through the ship his target inin his mind, he was here to kill the pirate captian Hektor. The contract just gave him a target and the basic information not even a reason but to Indicus it did not matter.


So far Indicus had not ran into trouble managing to get as far as being near the captains quarters it seemed his luck would hold when a plate near him clattered catching the attention of the guards who just happened to be actually very smart ponies that could do more than just eat, sleep, kill and other base actions.


Those ponies actually pretended to not notice and caught the assassin who was quite exhausted from a spell he used to walk up the side of the ship, and sleep deprivation did not help.


Indicus felt a blade at his neck and a voice spoke up, "Your coming with us." Indicus at a disadvantage complied and followed who seemed to be the leader of this small group. From there he was thrown into a cell with some mare unconscious beside him.


Indicus looked at the cell and aparentlly it only was rusted in a few areas but otherwise was in great condition he tried to use his magic but failed, an inhibitor ring was on his horn. So he decided to wait for a moment to get out

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Sounds good. We might want to move inland first though. If the tide picks up, the tunnel might get flooded." Goldseek looked back where he had just ran. They'd managed to escape from the pirates unseen, but he couldn't help feeling he wasn't safe yet. Maybe it was just because of his past experiences, but he didn't trust the island at all. "Also keep a look out for food and water. I would really hate to starve out here."

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Scurry thought for a while as they continued moving. "Food and water. Yes. Those are important. No point escaping if we can't survive long enough to get off the island. When we find a good place, you go for food and water. I can dig. Ponies are no good at digging anyway. You'd just get in the way."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Goldseek ignored the somewhat offensive comment and nodded his head, continuing to walk. Goldseek stayed quiet for a while, keeping an eye out for necessary items. Eventually, they found an area that was somewhat open, and hidden away well enough. "Will this do?"

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Scurry nodded. "This is good. I'll start working. See if you can find something to hide the entrance to the tunnels with while you get food. Can't let them find it. And stay safe." Without further delay, Scurry settled in and began digging, his powerful, shovel-like hands sending earth flying everywhere. 

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