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open My Unlikely Friends: Our Adventure

Samurai Equine

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"Hello there," Gear said, "Anyway, I've found this book. And I would suggest looking the cover over a couple of times. It has the second gem on it, a black sqaure with an II on it." Gear handed the book over to Tribly, "According to the book, this crystal was located here, and it still should be. Good call coming here."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"Th-thanks," 462 said, as he transformed into an all red mare, still wearing the cloak. "I've never really had a nickname before. It just never really seemed important with... my line of work." He looked ahead, into the distance. "Oh, and about your friend... I'm not associated with that wretch who calls herself queen of the changelings. I'm only part changeling you see and, well... they don't exactly accept hybrids into the hive." He seemed to start thinking deeply, before coming to again. "Anyway, about that name. Hmm... I suppose I'm pretty good at stealth, so maybe...."

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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"Yes! He was totally a talent scout. I just couldn't believe it!" Two of the tellers at the treasury prater on about something unimportant while our heroes continue checking it out.


"Great find, Gear. And I think somepony at this Treasury might have it." Trilby says before going over to one of those tellers. "Excuse me, can I talk to the manager of this establishment? We really need to speak to somepony about a super rare gem stone." Trilby asks. "Sure, hold on." The teller says before activating an intercom device. "Mr. Nathan? You have some visitors." The teller says. "It's Natrolite! You KNOW my name is Mr. Natrolite. What do they want?" Natrolite asks. "They are asking about some rare gem stone." The teller says. "Tell them I'll be there shortly." Natrolite says before the transmission cuts off.


In his office, a crystal pony wearing a suit adjusts his tie and makes sure his mane looks as professional as possible. "Rare gem stone? Hmm... Could it be the numbered one? Couldn't be." Natrolite says to himself before leaving his office.


Seconds later, he trots his way out to our waiting heroes, putting on an artificial yet welcoming smile. "Greetings! Sorry for the wait. I'm..." He stops when he sees Bronze and Tanzanite among them. "Well, well. Look who's come to visit my First Imperial Treasury Savings & Loan. I never thought I'd see the day." He says, dropping his smile.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Gear had got out the crystal summoning book so that he could read it. If this guy was going to monologue he didn't want to waste his own time. 'Crystal summoning is quite easy, but more complex shapes(Shapes with more sides) take up more magic. To summon crystals, all you need to do is follow these simple instuctions...' the book had carried on for a good while longer. Gear followed every step, carful not to summon a box in someones face.

Edited by Gearhart

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"Th-thanks," 462 said, as he transformed into an all red mare, still wearing the cloak. "I've never really had a nickname before. It just never really seemed important with... my line of work." He looked ahead, into the distance. "Oh, and about your friend... I'm not associated with that wretch who calls herself queen of the changelings. I'm only part changeling you see and, well... they don't exactly accept hybrids into the hive." He seemed to start thinking deeply, before coming to again. "Anyway, about that name. Hmm... I suppose I'm pretty good at stealth, so maybe...."


Lorec spoke.


" hmmmmmmmm..... Well.... You're a red mare now, and you're good a stealth.... How about Shade Rose? Any good? I mean, it's generic, but.... I'm not very good with these things. I'm sorry. By the way, since you transformed into a mare, be careful around Syuren. He can't control himself like a proper gentlecolt. But maybe, if you stay in that form and you don't tell him who you really are, he might surprise you. And..... I'm sorry. Just know that you have my sympathies. And I won't pester you about your past. Your path

Is your own, and so is your story. So.... How about that drink?"



Lorec turned away, letting his massive Zweihander greet the changeling. For a moment, 462 may have felt it. There was something up with Lorec's sword. Something.... Almost otherworldly. Lorec made his way to the Manticore's brew entrance, awaiting 462 and holding the door.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Bronze dropped his ears once he hears the name. He shied away at the comment but Tanzanite took a step forward. "Leave it, Nat."


Before he could go on Bronze interrupted. "Were looking for some peculiar gemstones. I believe our friend Gear here has found a picture of what we're looking for."

  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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"Hmm, oh yes, the one on the front of this cover is what we're looking for," Gear said, handing the pony the book and getting back to reading. He was invested in the book, this magic would be able to help so many ponys, summoning crystals could be the difference between life and death.

  • Brohoof 1

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"That... actually sounds pretty good, thank you," 462 (or shade rose) said as he (or she) walked through the doorway. quickly, he added "and I'll be careful, don't worry. I've transformed hundreds of times, and I've learned how to take care of myself." His voice then changed to that of a mare's. "Now let's go get that drink." She, then started walking towards the counter seductively. Her cloak also seemed to change to that of a tight cut dress. Many heads were turned in the small bar, as the beautiful mare strutted up next to Syuren.

  • Brohoof 1

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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462's new form, that of Shade Rose, is quite the interesting choice.


Many ponies are all ready taking an interest in her. Ponies are ready to start flirting. Patrons who would normally challenge Lorec to an arm wrestle for superiority are now challenging him for the right to spend some time with Shade Rose. Ponies that Syuren would love to try and make friends with are now asking him if Shade Rose is single. Perhaps The Manticore's Brew was not the best place to go with a mare, or a Changeling pretending to be a mare.




"Leave it? Is that any way to talk to an old comrade? I guess the days we stood up to Sombra don't mean anything to you anymore. I expected that from your son, but not from you." Natrolite says.


Still, he looks at the picture in the book. "Oh yes, that gem. I know the one you are looking for. That picture is inaccurate, but I know what you're looking for. Here at the Savings & Loan Treasury, by order of Princess Cadance, we take all of the kingdom's excess treasures and convert them into usable bits for everypony so the Empire will be more prosperous. Princess Cadance thought it would be a better use of all the treasures Sombra collected during his reign. But the gem with the roman numeral on it... Top scientists have studied it up and down, and despite our best efforts, we can't really assign a monetary value to the gem. It's not like any other precious material or mineral ever seen. I've been holding on to it, keeping it in a private off-site holding, at least until I can find the best use for it." Natrolite explains.


"Great! We need that gem. Is there any way you'd be willing to part with it?" Trilby asks. "Hmm... Actually, there is. That is, if Bronze is willing to entrain a request." Natrolite says with a sneaky smirk.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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"That... actually sounds pretty good, thank you," 462 (or shade rose) said as he (or she) walked through the doorway. quickly, he added "and I'll be careful, don't worry. I've transformed hundreds of times, and I've learned how to take care of myself." His voice then changed to that of a mare's. "Now let's go get that drink." She, then started walking towards the counter seductively. Her cloak also seemed to change to that of a tight cut dress. Many heads were turned in the small bar, as the beautiful mare strutted up next to Syuren.


Syuren was in the middle of arguing with the bartender when 462, now under the guise of Shade Rose, trotted in.



" ... So what?!? Yeah, I'm young, but I can handle myself! I'm an adult this year, for cryin' out loud! Not to mention I'm a war vet! Don't believe me? Wait until my friend gets here! He'll vouch for m-... Hey, what are you looking at, barkeep? I'm right he-.... Holy Guano, she's hot..."



Syuren had noticed the barkeeper staring past him, and at something else coming towards them. He had turned to look at what the barkeeper was, and was he glad he did. Until she sat beside him, at least. Lorec followed close behind, sitting on the opposite side of Syuren that shade rose chose. Syuren was looking straight down, at the counter, blushing hard. He wasn't very good with mares, and this one was a head turner for sure. He spoke.




" ummm... Miss... Do I, uh.... Do I... Know you?"



It was obvious that his skills dealing with the fairer sex were inadequate, to say the least. All of his luster and pride, swept under by a mare who just happened to sit beside him. Lorec couldn't help but chuckle.




And that's when it started to happen. Lorec was getting arm wrestling challenges from ponies who were smitten by 462's new visage, and Syuren was getting pestered, asked if they were a couple or not.




" she is a being and you will respect that. If she wants to spend time with you, she will do so herself. Now do I have to repeat myself?!?"



Lorec yelled to the growing gang of prideful, testosterone-induced ponies.



To the ponies asking Syuren If he and the mare were in a relationship, he simply stuttered.




" um... Well... No, not yet... I MEAN.... c'mon, just leave her and I alone! We just came for a drink!"



Syuren then leaned toward the red mare. He was still blushing hard. The look in his face had turned serious, however.



" Ma'am, it looks like you came at the wrong time. Some think you're with my Minotaur buddy here, and some think you're with me. Most are drunk. This ain't good. We might want to leave before some pony gets hurt. It's all fun n' games till a chair gets thrown and a bar fight starts. I have a plan. Wanna hear it?"


  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"I haven't forgotten my old war buddy, but I--" Bronze stepped in front of his dad now and talked in a hush while the others looked over the book. 

"Stop it."

"He's just pig-headed. We needed every pony we could --"

"Maybe you should leave it! To every pony else here, that's ancient history..." The two left off at that and was just in time to catch Trilby speak up and for Natroloite's proposition.

"Entertain? Natrolite, my son--" Tan began but once again Bronze talked over him.

"What do you want me to do?" 

Edited by Bright Bastion
  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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"Aww, but I was just starting to have fun!" said the disguised changeling, now Shade Rose, clearly enjoying herself a little bit to much. "But I guess if you want me all to yourself I won't hold you back." She then turned to the crowd, putting her forehooves to her mouth, shouting, "Last stallion standing gets it!!!" The lovestruck colts stared blankly for a couple of seconds, before going into an all out bar brawl! Hooves were flying, and bottles were broken upon heads as they all started fighting for the love of the Beautiful red mare.


In the chaos of the situation, Shade Rose levitated three abandoned drinks from the counter with a sickly green aura, bringing one to herself, and the other two to Lorec and Syuren. "What? You wanted a quick drink," she said to the two men, before calmly strutting out of the establishment, with an enormous grin on her face.

  • Brohoof 2

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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Before Lorec, Syuren, and Rose could enjoy their drinks, a dusty crystal pony on miner's gear comes in shaking with a frightful look on his face. He promptly steals their drinks and begins downing them like water, ignoring the chaos in the bar. "I'm not going back, I tell ya. I'm NOT! I don't care how much they pay me. Forget the mines! They should just blow 'em up and seal 'em off! No amount of bits in all of Equestria is worth that..." The shaken pony says.


He seems to have a story to tell...




"Let's just call it... An educational field trip."


Somehow, Natrolite has convinced Trilby and his friends to go with him without Tanzanite chaperoning. They are seen leaving the Treasury and the populated area of the empire. "You see, Bronze, I know all about you. I remember your father telling me stories about you. He didn't care that you went off like a free spirit after we were freed from Sombra. But while you were off doing whatever you liked, we had to stay here and rebuild from the ground up, removing negative reminders of our past so we could all have a better future. And I'm willing to bet you wouldn't know a hard day's work if it looked you in the face. Well, we're going to change all that." Natrolite explains on the way to their destination.


In no time at all, they are standing outside one of the biggest mines in all of the Empire. "Did you know that this is where Sombra had most of us digging and working to find him gold, diamonds, crystals, and other valuables? It was his most important mine. This is your heritage, Bronze. It's part of the crystal ponies' legacy by now. So many ponies working their hooves to the bone..." Natrolite pauses to pick up a random rock on the ground and bounce it on his hoof. "Many dropping from lack of food and water, or from random cave ins. Yes, this mine is VERY important, just like..." Natrolite begins, only to be interrupted.


"HEY! Is this crystal empire straw?!" Trilby shouts, having ventured off to do his own thing. Around the sides of mine, there are plants and shrubs growing; the same kind that produce straw. "I've heard about this legendary straw that can only be found in the crystal empire, which is used to make your signature crafts and hats. This stuff is really important part of your legacy, right?" Trilby asks. "Well, I guess, but that's not..." Natrolite begins, a little stupefied that his thunder is being lost to this rather clueless leader.

  • Brohoof 1


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(Sorry for being inactive for a bit. Been busy)


Drakk stared at what had caused the crashing noise, along with half a dozen crystal ponies and the mare of which he hadn't recieved the name of yet. Anyway, what they saw made them confused to no end. Well, everyone but Drakk. There, right Infront of a big hole in the wall and some piles of rubble, lied a small, unconscious little dragon. Drakk's eyes widened and his face filled with fear of the worst, and he immediately sprinted across over to the dragon, pushing the few crystal ponies in his way. He dropped down to the floor and stared at the little dragon for a second, confirming who it was. He picked the dragon up with his two forehooves, forgetting about Magic, and brought Drake's chest to his ear, ignoring the sad glances from the couple of ponies watching. At first, nothing, and Drakk started to feel a wetness in his eyes. Just when he thought he lost one of the most important things in his life, he heard beating. His eyes widened once more as the beating got a bit quicker, and he heard a couple of coughs just above his head, as well as movement in his hooves. Drakk quickly realized that what he was holding was still breathing, and a smile slowly found its way onto his face as he hugged the little dragon as if he was the last important thing in the world.


"C-ca-can't, Br-bre-ath..." Drake managed to say with the struggle of trying to let his lungs get filled with air.


Drakk loosened the grip on the hug, but didnt let go. Not for all the bits in Canterlot.


Once the dragon managed to see what was holding him tightly, he noticed the Unicorn hugging him. "D-Drakk, what are you doing? What happened?" Drake said, a tad bit confused.


Drakk finally released him from the hug, after a couple more seconds, and smiled warmly at Drake, happy that he didn't lose him too. "Drake... What the HAY Were you doing!?" And his smile faded just as quickly as he stared intensely at his companion.


Drake backed away a bit from the sudden change of mood from his friend. "I-i was j-just looking around!" Drake Said, coming to a stop as his back hit something, and he turned his head around, seeing the blown up wall. He turned back to Drakk, a little scared. "S-sorry! I d-didn't mean t-to break anything!"


Drakk ignored his friends words completely and trotted closer to Drake, much to his fear, and pulled him into an unexpected hug. "Don't ever scare me again... Never again..." The unicorn quietly said, a few tears going down his face.


Drake got confused again, just staring forward, somehow not noticing the bunch of ponies watching the two of them. "Uh, Drakk? What are you doing?" He asked for a second time.


Drakk broke away from the hug once again, and looked at Drakk for a minute, before getting up on his hooves once again. He trotted over to the small group of spectators and talked to one of them. A mare, to be more exact. Once their little conversation ended, the mare spoke up. "Alright, Everypony! Museums closed due to damages. Please get out so we can fix the problem" She said, directing it to all the crystal ponies. Apparently they had increased in numbers, and about two dozen had been standing there, watching the small scene with a unicorn and a dragon.


Some of the crowd 'Aww'd, but they all left I the end anyway. The mare that told them to go out went over to the door once everyone left and locked it, aswell as switching a sign on the door to 'Closed'.


She trotted over to Drakk and Drake. "Well, that was certainly heart melting." Was the first thing she said.


Drake was about to immediately ask a important question, but Drakk interrupted. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for removing the crowd, by the way." He turned to Drake. "Now, I just have to ask, How did you manage to somehow blow up an entire wall and nearly kill yourself in the process?" He asked, a stern look on his face


Drake got a bit nervous. "Well, I was going through the halls and found this really weird crystal and decide to, kinda, touch it?" He said, cringing a bit. "Then I just heard a loud noise and everything went black.." He continued


Drakk's eye twitched a bit. "You find something that looks weird in a museum full of 'Wonders and Mysteries' and decide to touch it?"


Drake just got an awkward and nervous smile plastered onto his face.


Drakk put a hoof to his muzzle and sighed. "Well, atleast you're here right now. Anyway, so you know what this 'Crystal' looked like?"


"Well, it was dark and looked kind of scary."


Drakk turned to the Crystal pony mare, who had been watching the entire time, careful not to disturb their conversation. "So, know anything?"


The mare shuddered a bit. "Y-yeah. Mist likely the crystal from the time of S-Sombra's rule..." She shuddered at the thought of that tyrant.


Drakk pondered at this for a moment, not noticing that the Mare was uncomfortable with that topic. "Huh. Well, don't know how that has anything to do with blowing up..." He shrugged. "Should probably check it out. Might be important."


Drake got a bit nervous at that. "Uhm, can't do that..." He said, looking at he floor.


Drakk raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"


"Cause if, sorta, Disintegrated?" There's that awkward and nervous smile again.


Drakk just stared at him for a moment and sighed. "Well, that's certainly bad news." He turned to the mare. "Sorry"


The mare smiled at him "Oh, don't worry. I can get a new one, somehow." She said


Drake lightened up a bit when he heard that he hadn't destroyed something irreplaceable. Drakk smiled. "Alright then." He turned to the blown up wall once again."Uh, need help fixing that?" He asked.


"No, it's fine, I'll just hire some ponies to fix it later." She replied


"Alright then." Drakk said, and then the silence ensued.




They just stared at each other for a couple of minutes, until Drake felt like breaking the silence. "So, whom are you again?" He said, directed to the mare.


"Wait, I didn't say? Well, sorry about that. Anyway, I'm Quick Thought. Nice to meet you" She said, bearing a smile. Drakk shot a glance at her flank for a moment, and noticed that the cutie mark was a brain. Nothing else. Just a brain 'Drawn' on her two flanks.


Quick then glanced at Drakk. "So, what are you going to to now? Oh, and can I come!?" She said, clearly excited.


Drakk pondered on it for a moment. Bringing her with the two of them to the rest of the group, we would have to tell her. Won't exacly work, that. But, he couldn't just leave her bare-hooves after blowing up her wall and destroying one of the artifacts in her museum.


He sighed. "Fine. But don't utter a word to anyone-Excuse me, Anypony, and don't panic or anything later on" He said. 'Cant believe I'm agreeing to this'


Quick Thought brought a hoof to the forehead in a military fashion. "Yes, Sir!" She said.


Drake was clearly happy to get to know a knew friend, but Drakk was a bit unsure. Well, whatever the case, they know had a new companion and had to find the others and explain to them. 'This might not go so well...'



*Fake Name Tag: @Samurai Equine*

(Great opportunity to create another OC! Anyway, if this is somehow against the rules, sorry. Ca you tell me if 'Quick Though' can follow on, or not? She's coming either way, but how long she will be following depends on your approval. If she's in, she'll follow the whole way. If not, she somehow gets 'Ditched' in a bit)

Edited by The Snowy Mystery
  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Gear had looked at the tresury owner, he seemed to be toying with Bronze, like he had some sort of dirt on Bronze. Gear had kept a keen ear, just incase of any secret planning, he had stopped reading, only moving his eyes back and fort, hoping nopony would notice.

  • Brohoof 1

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Syuren and lorec were simply dumbstruck.462, or Shade Rose, had just started a riot. Bottles and chairs thrown everywhere. Jealous screaming everywhere.



" Great, not only is she pretty, she's nucking futs! Man, every made I've ever wanted to get to know turns out to be like that!"



" Doesnt matter! We need to get out no- hey, woah, calm down. What's wrong?"



Lorec and syuren had their drinks swiped by an old pony yelling about something. He was unsafe here, as well. They honestly didnt care about the drinks at this point.



" calm down, old guy! What's wron... oh, screw it! Lorec, yoink 'em and lets go!"



" Yoink?"



" oh, for celestia's sake! It MEANS TO GRAB. NOW GRAB HIM AND RUN!!!!!!"



lorec grabbed the pony under his arm, and lifted him. To him, most ponies were like toddlers, so this made it easy, at least. After they grabbed the pony, they started to run towards the entrance, and out of it, following Shade Rose.



It wasnt very long until the brawl attracted the guardforce of the crystal empire. Thankfully, Lorec and Syuren would be left out of the arrests, along with the old pony in tow.


They followed in Shade Rose's general direction, now walking and trotting at a slow pace. Lorec asked a question of the miner pony.




"What is wrong, miner? What is so terrifying that you refuse to work at your particular mining location?"

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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It wasn't that hard to send Tanzanite on his way, "You won't be excused forever." Bronze reminded. As the four walked towards the mines, Bronze listened to Natrolite's lecture biting his lip suddenly feeling like the smallest pony around. He made himself speak at some of his remarks, "yes, I knew ... Of course, sir..." At his last remark, he looked devastated, but Trilby became the center of attention and and Bronze seemed to swallow a lump in his throat. "Yes, Trilby, you'll have to make Natrolite a hat one day. I'm sure he'd apreciate it." His voice was empty, but he managed a smile toward his friend.

  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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@The Snowy Mystery

(If you can keep up with her, I'm all for it!)

As they stand outside the Museum, they see an elder crystal pony sitting on nearby bench. He rudely butts in to their conversation. "Well, there goes 3 days of hard work, but it's nothing I can't do again. You know, I personally built the Sombra exhibit. Not a favorite exhibit for anypony here, but we need to be reminded where we came from. What's that old saying? Those who forget the past, and so fourth... Sad truth is, there are some old crystal ponies like me who still remember the hard and sad times. Ponies like me who don't have anything to return to, and we still hold some of the mines open because it's all we know. Anypony going that direction should probably avoid those mines. They house more sorrow than pride..."


"Wha--?! Hey!! Leave me be!!" The minor protests when Lorec and Syuren take him, but he isn't big or strong enough to break away. "YOU OWE ME SOME HARD CIDER FOR THIS!!!" The old pony says as they forcefully carry him out.

But it isn't long before they've cleared the bar scene. "Well, I don't see what business it is of yours, but... After Sombra's reign, the Treasury decided to finish Sombra's work so the citizens could profit from his greed. I work for the treasury, and I cover the morning shift. I guard the mine and occasionally help dig out any remaining treasures. But I tell ya, something just ain't right in the mines... They're abandoned, and yet, you can still hear them. The voices of the forgotten and the fallen, voices of pain seeking salvation. It's haunted in there, I tells ya! It's haunted!! And the whole mine is built like a death trap! Wild twists and turns, places that could cave in at any moment... All I wanna do is drink my troubles away. Even that rowdy bar is more inviting than the mine..." The old miner explains, but even explaining just makes him feel worse. He has to keep himself for shaking, he keeps brushing his bangs of his face, he scratches the back of his head, lots of small things like that. He's a mess!


Natrolite is not happy. "I don't wear... Will you STOP changing the subject?! Bronze, if you want that gem, then you and your friends are going to spend the rest of the day digging in the mines. I'll make a worker out of you yet, boy." Natrolite says and begins putting a hard hat on him and giving him some mining gear. He has enough for everybody but himself. "There was suppose to be a pony on guard duty out here, but I'm sure you'll be fine without a supervisor. Oh! And one more thing."

Natrolite steps up and points at the mine. "Somewhere in there, according to one of his old log entries, Sombra hid a very special treasure room for himself. We've been trying to find that treasure room for years. I'm not asking any of you to find it, but the kingdom and I sure would be in your debt if you did. Also, be on the look out, some parts of the mine are on the verge of collapse. That goes for all of you." Natrolite explains.

"...All of us?!" Trilby pops up, then runs over and presents Gear. "Even him? Look at him! Prince Gear is an alicorn! He's royalty!" Trilby says. "Really?" Natrolite asks, taken aback by this. Trilby hugs Gear and puts a hoof over his mouth. "Yes! Yes he is. Absolutely." Trilby says. "Hmm... Well, I guess he can stay outside. But only because he's royalty." Natrolite says. "Greeeaaaat... Excuse us a sec!" Trilby says, then drags Gear away so they can talk in private.

"Gear, please, just roll with this. I'm gonna really need your help here. I don't fully get why, but this Nathan guy has got it out for Bronze. Stay here and pump him for information, see what his beef with Bronze is. Maybe we can figure out a different way to get that gem from him. Can I count on you for that?" Trilby asks.

Edited by Samurai Equine
  • Brohoof 1


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Bronze's mouth drops open when he realizes that Natrolite expected Trilby and Gear to work with him. Then as Gear gets jerked away Bronze steps up to Natrolite. "I can take your insults and I can understand why you don't like me. But they don't have anything to do with you and me. I've been in the mines before and I can go again. They don't have to shoulder whatever burden you have set up for me." He ended with a snort, his face scowled.

  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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"Sounds like my kind of place!" sad 462, who had appeared out of nowhere. He was no longer disguised as Shade Rose, and was now flying upside down on his mutilated insect wings. in that position, his cloak was hanging from his body, allowing his flanks to show, just a bit. On them was a cutie mark, surprisingly enough. It was the image of a knife, covered in blood. 462 quickly righted himself, and got in the old miner's face. "Where is this mine?"

  • Brohoof 1

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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After the Duo approved that Quick Thought can indeed join in, they all trotted out of the Museum with a broken exhibit, chatting about various things. Mainly about how they can find the others. But after a few 'steps' the got interrupted by an old Crystal pony telling them about all the hard work building the 'Sombra' exhibit was now gone.


'Maybe a co-worker with Quick?' Drakk thought, and was about to ask before he got interrupted by Drake. "Uh, Yeah. Sorry about that. We can help you fix it and get a new crystal if you want!" He said, eager to help fix up the mess he made.


Drakk however, didnt think that was such a good idea. "Drake, We dont have enough time to help this pony! We have to find the others! What if they already found the thing were looking for, without us!" He told the little dragon, trying to make it into a whisper, but failed quite well.


"Uh, Guys?" A voice to the side said. The two turned their heads to listen to what Quick had to say. "Maybe we should go to the mines. I-i mean, if we get there and get another crystal, then he doesnt have to do it later." She pointed to the Elder.  Her face turned into a slight smile, or maybe it was a smirk. "Plus, you could pay off your 'debt'." She continued. "And maybe even we can find some of your friends there. Not likely, but but there's a chance!" She said. Quick might have sounded eager to get to the mines, but really, she was horrified to visit it, even though she didnt show it.


Drakk and Drake stared at her for a moment, then they both shrugged simultenously. "Fine" Drakk said, before turning to the elder. "Where can we find these 'Mines'?" He asked.

Edited by The Snowy Mystery
  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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(Sorry guys)



Syuren scoffed at 462's return.



" greeeeeeeeaaaaaatttttt..... Trade in the mare for a sleezeball. Totally a good trade. Hey, homewrecker!!! Did you happen to see a REALLY hot mare go by?"






All the while, lorec was let the miner go. However, he had a request.



" calm down and breathe. Your name, sir. And also, can you tell us where this mine is?"

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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(Hey everyone. Sorry for not replying sooner. Was waiting for Gearhart to reply, and I asked him about it, but I'm not gonna make everyone wait on just one person. I would have replied DAYS sooner, but I've been so busy with getting ready for Christmas that it's just beet hectic. Eating up all my time and everything...)


Once Trilby and Gear have agreed on a plan, Trilby breaks and grabs his mining gear. "Don't worry about it, Bronze! I don't mind helping you out. It's all part of the adventure. Besides, this is how I want to earn that gem, honestly. We don't need to slower ourselves to complete our mission." Trilby says as he walks in the mines with Bronze. "So, where do you think is the best place to start?"


"...Well, that was easy. Prince Gear, was it? Well, your highness, I honestly wasn't sure if they'd accept. I'm not sure if you know this, but I knew a lot of peonies that use to work in the mines before Sombra took over." Natrolite says.




The old miner pony is a little confused upon seeing the changeling reveal himself, but he soon realizes Lorec is questioning him. "Uh! Ooh, oh, the mines... Right. Well, there are 3 mines that are still in active use." The miner pulls out a map. "As you can see, all three are in odd locations across the Empire. This one here is privately owned, and the owner doesn't want to give it up. This one is under renovations to part of a tourism exhibition. But the one I came from is owned by the Treasury. And that mine is right..."




"...Here!" The elder, well dressed pony says to Drakk, putting his hoof down on a similar map. "I had to carefully sneak in there, of course. Seeing as the mine belongs to the Treasury, security would have had my tail for sure if they had found me! But I took a crystal that seemed relatively worthless, so I didn't think any harm would be done." He explains.

  • Brohoof 1


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Drakk's ears perked up on the word 'Sneak', and he and Drake stared at eachother once the elder pony finished, as if they were having a telepathical conversation.


Did he say he had to sneak in?


Pretty sure he did


Well, thats great!


Yeah, i know! We've been kind of waiting for this opportunity in the past couple of years


Well, what are we waiting for then? Lets go on a side-mission!


Yeah, lets do it!


After that ordeal, they nodded simultaneously with a smile and turned to a confused Quick. "Lets go" They once again said at the same time in a very calm manner.


Quick Thought just stared at the two as they had just grown several heads. "W-What was that?" She said, a little concerned.


Drakk raised an eyebrow. "What was what?"


"Y-You guys just stared at eachother without blinking, and twitched everywhere while making strange noises and weird moaning for a couple of minutes..." She explained, growing even more concerned, and a little scared.


Drakk and Drake stared at eachother again, then promptly shrugged. "Must have done it again, then." Drake said, before turning around to the elder. "Mind if we borrow that map?" He asked as if nothing happened.


Drakk joined in. "We kind of need it if were going to find that mine and get another crystal. We'll give it back with the crytal once we get it." He said.


Quick just stared at the two from behind, then shrugged herself. "Hopefully this isnt an ordinary thing for these guys" She simply thought.

  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bronze glares at Natrolite once more before following Trilby inside the caves. Bronze stared at the ceiling joists as they walked by them until he was sure he was out of earshot of Natrolite. He grunted. "The nerve of that stallion... We wouldn't be in this crazy mine if it wasn't ... I'd understand if he wasn't such a daft horse..." As he grumbled on, he kept eyeing the supports, everyone they passed grabbed his attention. "Again, Trilby, you don't have to do this." He stopped at a fork in the tunnels. "He's only putting us through this for my benefit." He looked down both paths trying to see what was beyond them with not much success. 

  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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