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private Fallout Equestria: Scorched Earth

Stone Cold Applejack

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Hazmat stops in his search and slowly turns to look at the pony. Mask greeting her. "Hallo..." He says in a Germane accent. "Ich am Hazmat..." He was being cautious with this one. Not knowing what this pony specimen will do. "Und vho are you?" He asks back also not knowing what else to say.

"The name's Clover." Clover kept the rifle ready in case the pony tried something. "I'm from Stable 94." Clover slowly lowered the rifle. "Why are you wearing that mask?" Clover asked curious of his mask and why he needed it. "You know the air is fine right?" She waited for a response.
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No wonder she looked so clean... stable dwellers.

"Ja, ich know zat. But I just like vearing it..." She lowered her rifle. Friends for now. He looks around some more. "I'm gonna take a gander zat you already cleared ze place out?" First come fist serve in his book. If she shared he'll be thankful for that.

Edited by Volframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"No." Clover answered. "All I took was some ceral and an apple. Unfortunately you made me drop my ceral after you slammed that door. But there should still be some food around here I guess." She walked back into the kitchen and opened the cabinet from before.


3 cans of peaches


Clover grabbed the cans and back out to Hazmat. "Here." she put one of the cans on the counter for Hazmat to have.

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"Sorry about zat..." Hazmat scratches the back of his head. He watches the mare put a can onto the counter top for him. ".... Danke." He says as he slowly walks up to the counter to take it and put it into his saddle. "Vhere do you plan to go since you left ze stable?" He asks now curious about this pony's destiny.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Sorry about zat..." Hazmat scratches the back of his head. He watches the mare put a can onto the counter top for him. ".... Danke." He says as he slowly walks up to the counter to take it and put it into his saddle. "Vhere do you plan to go since you left ze stable?" He asks now curious about this pony's destiny.

"I don't really know." Clover replied. "Hopefully to make a name for myself." She opened the can with a bullet and drank the juice inside. "The strangest thing happened to me on the way here. I was about to be killed by this snake thing and out of nowhere a pony came and killed it. And when I looked around, no one was there. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"
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"I don't really know." Clover replied. "Hopefully to make a name for myself." She opened the can with a bullet and drank the juice inside. "The strangest thing happened to me on the way here. I was about to be killed by this snake thing and out of nowhere a pony came and killed it. And when I looked around, no one was there. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

Hazmat listens to her. Then the story came along. Two things ran into his mind.


1: Take credit and be her savior. Maybe even get her as a marefriend?

2: Be honest.


Let's see what he pics...


".... Nein (no), Ich (I) just got here." He explains. "If I did, zen I vould've greeted you to me... und... Ich don't like rifles." He looks at his. "Do you vant it? I'm better off vith my vings." He asks.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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(Well I'm awake. Time to make things interesting a little.)


Wade had fallen asleep while on watch, but he quickly woke at the sound of a gun. His eyes refused to open to he was stuck navigating on sound, motion and Scent. "Walking on my hind legs will be better for this."


Wade had a Local Reputation for being a well know killer and someone to avoid. "Let's see if my reputation extends to this new Stallion."


Wade walked into Rex Diner, eyes closed, Walking on his hind legs with his Baseball bat dragging on the floor behind him. Grinning to show as many Blood-Soaked Razor teeth as possible.

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Hazmat listens to her. Then the story came along. Two things ran into his mind.


1: Take credit and be her savior. Maybe even get her as a marefriend?

2: Be honest.


Let's see what he pics...


".... Nein (no), Ich (I) just got here." He explains. "If I did, zen I vould've greeted you to me... und... Ich don't like rifles." He looks at his. "Do you vant it? I'm better off vith my vings." He asks.

"No. I got my own. Fortunately my stable let us have guns." Clover responded. "They even had a firing range set up. We couldn't own explosives or energy weapons however. But rifles and stuff like that were fine. That's why I got this rifle." Clover said oblivious to the intruder.
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(Back from College. Time to cause havoc.)


*Clink**Clink**Clink* The sound of Empty Cans falling to the floor filled the Diner, as Wade moved around his Bat, getting a good Mental view of the area. He gave of a low growl, and he was sniffing the air to guess what things are and where they are. The scent of a fresh, clean pony was noticeable in the air, but he was sure there where two ponies here, but he could only smell one. He continued to move around the front room looking for anything that may catch his attention.

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"No. I got my own. Fortunately my stable let us have guns." Clover responded. "They even had a firing range set up. We couldn't own explosives or energy weapons however. But rifles and stuff like that were fine. That's why I got this rifle." Clover said oblivious to the intruder.

"Vell if you vant you can keep mine und replace any worn objects in zere vith meine (my) gun." Hazmat responded not wanting to carry a rifle he didn't care for.


@@Child Of Darkness


The cans falling made Hazmat alert, but he also forced himself to think it was either the wind, or a semi-little bug wandering about. He didn't want to seem to paranoid with this new pony he found.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Any pony here? I can smell you." Wade said in a low whisper, just loud enough to make himself heard. He managed to find the door into the back of the Diner. The air felt heavy and dense. Something was in here, but he could not see it. He stood on his hind legs, switching out his bat for his Rifle, face covered by a metal mask but his teeth still showing.


He glanced around the round, partly sure that there was another living being in here with him, and partly doubting his instincts. He raised his head to get a good smell of the air before walking blindly around the room humming to the tune of a song.

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"Any pony here? I can smell you." Wade said in a low whisper, just loud enough to make himself heard. He managed to find the door into the back of the Diner. The air felt heavy and dense. Something was in here, but he could not see it. He stood on his hind legs, switching out his bat for his Rifle, face covered by a metal mask but his teeth still showing.


He glanced around the round, partly sure that there was another living being in here with him, and partly doubting his instincts. He raised his head to get a good smell of the air before walking blindly around the room humming to the tune of a song.

"No that's fine." Clover said to Hazmat. "You'll-" Clover paused. "Do you hear that?" Clover listened carefully. "Sounds like someone's whistling. Did you come in with someone?" Clover walked to the stairs of the first floor and stopped at them and listened again. "Whatta want to do?"
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Eventually Soprano was too freaked out to stay, so he just ran away from the cave, leaving her behind.

He ran into the wastelands, still cautious about all of the monsters that exists in it. 

(OOC: Sorry I was gone, was waiting to see if she would come back xD)


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"No that's fine." Clover said to Hazmat. "You'll-" Clover paused. "Do you hear that?" Clover listened carefully. "Sounds like someone's whistling. Did you come in with someone?" Clover walked to the stairs of the first floor and stopped at them and listened again. "Whatta want to do?"

So he wasn't crazy. Good. She asked about coming in with somepony. "Nein, Ich been alone for a vhile now." He replies, extending his tiberium wings out for intimidation against the voice. "Zey better come out soon..." He says while following clover. The pony spoke again. "Hm..... vait zem out."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Hoof steps. They could be heard coming from above him, and he knew exactly how to get there. Wade got one last large sniff of the air to get a sense of direction and then went to the bottom of the stairs, now in clear view of Clover and Hazmat.


"A pony does not need eyes to find you, Stable Dweller. Its dangerous to be out here, all alone. You should have stayed in your Stable. Now you will learn the harsh truth about what the Wasteland does to your kind."


Wade gave his lips a lick, and then started to move towards the ponies, still humming his song.

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Hoof steps. They could be heard coming from above him, and he knew exactly how to get there. Wade got one last large sniff of the air to get a sense of direction and then went to the bottom of the stairs, now in clear view of Clover and Hazmat.


"A pony does not need eyes to find you, Stable Dweller. Its dangerous to be out here, all alone. You should have stayed in your Stable. Now you will learn the harsh truth about what the Wasteland does to your kind."


Wade gave his lips a lick, and then started to move towards the ponies, still humming his song.

Clover started to back away from the stairs before she remembered her rifle. She got out a rifle and aim it straight at the psychotic pony coming up the stairs. "Come near me and I'll kill you!" she shouted at the pony. Clover was wondering if the pony could sense the fear on her.
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Ocean was walking around in the streets when heard a pony from a nearby building. He pulled his EFS up and saw a red dot come up and two green dots. He pulled his rifle out of his saddle bag and crept up to the door and peaked through. He saw a pony looking up. He got as close as he could without being detected by the pony. Although he didn't know if the pony would do the same for him, he just wanted to maim the pony not kill him. He slipped into SATS and aimed for ponies legs and fired

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*Blam**Blam* Two shots came from an unseen target. Another pony must have arrived, one who knew how to move like a shadow. The two shots hit both of his hind legs, sending him falling down to the ground but with a quick recovery. Wade pulled up his own S.A.T.S and locked onto the new pony. One shot to the left fore leg, one shot to the hind leg, and one in the chest area. S.A.T.S gave 80% hit chance across the board, at least two should hit. Wade too wanted to maim this pony. Once the shots where off, he gave a sort dive behind the counter, as to not be shot from behind while fighting this new pony


"You clearly do not have a clue of who it is you just attacked. But your abilities in stealth cannot be denied. You have 10 seconds to leave this place before I show you what Unicorn magic can do in the right situations. Hurry now, more than one life is on the line." He sat behind the counter, weapon drawn, legs bleeding and crippled, waiting for the new pony to move.


There was one thing he had to do though before anything else. He had to send a Telepathic message to the Stable Dweller.




"Know this, Stable dweller. This wasteland is harsh, and not everyone you find will be blind or as kind as I am. You will face trails that will test your very soul, and be overcome by choices that will test your understanding of 'Morally right'. I shall not fight you, harm you, or let harm come to you if I am ever near if I do live through this day. One rule of the wasteland. Make friends, treat them well and don't be the hero. So what will you do now? Keep your word and Kill me or spare me? Either way, you walk free."

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Hazmat had his wings unfolded. The Tiberium glowing a tad bit brighter than last time. It wont shield him from the lead that flies, but, it should intimidate this newcomer enough to leave. Especially when it's injured from another specimen out there. "I'll show you ze harshness of ze vasteland..." He spoke up, give a slight flap to the wings. "Ich werde (I will) give you ten seconds to leave...." The dark pony counters the few words the enemy said. "... Before I show you vhat Tiberium can do to ze body in ze right situations."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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He tried to hold it back, but it was not possible with what had just been said. Wade burst out laughing at Hazmat's remark. "You, are challenging me, with those wings, against an Arcane Expert. Even in this state, you rely on what is mechanical to win you your fights. And Machines, run on Arcane energy. For Unicorns with magic skill, that energy can be manipulated and turned against you. So, back off. Unless you want your Tiberium wings to be a Mini-Mega spell."


Wade had a strong Magical Grip covering the wings, Charging and heating the Tiberium making it ready to explode on command.

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@@Child Of Darkness


Ocean felt a bullets graze his flank, but two hit home and buried themselves in his front hoof and chest thankfully missing his vitals. He stumbled back a few steps, before regaining his balance. It hurt alot, but these ponies were in trouble and need his help.   


Ocean saw the ponies horn light up. It was now or never. he had tried a route that would leave no permanent damage, but that didn't work. He knew that without a horn he would to much of a threat. " I'm truly sorry about this but you've left me no choice." He fought through the pain and then slipped into SATS and fired a single shot at the enemy's horn. 

Edited by wolfsclaw
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Hazmat started to feel hot. He hated the heat. His biological temperature was already way above normal but he had to think of something. "You're just as dumb as you look," He tried countering. "If zis vould turn into a mini-mega spell, you're going to obliterate all of us." He slowly takes a step closer. "To my knowledge... Mini spells can decimate a city block... since my body is 64% Tiberium, try sending ponies to ze void in a 2 mile radius und you right in ze middle of ze blast..." This better work.


Until there was another gun shot because some one almost ninja posted me...

Edited by Volframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"I have nothing to live for but to await deaths cold embrace. The more I take with me the better. Be this one last act of stupidity, so be it." Wade was about to detonate the Tiberium, but something hit his horn. The bullet cracked his horn but was not fatal enough to stop it. His magic changed from being a detonation, to a strong grip that tightened around the wings, slightly crushing them.




Wade's telekenetic grip enveloped all of Hazmats body and then flung him at the pony that had just shot him three times. Wade pulled out his Baseball Bat, teleporting to Ocean, and using S.A.T.S to try and crack her skull.


(Grave mistake shooting my horn.)

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The whole time Clover was silent until the pony threw Hazmat at the other pony. "Hazmat!" she screamed and ran to him. She picked him up and looked at him. "Are you al-" A shot rang out, interrupting Clover. A newly arrived pony wearing a ranger hat that hid his face and a poncho. "Get...away...from that pony right now." he commanded to the pony with a bat. "Else you wanta a hole in yer head."

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Wade stopped what he was doing and turned to the other new pony.


"And just who might you be? You have the smell of a Waste lander, but I feel as if their is something about you only eyes can tell. Very well, I will respect your will this once. This one time I shall leave. I pray we meet again."


Wade gave one last smile to the Ranger pony before sending him a Telepathic message.


"I meant no harm to the Stable Dweller, I was both having fun and warning her about the dangers of the wastes. Ponies like me or worse. One last thing, and tell the Stable Dweller this: Aid will come, all she needs to do is ask. If any harm comes to her. I will kill you."


With the Telepathic message sent. Wade teleported to his temporary home to fix his legs and horns.

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