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private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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OOC page: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115377-fallout-equestria-survival-of-the-fittest/page-2#entry3284597


"Stand back!" yelled a Stable security guard that was opening up the heavy door to Stable 67. The thick,, heavy, steel door opened slowly making a loud noise as it did it. In front of the door stood a white coated, brown haired mare named Clover. "Alright. Your free to go. Good luck." Clover walked out of the stable and into the wasteland. "Alright shut it." yelled the guard. The door slowly closed leaving Clover to look out in the horizon. "So this is what it looks like huh. This is the wasteland."

Edited by Red Sage
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(Outside in the wasteland, Alamo is searching for wild grown food to make into herbal medicine and food to help the camp he works in.) "I swear it gets hotter and hotter every time I leave, better find something soon or else more could die from starvation or worse disease. (He then begins searching the plants nearby him for anything of use.)  

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"well well well why would a Dragon Breather be all the way out here?" Chain asked a Dragon Breather pony "I will never tell you you piece of scum!" he responds "well my 9mm pistol begs to differ" chain points the gun to his head  "fine we where going to dig up resourses near your camp!" "you are weak" Chain punches him in the face "get him out of here...with a bang" "no no no no!" the pony gets draged out of the tent Chain starts to speak in a less tense voice "with food runing low droping as fast as morale and now these ponys...hope Alamo comes back soon"



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"Damn raiders" Tumbleweed growled under his breath as he scavenged through the plundered remains of the camp, "gone for five minutes and this is what I come back to?"


After taking a inventory of his few remaining supplies, Tumbleweed quickly packed up and set off into the wasteland, stopping only to angrily kick at the dead body of a molerat as he passed its rotting carcass. 'Alright, time to find the bastards that looted my stuff and kick their asses.'


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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*looking throw binoculars* Chains sees a pony kick a dead body of a molerat in the distace "whats a pony doing alone out here?" Chain asks himself  "what do you think of this banner?" shows the mare next to him the binoculars "do you think he will shot you or raid us or just leave us alone?" "I am going to go check." "wait take this...and this" she gives a lazer pistol and energy cells to chain "thanks I love these guns but just stay here...I don't want you to be hurt" Chain goes over to the pony he saw "what are you going stranger?"

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Tumbleweed heard the hoofsteps approach from behind long before the stranger opened his mouth. Without so much as breaking his stride or even turning his head Tumbleweed answered slowly. 


"Not that it's any of your business, but I just got robbed by a bunch of raiders that have been tailing me for the past few days. And in case you're wondering, no I don't have anything worth stealing; killing me won't get you far. Neither will sticking around so I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me alone" he growled, continuing on his way.

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"wait! I am with a bunch of other friendly ponys in a camp not far from here you can get equipment...but some may ask for caps anyway me and banner protect the place and energy wepons are my thing" Chain said to the stranger trying to be friendly but in his mind he was thinking about raiding the raiders for resorces.

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Alamo's loot

Fire root (used to make a certain chem)

Fire flower


"There's nearly nothing here." Clover said looking over the wasteland as she walked. The ground was bare with just a few dead, branchless trees standing. Clover's stomach began to grow and she remembered she hadn't eaten at all today. "I need to find some food."

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(Picking up the root) "Damn, we gotta move ain't much out here and I don't want to head back to camp empty handed so gotta use what I know about this hellhole of a land to find animals I could sell it's skin and cook its meat but I'm gonna head back I'm gonna need someone with better sight so the can shoot the beast I'm basically blind out here." (starts galloping towards camp)

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Walking in the wasteland, his dyed leather armor makes him quite noticeable. Exactly his goal as heads towards a camp. "They might have some supplies and ammo." Checking his old 9mm, he sighs as he has only one spare clip left. "Man, why can't those idiot raiders carry more ammo? Or die easier?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@Castle @Tyranosuarus in F18s


*looking throw bonoculars enhanced by magic* well I see Alamo is comeing back...no mutant animals...the cave still has no one in it and another pony? why would there be another pony *zooms in more* those ponys...are dead did...he kill them well this rifle can still hit him from here with a little magic thrown in but I cant just shot him right now we alwas cheak first but not before Alamo gets in here.

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"It seems they have not noticed me yet. Well, time to make sure they do." His horn glowing, what looks like fire wraps his hooves and his armor seems to billow out like a cloak. "Subtle enough to not bring down every Damn raider, but enough that they should be able to notice me."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@Tyranosurus in F18s


Banner: what the heak is he doing with his magic trying to blind me? well that won't work and I would hate to do this because other ponys may hear and try to raid us but *picks up a mega phone* hope no ones around "hello I can see you flashy I will not shot untill you prove a threat!" 

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(Walks into the camp but senses another not far from the camp that is not with them) "Well might be a buyer, someone one's gonna get business." (Alamo says to Banner) "Alright I'm gonna need some help as you guys know I can't see very well so I'm gonna need one of you to help me hunt some wild animals for food, the plants around here are only keeping the water to themselves and their nemise the crows and vultures, so we might need to hunt them down, we gotta move soon so prepare to pack up!" (Alamos says to the other members by him)

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Clover was inside a shack looking for something to eat. "ARGH. There's nothing in here." Clover walked out of the shack and back into the wasteland. "Is there any damn food out here?" Clover was about to walk away when she heard a sound in the distance. "Other ponies?" she turned to see a small camp in the distance. "How'd I miss that?" Clover asked herself before she galloped towards it.

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@Red sage @Tyranosurus in F18s


Banner: *looking in binoculers to see if anypony heard her and see's clover* well I took the risk time for the punishment she says to herself "I see you too in the distance as well red!"


Chain: *lisstening to Banner* "what in the hell is that pony doing useing the mega phone?"

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"Gee, I clearly made myself standing out. Why would I do that if I was a threat to you? I could have just snuck in, but I like being honestly sometimes. Anyways, I need trade, and I see you have a camp, Maybe we could work out a deal?" He says, using his silver tongue.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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(Looks towards the pony's direction) "Come on in, you want to trade, we got that were merchants but hurry mine you seems were running into trouble and we are going to have to move soon, I am a medical and food pony, and most of the others will sell you weapons you might need and don't try to steal I sense we just had someone killed for that very reason."

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Clover was nearing the camp when she noticed another pony was at the entrance of the camp. She arrived at the entrance and looked at the pony with the speaker. "Hey do you have any food? I haven't eaten at all today. Can you spare any?" she asked. "I'd really appreciate it."

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@Tranosuaus in F18s


Banner: (sucssesful) "fine you can come in but I will watch you like a hawk from the time you get in to the time you leave stranger" she makes a spell go on the pony making the pony glow bright "and as for you the same thing applies" she said to clover making her glow as well

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"Gladly. And I do not plan on stealing from you. I doubt I would win a gun fight here. You may call me Image. First now anyways." Canceling his illusions, he looks like a normal pony now. "I am in need of a weapon if you have any. Preferably silenced. A rifle would be nice as well, plus some ammo. Can you spare that? I have some caps."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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(Yelling back at another pony that seems to be nearing the camp) We can't spare any food but you'll find weapons were gonna move soon to get more food because it dry out here but im bout to head back out to hunt birds for the camp if you are willing to help we will have some stew and you will have your fill, without cost, I am a medical and food maker of the camp but I am mostly blind so I looking for help in making food, so if you want food either help me and get some for free, or pay to have your own share

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(Yelling back at another pony that seems to be nearing the camp) We can't spare anything were gonna move soon to get more food because it dry out here but im bout to head back out to hunt birds for the camp if you are willing to help we will have some stew and you will have your fill, without cost, I am a medical and food maker of the camp but I am mostly blind so I looking for help in making food, so if you want food either help me and get some for free, or pay to have your own share

"Argh! No food either." Clover heard the pony say something about hunting birds. "Birds? That's meat. Ponies out here eat meat?" she asked the pony. "I'm from a Stable. We don't eat meat. We grow our own food."


(Remember Clover is from a Stable. They have their own gardens there.)

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"Listen Stable dweller, when times got desperate we divert to meat and vegetables, don't know if you ever had meat before but seeing as you just ask me if we ate meat, I'm choosing that you haven't so yes meat and we are in a dump I would plant food but with the ground so dry and were always moving I cannot do so but If you find any plants I'll be more than welcoming to make them better for eat for 2 cap, the caps paying for the supply I have to use on them, so it leaves you the choose of doing your part to help or paying into someone stash."

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"Listen Stable dweller, when times got desperate we divert to meat and vegetables, don't know if you ever had meat before but seeing as you just ask me if we ate meat, I'm choosing that you haven't so yes meat and we are in a dump I would plant food but with the ground so dry and were always moving I cannot do so but If you find any plants I'll be more than welcoming to make them better for eat for 2 cap, the caps paying for the supply I have to use on them, so it leaves you the choose of doing your part to help or paying into someone stash."

"I don't really know if I'm open to eating meat." Clover said. "And what was that part you said about caps?" Clover asked. "Why would you need those?"


(Stables don't use caps. They use pre war bits. Clover is new to the wasteland she doesn't know that caps are used as currency.)

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