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private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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"Your right on it. But we have a very very tough training that all Armoured Escorts mercenaries go through. We are armed with the best weapons the wasteland can offer. We're the best fuckin mercenaries out here. Ponies are always hirin us to escort em or help protect em. So I ask. How's this council never heard of us?"

"The council of pueblos, they gather from 8 nearby towns, they perform the major acts, even tho I am not a member, I had to be voted in to be the doctor of my town, they have to gain their support in order to, be allowed to be to work in the towns, and no you guys are not the best mercenaries, I'd hire other wasteland survivor any day, at least they don't walk into the middle of war zone, and wastelanders patch up themselves, so you guys need to hire more medics."

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"The council of pueblos, they gather from 8 nearby towns, they perform the major acts, even tho I am not a member, I had to be voted in to be the doctor of my town, they have to gain their support in order to, be allowed to be to work in the towns, and no you guys are not the best mercenaries, I'd hire other wasteland survivor any day, at least they don't walk into the middle of war zone, and wastelanders patch up themselves, so you guys need to hire more medics."

Haldane looked Alamo in the eyes coldly. "Ain't the best mercenaries? It appears to me you don't know shit. We are the best mercenaries." Haldane said putting emphasise on are. "We always get hired because everypony knows we get shit done." Haldane said, getting a little mad at Alamo. "We got our own trained medics and doctors. So that means if we get shot up there's a pony right there to patch us up."
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Haldane looked Alamo in the eyes coldly. "Ain't the best mercenaries? It appears to me you don't know shit. We are the best mercenaries." Haldane said putting emphasise on are. "We always get hired because everypony knows we get shit done." Haldane said, getting a little mad at Alamo. "We got our own trained medics and doctors. So that means if we get shot up there's a pony right there to patch us up."

"who the fuck is your medic?" "If you had one why come to me, so your canceling out what you just said their friend, so why make a stupid decision to walk into a war zone, so who your medic cause, I would love to have a fight with them cause this is down right ridicules, hell your group has lost my support to perform around the towns along the border."

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"who the fuck is your medic?" "If you had one why come to me, so your canceling out what you just said their friend, so why make a stupid decision to walk into a war zone, so who your medic cause, I would love to have a fight with them cause this is down right ridicules, hell your group has lost my support to perform around the towns along the border."

"We didn't have a medic with us. Didn't think we'd run into any trouble. Guess we might've been wrong." Haldane said, getting even more annoyed. "And I'd watch my tongue if I were you boy. You don't know who you're talkin to. It don't take much to set a zebra like me off."
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"We didn't have a medic with us. Didn't think we'd run into any trouble. Guess we might've been wrong." Haldane said, getting even more annoyed. "And I'd watch my tongue if I were you boy. You don't know who you're talkin to. It don't take much to set a zebra like me off."

"Rule one in every book of survival, always and I mean always prepare for the worst, even if you think your safe, and I don't need to watch my tongue son, I've looked at tougher junkies, who weren't high, who are tougher than you buddy, so don't try and stand me down, I've lived the tougher life than you, and for damn sure, I'll live longer."

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"Rule one in every book of survival, always and I mean always prepare for the worst, even if you think your safe, and I look at tougher junkies, who weren't high, who are tougher than you buddy, so don't try and stand me down, I've lived the tougher life than you, and for damn sure, I'll live longer."

"Tough life." Haldane said, fully annoyed. "You ain't lived what I've lived buddy! Your life ain't bad at all! Your a fuckin pony whatta you know what it's like for me. I'm spit on, kicked, beaten, insulted, shot at just because I got stripes! I've lived a life hardship. I've gotten through shit that'll make you piss yourself just by thinking it. So now. What have you gone through?"
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"What have I gone through, what the fuck have I not gone through, burned, eat'en, stabbed, poisoned, staved, buried, choked, and forced to live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere by mercenaries like you guys, why I'm alive, I have no idea, but, that don't stop me from living lolipop." (Alamo says staring the Zebra right in the eyes)

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"What have I gone through, what the fuck have I not gone through, burned, eat'en, stabbed, poisoned, staved, buried, choked, and forced to live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere by mercenaries like you guys, why I'm alive, I have no idea, but, that don't stop me from living lolipop." (Alamo says staring the Zebra right in the eyes)

"Oh cry me a fuckin river. You ain't gone through what I've gone through buddy! I've gone through a whole lot worse than you! You don't have any idea what it's like to be me, or any other zebra for that matter. All you ponies are the same. You all think you know what real pain is."
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"Oh cry me a fuckin river. You ain't gone through what I've gone through buddy! I've gone through a whole lot worse than you! You don't have any idea what it's like to be me, or any other zebra for that matter. All you ponies are the same. You all think you know what real pain is."

"I'd say the same for you zebra, you think we don't know pain maybe you don't know pain either, so fuck off." (using medical knowledge punches the zebra in the weak knee point to make it hard to move and walks out of the veritbird) "Real pain takes place every day you fucking asshole, anyone can experience real pain, from ponies to zebras so go find a medic!" (alamo walks into the mist of the camp heading towards the camp cafeteria)

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"I'd say the same for you zebra, you think we don't know pain maybe you don't know pain either, so fuck off." (using medical knowledge punches the zebra in the weak knee point to make it hard to move and walks out of the veritbird) "Real pain takes place every day you fucking asshole, anyone can experience real pain, from ponies to zebras so go find a medic!" (alamo walks into the mist of the camp heading towards the camp cafeteria)

The other 3 mercenaries stop Alamo as he walks out. "You messed up Alamo. You messed up badly." Clyde said before throwing Alamo on his back. "You don't know pain. You don't know what I go through. You don't know anything." Haldane said before punching Alamo in the chin.
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The other 3 mercenaries stop Alamo as he walks out. "You messed up Alamo. You messed up badly." Clyde said before throwing Alamo on his back. "You don't know pain. You don't know what I go through. You don't know anything." Haldane said before punching Alamo in the chin.

(Alamo spits on the group then using medical skill starts aiming at the weakpoints across the body) "Let throw down friend, starts running around the zebra, and punches in the guts and watches zebra and studies his body looking for his flaws) "I'll send you to the tent." (punches the zebra in the knee to make it painful to turn)

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(Alamo spits on the group then using medical skill starts aiming at the weakpoints across the body) "Let throw down friend, starts running around the zebra, and punches in the guts and watches zebra and studies his body looking for his flaws) "I'll send you to the tent." (punches the zebra in the knee to make it painful to turn)

"I was trained in zebra style martial arts color coat." Haldane said before throwing a punch. "By an elite group of zebras." Haldane said throwing another punch at Alamo's gut. "So fighting me is gonna be a challenge." Haldane swerved one his front left hoof and used his good hind leg to kick Alamo in the chin. "Argh shit." Haldane grimaced in pain when he landed on his bad leg.
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"I was trained in zebra style martial arts color coat." Haldane said before throwing a punch. "By an elite group of zebras." Haldane said throwing another punch at Alamo's gut. "So fighting me is gonna be a challenge." Haldane swerved one his front left hoof and used his good hind leg to kick Alamo in the chin. "Argh shit." Haldane grimaced in pain when he landed on his bad leg.

(spits on the ground and takes a breath) "I was trained to spot problems with the body and fix'em but I also learned to make them worse." (make a quick punch to the guts and swings and kicks to break the bone out of the leg at the already weakend point then startes going on the defence to prepare the next weakpoint shot_

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(spits on the ground and takes a breath) "I was trained to spot problems with the body and fix'em but I also learned to make them worse." (make a quick punch to the guts and swings and kicks to break the bone out of the leg at the already weakend point then startes going on the defence to prepare the next weakpoint shot_

"Your pretty good at this." Haldane complimented. "But I'm better." Haldane punched Alamo in the jaw, then again in the gut, before connecting an upper cut on him. Haldane glared at Alamo, waiting to see what the pony would do next. "Give up now Alamo. You won't win."
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"Your pretty good at this." Haldane complimented. "But I'm better." Haldane punched Alamo in the jaw, then again in the gut, before connecting an upper cut on him. Haldane glared at Alamo, waiting to see what the pony would do next. "Give up now Alamo. You won't win."

(Alamo dodges the first 2 blows using agility then get hit by the 3'rd spits out blood) "Maybe I won't but i'll be sure to have you put in the bed next to mine . (Punches the the left front leg in the weak point and makes slides away from the zebra to cause pain by having to move)

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(Alamo dodges the first 2 blows using agility then get hit by the 3'rd spits out blood) "Maybe I won't but i'll be sure to have you put in the bed next to mine . (Punches the the left front leg in the weak point and makes slides away from the zebra to cause pain by having to move)

Haldane glenched his teeth in pain. "Argh shit." He said through glenched teeth. "You fight pretty good for a settler. I like your abilities Alamo. But you must see that you are not gonna win." Haldane upper cutted Alamo again.


(OOC: I'm going out to eat. Will be back in a few minutes.)

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Haldane glenched his teeth in pain. "Argh shit." He said through glenched teeth. "You fight pretty good for a settler. I like your abilities Alamo. But you must see that you are not gonna win." Haldane upper cutted Alamo again.


(OOC: I'm going out to eat. Will be back in a few minutes.)

(Alamo starts to get dizzy and feels a headache after the uppercut) "Another blow and I'll be out, fuck I'll have do deal the most damage I can do before I get blacked out." (alamo thinks to himself) "Well we're having a hell of a hoe down your folks would be proud, but the doctors gonna need to give you a brace in a second." (Alamo rushes the zebra and heads butts the weak front leg, putting the bone out of place) 


(my laptop is dieing, so I might have to switch to my tablet, so I won't be as good in writing)

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(Alamo starts to get dizzy and feels a headache after the uppercut) "Another blow and I'll be out, fuck I'll have do deal the most damage I can do before I get blacked out." (alamo thinks to himself) "Well we're having a hell of a hoe down your folks would be proud, but the doctors gonna need to give you a brace in a second." (Alamo rushes the zebra and heads butts the weak front leg, putting the bone out of place)


(my laptop is dieing, so I might have to switch to my tablet, so I won't be as good in writing)

"Arrrggghhhh....fuck." Haldane grimaced in even more pain than before. "Alright stop. That's enough." Haldane smiled at Alamo. "You've gained my respect doc. You're tougher than I thought." Haldane picked himself and looked at the other mercs. "Boys doc here has gained the respect of yours truly. Give em his reward." Haldane ordered. "Aye aye gunny." the mercenaries said together before each giving Alamo 10 caps. "Mag sy oor jy kyk." Haldane said looking Alamo in the eyes.


(Gunny: slang for gunnery sergeant)

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(EDIT: I apparently took 5 minutes writing this, sorry but I can't delete posts for some inane reason.)

(Well, roleplay seems to have temporarily halted, so I guess I'll do a short thing to sort of introduce my character.)

Somewhere out in the wasteland...

A pony puts 4 stacks of Pre-War money on the counter of a general store in a small town.

"Pre-War money?" replies the pony behind the counter. "Really?"

"Well, it's worth about 10 caps per stack, isn't it?"

"I suppose. Well, anyway, there's your magazines."

"Thank you. Have a good day, and stay safe, friend."


Somewhere out in the wasteland, a pony leaves a small town, carrying a copy of Today's Physician and Programmer's Digest.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Arrrggghhhh....fuck." Haldane grimaced in even more pain than before. "Alright stop. That's enough." Haldane smiled at Alamo. "You've gained my respect doc. You're tougher than I thought." Haldane picked himself and looked at the other mercs. "Boys doc here has gained the respect of yours truly. Give em his reward." Haldane ordered. "Aye aye gunny." the mercenaries said together before each giving Alamo 10 caps. "Mag sy oor jy kyk." Haldane said looking Alamo in the eyes.


(Gunny: slang for gunnery sergeant)

"Thanks, (taking the caps) go patch yourself up I'm gonna rest for a second." (Alamo sits and catches his breath) "Well you, (spits out blood), gained my respect too, so now you know we can take as much pain as you can, now lets go fix those bones of yours."  (Alamo thens gets up and walks towards the medical tent)


(If I didn't have high endurance, I probably would have been knocked out)

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"Thanks, (taking the caps) go patch yourself up I'm gonna rest for a second." (Alamo sits and catches his breath) "Well you, (spits out blood), gained my respect too, so now you know we can take as much pain as you can, now lets go fix those bones of yours." (Alamo thens gets up and walks towards the medical tent)


(If I didn't have high endurance, I probably would have been knocked out)

Haldane followed Alamo to the medical, limping along the way. "Hey doc. About that deal. You accept. We help protect your town along with providing food and water to the residents. And by the looks of your town when we came by you could use it. Just think about it. Think about the ponies in your town. Think about what they'd like."
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Haldane followed Alamo to the medical, limping along the way. "Hey doc. About that deal. You accept. We help protect your town along with providing food and water to the residents. And by the looks of your town when we came by you could use it. Just think about it. Think about the ponies in your town. Think about what they'd like."

"Well first I have to talk to the council, to propose the request for protection, the council members  are worried which town may fight each other for space along the town borders, so when one side has more men then the other they tend to get worried, and I have to request that Clover be allowed to live in our town, so I cannot accept your deal until I receive word from the council, so I'll have to send a message to the other towns to gather the council together, who knows your people may get more work." (Alamo and Haldane walk into the medical tent) "Alright get on one of the beds and I'll fix you, it will be a little bit more painful if I don't get some drink to make you numb to the pain and I'll need a drink to clear out my mouth" (Alamo walks to the medical cabenit and finds some basic medical supplies and a whiskey, and spots a coca, looks around then drinks it) "Alright let get that leg fixed but first have a drink?"(Alamo says holding the Whiskey bottle)

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Snowflake face hoofs "this is fucking redecilous" Snowflake says to Chain and Banner he then turns the seat around to face them "we are going to be here a little whiles longer while they are getting medical attention so I might as well get to know you two. so tell me whats your stories?"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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"Well first I have to talk to the council, to propose the request for protection, the council members are worried which town may fight each other for space along the town borders, so when one side has more men then the other they tend to get worried, and I have to request that Clover be allowed to live in our town, so I cannot accept your deal until I receive word from the council, so I'll have to send a message to the other towns to gather the council together, who knows your people may get more work." (Alamo and Haldane walk into the medical tent) "Alright get on one of the beds and I'll fix you, it will be a little bit more painful if I don't get some drink to make you numb to the pain and I'll need a drink to clear out my mouth" (Alamo walks to the medical cabenit and finds some basic medical supplies and a whiskey, and spots a coca, looks around then drinks it) "Alright let get that leg fixed but first have a drink?"(Alamo says holding the Whiskey bottle)

Haldane took the bottle from Alamo and drank it. "Let the council know that if towns start to fight it'll be taken care of. Though I highly doubt they'll wantta start somethin with us when they get a look." Haldane leaned back on the table. "Alright doc. Lets get this over with."
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Haldane took the bottle from Alamo and drank it. "Let the council know that if towns start to fight it'll be taken care of. Though I highly doubt they'll wantta start somethin with us when they get a look." Haldane leaned back on the table. "Alright doc. Lets get this over with."

"Well i'll be sure to tell'em when you wake back up." (Alamo puts on gloves uses a scaple and cuts open the leg and pulls the bones back into place, sets a iron piece to hold it in, then stitches the cut back up, then moves to the front leg and does the same as the first leg (adds +1 strength or endurance to broken bones) "Alright he'l be up in a few minutes so now I got to finish my job." (Alamo walks to a doctor) "Hey make sure the sergeant over there, when he wakes up, tell him his commander wanted him at the veritbird near the landing pads as soon as possibly to protect the cargo." (Alamo walks to the radio tent) "Hey I need to use your CB." (Alamo says to a radio control pony) "Right over there sir." (Alamo walks to the CB and tunes it to a station playing western music) "Hey shut that shit off, this is Alamo, we're at the ROCM camp, .... yeah, yeah ..... alright someone bout to have their kid, fuck, snaps fingers, alright i'll be heading back as soon as we're done here .... Anyways, get the council together, .... I know their worried ... yeah I know ... listen just tell them to do it, we got a mercenary group here ready to defend the towns .... yeah, who knows .... right that asshole .... yes I will be asking them to allow her to stay .... Just do it.

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